New Store! NEW ST ORE! New Store! We Wish to Announce to The Public Generally That A. TONKEL Will Open His Doors For Business Saturday, March 10th, 1923 With an Introductory Sale to the people of Louisburg and Franklin County and extend a cordial invitation to to each and every one to be present and reap the bene= fits of this Introductory Sale. . " * v . The New Stock consists of the latest styles and most fashionable wearing apparel Dry Goods, Shoes, Cloth ing, Ladies Ready-to-wear and Millinery. The new firm of a A. TONKEL will make every ef fort to sell high class merchandise at prices that will bring the buying public for miles and miles away. There fore would suggest for every man, woman and child of > Louisburg and surrounding country to be at A." TONKEL'S on the opening day. ?J You Will Find Oceans and Oceans of Bargains Throughout The Entire Store CJf We call your attention to the fact that Our Stock is Entirely New Just purchased in the Northern Markets by an expert buyer that has great ability in securing the marKet lowest price. Now it is up to people to visit this New Store at the Opening Sale and secure some of our nice bargains. This firm intends to do a great volume of business and will operate on a small margin of profit. In other words we believe in quck sales and small profits. All goods will be marked in plain figures and everything sold for Cash. We will make free alteration on garments and. will deliver packages in town. The A. TONKEL firm has come to stay and will try their utmost to please the people? first with quality, second with the latest styles, and third with the lowest prices. We feel sure that we can satisfy each and every one. If any article pur chased in Tonkel's new store should not give sat isfaction we will cheerfully refund your money. Don't Forget the Date of the Opening Sale, Saturday, March 10 You Will Find The Tonkel New Store I in tftc Star Theatre Building next to H. C. Taylor's Hardware Store Nash Street Louisburg, N. U