flic POlUKIJIttTIUFC ifiC fKANKllfl lllnu A. f. J0HB80K, Editer and Knutr | -.TAB DROPS? ' ? 5 ? Cotton iold far 29 3-4 cents pound la Loulsburg yesterday. ? Constable J. E. Thomas requests I us to state that he has a lot of garden | and flower seed' for distribution. ? We wish to say that everybody litre greatly enjoyed the concert by the Oxford Orphanage Singing Class and feel that Thomasvllle will never let a year go by without having them v. ith us. ? Charity & Children. ?Friends ol Mr. J. Cade Hayes, of High Point, a former townsman, who were distressed to learn that be had sutTered a rather serious accident In falling down an elevator shaft, will be glad to hear that his injuries proved to be notnlng more serious than a se vere Btrain of the ankle - ligaments, and that he Is now able to get about | on crutches. _ $100 Diamond Ring to be given afray absolutely FREE, Saturday, June 30th, 1S23 at 4 p. m. Get a ticket with, every dollar purchase. Come and see* the Diamond. RIFF S JEWELRY STORE Loulsburg, N. C. , 3-23-lt In Memory of Mrs. Joe Phelps On February 8, 1923 the death angel visited the home o'f Mr. Joe Phelps and took from him his beloved wife. ? She was 76 years of age and www faithful member of the Methodist | church at Trinity. She was loved by all who knew her, and was a kind and loving wife, and .mother. She will be greatly missed in her home and by many friends and loved ones. She is gone but not for gotten, aleeping only sleeping with Jesus. She was ill for' several days and bore her sickness faithful until God saw fit UT take her home to live -with hhp. All -was done tor her that loving h^rf&eoijd -do, but God knew best antf called her from this world of toil into a. land of re0t. She ha^i made her home with her son, Nick Fhelps Just a few months before her death. She leaves to mourn their loss a husband, six sons and one daughter, Mrs. J. D. Wlnfree, of Louisa burg, Tomflle of Virginia, Stilus of Mapleville, Nick and Juqnle of Louls burg, Bennle of Clayton, Oiiie of At lanta, Qa. Thirty-three grand child ren, seven great grand-children. Friends gathered at the family bury -tag place to pay their last reepects to her. Servfdes vrare conducted by Rev. Mack Stamps. The pallbearers were the' grtind children. ? v ? One Who Loved Her. The Woman's Auxiliary -of St. j .a,** Paul's Church mi ana ?>?:*?. ? r/rt 4 1 i On Monday afternoon of last week ^ the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul's Church met with Mrs. Malcolm McKin ne, with a large attendance. In the absence of the president, MrB. I M. S.' Clifton, the Devotional service | was led by Mrs. L. E. Scoggin. Business discussion and completion of plana for the orphan box followed. ? Mrs. Yar borough then read the Min utes of the last meeting and opened the lesson by relating the Causes of the DecUne of the English jhurch in the ISth century, naming chiefly, Scep ticism, which had become the fashion at that time. " Mrs. W. H. Yarborough took up the lnteresilnt^period of John Wesley's Mission, called the Methodist Revival. She dwelt, too, upon the earnestness of George Whitfield's preaching a? that time. ' Mrs." Adams then told very interest ingly the result of the preaching of these two consecrated men. The Auxiliary adjourned to miaet egain the following Monday afternoon. thk frankli:; times 11:60 Per Year in Advance. MORTGAGE SALE LAND c 'BS*' virtue of the power of sale con-. tAlned in that certain mortgage deed made by Robt. A. Allen and wife to j C. ?B. Ransdell, dated Marcit 9, 1921,1 and recorded In the Registry of Frank lin county In book 210, page 659, de fault having been made In the payment of the debt- therby seoured, the'under stgned will,' on Tuesday, April 24th, at about the hour of noon at the court house door to Loulsburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash the lands in said mortgage deed conveyed and there de scribed 01 follows; Situate In Frunkilnton Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, ad joining the lands of John Hayee, and others and bounded as follows v Bounded on the North by John Hayes on the East by John Allen estate, on the West by T. J. Conyers estate and on the South by Theo. Jones, contain ing thirteen and one eighth acres, ?- more or let* This. March 23. 1923. C. E. Handsel!, MM t ' Mortgagee Wm. H. * Thoa. W. Ruffln Attys. t ' ~ , RE-8ALK OF LAND UndflHihd 6y ^virtue of an order of - tesale made .by the Superior Court of Franklin county, the last and highest bidder at previous sale an January 22nd, 1M8 having failed to cvmply with the terms of his bid and due notice Jfttjlag been given said last and high-' ? est bidder and under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust exeouted by D B, Kearney and wife to B. H. Matone. Trustee, on Jan. ?0tb, llll recorded In book 124 page 479, Registry at Deeds for Franklin, county, N. C. de , fault having been i&ade in the pay ment of the indebtedneee thereby or red and demand for torseloswre hav t been made upon by the bolder the bonds represenUng said indeht I wiU on IMS ? *hr "lor sale at c GAINS 25 POUNDS IN . 30 DAYS 1 v ' Remarkable Experience of P. 0. Lake Builds Up Weight ? Quickly "I was all run down," writes P. C. Lake, "I bad to quit worl??*- was so weak. Now, thanks to Prunitone, I look like a new man, I gained 25 pound* to 30 days." "Prunitone has put ten pounds on jno in 14 days," Stated Wm. Brack. "It has made me sldep well, enjoy what I ate and enabled me to work with Interest and pleasure." ' If you would like to put on-~a few pounds of good solid flesh just try Prunitone, It will surely surprise you. For sale by L. E. Scoggin. to the highest bidder for cash a cer- I tain tract or parcel of land situate in | Frankllnton township, Franidlu coun ty, State of North Carolina, described as follows: Bounded on tne North by the lands of J. A. Kelly estate and B. B. Tomliuson, on. the East oy the lfnds of J. F. Torallnson, on the South by the lands of Mrs. Annie E. Mitchell and J. F. Tomlinson and on the West by the lands. ef Mrs. Annie E. Mitchell containing 26 acres more' or less and being a part of the E. P. Blackley tract (originally Mitchell lani) and conveyed to D. B. Kearney by deeds of recent date, duly recorded in the registry of Franklin county. This 23rd dav of March, 1923. 3-23-St E. H. MALONE, Trustee. TRUSTEfe'S SALE OF LOUISBURG LOT By virtue at the power of sale con tained In the certain deed of trust I made by William L. Williams to Wm. H. Ruffin, Trustee, dated May 1, 1919 and recorded in Franklin Registry In Ecok 234 page 260, default having been made in the payment of the debt there by secured and demand tor foreclosure having been made by the holder of said debt upon said trustee, the under signed will on Tuesday, April 24, 1923, at about the hour of noon, at the Court House door In Louisburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash, the property In said deed of trust conveyed and there de scribed as follows; Situate In Franklin County, Louis- 1 burg Township, State of North Caro- [ lfha, and described as follows; tension of Main Street or the Raleigh Road, near to the Town of Louisburg, bounded as follows; Beginning at a point 54 feet South of the junction of the said Main Street or Raleigh Road and a street running at right angles to it through the "Hart Property" called "Hart's Row," thence a line parallel to the said Hart Street to the line of Junius Hayes; thence along Junius Haye's line South- 54 feet to a stake; thence ft straight }ine to a point on Main stritMt of the Ral eigh Road 54 feet from the point of beginning; thence along Main Street or Raleigh Road 64 feet to. the point of beginning, containing a dwelling house. It being the. land conveyed to Wm. L. Williams by Eastern Realty & Trust Co., reference to which deed is hereby had for full description. , ?This March 23, 1923. ? * Wm, H. Ruffln, 3-23-6t. Trustee . - , _ TRUSTEE'S SALE'S* .LAND By virtue of the power ot sale con tained In that certain (feed- of tract made by N. A. Odom to Wm. H. Rufrin. Trustee, dflted November 11, 1918; aBct lecorded In the Registry or FrankMd county in book 221, page 288, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made by the holder of said debt upon the un dersigned trustee, the undersigned will on ^ - -MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1923 at about the hotly of noon, at the. court house door In Louisburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, tho lands conveyed by stld deed of trust and there described as follows: All that tract or parcel of land ly ing and situate and being in the Coun ty of Franklin and the State of North Carolina, near the town of Bunn and being Farm No. tyx.(6) on plat of land formerly owned by W. C. Rans dell, plat -of which is on record In Franklin County Register of Deed's office in Map Book 1, page 62 to which plat for a more perfect description reference Is helrnby made. Farm .No six contains sixty-five acres, more- or loss. This MAf'ch.28, 1923. 3-23-5t WM. H. MUFFIN, Trustee. | "NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to the power given to .the undersigned Trustee In a Deed ot Trust executed by I. H. Kearney tad v.lfe Oca D. Kearney an$ D. B. Kear ney, dated Jund 9 ,1919, and recorded In the office ot the Register ot Deeds ot Franklin county, N. C. to book 236, page 4, .default having been made to the payment of the Indebtedness there by secured) the undersigned Trustee will offer the following described real estate for sale at the court bouse door to Loulsborg, N, C., at twelve o'clock Noon, on, MONDAY. APRIL It, 1. Beginning et a stake, Hills' cor ner to Cook's line, thence 8 U W 141 pis to ? white oak. thence along the creek 16 pis to Horne Beam on the H side of oreek, Cook's oomer, thence up the-Mrancivio a poplar, Woodard's cor ner, then of N along hla line to?W. P. ? D. T. Kearney line, thence alone tBerfr line to Winston's line, thenee along hla line 8 ? W 74 pis to the be ginning, containing ll? acres, mot* or loss. 1 A 'certain tract, and more par tKulnrly described as follows: Thai parcel or tract of land Being the resi due Of lot No. J to the 1n Vision of the I.ovlntxr land, said lot No. A having been allotted to C.S. Wlplams In that IS ' *** : Arc You Prepared? " : ftft HRfffiRfiSHfi New Merchandise purchased especially for Easter selling has been re ceived and we are prepared to show the newest creations for your approval DRESSES Crepe deChlne, Taffeta and all time crepe, new high shad es copied from 135 dresses . .all sizes Priced CAPES Elegant line of Capes made ?of new Polo cloth and Ve lour in brown, blue and green Priced l&W SPOHT COATS Made in dark and light tan of best quality Polderl and Camels Hair fancy models with or without beltB Priced t?.7i a COAT SUITS Made of Poiret Twill best quality chicken models some have belts, some plain, some beaded, others hare braid, all sizes fashions latest colors Priced $1145 and up TWO PANTS Yonng Men'?i Sport Models New Norfolk models with sport pants patch pockets sev eral patterns to choose from woYth $25.00 Priced -19.95 YOUNG MEN'S AND CON SERVATIVE MODELS AU new clothing Just receiv ed tailored especially (or u-t by the best tailors In New York Priced $24.95 SEW SPRING HATS AND ? CAPS Newest shades and shapes for Spring Priced $1.45 t<. *3.95 SHIRTS Collar attached and color to mutch shins, stripes and plaids, also solid colors Ox ford In white, grey and tan Priced $1.45 to $8.95 Also a few to be had at 95c MILLINERY Our Millinery department In charge of Miss Nena Cyrus Js now eoaplete and a beau tiful assortment of ? hats awaits yon. We are iM to htiTe yon look oyer this line, the season's newest ex cations con be bnh. L. Kline & Co. WHEN ADVERTISED OB SEEN ELSEWHEBE ITS ALWAYS CHEAPEST HERE LOUISBURQ, NORTH CAROLINA SPRING HATS FOR MEN Jnst recelred new ship ment of Felt Hats, new siliapes In shades o? Black, Tan, Gray and Brown, all ilaes, regular $4J>0 hats Priced $1.95 es 109 et aeq. Orders and Decrees, in the office of the CSC of Franklin coun ty, U. C., after cutting 08 that portion "Of said lot-No. 2 which w us subsequent iljr conveyed by said C. 8. Williams to T H. Kearney by deed recorded In book 146, page 305 in the Register of Deeds office In- Franklin county, N. C., said lot No. 2 as 'allotted to sala C. S. Will iams Containing 71 acres, and chat portion* of same conveyed to said I. H, Kearney by deed above ? referred to contains 16 1-2 acres, leaving a residue of said lot No. 2 of 19 1-2 acres, more 'or loss, which is hereby conveyed. Ref erence is here made to above mention ed proceedings and also to the above mentioned deed of C. S. Williams to I. H. Kearney, for a farther and more accurate description of the said 19 1-2 acres, more or less, hereby conveyed. ^3, Bounded on the N by Mrs. Mary K. Long and Henrietta Allen, on the E by Mrs. Mary E. Long, on the S by the Monroe Cook land, on the w by Mrs. Mary E. Long, containing 2-3 acre, more or less, and being the same lands allotted to Annie Wilder in the division at the Monroe Cook Imds. 4. That tract known as lot No. 1 In the division of tije Norman Long Inhds according to' agreement of re cord in book of Orders and Decrees No. 6 page , office CSC Franklin Co. N. C., containing 70 acres Mscrib 1 I >?' ' / ? ed as follows: Beginning at a rock, Levister's corner, thence along' 'Levis - ter's and Kearney lines S 4 1-2 W 180 pis, thence S 3 1-2 W 38 pis 21 Iks to cedar cfeek, thence up sa.id creek St pis Xo a stake, corner No. 2, thence N 4 E 205 pis 15 Iks to a stake In Levi 3 ler"B line, corner No. 2, thence 9 87 1-2 E 63 pis to the beginning, same hav ing been allotted to said E. A. Long In above described. That tract No. 4 In aforesaid division described as fol lows: Beginning at a rock, corner No. 3 in B. O. Holden's. line, thence N 87 W 8 pis to Holden's corner, in Nut all branch, thence down said branch 69 pis to Shanty branch, thence down Ehanty branch 62 pis 17 Iks to Cat lett branch, thence down Catlett branch Ml pis to a walnut tree at the mouth of the old branch, corner for R. L. Conyers on Cedar creek, thence down Cedar creok and mill pond 50 pl? to a small pine and pointers, cor ner No. 3, thence N 11 E 22 Iks to the beginning, containing 75 1-2 acres, tnd being tract conveyed by deed of 8." O. Long to E. A. Long, recorded in took 136, page 117 and allotted to S. O. Long in aforesaid division. 6. That parcel of land situate in the said County in the town of Frank llnton and bounded as follows: On the N by the lot of ifrs. Mary Wilson, on the E by lot of S. 3 Pearson, on Horses and Mules ? I have just received a large number of fine well broke horses and moles that I am of fering cheap for oaah or on good paper. Tbey are especially adapted to farm work. * ? . * COME AND SEE THEM. In the Griffin & Beaaley Stable near the Jail. fai- ? the S by lot of Mary King, on the W by Btreet leading from Chuj-ch St. by s&ld lot, and containing 1-7 of an acre more or less. ? 7. Beginning at the intersection of the old-run~and canal just above No. 2, thence N 24 1-2 W 1.95 chs, N 73 1-4 E 1.45 chs to the beginning, containing 14-100 of an acre. Beginning at H sitfe of bridge mouth of old rock, thencerN~4 E 3. tt chs, N 28 1-4 E 1.54 chs, N 22 1-2 W 1.43" chs, N 13 E 3.13 chs, S W B1.20 chs to the ctnal, thence down the canal 3 14 W 9.43 chs to the beginning, containing 05-100 of an acre. Beginning at the bridge over Tayloi' creelt'on.tbe new road, thence S 30 1-2 K 3.88 chs along- old road, 3 54 E 3.25 chs to a cut <3r path to new road, thence ajong said path N 31 1-4 W 138 chs, N 3 3-4 E 2.70 chs to the new road, thence along new road 3 69 W 1.42 chs, N 66 1-2 W 2.90 chs to the beginning, con taining 66-100 of an acre. ? Beginning at the intersection of East line "of Brinkley estate and new road, thence along new road N 33 1-2 W 3.37 chs, N'19 W 4.82 cha, N 5T W 5.94 chs, N 24 3-4 W 3.42 chs to cedar stake, on E side of road, thence N 3 1-2 E 11 chs to a rock, thence S 87 1-2 E 10.75 chs to E line of Brinkley land, thence along said line S 3 W 23.94 chs to the begihnlng, containing 17.60 acres. Terms of sale cash. This March 16, 1923. S-23-4t A. M. SCALES, Trustee. NITRATE SODA V 18^ Per Ceiit Ammonia $60 Per Ton Maine grown Irish Cobbler po tatoes $4.00 bag, SOc peck. McKINNE BROS. PAY CASH and PAY LESS V AwUk - .

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