- - - om MJO FBB YEAH u*ian , The Franklin Times [ss? ^ f ? J0H5S0N, Editor and MinAfcr YOLUXH L1L THE COUNTY, TH* STATE, THE UNION LOUISBUKG, N. C, J'RIIIAV, JIARI H ?, 1923 SUBSCRIPTION tU? Par Jtm *1 JfBEB ? SAVES COUNTY $3,600.00 IN THE CHANGE OF SALA RIES AND AUDITOR According to Interview With Senator Harris ? Validates Bond Issue Dunns Township Under the new law, says Senator Harris, instead of the Sheriff receiv ing a -salary of $3,150.00 with a (leputy at $1,800.00 and an allowance of $1. 950.00 for the collection of taxes he will receive" as saJary $3,000.00 with a deputy at $1,200.00. The allowance was allowed to stand as before. He also stated that the law providing deputies in the Clerk and Register of Deeds offices was repealed and the of ficers allowed to employ such help as thev need ana pay for same out of" their salary. The salary of the Clerk was raised to $3,200.00 from $2,600.00 and that of the Register of Deeds to $3,000.00 Instead of $2,600. The Reg ister of DeedB was also allowed $350.00 for making up the tax lists instead of $250.00. It will be seen, onys Senator Harris, from these figures' that there has been a Baving of $750.00 in the Sheriff's office, and of 4900.00 in the Clerk's office and of "$500.00 in the 1 Cjjister of Deeds office. It will be !? :::: from these figures that a saving l.s.. -teen made to the county o/ $2, 100 1 J in these three offices and when the $1, COO. 00 paid the Auditor, whose ofiice has been abolished, there is evi dent a saving to the county of $3,600.00. Thi< bills affecting the salaries of the county follow: ' t A, bill to be entitled an act to amend Chapter 691 of the Public Local laws 1915, as amended relating to the sal aries of the Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff, Register of Deeds and Cierk of the Court of Franklin County. The General Assembly of North Caro lina do enact: Section 1. That section six of chap ter six hundred and ninety-one of the Public Local Laws, 1915,. as amended, reining to the salary of the sheriff of Franklin county, be and the same is hereby, amended by striking out in lines one and two of sa za section the words "tweny-two hundred and fifty" *nd inserting In Ifeu thereof the words "three thousand." Sec. 2. That Bection 7 of chapter 691 of the Public Local Laws, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, as amended, relating to the salary of the deputy sheriff of Franklin county, be and he same is hereby amended, by striking out in line 3 of said section the words "Eighteen Hundred" and in serting In lieu thereof the words "twelve hundred." Sec. 3. That section 10 of chapter 691 of the Public Local Laws, 1915, as repealed and enacted by section 2 of chapter 410 of the Public Local Laws ( 1919, relating to the salary of the reg ister of deeds of Franklin county, be,| and the same Is hereby, emended by striking out in line 5 of said section 2 the words and figures "twenty-six hundred dollars i$2600)" anfl inserting in lieu thereof tile words and figures "three thousand dollars ($300)". Sec. 4. That section 12 of chapter 691 of the Public Local Laws, 1915 as repealed and enacted by section 3 of chapter 410 of the Public Local Laws, 1919, relating to the salary of the clerk of the superior court of ^Frank lin county, be, and the same is hereby, amended by striking out in lines 6 and 6 of said section three the words and figures "twenty-six hundred dollars ($2600" and inserting fn lieu thereof the words and figures "thirty-two hun dred dollars ($3200)." Sec. 5. That section 14 of chapter 691 of the Public Local Laws, 1916, re lating to an allowance for clerical as sistance ior register of deeds of Prank lln county for making out tax list be. and the same Is hereby amended by striking out in line 4 of said section the words "two hundred and fifty" and , Inserting in lieu thereof the words] "three hundred and fifty." Sec. 6. That all laws and clauses of laws In conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 7. That this act shall he in force from and after its ratification. ? A bill to be entitled an act supplemen tal to an act ratified by the Oeneral Assembly of North Carolina on the Twenty-sixth day of February, 1923, entitled an act to amend Chapter 691, of the Public Ltysal Laws of 1915, relating to the salaries of the Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff, Register of needs and Clerk of the Court of Franklin County. The Oeneral Assembly of North Caro lina do enact: Section 1. That Section 3 of an act entitled an act to amend Chapter 691 of the Public Local Laws of 1915, and net* amendatory of said act ratified by the General Assembly on February 26th, 1923, be and the same Is amend ed by adding at the end thereof, the words, "the Register ot Deeds of said county of Franklin shall employ a deputy or clerical help as he may deem necessary for the proper con duct of his office, which said deputy or assistant shall be paid out of. the salary Of $3,000.00 allowed said Reg ister of Deeds by said section three." College Notes. Miss-Joyner spent the week-end with her parents at Stem. Misses Ora Holden, Lois Crawley and Louise Taylor, accompanied by Miss Padwlck, attended an entertain ment at Ingleslde last Friday evening. Every one was delighted to see F resident Mohn on his return from the Educational Conference which was held in Memphis' Tenn., last week. Miss Virginia Prltchard. one of the Student Volunteer Secretaries, was with us last Thursday and Friday. Her messages to the girls were earn est and helpful. Miss Nolle Hunt spentjiie week-end with friends In Raleigh. Board of Education Meets The Board of Education met In reuldr session on Monday with all membero present. After reading and approving the minutes of the previous meeting business was transacted as follows : The Committee from Flat Rock school were before the Board In the interest of improvements to the school as was also committees from Pilot, Centervllle ahd others. This matter was deferred until after the 16th of April on account of provisions in thw new law requiring a County plan to be adopted before any changes can be made. The Board instructed Supt. Best to call a meeting of all the committee men to meet with the Board In Louls burg on Monday, April 16th, 1923 for the purpose of offering suggestions In regard to the County pJan. Messrs. T. H. Dickens, C. R Sandling, A. F. Johnson and E. L. Best were appoint ed a committee to work out a County plan of school work. A. F. Johnson was appointed a com mittee wflh Supt E. L. Best to attend the District meeting. The question of assisting In the pur chase of a lighting plant tor Cedar i Kock school was tabled for the pres ent. Several reports were received and ordered tiled. " After allowing a number of ac j counts the Board adjourned to its jr.ext regular meeting. Arpiy & Navy Store Moves. I ? The Army and Navy Store that has been occupying the Burt building on i the corner of Main RtuI Ob art streets, j closed Monday and rnovec a portion of <its stock and fittings to Henderson and stored a portion ;n i^ouisburg. Mr. J. R. Biller informs us that he is 'negotiating for a store room In Louis j burg and will return in the near fu I ture with a more complete stock. | Read his advertisement on another page. i Section 2. That Section 4 of said act be amended by adatne after the ^ords "$3,200.00" at the end thereof the fallowing: "Thft Clerk of the Su perior Court of said county shall em ploy sv.ch deputy or assistant as may be necessary to perform the duties of hiB office, said assistant or deputy to I be paid by the said Clerk out of the j said sum of $3,200.00 allowed by sec tion 4 of this act." Sec. 3. That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. The following is a bill concerning the validation of a certain bond issue in Dunns Township: / A bill to be entitled "an act to vali date an issue of twenty thousand dollars good roads bonds of Dunn's township In Franklin county and to authorize the levy-of a tax for their payment.'? The General Assembly of North Caro lina do enact: Section 1. The Good Roads Bonds of Dunn's township in Franklin coun ty of the face amount of Twenty Thous and Dollars, dated July, 1917, matur ing July 1, 1947, and bearing interest at the rate of Ave per centum per an n urn, payable semi-annually, hereto fore Issued by the Boara or Road Trus tees of Dunn's township pursuant to Chapter 140 of the Public Local Laws of 1917 for the purpose of construct ing and Improving the public roads In said township, and now outstanding and unpaid, and all acts and proceed ings done or taken In or about the au thorization, Issuance and sale of said bonds are hereby legalized and vali dated notwithstanding any defect In said acts or proceedings and said bonds are hereby declared to be bind ing and valid obligations of said Eoard and township. Sec. 2. The board of county com missioners of Franklin country shall levy annually a special tax ad valo rem upon all the taxable property in Bald township for the spooial purpose of paying the Interest on said bonds and of cveatlng a sinking fund for their retirement at maturity and for no other purpose; provided, however, tha?Ttre tax to be levied for said pur pose shall not exceed thirty-five cents on the one hundred dollars of assess ed valuation of such taxable property. ,8ec. 3. All acts and parts of acts Inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 4, That this act shall be In force from and after Its ratification. HANDS OUT ROAD SENTENCES Recorder Beam Haa Busy Day ? Settles Several Civil Cases Recorder G. M. Beam disposed ot the following cases on Monday and Tuesday of this week: State v? Furney Strother gambling continued under former order. State vs Otho Denton and Buck Strother, gambling discharged. State vs Plummy Williamson, 1 and r, not gullty> State vs Gaston Parrish, 1 and r, guilty bound over to . Superior Court under 11,000 bond. State vs Forrest Deot, distilling guilty 12 months on roads. . State vs Bruce Brantley, u. p. w. guilty fined HO and costs. State vs Clifford Baker, transport ing whiskey, guilty, fined |10 and costs. . N State vs J. H. Ferrell, u. p. w. guilty fined $26 and costs. State vs Ossle Foster, 1 and r, guil ty, 18 months on roads. ? State 'vg Ossle Foster resisting offi cer. guilty 6 months on roads. State vs E. C. Blackball,* disposing mortgaged property, guilty Judgment suspended upon payment of costs. State vs Baldy Coppedge,- 1 and r, pleads guilty, Judgment suspended upon payment of costs. State vb John Bell cruelty to ani mals, 2 months on roads. State vs John Bell, ccw, guilty 4 months on roads. . State vs WaltcF Medlin, distilling continued. State vs Clarence Dent, distilling, aiding and abetting in distilling, con tinued. State vs Clarence Dent, adw, guilty 12 months on roads. Notice of appeal State vs Clarence IJent, intimidat ing witnosses, .'guilty 6 months on roads. Notice of appeal. W. H. Griffin Co, vs J. E. Wright, compromised. Farmers and Merchants Bank vs S. P. Boddie et als. Judgment signed. Farmers ahd Merchants Bank vs N p. Harris and others judgment, signed. The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul's Church. The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul's churc# met with Mrs. M. S. Clifton iMonday afternoon at four o'clock. Following the devotional service Mrs. R. F. Y4rboraugh read the min utes of the last meeting. Mrs. R. H. Davis continued the subject of our last lesson "The Church and the Pur itans" by discussing the "Suppression of the Church by the Puritans" through which means Calomistic Kresbyterian Ism was established and even the pri vate use of the Prayer Book made a penal ofTense. Mrs. Clifton then re lated Oliver Cromwell's harsh meas ures against Church and Priest, the clergy driver to extreme poverty, the bishops imprisoned and many behead ed in the Tower. Mrs. S. P. Boddie told of the happy Restoration of the church in 1660. and dwelt upon the 17th century as the ag? of scholarship, naming the names of Jeremy Taylor, Fuiler, Pear?on, Baxter, Banyan, George Herbert, Isaac Walton, Sir Thomas Broune Shakes peare, Milton an? others. Mrs. Yar borough closed the lesson with 4he recommltal of J&mes II's attempt to thrust Popery upon England and his Imprisonment of the Seven Blshnps In the Tower of the clergy's and people's resistance and the acquittal of the Bishops. Mr. George S tailings Dead On February 26, 1923 the death an ^el visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Place and took away her belov ed father. Mr. Qeorge mailings. Mr. Stalllngs was 84 years old February 22. and a member of old Peach Tree church. He died suddenly Monday morning, and leaves to mourn their loss six children, three boys and three girls: Messrs. R. C. Stalllngs, of St. Louis; T. A. Stalllngs, of South f'ar olina^phd W. H. Stalllngs, of Tex;is. Mrs. .Jl. H. Place, of near il^nlshurg. H. M. Matthews, of Nashville; and Miss Nannie Stalllngs, of St. l>ouls, also one sister, Mrs. John Stal llngs, of Mapleville. He was a kind father, grandfather and great-grandfather. The funeral services was cpnducted by Rev. Denton, of Rocky Mount. He was tenderly laid to .rest by the side of his wife In the L>oulsburg ceme tery. The family has the deepest sympathy of the entire community. ? One that loved hint. Opens New Store. Mr. A. Tonkel, formerly of O.ol.ls boro, arrtved In Loulsnurg the past week and has been preparing for 1,10 opening of his new store In the Star Theatre building, whlcn will take place on Saturday. We Informs us that he will carry one of the best and nicest lines of dry goods, clothing, etc. that has been carried In Loulsbtirg. Read his announcement on our luck page and call In to seq him. n Suspenders are back In style "nd so far back that some men are rolling them galluses. MflECT GRADED SCHOOL TRUSTEES In Louisburg Graded School Districts? Change Collection Taxes Youngsville School. The following bills were banded us this week by Representative Geo. H. Cooper. The first is a bill requiring tie election of the Trustees of Louis burg Graded School and tha other to change the method of collecting taxes jft^Youngsvill& Graded ochool Dis trfyt. Both bills are now law and effective : A Bill to be Entitled an Att to Pro- 1 Tide for the Election of the Board of Trustees of the Louisburg Grad . ed School District by tne people. ri? General Assembly or North Caro line do enact: Sectiori 1. The commissioners of Hie town of Louisburg Bhall call an ijection In October of this year for tfce purpose of electing tne Board of ^rustees of the LouisDurg Graded school District in Franklin County. At said election the qualified voters shall cast their ballots for seven duly qualified electors of said district, who Bhall constitute the Board of truces of said school, to serve for terms as follows, or until their successors are duly elected and qualifle?: Tke member who receives tho high est vote shall serve for a term of six years; the three members that re ceive the three next highest votes shall bo elected to serve for a term of four years; and the remaining three members shall be elected to serve for a term of two years. And at the expiration of their several terms their successors shall be elected by the qualified voters of the district for a term of six years. Subsequent elec tions for the selection or members of the Board at. Trustees of the Louis burg Graded School shall be held bi ennially. They shall be held during the 4tionth of October, and the date of the election shall be fixed by the May or and the Commissioners of the town of Louisburg. Sec. 2. In all elections held under this act the Mayor and the Board of Town Commissioners shall designate the polling place or places, appoint the Registrars and judges, and canvass and judicially determine the results of said election when the returns have been filed with them by the officers i holding the election, and shall record determination on their records. [Tho notice of th& election shall be gtv I en by publication at least three times in some newspaper published or cir I culating in the district. A new reg istration of the qualified Voters of the district may be ordered by the Mayor and Board of Town Commissioners, and if a new registration is ordered a notice of said new registration shall be deemed to be sufficiently given by publication once in wome newspaper published or circulating in said dis | trlct at least thiry days before the close of the registration books. Such published notice of registration shall state the days on which the books will be open tor registration of voters and the place or places on which they will be open on Saturdays. The books of such new registration shall close on the second Saturday before the election. The Saturday before the election shall be challenge day, and except as otherwise provided in this act such election shall be held in ac cordance with the law governing gen eral elections. The ballot to be cast and all other details of said election shall be fixed by the Mayor and the Board of Town Commlsstoners . Sec. 3. That all laws and claused of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby regaled. Sec. 4. This act shall be in full force and effect on and after the date of its ratification. A Bill to be Entitled an Act Relating j to the Listing and Collection of Tax- ! es In Youngsvllle Graded School District, Franklin County. The General Assembly of North Caro line do enact: 8ection 1. That in the listing of property for taxation and the collec tion oX school taxes thereon In Youngs ville graded school district, the same lules, regulations and laws shall gov ern as In the listing and collection of taxes for county purposes as exist under the general State law, that Is to say. propery for school taxation shall be lasted with the townsntp list taker and the taxes thereon shall he collect ed by the Sheriff or his deputy of Franklin county. That so much of section two chapter one hundred md 1 twenty-three Private l,atrs of one thousand nine hundred and flv<\ or . any other law or clauses of lawn in conflict with section one of this act l? hereby repealed . Sec. 2. That this act shall be In for?e from and after ftn ratification. Steals Ford Car 8ome one broke Into Deck's Oarage on last Saturday night and stole the Ford Roadster belonging to Miss Dunn, the State Nurse, which was stored therein. The rear compartment of the car was locted with an ordinary brass trunk lork. The car was insur ed^ for $150.00. No clue has been f6und of the criminal as yet. Subscribe to Tfc? Franklin Timet AMONG THE VISITORS SOME YOC KNOW AMI SOUK TOD DO SOT KNOW. Personal Items About Folks And Their Friends Who Travel Here ? And There. Supt. W. R Mills returned Sunday from a trip to Cleveland, Ohio. Constable J. E. Thomas left Tues day t or Baltimore, on business. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Andrews, o ? Enfield, spent the week-end with Mrs. W. B. Cooke. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Nash, of States vllle. visited Mr. and Mrs. W. B: Cooke this week. Mrs. J. A. Turner left this week for Richmond to purchase Spring and Sum mer stock for the Ladies snop. Mr. Jake Freelander left Tuesday night for " Baltimore, where he will I purchase goods for L. Kline Co. Mrs. O. R. McGrady and little daugh ters, of Raleigh, spent this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. High. Mr. and Mrs. C. A Ragland are in Richmond, where he is receiving treat ment. His many friends will be glad to learn that hd is improving each day. Mrs. Wingate Underhlll spent the first of the week at Smithfield, where she was called on account of the ill ness and death of Mrs. J. A. Under bill. ' Dr. W. B. Morton, Vice-President of the North Carolina State Optometric Society and Chairman of the Adminis trative Council, is in Greensboro on business for optometry. Justice Items ? * A very exciting ball game was play ed between the Justice and Louisburg teams on Justice grounds last Tues day. Feb. 27. There was very hard playing on both sides and the score was tied until about four minutes be fore the game ended when Clayton Ed wards of Justice team shot a goal making the score 13 to 15 in favor of Justice. A Word from the Captain Cooperation has proved to be the most successful movement that the world has ever known. Just stop, look and listen what it did tor us on Feb. 27, 1923. It caused us, the team of Justice, to win the most desired victory that has ever been^ron at Jus tice. It cannot be realized how the school and outsiders helped us. They encouraged the team and discouraged the opposing team. We do not ever say anything to discourage one of our boys when he does not piay so well. We always say an encouraging word to him and give him the best aid which we ha^-e in order to make him strong er and to work better much praise for the *ork and cooperation of the team. ! who won the game from Louisburg on Tuesday! Clayton Edwards. Captain B. B. T. The Missionary Society of Justiqe Baptist church met Saturday, March 3 at the home of Mrs. C. A. Long. A special prayer service was field in be half of our foreign workers. The meeting was an inspiring one. At the close of the meeting delicious re freshments were served. Rev. A. Corey held his regular ap pointment at Justice cnurch Sunday morning and Sunday evening. He delivered a most vita 1 and swaying sermon on "The Mathematical As pects of Religion" Sunday evening. The members went away confident that they had enjoyed a spiritual spread. | Miss Susie Meadows Enter tains. I Miss Susie Meadows delightfully en- 1 tertained the Youngei Set Bridge | Club on Feb. 21st. The meeting was a rfeorge Washington affair with at tractive score, cards and favors to carry out the George Washington spir it Only the club members were present. After five progressions at bridge and a very entnuslastic game a delicious salad course was served witn mints and coffee; Miss Babbie Turner presented Mrs. W. D. Egertou with a prise from the Bridge Club as she was the winner of the top score for th?* first term of our Bridge sea- ! son. Mrs. Rgerton in her charming manner responded thanking her part ner for the honor that she had re Ci i. The prize was a half dozen bouillon spoons. Misses Susie Meadows and Ruth Hall tied for the highest score for the evening. The Woman's Club To Meet The Woman's CItkfo wHl meet In the Club room on Friday afternoon. Mar. 16 at 3:30 o'clock. Those memHbrs not having paid their dues will please come prepared to do so at this me?t >nc. Mrs. M. C. Pleasants, Pres. Mrs. G. M. Beam, Sec "7. The only time a man really needs a pistol Is when common prudence tells him not to reach for It. TRANSPORTA TION FOR OLD SOLDIERS FILLS SEVERAL VACAN CIES ON ROAD BOARDS Several Reports Received ? Regular Routine ? To Meet Again Wednesday, March 14 The Board of County Commission ers met In regular session on. Monday with all members present. After read ing and approving minutes of previous meetings business was disposed of as follows: Dr. J. E. Malone, County Health of ficer was before the Board and read his report which was received and ordered filed. Miss Addle Bordeaux, Home Dem onstration Agent, was before the Board and read her report. Upon or der the report was received and filed. On motion of Jones seconded by Dean the Clerk was ordered to pur chase return Pullman tickets to New Orleans for the old Sold:ers. Report of E. C. Perry, Superintend ent of Public Welfare, was received and filed. Upon order Rebecca Perry and LU lian Terrell were placed-on outside pauper list at $3.00 per month each. Upon order John W. Williamson was placed on outside pauper list at $2.00 per month, and was allo??d $2.00 for Immediate relier. J. R. Pearce was before the Board in regard to Mrs. C. B. May's tax in Youngsyille township, but the matter was turned over to Com. Jones for in vestigation to report at next regular I meeting. Peter Kearney's allowance of $2.50 (per month as outside pauper wao ? 1b ? creased to $3.00. j The reports for the folio-wing Town I ship Road funds were received and | ordered filed: Cyppress Creek. Louis burg. Cedar Rock, Sandy .creek. Report of J. J. Holden, Superinten dent of County Home was. received and filed. He reports 11 white and 10 colored inmates. Upon motion M. C. Gupton was ap pointed a member . of Sandy Creek Township Board of Road Trustees for a term of two years. ! Upon motion G. B. West was ap pointed a member of Sandy Creek Township Board of Road Trustees for a term of three years. It was ordered that H. P. Speed, M M. Person and June Harris be and ithey are appointed a committee to in vestigate and assess damages of Chas. jEgerton's sheep whictr had Been kill red by dogs. i On motion the County appropriated $25.00 to the Children's Home Society ?of N. C. On motion it was ordered that Louis burg Township Road Trustees be made to pay all costs on each prisoner who is sentenced to the roads before they are turned over to said Trustees, j Upon motion it was ordered that the County Attorney salary be fixed | at $300.00 per year payable quarterly. , After allowing a number of ac counts the Board adjourned to meet again on Wednesday, March 14th at 1 p. m. Honor Roll The following is an honor roll tor Laurel school: 1st Grade ? Eleanor Ha^ts, Bryan Harper, Hubert Foster, Lucy S. Par rish, Ruth Powell, Mary Frances Ays cue, Bruce "Gupton, Eliott Breedlove. Robert Speed. 2nd Grade ? Sam Person, Newell Breedlove, Maud Hayes, Esther Bailey. 3rd Grade ? Thomas Speed, Sue Eg erton, Estelle Woodard, Bettie Bob bit t Marshall, Fred Merritt, Pattie Johnson, George Johnson, Wilson Par rlsh. 4th Grade ? Lucy Breedlove, Irma Gupton, Aubrey Gupton, Monnie H&y es, Helen ParTish. 5th Grade ? Lessie Breedlove, Blount Egerton, Rachel Garbee, RufTin Har per, Helen Tharrington. 6th Grade ? Eugene Harper. 7th Grade ? Harold Garbee, Clement Harper. Alice Hayes, Claude Hayes. n . ? . . ? Miss Beatrice Turner Enter tains. Miss Beatrice Turner charmingly en tertained The Younger Set Bridge Club on. SL Valentine's Eve. The rooms were beautifully decorated red can dles. roses and hearts. Attractive valentines, score cards and 'favors carried out the Valentine idea. Miss Turner had as her guests: Misses Oo nle Tucker, Virginia Foster, Katherino Pleasants, Maude Ashley, Uxxle Stew art and Mrs. Ina House. After an en joyable evening at Rrldge a delicious salad course was served wHth a Val entine wish on each plats. This was followed by coffee and red mints in little red and white baskets. Misses Jessie Taylor Harris and Alice Harris tied for the highest score. - ? FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE 28S

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