To Women Only! 7\ r_^. A PRETTY COOKING PAN GIVEN PREE WITH ANY PURCHASE Automobile paints, House paints, Wall and Floor paint*. Screen doors, Screen wire and Screea windows, Brooms, Baskets, Aluminum ware. Ice Cream Frresers, Refrierators, Churns, Garden Plows, Hoes, Bakes, Shorels, Cooking StoTes to barn OH, Coal and SVood, Lime, Cement, Plasters. Laths, Pine Shingles, Cedar . Shingles, Galranlied and Bnbbber Hoo lings, Nails, Locks, Doers, Windows, Celling, Flooring, Bands, Traces, Plows, Bridles, Harrows, Cnltlrators, Corn Planters and FertUlser Sowers. Plow Lines FREE (upon arrival, save this ad) . " \'f Collar Ppds go FREE, with purchase of a horse collar. FREE Razor witj} purchase of razoi strop. . Our customers increasing by hundreds every week Watkins hardware Co., Inc. ? Phone 46 ' Henderson, N. C. Xhlcken Wire, Cow Chains and Tobacco FIum ' . Broadway Has a V irginia Eappe Case Two bankers and other suitors Hgjye in the death mystery of Mrs. Fran ces "Bobby?' Beckwlth (abore) who aied after a New York "gin-party" from Injuries similar to those which caused the death of Virginia Rappe (inset) of Arbuckle case notoriety. < Navy Plane in Fatal Wreck ABOUT SIGNBOABD ON STATE HIGHWAY Chairman Frank Page Ex plains the Status Quo Regarding the article appearing in the public Ledger and other papers of the State recently referring to the along the state highways by the state highway commission, and the report ed order for their immediate remo - val, Chairman Fran* Page, of the State Highway Commission, writes: "A recent law permits the stcte highway commission to regulate the use of signboards upon the rlght-of condenmation of large signboards way and adjacent to the right-of way of the public highways. ' . "? "There has not as yet been any rules made governing the use of the , Champion Brpo +h\vrr c tor ? ca*- "cvuviTt -**? "+-HD trr \am K U. o t Now Vca*. . In *o to VmIxvv 'h^ athuu. UUm etrMOT I* Hi ?liteBt ct 'W ? lilijr g)Mk public highways for aavertlslng' pur poses. Wo feel confident, however, ?I no advertising signs will be al lowed to be placed on the right-of way of the highways, within twenty five feet on either side of the center ol the road; nor will any signs be allowed to remain even outside of this distance that obstruc tthe vision of the traveler, so that it will make It dangerous at the Intersection of ci rves, thereby preventing oi.e travel er from seeing another traveler ap proach." ? Public Ledger. LAUNDRY We wish to announce that we are now in position to handle any thing In the way of Laundry. For the benefit of private families, we will do your family wet rash for Zc per lb. and finish work lSe per lb. Our minimum charge 75e. f Also don't forget we are still Cleaning and Pressing. Remember, we are always at your service. TOUB PATBOSTAOE APPRECIATED The Service Shop - W. B. MUNPORD, Manager PHONE 105 ill ? ? ?' LOriSBl ftO, H. C.'. "ALL WORK OASH ON DELIVERY" ANNOUNCEMENT ! ^ . j-- 1 - * ? -j'. " r? . i > 1 ? * . " . **tP> "t ' ml * " I take pleasure in announcing to my many friends , and rastomers that I have moved my stock of Heavy and Fancy Grooeries to the Burt building corner of Court and Mate street, south of the Court Square, where I have more rpom and am better prepared to serve your every want. I shall carry . * full line* at, the very lowest price for quality . and service to be fonrfd. ??_' ' *? Come to see?ne and lets talk talk over your needs. .? i;' V V " i/. ' & \ .'?! , ':/? =========^^ J. Allen Harris t \ ^ - x t ?? . ./ TONKEL'S NEW STORE ~ ARE OFFERING I ' I - A Great Many Specials For ^ This Week * ? :.oc Dress Gingham in all the New Spring patterns per yard ? 19o v * ? A big line of Spring Percales 25c quality .... per yd 19c Apron Ginghams per yd 15c ^ . 35c quaHty Pajama checks . 24c "White Organdie worth up to 35e per yd 24c Nice Taffeta, Black and Navy per yd $1.95 Eeal ni?e quality Pongee-. . . . . : V. . . . per yd 89c Canton Crepe in Navy and Tan per yd $3.48 China F31k in all colors per yd 89c MILLINERY GREATLY REDUCED / MEN'S and BOYS CLOTHING? WONDERFUL BARGAINS " SEE TONKEL BEFORE BUYING A. T onkel Next Door to H. C. Taylor's Hardware Store Louisburg, : ' N. C. NOTICE! To the Public I will open a Garage and Battery -Service Station on Nash* Street, opposite Allen Bros. Store, and invite my friends and the public to /call and* see me. I will put out only the Highest Class work and all work entrusted to me will have my own personal attention. A part of your patronage is solicited. Agent forCHEV-' ROLET AUTOMOBILES, v . , 7 H. P. Cranford 1 L00ISBURG,"77 ? =*=? ^ ? HOfth Carolina 1a' iJv _ r ' ' - - - ^ LJ" BALE OF VALUABCB WffifL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the poorer conferred upon me in a certain deed of trnst executed to me by King Cotton Seed Company, Incorporated, duly re corded In the office of the Belgster of Deed* of Franklin County, ft. C., In BoOk 244, page It, default having been made In the [Jfcyraent of the indebted teas secured In eald deed of trust, and demand having been made'topon me by the holder of said Indebtedness for -the execution of the power of sale therein contained, I will on WONDAVy-MAY 7th, 1823 at twelve o'clock, noon, (ell at public auction at the courthouse door in the town of Louis burg, N. C. to the high eat bidder, tor cash, a certain tract, lot or parcel of land 1n Franklin coun ty., North Carolina, and situate at the earner of Nash and Church atreets In the town of Loulsburg, and bounded aa follow*, Via: 'Beginning at / the coiner of the lot. formerly known aa the Farmers Tobijco Warehouse Com pany lot. now (feted by Allen Broth era Company, om Hash street, thence southerly along the line Of said Ware house lot 20* feet to a stake, thence nbout West 120 feet to Church street, : tft?tce about North along Church street Mf 'feet to the Intersection of ! < hnrch and Nash streets, thence about East alone Nash (treat 120 feet to the beginning, and being the lot conveyed by J. M. AJlen and wife to said King Cotton Seed Company, Incorporated, on September 19th, 1921, by deed Re corded In the office ot the Reiclstegr of Deed* of Franklin county, N. G., and upon whtoh lot are situate the cotton ginnery, aeed storage house and stor age sheds operated and used by tfce sold King Cotton Seed Company, In corporated, during the season ot 1926 1921 and several years prior thereto. This April 6th, 1928. 4-?-5t.W. H. YARBOROUbH, Trustee, Orphan* at Bunn < ' The Singing Class ot Oxford Or phanage trill give a concert In Bnnn School Auditorium on April 7th |i ? o'clock. This Class has won an en viable reputation for giving concerts Of a high Character - -rcmcerttf Jfejtt afe both entertaining and tttfMMft. We lare publishing below some comment on the concerts given by1 this Clags from which it appears that It Is quo* up to the high standard harttoMre estabUshed and ue baJlefS that ?]l ?who, din attend can assured of a. plpaeant nml profltnblo evening.