The sweetest typo of heaven Is home.- - - J. a. Holland. Your grocer can quickly get WIL. LIAM TELL \Flpur. 2-23-8t J. S. HOWELL. "Old SI Silver wa? a peculiar duck, j Farmed with his bean and bad darned) good luck; The folk? 'round about worked hard | and tried, But here'a Si's seoret ? he dlverslllcd . " I Use WILLIAM TELL Flour ifr years, and you will always find It uniform. 2-23-8t J. S. HOWELL. FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING | PHONE pCi To Cure a C^id in One Day Take LAXATIVt BR^MO QUININE (Tablets ) It Stops tbc Couga ananeadache and works off the CoAd. E. W. signature oa each box. 30c. I Will Guarantee to Save You 15 to 25 Per Cent i ... On Your ... PRESCRIPTIONS Just try me and be convinced. Graduate in Pharmacy. 25 years experience. ? F. R. Pleasants Fresh Garden Seed. Wine Oordui 85c until March 16th. PHONE 222 J Look Around YOUR HOME ? ? and see -what yon need to complete the furnishing of your home In that delightfully comforting style which ap peals so strongly to every normal person -who enjoys the brighter side of life. Then come to us and survey our extensive stock of home furnishings, including tables, cabinets, chairs, conches, lamps, buffets, etc. Bell pre us, we hav^ SOKE selection to choose from, and prices that will startle eyes that are accustomed to see ing big dollar marks on. furniture. FUNERAL DIBECTOBS Phones: Day 90 ? Night 77 w. E. White Furniture Co. Attention Gardeners Early Garden Peas Selected Seed Irish Potatoes Frost Proof Cabbage Plants Extra Select Early Seed Corn Yellow, I>anver Onion Sets Silver Skin Onion Sets Red Westerfield Onion Sets Select Burt Seed Oats ? All the BEST Kinds Garden Seed Nitrate SodA For Tbe Garden I_. P. HIOKS HOME DEMONSTRATION DEPARTMENT THE SMILE BOX If I knew the box where tue smiles are kept. No matter how large tlie key . Or strong th bolt, I would try bo hard It would open, I know, for me. Then, over the land and sea, broad cast I'd scatter the smiles lo play. So that careworn people might hold them fast For many and many a day. If I knew a box that was large enough To bold all the frowns I meet, I would like to gather them, every one From nursery, school, and -street; Then, folding and holding, I'd pack them In, And turning the monster key, I'd hire a giant to drop the box To the depth of the deep, deep sea. NEVER MIND ABOUT YOUR NEIGHBOR Watchong to see what your neigh bor Is doing 1b a mighty good thing to do at times. Some or our most help ful ideas of how to improve our farms come from the things the neighbor has Tfbne. Right now, however, don't you worry about your neighbor's business, but just set yourself straight. Your neighbor might not be willing to reduce his cotton acreage, but that 1b his mistake. He may not see the necessity of keeping out of debt, but don't let that influence you to buy your supplies at time prices. You may regret that your neighbor is so foolish but as for you and your family, grow your own food and feed at home. With the aid of a garden, a cow and chickens any farmer who has meat In the smoke-house and corn in the crib can go through this year, if he will, without giving a lien on his crop for Bupplles bought on a credit. As for yQu, just face tho fact that there Is already more cotton in the world than can be used and that add ing more cotton will bring the price lower. The probabilities are that you will have sufficient number of foolish neighbors who will not recognize this to produce a much bigger crop of cot- I ton than they can possibly sell to an ] advantage. For your part, therefore, limit your cotton production to a small part of what you ordinarly grow and use your time and labor in producing things that will put your farm on the Independent list so that you can carry flie few bales of cotton you do make Just as long as you please while you wait for normal times. It Is not your neighbor who must pay your bills or who will grieve over a year of misspent labor or be depress ed because your barns and store houses are not filled with everything you and your family and your stock will need to supply wants during the winter and the coming year. COMHI'MTY tL^B WORK There has been much said about community club work, but there Is but one way to do It, that la to or ganize and go to work. ? I pay tribute to the woman's club of Pope* In their splendid work durlnK the lllneaa ot Mr. and Mr*. Mario. They are both old and afflicted ami needed help while alck with Influenza The woman'a clnb visited them and carried supplies such as eggs, coffee, sugar, meal, potatoes, chickens. lem ons, cake, plckels, custard and other things such as was needed and the little sum of $5.25. Thta Is soma of their work. Kindness of this kind will never be forgotten. Presenting the thounht^of the good Samaritan, The woman's club of Popes Is to be congratulated for their good com munity work. May a double portion of blessings be. upon them. Respecfully submitted, BONNIE P. HINTON. R 2, Youngsvlllo, N. C. Subscribe to The Franklin Tlnios HOW TO GET BACK THE "JOY OF LIFE" LIFE isn't worth living if you 're '-so weak and run down you can hardly drag yourself around. If the rich red blood, full of health and vigor, were pumping through your veins, the joy of life would come back soon enough! Gude's Pepto-Mangan has worked this magic for thousands ? it will do the same for you. Take it for a short time and see how your health and strength improve. Your druggist has it ? liquid or tablets,, as you prefer. WOMAN'S CLUB OF POPES The Woman's Club of Popes met at its regular meeting Thursday after the Fourth Sunday, March 1st, with Miss Bordeaux acting as President protem in charge. The line of work In this meeting was basketry, demonstrated by Miss bordeaux . Tho order of business was taken up as follows: After a short talk by Miss Bordeaux and remarks by other members. Sug gestions and plans were made for community work. Mrs. B. P. Hinton was elected pres ident for the ensuing year. Miss Zelma Holmes. Miss M&rjorie Moore, and Mrs. B. P. Hinton were elected as programme committee. Our club is working fine, cooperat- I ing with each other in community work, planning that our community may stand the test of the standard of excellence, as community workers. ? Oiur slogan for next meeting "Every one^ring one." Jour motto, we resolve to do the right with Christian love and fellow ship . Reporter . LEATHER Has Advanced 10 Cents a Pound But we are still rutting on Soles at ^the following old prices: Lacttes Soles 85 cents pair Men's Soles $ I 00 per pair Paneo Solos, tougher than leather, absolutely waterproof $1.25 Plow Lines 25 cents per pair Myers Stock Pood? 3 pkg for 25 centa Any kind Harness made to order. LOUISBURO REPAIR SHOP Jnlins Lehman. Proprietor > 1802 i 1922 LOUISBURG COLLEGE A Junior College for Young Women With i Standard Preparatory Course of Four Years Faculty of specially trained, consecrated Christian teachers. Health Record Unsurpassed. Home-like Atmosphere. Soclil Life Carefully Guarded. Athletics. In addit'on to the segular college courses, Classical and Literary, attention Is called to the departments of Art, Business, Education, Expression, Home Economics. Music (Piano, Voice, Violin, Theory, ctc . ) , and Religious Education. Bates as Ion as consistent with good serrlce. Send for free Catalog. For further information write, A. W. Mohn, President, - Louisburg, N. C. NEW PRICES ?ON Specials Begin SATURDAY, MARCH 3RD Kingans b\ V. Hams 30c lb Armours Star Hams ("What Am|') 28c lb Armours Picnic Hams 18c lb Choice Cuts Westsrn Steak 30c lb Fresh Hams 30c lb " Shoulders 28c lb " Middlings 25c lb " Spare Ribs 22y2c lb " Back Bone 15c lb ' ' Pork Brains . 20c lb " Chitterlings 22c lb " Frankfurters 20c lb I FRESH ALL PORK SAUSAGE. ? ? Home Made . 25c lb -\ I Country Style Slice Ham 40c lb | Armours Slice Bacon 35c lb Armours Star or Kingan Reliable Bacon j in 1 -lb carton 45c j We will have a variety of SEED IRISH POTATOES within a few days, at Reduced Prices. CASH GROCERY and Market Phone 270 Louisburg, N. C. BEFORE TOU BUT ELSEWHERE. OCR SEED ARE FRESH * CHOP AND OUR POTATOES CAME FRO* MAINE. Aycock Drug Co. Incorporated THE FRANK I, Iff TIMER ohooM be In roar' hom*. If jo* ?f? Ht a nb arrlber, be on*. Send hi Jtir nW n?rlptloii and help n? to b?Mt for a tx-lter community. 8ubaerlb? to THB FRANKLIN TOOBS r ? , k $1.80 Par Trnte ia 14km " ??, ' ??? * ?.. .