truck chassis New Price P. O. B. DETROIT The ForcfcOne-Ton Truck Chassis has proved Its ability to reduce transportation costs in practically > every line of business where there is a hauling | problem. It is eco nomical, efficient, dependable. At the new low i price you will agree it represents < a value that has never before 1 been offered in the commercial! car field. Place your order now for reasonably prompt delivery. Terms if desired. Louisburg Motor Co. LOmSBUBG, ' Borth Carolina fff still hare n few choice young males left, also 8 ping mules and 2 horses, all of which we are offering at cost and below cost prices. Come quick as we are going to let them go. Wo also ha?e a few sets of nice Buggy harness, some wagon harness saddles, etc. and 1 Tyson & Jones Top buggy for sale. ^ See R. E. FULLER AT FULLER'S STABLE NOTICE OF VALUABLE LAND FOR BALE Under and by ylrtue of the power and authority contained In that cer tain deed of ' trust executed by N. P. Boone to B. F. Wood, Trustee, on the 22nd day ot June, 1923 and duly Re corded In book 284 on page 695 ot the Franklin County Registry, default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and demand made upon mi by the holder thereof to foreclose, I, the undersign ed Trustee, Will on MONDAY, APRIL, 1?, 1933 at or about 13 o'clock H. at the court house door In the town of Loulsburg, N. C. sell M public auction to the hlgn est bidder for cash those two traots ot land situate in Cedar Rock town ship, Franklin county' fthd ? described as follows: First Tract: Containing 39 1-2 acres, more or lees and being bound-' ed on the north and northwest by the I lands of S. O. White, on the eaat by W. R. Boone; on the south by Mrs. M. H. Harris and on the west by Mrs. Sarah Stalling* and 8. O. White, and comprising the two tracts hertofore conveyed to N. R. Boone by deed ot J. J. Creekmorr recorded In book 339 on page 9, franklin County Registry. second Tract: Containing It teres more or less, and bounded on the north hy the lands of O. W. Brldgers, on the east by QreetUeaf Johnson Lumber Company, on the eouth by W. H. Boone and on the west by W. J. Boone; it bMng .the same tract of land here tofore conveyed to N. P, Bocae hy deed of Wi R. Boone ana wife record ed In book 229 on page 28, Registry ot Franklin county. Reference being here made to all of said deed and re cords mentioned' herein. There Is one prior mortgage on said land to Farm Loan Board. This Mar. 12th, 1923. _ : , B. F. WOQD, Trustee. O. B. Moss, Attorney. 3-16-6t ? NOTICE ? . . ;L North Carolina, In Superior Court Franklin County. Stirling Store Co , a corporation. , Vs P. D. Speed. ' The defendant above nkuned 'will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Su perior Court of Franklin County North Carolina, to obtain Judgment on an open aocount. and the said defen dant will further takfe notice that he 1s required to appear before the Clerk o< the Superior Court of Franklin coun ty, North Carolina, on tettr. day ot. April 1928, and within twenty days thereafter answer or demur to the complaint In the said action, or the plaintiff will apply ' to the Court for relief demanded In the oomplaint. This 10th.; day of March It 23. . T. J. YOTJNO, C. S. C.t ff-l<Mt Franklin Couniy, N. C ? . ? ? * " . i. Why not use a dependable uour, like WILLIAM* TELL T 2-28-8t J. 8. HOWBUX. THB FRAIfKJJN TIMM 11.80. Pot Tejkr la AOvanoe -Tuffs Pffls Enabia DjnpapHci to ?at wtiatavw ttaywdh. Cauaafood toaartmflata. Nourish the body, gtva appadta. DEVELOP FLESH To School Committeemen The following letter bai been ? to sued to the several School Committee men o t Franklin County by Supt E, L Beat: . Dear Committeemen : You will find below a copy of a auc tion of new school legislation that, was passed by our last General Assembly. In order to conform with the require ments of this section the Board of Education In regular session. Mon day- March the 5th Instructed me to give notice that on Monday, April the 16th at 11 o'clock In Loulsburg there will be a Joint meeting of the Board of Education and the various school committeemen and trustees of the county . At this meeting the county wide plan of organization of the schools will be discussed. You are urgently requested to be present as the Board of Education Is anxious to secure your advice, sugges tions and recommendations before adopting a permanent county-wide plan of organization or the schools. No election will be called or any change made In any district until af ter the above date. Lookihg forward to seeing you on the 16th of April. Cordially yours, E. L BEST, Superintendent. "Section 73-a. County-Wldo plan of Organization : - The county 1>oard of education shall create no new dis trict nor shall it divide or abolish a dfBtrlct, nor ghnll It consolidate ? dis tricts or parts of districts, except In accordance with a councy-wlde plan of organization as follows: ? 1. The county board of oducatlqn shall present a diagram or map of the county showing the present location of each district, the position of each, the location of roads, streams and oth er natural barriers, the number of children In each district, the size and condition of each school building in each district. The county board of education shall then prepare a county wido plan for the organization of all th.e schools of the county. This plan shall indicate the proposed changes to be made and how districts or parts of districts are proposed to be con solidated so as to work out a more ad vantageous school system for the en tire county. 2. Before adopting the county wide plan, the county board of edu cation shall call a meeting of all the [-school committeemen and the boards of trustees and lay the proposed plan before them for their airvrce and-4ug gestlons. After receiving the advice of the committeemen and trustees, the county board of education shall have authority to adopt a county-wide plan of organization, and no districts or parts of any district, including non local tax, local tax, and special char ter districts, hereafter referred to In this article, shall be consolidated or the boundary lines changed, unless the consolidation or the change of [boundary lines is In accordance with the adopted county-wide plan of or ganization: Provided, that to the event the county board of education deems it wise to modify or change the adopted plan, the board shall no tify the committeemen ftnd Interested patrons and give them a hearing If they desire to be heard before any changes shall be made. 3.' The county board of education shall haveauthority to execute the en tire plan or any part of the tame, but the county board of education shall have no authority to create a debt for the execution of any part of the pro posed plan, unless authorized by law, and if the amount necessary to put Into operation all or any part of said plan shall be greater than the amount tl at1 may be reasonably expected from the Operation and Equipment Fund for this purpose, the amount shall be guaranteed by the districts affected by the execution of the plan, or If the districts do not guarantee the funds the county board of education shall lay the proposed plan before the coun ty commissioners, together with the estimated amount necessary to put the same Into operation, and If the amount necessary to carry out all or any part of the proposed plan shall be approved by the county commis sioners, tire coupty board of education shall then hav* the authority to or ganise the districts In accordance with the county-wide plan. ,4. When the proposed county-wide l-lan Is adopted the county board shall notify the committeemen and boards of trustees as to what part of the plan the board propose* to carry out first and In what order the other parts of the plan will be considered, and the preference shall be given to those dis tricts In' which the nails are greatest (If the funds tor proridlBg the equip ment are mad* available. ? 6. In the event that any child or children of any district or any part of a district are without adequate school advantage, and these advantages may be Improved by transferring said child or children to a schook or schools in adjoining districts, the county board shall have authority to make such s transfer. But this shall not empower the county board of education to abol ish or divide a district unless such shall be In harmony with the county-wide plan ot organisation. The temporary transfer of such child or children may b\nade until such time as- the county-wide plan wtll provide more adyantageously for fhem. Tour mother used WILLIAM TELL Flour, wh ynot youT J., a. HOWELL. rOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING \ PHONE 1U 5 ) Hastings' 8seds v 10d3 Catalog If res Write tod ay tor IWttpsrjftt V|S ft gtnm alma* daily? the DMt ral? able ud useful aeod took mnMil ?i b contain* 100 tlJMfc Blflil and oorraetly deecrlMhl OB MM >M ?Mt popular icpiubM, flofcara and f^roi crop* tor tbe Booth. |How and what to plant to your yard, gardoa and CeJB for every purpoee. Bo m to t**t the boll weevil, beaa beetW and other pan. Full natural oolor plctcree of the beat Iloeea, Olad toll and other flower*. HOW to gat I packets of seed of beautiful rtowers free. How much keed la required to jlhnt a row or aora, wbeo and ho% to (taut and cultivate. Why H pari to plant good seeda and bow to ?* than m ohaap or ebaapar tfetaonate or Ordinary seeda. av , J oat write tar (Up hawdwxnf new UN Seed Book. Itt book ? ? you'll be mighty Had to frw* "?ir home. It ? abBOMtety *ra* tor it today. H. a HASTING# OCX, r if Atlanta, Oa. _ jUti ?? you Hurt, PROFESSIONAL COLUMN DR. J. HERBERT FITZGERALD Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Will be at Dr. H. H. Johnson's office in Loulsburg every first Monday. En. ftagements should be made as far in advance as possible. ?JDR. R. F. T A RB0R0UG H Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, N. C. Office In Blckett and Yar borough Building. , Office Phone 296 Residence Phone 28 1 8. AT WOOD IfKWKLL. A tteraey ? At-L* w. Loulsburg, N. C. Phone No. 115 Office in First National Bank Building General Practice DR. W. B. M0RT0S v ,Eye Specialist Office In Hotel Building Loulsburg, North Carolina I wish lo advise my patients and the public generally that after the 1st of September my business will be on a Cash basis when work Is completed. DR. ARTHUR HYNE8 FLEMING 8. P. BUBT, M. D. Loalsbars, N. C. , Offices over Scoggln's One Btare. Hoars 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., and 4 to | " V. m. DB. YT. B. BASS. Veterinarian Louis burg, N. C. . Offices and Hospital Bast Nash St. Phone Office 335-L Residence 335-Jl Special Attention to Small Animals. | DB. D. t. UDTHWICX. Dentist. Udikiri, I. C. Office In the First National Bank V. PXB80N. ATTORNEY -AT-LAW Loolsburg, North Carolina Praetlee In all courts. Office on Mala Btreet 0. M. BEAM Attoraej -at-Law Offices over- Post Office Practice in all courts. DB. J. tt. uAVIfl Physician and Surgeon I.onlsbnrg, North Carolina Office Main Street A. T- Neal Building at River Bridge Telephone Connections 64 and 64-2 R. Hours: 8 to 11:30 a. m. 2 to 6 p. m. K. B. White S. H. Haleae WHITE * HA10NI LAWTIRB iMtsbarg. North Carolina ?eneral practice, settlement of ea ?IM funds invested. One member oi the Sim always In the office. * It? ? i DB. H. 6. PEBBY Physician and Surgeon Loulsbarg, * North CarollBa | Offices Adjoining Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day 287; Night 287 1 SB. J. B. HA LONE. aisbarg. North Carolina fel Aycock Drag Store, Market | Office Practice Borgery ?ad consultation. DB. H. H. JOHNSON Physician and Surgeon LoiltkUf, North Carolina | Office over Aycock Drug Co. both No. 101 9. 9. NBWXJLL, B. D. L ??. Office la First National Bank Building Day Phone 24} Night Phone I4?-1 Hlh. H. Roffln, rhoe. W. Raffia WM. M. * THOS. W. BUFFI* Attorneys -at- Law LeaMvTf, t North CarollBa I CI iafal practice, both dm and crtm- j thai, ta Franklin and adjoining coun ties, Supreme and Federal Courts. In First National Bank STB6ALL BBON. ? ' ? Le aisbarg. N. 0. We hare Are good barbers and you I win receive the best of servtee. Also Btasx Automobile (or hire at| all times, at reasonable prices. - ~ *i ?? ? i . Stop that Headache with SAM'S | HBADBABT. , I FRANKLIN TIMES Tft Tear la Advance*. Mrs. Harding and Her ? Vhcn the presidential party arrived- at Orraond Beach, President ".lij-Iiug went golfing knd Mrs. Harding (left) took a quiet cruise with hostess, Mrs. Edward B. McLean of Washington, D. C.* Hero hi -rid guest aro ah own on board the yacht Pioneer on Indian river. SUES MILLIONAIRE LUMBER MAN SAVE MONEY ? ON? MEN'S AND BOYS' BOOTS AND WORK SHOES ? I am offering especially attractive pricey 'ihia week on Men's and Boys' boots and work shoes. If yon haven't bought see me. I can save yon money. We will be glad to fill your wants^j* groceries, both heavy and fancy. You will find ij^fo your advantage to trade with me. - / ? . 4 ? J ft A. S. WIGGS NASH STREET * LOUISBURG, N. C. Buster Wants a Bother! v Dear Mr. Editor: ? I am a little baby boy two months old and they call ma "Buater". A kind providence tent me to the Children's Home Society and I ?m (trowing every day and will soon ?be a big, bouncing boy. I want tome good woman to write to the j#j>erlntendent of the Children'' Home Society of North Carolina, Qreenaboro, N. C.? and ask htm to glre me to her. I am sure he will do to, as he has so many motberlea* bablea and more want to come to the Home. Write him today and I will bring )oy and happlneea to some childless home. With lore, A Homeless Baby Boy. White Level Items Ax ayery thing has been very dall for the last few month* we will try to retire again and mata the year of lt!3 the most happy and prosperous year of our life. The farmers are bow Vary busy plowing, getting ready for another new "OP- . . . ? v ? : iJEl&uia We v.- ore very sorrow to let m of the death of Mrs. T. C. ContTla. 8h? *111 be rreatly missed la our Mamma* Gray Mrd Murphy la spending a days In Richmond with hta r?laitH?? The rocal will be held kM Sunday March IStb. Everybody la t*> Ttl?d. Kddl* Q(ajr B>a**r and >1 Oto? Una have guno to Richmond Mr a Mai ment. Hop* thay will MM to toe* with u? air" In. If thl* ? a* apt a the waata toM win call again. Shipment of North Carolina f ? havn tneraaaed almost IN* par wl In the las four inm, (a nam bar*, tito ahlpmeota run from T7 cars la 111* to 14U car* la t>aa. - , Satoerlba tk The rraaklla Tteaa . - sim niMui

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