? . > Removes the cause of disease without the use of Drugs or Surgery. If >tou are sick, and want to eet well, trv It doesn't matter what disease you ? have, CHIROPRACTIC will get you well. DR. CHAS. BREMNER HENDERSON, , NORTHJCAROLINA Louisburg office In Franklin Hotel. TUESDAY and FRIDAY'S from 2 to 4 P. M. Good Farms For Sale I havejseveral good farms?in fine state dt cultivation with, good building and outhouses in good communities for sale cheap. See . - *- . ? S. A. Newell Louisburg, N. C. Uniform Quality at the RIGHT PRICE All Standard Sixes ' > Carried in Stock 1 ,r - . '? ' ' 7.000 business last year. How ubout one for every town In the State this year? n -- . The Home Demonstration Agent of Moore county hss already taken or ders for 2000 cans of vegetables tfl be I filled by her organised farm women during the summer months. What's in a name? It's QUALITY with .WILLIAM TELL Flour! 2 -23-8 1 J. 6. HOWELL. Keeps Cookstoves Clean Gas-burrfers, -oil-tramers, top-grates, racks, drip- pans, etc., last a lot longer and give better servic^^Phen kept clean and sv.ee^with ' Red Seal, Lye. Absolutely the easiest and noneffective wayof cleaning. Write for descriptive booklet of ' household uses. Full directions in each mn. * Be sere aqd buy only the genuine Red SEAL Lye. TUCKER'S C A f E Main Street LODISBURG, . N. C. I kaTa Jn?t opanad a flrat claaa Cafa tn-tha old MM btltldlm and am praparaJ to farnlah meala at ah bom and tha bast tha mark* afforda. . lea Craaaa I eanta a eon*. Soft Drlaka, ate. . . Prleaa naioutk aarrlea >? ' J.'C TUCKER . Proprietor You don't have to rush the season to . , v_ -. f*' ? *' ?- > buy nowi 50 dozen just received. V ? - f From the sorriest to the best. All prices, but always under the other fellow. ~ ? ' :'?* ? ?*t .j - * ? Special for Saturday and Monday - Chesterfield Cigarettes, 20's, Z tor 25c 'Camel Cigarettes, 20' s 2 for 25c * , V . V~. ' " ' .. The Hudson Store Co. . NEXT'DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK ' " 'W T . ? ' - . . -X ^ Louisburg, IN. C. THE FRANKLIN TIMES $1.60 Per Year In Advance "KEN'S C. 8. ARMY MtTN SOS -LAST SHOES AT $&?5 Slice Mi to 19 Never again will ycm ha, nhlfi U> buy these shoes at inch a low prlco. We -were lucky lp finding a manufacturer, who waa overstocked with them,/ and needed ready cash, so we bought them at almost one-half at the reen ter price. This shoe is made over the V- S. Army Muna on-last, with ex tra heavy stitching; special grained chrome, brown leather used through out An Ideal shoe for workmen, far mers, ice-men, postmen, carpenters ?ad motormen, who are obliged to be on th$lr feet all day. fiend correct size. Pay Postman $2.95 on delivery, or send us a money order. ? i , If yon are not satisfied with these ?hoes after yon examine them, we will promptly refund your money." V. S. DISTRIBUTING * SjtLES , COMPANY, 26-26 Wert 22nd Street, 8-2-tI New York Clty, N Y. The Protifable Way * to Keep Hens ? Mr One Feed fa Bay Ks ma people claim that It costs more to feed ponKry thsn they retara in meat sad ens. IMS is largely doe to the use of an unbalanced feed. Grains and SIM** feeds made from grains are AO* ? hats as sd feed. 0? *?*. !**!? i> *???. win stw mm J ft profit on ft a unbalanced feed. While on a balanced food, which costs but lit tle mors, the same fowls will furnish enough eggs sad meat to liberally te ?TMag twTTSerent feede-m ft eerateh made at grains? the other ? ma* of concentrates, was the ueoal way of balancing the ratloaa, but it is too tr gables Mac for the average persoa. It doesn't balance the ration Mr every Wee, consequently it is used by only ? few. The two-to-ono method, ft TMsh and eerateh all ta oae, a feed that can be fed like wheel or eora, Is the real eolation for the average mu>. Ouber nnt Laying /eed is Just sueh a feed? ft perfectly balanced feed. Many users eau ! t? a -teal discovery. The 1*5*1 ' yoft the better yoa like it-Mhoee who have fed it eonstontiy for a year or MM are It* grsstest boosters. Ash the pe?oa who les fed it, or order a aa*"ead be convinced. Money badr OoKrratrt^ay Ing Feed for ' sate ' by McKinne Brother*, Loulsbury, N. C. . ? isi5 STREET, OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE Louisburg, N. C. . Wants your bank account, and offers yon o banking service that yon -will like. Our first consideration. i? the .safety of ottr de f posits. . "We are prepared to seire yon ef ficiently and promptly oh -any proposition that is consistent with safe and sound bank ing. * ? "WE PAY INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AND CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. *. Wts have a1 growing list of customers who L like their connection with : the farmers National. ? s WE WOULD LIKE TO TALK THE ^ MATTER JOVER WITH YOU, Farmers National Bank Louisburg, 5. 0.