A. J0HH80S. Editor and Xuifer | -TAB DB0P8 ? ?Cotton sold for 28 3-4 cents pound In Louisburg yesterday. a Found in Louisburg, Victrolas and Records at RIFF S JEWELRY STORE. 3-23-3t ' ?, The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul's Church j The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul's church met with Mrs. E. s. Ford Mon day afternoon at four o'clock. Mrs. M. S. Clifton led the Devotional ser vice, after which there was a general discussion of various matters under tbe auspices of the Woman's Auxiliary Mrs. Beck reported that tbe charity box bad been shipped and gave a list of its contents. It was voted upon and unanimously carried that the "Central fund" be sej>t to the Convention in Raleigh on the 12th, giving the Auxiliary privilege to vote In the election of 8tate Auxil iary officers.- Mrs. Charles Elmore was elected delegate to represent St Paul's Woman's Auxiliary at this Con vention. Arrangements were discuss ed for many to attend. Certain fea tures of the State Constitution and By lawg of Auxiliaries were discussed and Mrs. Clifton announced that she would read them at the next meeting with Mrs. R. F. Yarborough, Monday after noon,' April 2nd.. _ Edwin Fuller Book Club The Edwin Fuller Club met on Thurs day afternoon, March 22nd with Miss Mary Best at her beautiful country home. The house was artistically dec orated with many spring flowers, and l-evw presented a more attractive ap pearance, - _> Besides a number of invited guests there was a large representation of club members. Henore Willsiq, ac American authoresb was the subject ?' under, discussion for tha afternoon. A mpsj/lnteresting sketch of her life was read by Mi's. J. W. Mann. This show ed how Miss Wlllsle had gone through I'tbe usual hardships and disappoint ! ? nmmts of ? struggling young writer before fame came to her. Next Mrs. B. T. Holden read, a most interesting reading from her "En chanted Canyon.'1 After an Interesting current topic by Mrs; Underbill, most delicious re freshments, consisting of a salad course and bon bona, were served. A Boll Weevil Error < s 5, Raleigh, N. C. March 28. So much la being said In 'advertisements and kjln articles, - about the importance of klllla#U>U ~weeylls by meaas of poison ?? ? * or by either methods from the time * . tfiaTlfiey "first appear, IhStlt'lB worth .while now to show how easy it, is to be deceived on this point, says Frank ?J Un Sherman, Chief ot the Division of Entomology, North- Carolina Experi ment Station. "Weevils lnyadjs the cotton fields .(expertnee of 1922) in late May, but no eggs are laid till squares form," says Mr,. Sherman. By this time the over-wintered weevils are dying off, and the new generation does not ap pear until about three weeks or long er after the egg8 have been laid. On June 27 and 28, 1922, I entered in my. field notes that Bjven to nine hours search had not found even one adult J weevil in Union and Scotland coun ties, and those notes, made at the time, state that this was evidently the natural etterval between the over wintered bnjod and their progeny. "On June 30th, 1922 a printed state ment was issued by a grower in South Carolina (name omitted to avoid per sonal controversy) that by certain treatn*ntf%e had greatly reduced the wesvlls 1^ his fields. He was Issuing this statetnent in the midst of this natural Interval, while we were noting the sam^: scarcity of weevils In fields where nd treatment had been given. This Hme natural interval de ceived many farmers who had been burning) their fallen squares. They felt surtf, from this practical fact of leas weevils (hat they had the weevils " under control. By July 6 to 10 how ever the next generation was coming on, and thereafter the broods over lapped and Intermixed so that there wIbh not another noticeable lessen ing of weevils." , Mr. Bhwmsn ntnt.es fhst this point ' has misled dosene of farmerra and the same point has been and la yet, the deceptive basis of many* claims of "remedies' 'and of advice to kill the early weevil*. Mr. Sherman believes that to klU early weevils has some merit, but this natural interval be tween the generations given it an ap pearance of Importance which it doea not gen ninety possess, In hi* opinion. This to rather , a technical point where the training and experience of an entomologist can, and does, point the way to a told error. ? ? Mix-up In Marriage tile, Iowa, io repairmen are requast ' .? ed to figure tha snsvrsr to tbe mix-up, on thslr Landls IS. A genoralogical contortionist Is Pe , , tar S. Llnaky, Fertile, town. I ? At tha tender age of 23, ha to his own grandfather by all tie law* ot man. It - > was tha recent birth of a son that made a fourth dimension neceaaary to deter i mine Peter's exact position In his taqi fi ffySHS 4; 8U*B8.!StoMX; ? , Mrs, Llnsky became tha mother in law of her father-in-law, and the youn ger Llnsky himself found that his atep U daughter was now Ma stepmothe?, I whfl* his ownjather waa his stepson. m -WT but, he wa* aleo the grenfflnm ar the younger Mrs. Llnsky. Now enter* Peter"* own ?on, prac tically scrambling the family tree. It makes the wife of the senior Llnsky the grandmother of Peter's boy, aa well aa his step-sister. it make* the senior Llnsky some sort ot a brother in-law to his own grandson. It makes the baby the child of Peter's step grandmother. Peter logically becomes the brother-in-law ot his stepmother, while Peter's wife discovers herself as her own child's aunt. The elder Llnsky develops Into the nncle of his b( n'B child, and the child becomes his grandfather's nephew .ending up with Peter Llnsky playing grandfather to himself. ? Leather News and Views, Atlanta Ua. HELP FOR FLU SUBJECTS If you have had the flu you have had a stroke at the vital organ ot life and [.need a restorer. If you will write Rav. S. H. Windham, Wrights Hotel, Raleigh, ,N. C. he will mall you a printed prescription simple and harm less. If after used you are helped and would help him who has helped you send him what you will. 3-39-lt COW FOR SALE Young cow with first calf 3 years old, giving 2 1-2 gallons, $60 cash for cow and heifer calf. J. L. SPENCER, 3-30-lt R 2, Louleburg, N. C. ^ o PROFESSIONAL COLUMN DR. J. HERBERT FITZGERALD ~ Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Will be at Dr. H. H. Johnson's office in Lonlsburg every first Monday. Bn. gagements should be made as far In advance as possible. DB. R. F. YARBOROL'WIl Physician and Sargeon Lonlsburg, N. C. Office In Blckett and Yar borough Building. , Office Phone 296 Residence Phone IS 8. ATWOOD H1W1LL Atteraey-At-Law. Loulsburg, N, C. Phone No. 115 Office In First National Bank Building General Practice ' DB. W. B. MOBTON Eye Specialist Office In Hotel -Building Loulsburg, North Carolina I -wish to advise my patients and the public generally that attar the 1st of September my business will be on a Cash basis when work Is completed. DR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING B. P. BUBT, M. D. - Loulsburg. N. C. Offioee over Bcoggln's Drag Star*. Honrs 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., and 4 to ? ?. m. ??' DB. W. B. BASS. Veterlaarlaa Loulsburg. N. a Offices- and Hospital East Naah"8t. Phone Office 335-L Residence 385-J Special Attention to Small Animals. DB. D. if. BMITHVICl* UaMng, H. C. Office In the First National Bank Building on Main and Itaah Sta. ? W. M. FEKSON. ATTORNEY-AX-LAW Looisbnrg, North Carolina ' Praetloe In all eourta. Office oa Mala Street G. M. BEAM Attornej-nt-Lavr Offices over Post Office Practice in aa courts. DB. J. H. ua t la Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, North Carolina Office Main Street T Telephone Connections 64 and M-S Hours: 8 to 11:30 a. m> 2 to 6 p. m. B. B. White * B. M. Malta* WHITE A MALONB LAWYERS ; Loulsburg. North Carolina tteneral practice, settlement of es tatM Mads Invested. Ou member ol as Srm always la the ofloa. DIC II. G. PERRY Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, . North Carellaa Offices Adjoining Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: ^Day 287; Night OT DB. 1. B. MALONB. Loulsbnrf, North Carolina ta Aycock Drag Store, 9trse? Offios Practice flurgery and eonavltaUoa. -1. iii, -tut' DB. H. H. JOHNSON Bkysfelan and Bargees Loulsburg, %rth Carejlaa Office over Ay cook DYug CO. Telephones: Day abd Night bptb No. M| . h 0. NKWBLL, ?, ?. Leafsharg, N. ?. Offios In First National Bank Day rhtme 149 ? Night ink Dutldlnc Phone 24M ral practice, both olVU and orto- I in Fraakllk < M inal, In Franklin and ties, Skprnme and Offices In First Building. a - W? have Ave good barbers and you w(ll receive the be* of s-rvice. A Iso B??ax Automobile tor hire at all times, at reasooatto jrtQM^&jSi S THBFBAKI^r~ |1M Per Yea, la -.y. mmm EASTER CANTATA At Methodist Church, Sunday Night, April 1st, 1923 ^ ? - At 8:00 O'clock r . . ?. -i ? The regular Easter services tor the Methodist Church has been rnnounccd ft>.r Sunday night at 8 o'clock when Henry Wassel's Sa cred Capiat* "Calvary" will be presented. Before the presenta of the Cantata Is presented the Bright Jewels will present an Illustrat ed chorus. "Easter IHU?" ? The wuire public is cordially invited to this service. The programme follows: Organ So'.o ? "AdoraUon" Felix Borowakl * Mr*. O. Y. Yarboro Chorus ? "Easter Lilies" (IUuBtrated Song).., Bright Jewels Bible Lesson and Prayer } .'?? Rev. L. E. Thompson Chorus i-li "Father, forgive them" Chorus ; 4- "Today thou shalt be with me" ChoruB y-. ? "Woman, behold thy son" Chorus ... ... "My God, why hast thou forsaken me" Trio ? "I thirst" Chorua "Father, Into thy hands" ("Abide with me") Tenor Solo "It Is finished" ~br. H. H. Johnson Chorus i ? "God so loved the world*" Chorus .. "As it began to dawn" Solo : "The voice triumphant" Miss Francis Rub so Chorus ? "Christ, the Lord, Is risen today" ? ; '"?/** (Onward Christian Soldiers) Offertory ?"On The Lake o t Galilee" ' x. Barton * Mra. O. Y. Y ar bora Chorus ? 'Hallelujah" (Messiah) . Handel Benediction COMMISSIONER'S SALE OP LAND By virtue of an order of re-sale made by the Superior Court of Frank lin county upon an upset bid on the sale made Februaiy 19, 1923, In that Special Proceedings entitled J. C. Wheless, Admr. of John Cope. deed. ts Arch Cope et al heirs at law, the undersigned Commissioner will on ? Monday, april i?, i?? at about the hour of noon, or at the recess of court, offer for sale ?ML pub lic auction, to the highest biddnr for cash, that tract of land deecrlbM as follow*: Situate in Cedar Rock township, Franklin county, North Carolina, part of the Joe Cope land as divided among bis heirs, and more particularly de fined as follows: Bounded on the North by the lands of Willie Cope, on the East by Callle Wheless and J. C. Wheless, on the South by the lands of William and Blssie Jones and on the West by the Spring Hope road, containing after a part thereof has been cut off l>7 the Greenleaf Johnson Lumber Company's railroad, 10 acres more or less. Tills March 23, 1923. 3-30-3t WM. H. RUFFIN", Com'r. APPLICATION FOR PARDON OP RALPH HIGH Application will be made to the Qov ernor of North Carolina for the par don of Ralph High, convicted at the January term 1923 of the Franklin Su perior Court for the crime of assault with deadly weapon with intent, and sentenced to a term on the roads of Loulsburg township. All persons who oppose the granting of said pardon are invited to forward their protests to the Governor without delay. This March 27, 1923. ' 3-30-2t T. W. RTJFFIN, Atty. your cost of I rCREASE Qment AN unprecedented demand for jf\ Ada* exists right now ? a demand that cannot be met unless the empty Ada* bags now Id users' hand* are returned. In the course of a year close to ?5,000;000.00 worth of bags are needed by Adas. This would be a heavy burden on cement users if the bap were not returned and reused, so cutting down the number of new bags needed. Return your empty Atlas ban promptly to your dealer. Help nim, and help us, keep Portland Cement the cheapest of all mm. facturtd products. I Will open a Oarage and Battery Service Station en Nash Street, .opposite Allen Bros. Store and invite my friends and the public to call and tee me. 1 will pat out only the Highest Class work and al} work entrusted to me will have my own personal attention. A part of your patronage is solicited. Agent for CHEV ROLET AUTOMOBILES. H. P. Cranford LOtJISBURG, North Carolina SPECIALS SHOPPERS TONKEL'S NEW STORE Is the RIGHT PLACE for the buying public to pur chase their Spring and Summer wearing apparel Shoes, Slippers, Dry Goods and Millinery. ?5.00 Ladies New Hats, Spcial for $2.95 Ladies Dresses worth up to $10.00, v Special $6.95 Ladies Spring Coats, Capes and Suits Greatly Reduced ? Men's and Boys Clothing at these Low Prices Real Nice Men's Suits, worth up to $20.00 Now Reduced to $14.95 $25.00 Suits Now $19.95 $30.00 and $35.00 Suits _Your Choice $24.95 SEE TONKEL BEFORE BUYING A. Tonkel Next Door to H. C. Taylor's Hardware Store Louisburg, : ? N. C. TOBACCO PARMERS Don't build or repair any rock or brick furnace in your tobacco barns. SEE THE New Johnson Furnance AT H. C Taylor Hdw. Co. AGENT L. T. AVERY, - Dist. Representative I NOTICE OP SALE OP REAL PRO ; PERTY Under and by rlrture ot tho iniver [and authority contained In a certain Mortgage Deed, from H. K. Perry and wife Florence Perry, to M. C. Chamtolee ft Sons, which mortgage [deed 1* recorded In Book 210, at page 194, Registry of FrankHn County, N. C., to xecure certain notes, and de ; (knit halng been mad* In the payment | of the notes secured thereby, the under signed Mortgagee, will offer for sale to the highest bidder tor cash, at the Courthouse Door, la Lou is burg. Prank lln County, N. O. on Tuesday, April 24th, 1923 ?t ia o'clock M., the Hol lowing described real property. One tract or parcel ot laad oa the, East side at the road leading from Rl leys to Pilot and hoanried as follows: On the South by the lands ot Zollla Pearce; on the East by taada ot Bea Jumln Baker; oa the North iy lands of Xna Fowler; oa the West by lands SH. K. Perry and contains about aare* more or lees and being a part ot the Henry Perry estate. This Had day ot Mareh IMS. > M. O. CHAMBLBE * SONS. MORTGAGEE'S SALE By virtue of the power confer en me by a certain mortgage erect: by W. A. Williams and wife As t ? Williams., recorded In Book IBS, p.' 270 office' of Register at Deeds "1-..' Franklin coonty, I will on FRIDAY. APRIL. SOtB. 1923 at IS o'clock M, or there&boets, tor cash to the highest bidder at i'vl courthouse door in LonlSburg. N Carolina that certain tract of 1 'beginning at ? bridge Creek. Warrantor* road; _ said creek IT C M L to Smart's branch* thence w **??< C corner tar UH No. ?: thsnce 8 ? 'ill; thence 8 1* 8-4 W 1 O *? L. ner of lot No. 4; th?oo 8 t$ ? > ? I. to a poplar; thenoe 8 8 1-11 nL;87S??CtOtwt? R ? 6 a t to rock. WM s?e ?#r tor lot No. 4 ; *1 nlnetyMx^'.^lr*^ ' 46CIL t?ety-i This' > One ?_ _ ""M JF Mortgage ? ?