THE FRANKLIN TIMES A.. F. J0HTJ80H, Editor ui lui|tr ?TAB DEO PS ? , . ?Attend the town primary and vote Tuesday. ? Cotton sold for 28 cents a pound In Louisburg yesterday. ? Telephone subscribers will add No. 303, A. P. Johnson's residence, to ihelr^llrectory. ? Don't stay away from the town primary Tuesday and then ' cubs" the officers nominated. ? Mrs. Emily Pearce, Mr. William Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Otha Holden and daughter, Frances, of Frinklinton, spent Monday In Loulsburg with Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Upchurch. STOCK EXEMPTION Hon. W. M. Person of Franklin County has secured a restraining or der from Judge N. A. Slnclare re straining the State Tax Commissio ner, Hon. R. A. Doughton, from com plying with the provisions of, the Act of the recent General Assembly ex empting foreign stocK* from taxation. Mr. Person Is relying1 on Article V, Section S of the Constitution which says : "Laws shall be passed, taxing by a uniform rule, all monies, credits, Investments in bonds, stocks, joint stock companies or otherwise; and, also, all real 'and personal property according to its true value In money." He also relics tin the tact that the Constitution specifically points to the specific property that^may? be exempt ? "property belonging to the State or to municipal corporations." It seems to us that the Oeneral Assembly made a serious mistake In exempting foreign stocks . It is not alone ev loss to the State of present revenue, but the loss to the fctate of the selfish wealth which should remain here and build up -onr indus tries. Of course with foreign stocks ex. cmpt from taxation idle money will he invested in these stocks. Under the, old law there was no inducement for this money to be In vested In stocks In other States, for the State of North Carolina taxed the stock; but under the law which Mr. Person Is now contesting in the Courts eny citizen may Invest North Caro lina wealth In foreign territory, build up other . States at the expense of North Carolina and tnrow the addi tional burden of taxation upon the ?loyal tax payers residing here ? those who live among us and aid in bunding cur own industries. Mr. Peraon is right. We believe that the Courts will sustain his con tention that foreign stockr. must be CROWDER MAKES 20 POUND GAIN Declares He Would Not Take $1,000- for Good Tanlac Did Him - J "For twenty-five years" suld D. F*. Crowder, a well-known merchant, of Lawndale, N. C., " X suffered from the worst sort of stomach trouble and got so run down, .nervous and worn out I thought I would never get well. "My appetite was completely gone, I was sick at the stomach much of the time, and nearly everything X would eat hurt me. I finally got so weak I could hardly get around and life was a burden to me. "I had lost faith in all medicines, but I am thankful a thousand over that I gave T anlac a trial. I felt my strength returning by the time I had finished the first bottle, tor I could pick up a two bushel sack of anything and walk right off with It. "So I kept taking Tanlac and get ting better and have gained twenty poundB. Now all my stomach trguble Is gone, my nerves are steady as a clock, my appetite fine and I am brim ful of a new life and energy. I wouldnt tal^e a thousand dollars for the good Tanlac has done me.. It Is Impossible for me to recommend It to highly, for it has made a new man ofme." . Tanlac Is for sale by all good drug gists. Accept no substitute. 0>er 37 milllon bottles sold. . 1 taxed by (he State lni obedience to the Constitution. ? New3 Reporter. PIGS FOR SALE I will sell in Louis^urg on Friday and Saturday, April 6 -and 7. a car of pigs and shoats, also a few nice bred gills. JUSTICE LIVE ?TOCK CO., 4-6-lt W^-P.' Bayman, Mgr. Subscribe to The. Franklin Times V ' TOWN PRIMARY A primary for the nomination of. Mayor and six Commtssmnwa for the Town of Lonlsburg, will be held on Tuesday the 10th. day of April, 1923. The nominees of said primary to be voted for at the regular election to be held Tuesday, May 1, 1923. A. W. Alston appointed registrar, and J. E. Thomas and R'. H. Davis ap pointed poll liolders to hold skid pri mary and regular election. By order of the Board of Town Com missioners. L. L. JOYNER, Mayor. A. W. ALSTON, Clerk. 4-6-lt FOR MAYOR I herewith annoiftace myself a can didate for Mayor of the town of Louis burg subject to the action of the pri mary to be held on Tuesday, April 10; 1823 and will appreciate the support of the voters of tha town. 4-6-lt L. L JOYNER. ?MONO THE VISITORS p. * SOKE TOD KJIOW AM) SOKE TOO DO HOT KMOTT. 'i Pergonal Item* About Folk* iU Their Friends Who Travel Here An?l There. I Supt. E. L. Best Went to Raleigh Saturday. Mr. G. C. Harris went to Durham Tuesday. Mr. W. H. Yar borough visited Ral eigh Wednesday. Mr. Charles Aycock was a visitor to Richmond -the past week. Mr. Joe Wiggins, ot Raleigh, was a visitor to Loulsburg Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Thomas returned Monday from Blackstone, Va. Mrs. R. H. Ogbhrn returned Wed nesday from a trip to Richmond. Messrs. C. P. Harris, J. H. Best and A. F. Johnson went to Warrenton and Nortina Tuesday. Messrs. P. B. Griffin, W. F. Beasley. S. P. Boddle and Paul Beasley visited ltaleigh Wednesday. Mrs. Harold Keram, of Philadelphia, has returned home after a visit to her sister, Mrs. Howard S. Pearce. Mrs. John Hagood' and son, Joe, of Lacrosse, Va., spent the Easter holi days with her mother, Mrs. R. H. Og burn. Miss Mary, Wlatt Yarborough is at tending the Easter dances at Chapel Hill this week as a guest at the S. A. E. house party. Messrs. N. M. Ballard, of Sherman, Texas, J. B. Cheatham, ot Na?hrille, Tenn., Mrs, E. A. Ballard, of Greens boro, Miss Rle Parker, ot Warrenton, Miss NeniT Parker, of Raleigh, Miss Kate Ballard, of Frankllnton, and Miss NeH JoyneT, ot Greensboro Wo man's College were the guests ot Dr and Mra. R. F. Yarborough Saturday. "I Jfever Knew You Could Keep Rats Out of a Botcher Shop" What Ralph Watklns says: "Fig ured rats around store had enough to teed on; wouldn't touch anything sus picious. Heard about RAT -SNAP, gave it a trial. Results were wonder ful. Cleaned all rats out in ten days. Dogs about store night and day never touch RAT-SNAP." Three sizes, 35c, G5c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Cash Grocery and Market. o PIGS FOR SALE I will sell in Louisburg -on Friday aad Saturday, April 6 and 7, a car of pigs and shoats, also a few nice bred gills. ? - JUSTICE LIVE STOCK CO.. 4-6-lt W. P. Hayman, Mgr. ~^THE BARRIER? 5Top.' ' Vbu shall not Pass . Oo*'T M6 LAOGh WHY WAIT TILL THE LAST DAT TO SEND THE COPT IN FOB AM ADVERTISEMENT WHEN THE AD MAN CAN GIVK YOU A MUCH BFT TEK JOB IF YOU SEND IT IN SOOXEBJ DONT FORGET IT. WANTED Half share man for cotton or tobac co. Plant bed fixed and barn wood spilt. w. j. macon, Telephone 1005, Loulsburg, N". C. 4-6-1 i FOR SALE 1 Jorsey Cow fresh to pail. WILSON MACON, Telephone 1005, Louisburg, N. C. 4-6-lt TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND. By virture of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust, made on. Feb. 15, 1918, by O. H. Harris to T. W. Ruffln, Trustee, and recorded in Book 224 page 57, Regis t-y of Frank lin County, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and demand for fore closure having been madfe on said trustee by the Holder of said Indebted ness, the undersigned, will, on, Mon day, May 7, 1923, at or about the hour of noon at the Court House Door in Louisburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, a certain part or parcel of land situate in Franklin County, Louis burg Township, North Carolina, and more particularly defined as follows: Beginning at the mouth of a small branch in the King Branch. Mrs. Pla ce's corner, thence N. 31 W. 70 poles IS links to tne Louisburg Railroad line, 40 feet from the center of the said railroad; 'thence along the rail road line S. 60 3-4 W. 58 poles, thence continuing with the railroad line, a curve 21 poles to J. P. TImberlake's line; thence S. 33 E. 84 poles 20 links to a stake and pointers, J. P. Timber lake's corner on King Branch, thence down said branch as it meanders 97 poles to the beginning, containing 41 acres, more or less. It being the land conveyed to the Franklin Land Co. by H. C. Kearney and wife by deed, recorded in book 199 page 463, and by the said Franklin Land Co. con veyed to O. H. Harris on Feb. 15, 1918. reference to which deeds is hereby matl<? for further description of said land. This April 2. 1923. j4-6-5t T. W. Ruff in, Trustee. U. KLINE & COM PANY v, Louisburg's Biggest and Best Department Store OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL VALUES : : THEY HELP YOU SAVE ?*c ?;v READY-TO-WEAR SPECIALS SPRING DRESSES ? Every one a remarkable value at $9.95 ? V, Ma tie of ne?r crepe alltyme, canton crepe, some havo combl "'?* nations with waists made of paisley size* for Misses and Women. ? / r.. NEW SHEKARA KNITTED SILK SPORT DRESSES The new knitted sport silk In high colors and combinations that hare Immediate apper.l, also assortment of Alltyme crepe, Canton crepe and crepe with paisley combinatlonsrn*rlced $11.95 CREPE CAPES Oood looking crepe capeB lined thru out with fancy linings deep 8llk fringe on bottom * - ? Priced $18.45 _ NEW SPRING COATS Made of tan Polo and Polalre cloth, some with beUs.othors loose back Priced $9.95 BRB98ES FOB Organdy drpsses for children, sizes 4 to 18, new shades of blue, maize, rose, yellow, whlto, some have plain white organdy .waist's, some hav<3 sashea .a. Priced $1.95 1 ' "* >' KHIONAfl Pleasing styles of Klmonas made of fancy design crepe some satin trimmed Priced tiM and up 60WSS Made of good grade material trltnmed with lace or em broidery Priced ?8c N : POJffiF.E BLOUSES New Poftgee Blouses good Quality, regular 91,60 . Priced 98o w . SOiK trona SHUTS In all new shade* for spring elastic waist fnsurea perfect lit priced ?MI ' SPOBT SUITS New sport suits for ladles And misses sizes 16 to 44 In spring shades of tan, brown, grey and heather Priced *9.95 CORSETS New shipment corsets high atlcW low bust made In pink and white Priced ?tc HOUSE D BESSES Good looking drensea miade of *ood grade percale and gingham Priced Me QIN6HAM DRESSES Slses < to 14 " New Olngham frocks vast as sortment some neatly trim med pletgy styles to choose nfad we ap OUR DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT ? Offers ? Despite Advances oil All Cotton Goods l'UPLEX WINDOW SHAI>tS Mounted on guaranteed roll ers green and white, yellow and white, ant}, blue and white Priced 75c 36 Inch Bleeching good grade regular 19c value Priced 15c 23 Inch all silk Pongee ^ rich lustrous shade In Bambo oolor Priced $1*25 Zephy and Gingham new plaids and solid colors regu lar S6c ? Priced Bo _ 86 inch Organdy for new spring dresses In all shades blue, malxe, lavender, white (?to , Priced 85c 65c value Rattna in all new colors good grade Priced 50c 26c value Draperies In beau tlfvfl c6mblnattons Priced lfe Women's Unlonsufts made ot line stitch cotton low neck open and closed Piieed 19c Women's Hosiery made of fit) re silk ribbed tops al! shades Priced 50c White English longcloth 10 yards to bolt good grade Priced $1.48 Cotton crepe beautiful design? for- Klmonas good quality Priced Er $150 * Belgium linen th'j French finish so desirable for one-piece dresses and skirts high shades Priced 98e Swlim Orgen<il? perma nent flnlsh sheer and crisp Priced 49c St. QalP white dotted swiss several size dots several col Prlced 49e Cotton wash Satin In plain white or pink some patterns With (tripes Priced 39c to 96c Shirting Madras in silk strip es nil color rombtratlons wo ven thru and thru Priced 49c 2 PANTS SUITS? SPORT MODELS Made in latest Norfolk style new light shades, basket weaves and plaids, alterations free Priced $19.9.? Xcrffolk Model Young Men's Suits plcnted to shoulder, belt all around, grey, brown andgreen mixtures Priced $12.15 BOYS' SUITS New style boys' suits made with belt all around, pleated backs and patch pockets, sizes 7 to 18 Priced und $5.95 WEN'S STRAW HATS New straw hats for this sea sou newest shapes burnt Straw and white rough and seunets Priced tUj and up HEN'S HATS New Spring felt hats late ^Ijapes in black, brown, tan end grey all sizes Priced $1.95 BOV'S PANTS Good grade Boys' pants kha ki, moleskin, cassimeres wor steds and serges Priced 98c up MEN'S SHIRTS I Fancy stripe madras some have black and white stripes sizes 14 1-2 to 17 collar at tached and negligee Priced 98c MEN'S SHIRTS Collar attached now pat terns of blue, tan and grey a]l size) . x Priced $1.19 OMILI.RKNS STRAW AND CLOTH BATS Largo assortment straws In in solid white, navy and white brown !*nd checks Priced 49c MEN'S NECKWEAR New inltted patterns silkS fi bre lata high colors regular SI. 00 ties Priced J?c HEX'S imOSSUITS Made of good quality Pajama checks sizes 34 to 44 Priced 5?e shoe: specials H. C. Qodman's Mack kid strap pump lor children slie K 1-2 to 11 rubber heel regu lar $3.00 Priced $1.48 , Children'* patent, leather # (trap pump al(e 8 1-2 to 11 * famous H. C. Qodman aollA leather with rubber heel Priced fUS . Star Brariti bl<sck and tan Ox ford* rubber heels tome with . Perforated toes ?:i< ? a 1 2 to Priced $3.4.1 -Johnson Mild leath for men new English is effects rubber Prleed #144 to $4 M Queen Quality black satin covered heel new style with strap all sizes Priced iiJM) ?4 10.00 Oxfords for mon In black and tan with rubber heel English and broad toe Prlcod ?8J5 nadles kid Oxford and Strap pumps H. C. Qodman with rubbre heel* sixes 2 l-> to 8 Priced 9S.M * . Beacon Oxfords for black and tan Brogues ' and plain English and broad to* 8?li Six (or men the best shoe money can bay In black, tea and rlcl kid all shapes any SIM Prtcrd orJm~ , L*#M. patent 1 strap ptunp with rubber heels all " ;MMMI ? ^ ^ "When Seen or Advertised Elsewhere It'e Always Cheapest Here" X RAD EI W-W-EIR?L_jyQiJ R TBADE I? APPRECIATED

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