Digging la the dirt pays tlx ? health ard perhaps lnmoney when the dirt Is HtUUe ^ome vegetable garden. Let the Agricultural Extension Service a< Raleigh send you a free gardening bulletin, circular* 121, 122 and 123 are all good. One breed of poultry, better houses and proper feed rations followed the' organization of a qpminunlty poultry association In- Cleveland County by County Agent R. E. Lawrence. K r Married Life "Well, how's married life? Does your wife Judge you harshly?" "I'm cn probation most ff me time." -BONT t t rORQBTU- - _ - TO SEND ADVERTISING , COPY IN EARLY Use WILLIAM TELL Flour for years, and you will always find It uniform. "2-23-8t J. S. HOWELL. ' FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE 283 / To Cure a CoMJn One Day Take LAXATIVE BROM? QinNIf It sr snflu / WE WILL SELL FOR THE NEXT 6 DAYS TANLAC i $1.10 value, for 85c FRESH GARDEN SEED I Will Guorantee to Save You 15 to 25 Per Cent ... Oil Your ... PRESCRIPTIONS Just try me and be convinced. Graduate in Pharmacy. 25 years experience. F. R. Pleasants - * PHONE 222 J Furniture ? ______ The season's best and most popular styles and designs both in Suits and Extra Pieces. Call in and look over our Stock before you begin your spring cleaning that you may easily solve your arrangement problem. W. E. White Furniture Co Attention Gardeners ? ? Early Garden Pcaa Selected Seed Irish Potatoes *, <*?-'. ... .. r-it? ? v. - - _ ... _ .. .. Frost Proof Cabbage Plants Extra Select Early Seed Corn Yellow, Banver Onion Sets Silver Skin Onion Sets t . s Bed Westerfleld Onion SetB .. i J*,. Select Bnrt Seed Oats . ? >y ? / All the BEST Kinds Garden Seed Nitrate &>da For Tbe^arden I_. R. HICKS C??AR KOCK HU.U SCHOOL News Of Intercut To Teachers, Pupils und The Public (jienerally By School Correspondent The B. Y. P. U. has Just comfilB ted a^Very Interesting anil helpTUT rtudy course under the direction of Mr. Moreley of Wak<; Forest College. After a series of lectures tile exami nations were given Sunday afternoon and a high average of 97 5-9 was aU talned by th with dome-like |, tops. This treatment removes the most | objectionable odors and the grease from the naptha and kerosene. Vari- j ous economies are practiced in theM way ot using heat from the products j| of the stills, especially the fuel oil [ i whic h is to be pumped into the stills, |l by us.ng high pressor.? stills, In which |j the lower grades of products from the [crude oil are re-run and "cracked." the yield of gasoline extracted or dis tilled is about 4(i per cent of the crude oil gallonage. Naphtha produced, is about 3 per cent kerosene, 10 per cent dlBtillates and gas oil 3 per cent, and loss about 5 per cent, the remainder being sold for fuel or road oil by the skimming plants. Gasoline is aUo now produced by compressing and con densing natural gas which Is rich in gasoline vapor. This is known as "ca singhead" or "wet" gas. The name "casinehead" comes from the control head on the top entt ot the casing in an oil well to which the gas pipe Is attached. This grade of gas Is found in wells which are also producing oil. . Vacuum pumps weighing many tons suck the gas from the oil sand, which tends to draw off the lighter portions of the crude oil which evaporate easily from the vacuum pump, the gas pas ses through a huge compressor which subjects it to a pressure ot 300 pounds per square inch. This action heats the gas to a very high temperature, and cooled the gasoline is precipitated In pipe coils over which water is con Htantly sprayed. This kind of gasoline is of such high gravity and volatility that it is said to mak* a car climb trees and telephone poles. For gene ral and commercial punpoaes It is mixed with naptha to bring Its gravity down to that of other commercial gaso line. Where was the first oil field dis covered? We feel very proud when answering this question with America- ' The oldest American oil field, runs from south-eastern New York, south west through western Pennsylvania, sotttheasern Ohio, and the adjacent puts of West Va? a territory 160 milee long and from 25 to 40 miles In width. Within 40 years after the discovery of the first well this field had 20,040 deep wells and 4,000 mileB ot pipe line to collect the oil in storage tank! snd carry It to refineries. But oil pros perity is like a mushroom, so short Is the life of fields. This is w-11 shown in the case of Texas, which produced 4 million barrels in 1910, 28 million in 1305, and 9 million in 1909 Transportation of petroleum. The fact that petroleum products are used in almost all countries and exported from so few necessities [large transportation. The problem I of handling ths lnflamnable fuel has Ibeen dlflicult. At first barrels were | used then ?tme iron tank railway I cars and lastly pipe lines where the | traffic is great. Petroletum as a ?source of power The first great use of petroleum was for Illuminating oil and then for lubrication, but with the opening of the twentieth century it has rapidly increased in use as a source of power, rirt came the engine run by gasoline, one o? the petroleum products, now is irapoj-tant In the automobile. Then cam? the use of crude petroleum as ordinary boiler fuel, chiefly used in sbipii. The third and newest use of petroleum as a source of power is in the German invention or the Diesel engitte, an Internal combustion gas engine wjiich has the great advantage of being able to use the crude petrole um as -It comes from the earth. It is so efficient that a gallon of oil costing from 2 to 6 cents will develop 15 horse power. Our foreign trade in petroleum. The American trade in petroleuhi products Is as wide as the world. Our oil makes better Illuminating oil thin that of Russia, and is sent, in the crude form, to some of the more important countries, while in the foFrii of kero sene or refined petroleum for la raps it Is distributed more universally than any other product of the American export. In 1910 the export of illuml- j natlng oil was about a billion gallons and that of lubricating oil and crude I oil each about a sixth as much. ? ' o Newspaper a Business Guide The newspaper that carries a good line of advertisements Is to the shop per what the time table ra to the tra veler and the published guide la to the tourist. Busy people will study tl:eae advertisements in the home or In tha office as they do a time table, and, befote they start out shopping they have determined where they are Koln?. Tha newcomer or the visitor In the city flnds the advertising columns of n newspaper a reliable guide to fol low, lust ag he flnds the printed guide for tourists to points of Interest a mattw of Interest and tlme-aavlng. lsira 1922 LOUISBURG COLLEGE A Junior College for Young Women With a Standard Preparatory Course of Four Years ?Faculty of specially trained, consecrated Christian teachers. Health Record Unsurpassed. Home-like Atmosphere. Social Life Carefully Guarded. Athletics. In addition to the regular college courses. Classical and Literary, attention Is called to the departments of Art, Business, Education, Expression, Home Economics, Music (Plane, Voice, Violin, Theory, etc.), and Religious Education. Rates as ion as consistent with good service. Send for free Catalog. For further Information writs, A. W. Mohn, President, Louisburg, N. C. Specials ===== For ' This Week Squash,... Snaps, ...Cucumbers, ... Iceburg Lettuce, Jumbo Celery,... Fancy Tomatoes FRESH MEAT AND FISH SPECIALS Choice C'lts Western Steak 30c lb Chalce Cuts Roast 30 and 25c Stew 12Hc Soup Bone 6c Small Tinder Pork Chops 1 SOc lb Sparerlbs * . 22Hc lb Home-made All Pork Sausage 25c lb Fresh Pork Brains 25e lb Fresh Beef or Pork Liver - - 20c lb Veal State S5c lb Veal Chops 85c lb Veal Roast 25c lb Veal Stew 1 _ 12**c lb Ktngan'a Mince Luncheon Meat 25c lb Small Tander Frankfurters 1 20c lb Armour's und Klngans 1-lb box Bacon 45c Armour's Slice Bacon , 85c lb Armour's Star Hams 30c lb Kingan F F. V. Hams 88^ 1h We have put in Fresh Fish, with a full supply at all times, and will thank our many customers to call on us for fish as well as fresh mats. ^ CASH GROCERY and Market Phone 270 Louisburg, K. C. We Have Exclusive Agennqr for Whitmans , Candy ?\ ' ? Try a Box * p \ > Aycock Drug Co. THB nUMOOf TDOBB n? Hr i?* | Umt*