THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. f . J0HH805. Editor and Manager ?TAB DEOPS ? . ? Cotton sold tor 30 1-S cents a pound In Loulsburg yesterday. ? Mr. J. Allen Harris has leased the Burt building and will move his groc ery and teed business into same as soon as the building can be put in shape. ? At the last meeting of the Frank lin County Board ot Health, Dr. J. E. Malone" was re-elected County Health und Quarantine officer for the follow ing two years. ? One ot the old land murks o? the town was removed last week when a large oak tree standing in the corner of Mr. L. P. Hick's front lawn was fell ed. The tree Bhowe<l signs of decay and was dangerous in time of storm and had to be removed. The rings showed it to be one hundred and slx ty-eighl-years old. ? Citizens are delighted to see the junk left by. several flres being remov ed by the Junk man this -week. The JVoman's Club is going to offer prizes for the beBt kept lawn and for the lot which showB the greatest Improve ment. If there is a bad looking va cant lot near you which you can get permission to clean up, let the' com mittee know, so that they can judge "before and after." Further partic ulars will appear in next week's pa per. CEDAB HOCK HIGH SCHOOL News Of Interest To Teachers, Pupils and Tlie Public Generally By School Correspondent We are beginning this week the last quarter' ot our scnool year with: the determination to make this tl yf best quarter of our school year. Our average In high school last month was fifty, and we hope to keep that aver age for the remainder ot the session, though with the opening of spring work we may have many absences among the boys. The play rendered by the faculty J last Wednesday night was well atten ded and- greatly enjoyed by those present. Miss Beulah S tailings spent the week-end with home foixs at Bonn. The music carnival and Fiddler's oonventlen announced for Friday night, March 30 on account ot a con flicting entertainment^ at Justice on that date. Prizes will be given for all the usual instruments and It Is hoped that even second and third prizes may be ottered. Those wish lng to be entered In the contest please notify Mr. W. L. Harris at the earliest possible date. ' Mr. W. L. Harris spent last week end visiting friends near Sanford. Our basketball team continues to improve as the season draws to* a close. Out of the t<Jttr ga&es played within a week our team has succeed ed in ! winning three. The first defeat was administered to the Louisburg High on Tuesday night oT last- week by a score of 27 to 18. The game was clean and well fought throughout, and as a whole was one of the prettiest games seen on the local court this season. The lo cal team started with a rush which they maintained throughout the first half it ending with the score 20 to 7 in favor ot Cedar Rock. In the sec ond halt however, it was Louisburg who began to make things lively, but they could not * overcome the lead which had been gained in the first half. For Louisburg Cooper played a good floor game and made three field goals. For Cedar Rock Sturdi vant at center caged three field goals and also, made eleven out of thirteen tries fdr the ttiskct from the foul line. Jennings also showed up well with three successful cages to his credit. Une up: Louisburg Cedar Rock Wilson DlckenB (4) Right Forward Hale i Jennings (6) Left Forward Wilson (4) Sturdlvant (17) Center Cooper (11) Bledsoe Right Quard Wilson (2) Leonard ?Left Guard Referee: Harris. The second game was with Justice All Stars on Thursday nlgtit and was won by the locals by a score of 27 to 24. The game was rough ^and hard played each team showing "6nly flash es of their real form. The score at the end of the game stood 22 to 22, but in the extra five minutes the locals staged a comeback that gave them a three point lead. Hayes wag the star of the All Stars with seventeen points to his credit. Bunn also played a i good game at forward . For Cedar Rock Sturdlvant had his usual luck with foul shots caging thirteen and one field goal. Harris playing for ward for the local*, made rour of his toam's seven field goats. The third game wag lost to the Jus tice school Friday afternoon by a * score of 20 to 11, The Cedar Rock te^m never attained lta usual form either in passing or In locating the basket. Th$ last gams was with Ingleside on Monday night ot this week \n<\ was won by the locals by a score of 4R to 12. The game was fast and well played, the locals' showing Improve ment in the passing game and also in locating the baskot. The game gtart ? ed with a rush and for several min utes neither side was abtS to score. ' The first score was on touts and with the beginning the local trays seemed to hit the basket from any angle. The first halt ended 18 to 1 In favor of Cedar Rock, fn the second half tlje visitors w?re able to make two field' goals and seven shots from the foul line,, while the locals ran up the ? . ate score by thirty points. For lngleslde Wheless played a good floor g^me, securing one Held goal and eight foul -?**>(?. - For Cedar | Hock Sturdlvant and Harris tied for ' honors for Held goals with seven each to their cre<llt. -Dickens played a line floor game and caged three from the 'field. While Leonard at guard held his man to one goal and secured two' himself . Line up: Ingleslde Cedar Rock W helcss (10) Dickens (6) Right Forward Holden (2) .. Harris (14) I .eft Forward Faulkner Sturdlvant (l9) Cegter Fdwards ll Bledsoe Right-Guard Holden Leonard (4) Left Guard Substitutions: Jennings (2), for Harris; and Harris for Bledsoe. Referee: Inscoe. Owing to examinations last week the student editorial arid chemical so ciety paper have been omtted this week. The Ku Klux Klan (By Zena Brewer* I What Is a Ku Klux Klan? An honor, a pride, a Joy, to any man Why with their robes of ghostly white? They wander and peer around at night Simply because, they'll find the still, With- lecture and warning give the stiller a fill, - At the widows, door here comes a man With a bill from the Ku Klux Klan To educate hjr boys, and buy lier baby toys. To help fn any way they can, For therfr Daddy was a member of the Ku Klux Klan. II wnat good- are the K. K. K.'s? They help our Country in many ways, They deprived the sot, or the moon shine, And tell him how he must spend his dime, They take the cross and great deman der, Bid him shake hand with -Alexander, They take the oath at Jesus cross, To do what is right and not to boss, Unless some woman or a man, Should break the law of th# Ku Klux Klan. Revenge Is wrong they do not spite. Only do the thing they know Is right. ?Ill What is the Ku Klux Klan? He is a pure and honest man, When curfew toll's the knell of part ing day. The Ku Klux plods his onward way, Honest pure quick and sure. To God to man no one no truer, The cool wind blew the gamblers flew When the Ku Klux came in view. Life 1b weary life Is glac, He who helps the one that's sad. is always called a Ku Klux Klan ?j he motto Is "Lend a helping hand." NOTICE OF RE-SALE OP LAND North Carolina, In Superior Court Franklin Co. Before the Clerk. Richard Pearce, M. Z. Pearce et al Ex parte, By virtue of an order of the Super ior Court of Franklin county made In the above entlted proceeding ordering a resale of the land herein described, I will offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, on the premises In the town of Youngsvllle, N. C. on the 7th DAY OF APRIL, 1923 at 12 o'clock M. the lot on which Rich ard Pearce formerly lived adjoining the lands of the Knitting Mill, the S. A. L. Ry., W. P. Weathers and others containing one acre more or less, with good dwelling house and other out houses. March 6, 1923, N, Y. GULLEY, 3-9-5t Commissioner. Ask Your Soldier Boy How Tootles" (Jot Snch u Hold He'll tell you that the battlefronts of Europe were swarming with rats, which carried the dangerous vermin and caused our men misery. Don't let rats bring disease Into your home. When you see the first one get RAT SNAP. That will finish them quick. Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Cdsh Grocery and Mar ket. WILLIAM TELL Flour means health for young and old. 2-23-8t 1. S. HOWELL. To School Committeemen The following letter has been Is sued to the several School Committee men of Franklin County by Supt. E. L Best: Dear Committeemen : ? You will find below a copy of a sec tion of new school legislation that was passed by our last General Assembly. In order to conform with the require ments of this section the Board of Education In regular session, Mon day March the Gth Instructed me to give notice that on Monday, April the 16th at 11 o'clock In Loulsburg there will be a joint meeting of the Board of Education and the various school committeemen and trustee* of the county. At this meeting the county wide plan of organisation of the schools will be discussed. You are urgently requested to be present as the Board of Education Is ansloufl to secure your advice, sugges tlons and recommendations before adopting a permanent county-wide plan of organization o 4 the schools. No election will be called or any change made In any district until af ter the above date. Looking forward to seeing you cm the 16th of April. > Cordially yours, B. L. BEST, Superintendent. "Section 78-a. County-Wido "plan ot?. Organization : The county board of education shall create no new dis trict nor shall It dtvid% or abolish * district, nor shall It consolidate dis tricts or parts of ? districts, except In (rccordance with a county-wide plan of organization as follows: 1. Tlie county board of education -^'t? . ? t- - EASTER IS ALMOST HERE i And here is a tremendous array of the most wanted merchandise at prices no Other merchant can match on an average LADIES DRESSES New Spring drosses In sea fcon's newest creatons, made of Taffeta-Crepe with paisley combinations, Canton Crepeo newest shades wofth up to $15.00, sizes 14 to 44 Priced SPRING COATS Worth np to <35.00 New Spring coata mado of i.ew Tan i>olaive. some trims nied with leather belts and pockets, others hav& belts of same material Priced to $84.4.> COAT SUITS New Spring coat suits of J'oiret Twill neatly trimmed seme are tailored models styles for young and old Priced 91&JS and op CAPES New Spring Capes of sea sons new goods In new shades of Tan, Copen, Black and Green Priced $7J5 MEN'S SUITS/ Just received new Spring suits for Men and Young Men, new styles for Spring and Summer, sport an"*, plain models in fancy wdtsteds, serges, plaids and pin stripes Priced $33.4."i MEN'S SUITS Worth op to Broken lots of Young Men's suits sizes 34 to 40, sport and plain styles, assonment of patterns Priced #14.4.1 BOYS' CLOTHING Cur stock Is well completed Id this line and we ar? pre*, pared to offer exceptional values In boys' Bulla sizes 6 to 20, Includes serges, cuss meres, tweeds and worsteds Priced ?1.95 np MILLINERY Our Xllllnery department In charge of Miss Nena Cjtis I* now complete and a beau tiful assortment o( hafr awalts jou. We are glad to kaTe yon look oyer this Use, the Mason'8 newest cxesUoct can be Been. L. Kline & Co. WHEN ADVERTISED OR SEEN ELSEWHERE ITS ALWAYS '? CHEAPEST HERE LOUISBUEG, NORTH CAROLINA SPRING HATS FOR MEN Just reeelTed new ship ment of Felt Hats, new shapes in shades of Black, Tan, Gray and Bruwn, all siies, regular *4 J* I hats Priced $1.95 shall present a diagram or map of the county showing the present location of each district, the position of each, the location of roads, streams and oth er natural barriers, the number of children In each district, the size and condition of each school building in each district. The county board Of education shall then prepare a county wide- plan for the organization of all the schools of the county. This plan shall Indicate the proposed changes to be made and how districts or pa rt? of districts are proposed to be con solidated so as to work out a more ad vantageous school system for the en tire county. 2. Before adopting the county wide plan, the county board of edu cation, shall call a meeting of all the school committeemen and the boards of trustees and lay the proposed plan before them for their ??vicc and sug gestions. After receiving the advice erf the committeemen and trustees, the county board of education shall haye authority to adopt a cdunty-wide plan of organization, and no districts Or parts of any district. Including non local tax, local tax, and special char ter districts, hereafter referred to In tbis article, shall be consolidated or the boundary lines changed, unless the consolidation or the change of boundary lines is in accordance with the adopted county-wide plan of or ganization: Provided, that in the event the county board of education deems It wise to modify or change the adopted ptan, the board shall no tify the committeemen and interested patrons and give them a hearing if they desire to be heard before any changes shall bo made. 3. The county board of education shall haveauthority to execute the en tire plan or any part of the same, but the county board of education shall have no authority to create a debt for the execution of any part of the pro posed plan, unless authorized by law. end If the amount necessary to put into operation all or any part of said plan shall be greater than the amount ttat may be reasonably expectefj. from the Operation and Equipment ?und for this purpose, the amount shall be guaranteed by the districts affected by the execution of the plan, or if the districts do not guarantee the funds the county board of education shall jay the proposed plan before the coun NOTICE! $ood citizens of Franklin coun ty, we were forced to get out of our store in Lonisburg, but we are negotiating for n new place and hope to be with you once more. ? <? We heartily thank yon for your patronage and those who want any of our goods, just write Army & Navy Store, Hen derson, N. 0., and we will be glad to tnk6 care of vou until we secure our new location. ^ . .. "i . ARMY 4 NAVY STORE LOUISBURG, North Carolina ty commissioners, together with the estimated amount necessary to put the same Into operation, and it the amount necessary to carry out all or any part of the proposed plan shall be approved by the county commis sioners, the county board of education shall then have the authority to or ganize the districts in accordance with the county-wide plan. 4. Wlien the proposed county-wide plan is adopted '.he county board shall notify the committeemen and boards of trustees as to what part of the plan the board proposes to carry out first and In what order the other parts of the plan will be considered, and tlie preference shall be given to those dis tricts in which the needs arc greatest if the funds for providing the equip ment are made available. 5. In the event that any child or children of any distinct or any part of a district are without adequate school advantage, and these advantages may bo improved by transferring said child or children to a school or schools in adjoining districts, the county board shall have authority to make such a transfer. But this shall not empower the county board of education to abol ish, or divide a district unless such act shall be in harmony with the countv-wlde plan of organization. The temporary transfer or such child or children may be made until such time as the county-wide plan will provide more advanta^ously for them. ? STEWART NO. 1 Clipping Machines $6.95 to EXTRA BLADES ? $1.95 Set WHILE THEY LAST McKinne Brothers

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