flK FRANKLIN TIMES (k V. JO HURON, Kilter ml iHipf Om Imt 91. M 100 ?X Month. 75 Vtu '.99 ? T ' | -THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION Entered at th? Post Office at Losii tmrg. N. C., aa second class matter. * Today bne week la Good Friday ? crop was not damaged much. ?^^indications are that the trail drop ''was not damaged much. 4own politics Is liable to wake up _A with a dozen or more for each office. fP*. =~ it ' ? The cold snap Monday was about the coldest for the time of year on re cord. The business men of Loulsburg will meet next Monday night in the Board of Education rooms. Quite a big lot of fertilizer is being hauled and a larger per cent o( It is being paid for than ever before. tin new prohibition law, which pro vides that s person can not hare a drop off his .-premises, Is waking up some of bur p?otf*. The State Highway can more tally appreciate the condition they left the Halifax road in since one of their ten ton Catterpillar tractors has become stack in the middle of the road. The Supreme Court holds that the new prohibition law does not repeal the old state law and" cancel convic tions and lndicQhents thereunder In' handing down Its decision in the case of State vs Eugene Foster. Poster will have to serve his term of 18 months Impnaod by Judge Cranmer unless some other avenue of escape is provided. In justice to the Board of Education relative to Mr. Jones' statement about the $20,006.00 we call his and the pub lic's attention to the fact that the Board of County Commissioners have to provide the funds for the Board of Education for a six months school term up to the maximum limit, by law, after which the State makes up the difference from the equalizing fund. Therefore if Mr. Jones, or any one else wishes to take a poettion that will keep the teachers of the County out of their money for six or eight months It te their privilege ana tneir respon sibility, as the Board of Education's ability to pay is limited by the will ingness of the Board of Commission ers to provide the funds. In another column will be-found an article by Mr. J. R. Jones, Commis sioner, taking a Shot at ttie editor ot the. TIMES ^for what' he calls, false and misleading statements. We arc glad to publish this lis It admits all we have said, and we will call Mr. Jones attention to the fact that the Minutes of the Board of County C>m JLmtesioners of Franklin county Is" our authority. He falls to ace our point In the Military donation. For his t>ertpf!t we Kill state It more clearly. ? How - can he consistently .vote a do nation for a Military company and at the same tlmo deny the benefit* of the "Welfare Department to the unfortu nates of Prankiln county. We direct liia attention to a' letter from a little ?lrt In another Column of this Issue. We don't criticise the donation to the Military company, only his attitude to wards Che great charitable work of the Welfare Department. A* tor any other statements we In rite the read er* attention to the minute books of the County Commissioners aad the application of ordinary common sense the season la oyer will report Ins the ho? killings, Mr. Joe Hied one that weighed orer Mr Cromwell Braswell klll ortasr Franklin county mam ? shoate 6 months old that Ut each. This Is an excel Hit tall of Tim and Industry. ? Recently Mr. William Bidet from the shore* of Cucrltuck sound claimed Miss Settle Hunt an Moompliahed and experienced teacher near here. He was Indeed fortunate In winning this line Nash woman. . Some das* ?*o Mr.-W. a lowry. b* fiev. 4 W- May,- oJOelatlng the surrtce* being ax the bride's mothers, led to the Altar the pretty and charming Miss Myrtle Buruette. They motored sway to Alleman, irher* they .will make their home. Thursday of last week, over in Grlf fin township. Mr. W. V. Bunting, a thrifty young planter In tJjc Philadel phia section, and Miss Ert the pretty young daughter of Mr. anj^lrs. John K. Taylor were united t*??oarriagB. These newly wedded, prominent young people hare the best wishes of all for joy and contentment Through - the efforts m Miss Grace Hensley, the teacher at Braswell School, and Mr. John Lancaster, Sup erintendent of the newly organised Sunday school, a new organ has been, secured and everybody is taking on new life. Mr. "L- W. Bobbltt and his brother, Claude, who has been doing well in the lire stock business for sometime, has about completed his stor?, at his barn near the school building, and will begin merchandising at once. Mrs. Pattie, wife of Mr. W. H. Drake aged 81, died at her home here March 2nd. She is survived by her husband who is 90 years old, and seven child ren, Messrs. J. P., B. T., W. R. and A. A. Drake. Mrs. Joe'Shearin. Mrs. N. D. Williams, Mrs. George Collins. Mrs. Drake was a true member of the Bap tist church and the pure sweet Influ ences of her long ahd correct life will live iftar her. About the usual crops will be put In this year, but owing to unfavorable weather conditions little jrork has teen done along the Nash and Prank-, lin line. But with bright days Just ahead the yoice of the plowman will be heard from every hill, and with the reverberating notes, of enchanting melodies of mating lore from wood land creatures will begin his prepara tions. PLAIN TOM. (We welcome you back Plain Tom. ?Ed.) To The People of Franklin County and The Editor of The* Franklin Times As the Editor is kind enough to offer his column a I will try to an swer some of the false charges he has brought against me. Mr. Johnson said I had made serious charges against the election officers of Har ris township. I had no reference to them at all. I 're seen Mr. King, he says he did not think I did. Now what I said in regard to the parable of the Good Samaratln, Mr. Johnson has ac knowledged it was "true. X have not yet said any one did it intentionally, though It looks very suspicious when you see what has been said. ? Now, so far as Jones running the entire County, no one has said it pub licly except Mr. Johnson and no one believes it at all. I believe the peo ple- of Franklin County are wise enough to know that it takes five men to constitute the board of county com missioners. Every one can readily see that Mr. Johnson is trying to miss lead the people by his false -argument He said Jones was trying to run the County Board of Education as well. The only thing that I have done, was to vote against the Bond issue of which the Board of Education wanted Twenty Thousand Dollars. As to the $250 given to the Youngsville Mili tary Company, . will say, we as Com missioners, want to be impartial and treat all alike. Our Chairman pro-! posed to ?tre the $250 Instead of $350 that had been given to the Douisbnrg Company, that accepting it Jones was charged with -doing it, while all the board voted for it. The people caif see why, one was in Lioaisborg, the other in Yoangsvllle. Now as to the piping in Hayesrllle township, there was two sections where the citizens had built the road and asked tor piping Dean moved to give one and Tones the other. I am asking Mr. Johnson to explain why Jones committeS a great er crime than Dean did? Both did the same thing, the people can see' lie is trying Xo miss lead them. Mr. John son referred to hiring o^t prisoners from road duty. The Judge's sen tence was fifty dollars flue and all cost to be paid in advance, if hired oat or to work ttie roaare Tanlac acoree._ln the Bute of North Carolina %lone many thousands of people have expreasedHhelr Indebted ncsa to the Muter Medlata*. Among them Is Q. D. Welch, of S part In civilizing England, emphasising Emancipation. Mrs. Yarborough touched on Mia* stoma rf work and Toleration. The latter due to Latltudinarlanlsin. ' Mlaa Mary Yarborough then explained more fully the Missionary work of the English church during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, shewing that, tho', little was done during 16th And 17th centuriee. there was an awakening in the 18th eentury Mrs. Beek next gave a brief but very delightful characterization of ihe lMk century, the beginning of a new sub ject for following leaeons The Anc illary adjourned to meet with Mr*. B. 8. SWd Monday afternoon. cuix-rr week TBe Proclamation of the OoveraOr of North Carolina call* for a ct?an-a# wMk all orer tbe State. The clpan^p week begin* B**t Monday the 22nd Of March and continue* during the en tire week. Let every one Uke nolle* and go to woft cleaning np for or] against the giddy aeaaou. ? m** '1i M i ii ?? Poafcd tg l/oulxbnrg. Vlctrola? audi Record* at -RIFTS JEWELRY STOMPS I M AS ?! ' ' ROT H ' S FOR THE NEWJfflT . . - SPRING BARGAINS : . ; " " i It gives us pleasure to announce to the people of Franklin and adjoining Counties that we have one of the prettiest and most satisfactory lines of Spring Goods on dis play that we hare ever carried before. And what is the most pleasing part of it is the fact that the prices are so very low. Come in and look over our many pretty lines and yg>u will be pleajsantly surprised. ? LADIES AND MISSES HATS J -i in all th latest Spring styles, a large selection of very attrac tive hats to select from Price $1.50 up to $7.96 - MEN'S, WOMZNS' AND ; CHILDRENS OXFORDS ? AND PUMPS ~ ... ? ~ t-'l * ? . ? ? ? ? # % Straps, Lace, Colonial in all the leading shades- and color com binations, including . Sport Ox fords^ Silk Hose to match all pump# , Price $1.50 up io $7.50 LADIES COATS AND COAT SUITS in Poiret Twill, Tricotine, all colors in two and three "piece suits ' l Prioe $lfr.50 to $39.50 LADIES NEW SPRING DRESSES is all the leading shades and combinations, Crepe Dechine, Crepe Satin; Taffeta, Paisley Silk Crepe, Flat Crepe and Sport Silks Price $8.95 to $32.50 LADIES COATS AND . WRAPS all colors and all materials, Special Price $8.95 to $25.00 MEN'S AND BOYS' NEW SPRING SUITS , with one and two pair pants in all the leading styles and colors Tweeds, Worsteds, Serge, (Jar- - badine and Whipords Special Price $8.50 to $35.00 P. A. ROTH THE STORE THAT ALWAYS SELLS THE CHEAPEST LOUISBURG, ^ NORTH CAROLINA SALE OP LAND Under una by virtue of the power and authority contained In that deed of trust executed on the 4th day of August, 14i9, duly registered in the office of Qie Register of Deeds for Franklin County in Book 224 at "page 8M, default baring been made In the payment of the note* secured thereby and demand nude npon me to fore close In accordance with' the terms said provisions thereof, I, the under klgued Trustee, .will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for oaah, at the courthouse door of Franklin coun ty, K. C. on - MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1?N at it o'clock M. the following describ ed real estate, situate In Franklin County, State at North Carolina aid dtncribed aa follow*: - J lit Tract. That traet otlafid known u the Eran* Tract and AmI imM aa Timet No. ? in tfe? dlTl*too/>f th* land* anions the Heir* a< la* of Norman Long dec?a?etl, contiuntnf f*l-J *cro* and being folly IllnHlll L tt Kearney, record 3rd Tract. That lot or parcel ot land In town of Frankllnton known as Norf Wlilto Shop lot on Hllliboro road and more fully described in above 'mentioned deed of R B. White, Comr. to L H. Kearney recorded In book 156 at pace-US, aaid Registry of Frank | lln county. 4th Tract. That tract' or parcel of land known aa the W. W. King lands , adjoining C. H. Handling estate and loeo. Kearney lands and lying on Mount Olivet road, containing 44 acres more or let* and being more folly described in deed from Bprulll and Blckett, Comr* to X. H. Kearney, (aid doed being duly recorded to book 1M at page 484, Retf lstry of Deed* for Franklin county. Reference being here made to all of tbe aforesaid deeds and records for a more full description of the lands hereby conveyed. ? This 28rd day of March, 1?JS. 8-28-#t J. K. MA LONE, JR., Trustee. .. ? : .. ? .. . . i ?*? -m , TW? 23rd day of Mareh, 1?2S. 8-2tfK X E. MALONI, JR., Trustee . ,'