1*1.' Ellis" cor 88 W 142 thence along the to Horn* Beam on the N creek. Cook's corner, thence up to a poplar, Woodard'B ear thence N along his line to W. F. T. Kearney line, thence along tneir line to Winston's line, thence along his line S 3 W 74 pis to the be ginning, containing 126 acres, more -or less. 2. A certain trtict, and more par ticularly described as follows: That parcel or tract of land being the resl due-of lot No. 2 In the division of the Levister land, said lot No. 2 having been allotted to C. S. Williams In that proceeding in Franklin Superior Court entitled C. S. Williams vs Mar garet Powell, recorded in book 7, pag es 109 et ee to T. W. RuJDn. Trust**, and recorded In Book IM pace S7. Ra?Ut' J ot Frank lln County, default hunt been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured, and demand tor fore closure having been madfe on said trustee by the bolder of said Indebted ness. the undersigned, will. on. Mon day. May 7. 1923. -at or about the hour of noon at the Court House Door In Looisburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, a certain part or parcel ot land situate in Franklin County, Louis burg Township, North Carolina, and more particularly defined as follows: Beginning at the mouth ot a ' small branch in the King Branch. Mrs. Pla ce's corner, thence N. 80 W. 70 poles IS links to tne Loulsburg Railroad line, 40 feet from the center of the said railroad; thence along the rail road line S. 60 3-4 W. 6S poles, thence continuing with the railroad line, a curre 21 poles to J. P. Tlmberlake's line ; thence 8. 38 E. 84 poles 20 links to s stake and pointers, J. P. Timber lake's corner on King Branch, thence down said branch as it meanders 97 poles to the beginning, containing 41 acres, mort or less, it being the land conveyed to the Franklin Land Co. by H. C. Kea/ney and wife by deed, recorded in book 199 page 463, and by the said Franklin Land Co. con veyed to O. H. Harris on Feb. 15. 1918, reference to which deeds Is hereby made for further description of said land. This April 2. 1923. ' 4-6-5t T. W. Ruffin. Trustee. NOTICE OP VALUABLE LAND FOR KAI.F. ? Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that cer tain deed of trust executed by N. P. Boone to B. F. Wood, Trustee, on the 22nd day of June, 1922 and duly re corded in book 224 on page 595 of the Franklin County Registry, default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and demand mtde upon me by the holder thereof to foreclose, I, the undersign ed Trustee, will on MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1923 at or about 12 o'clock M. at the court house door In the town of Louisburg, N. C. sell at public auction tc the high est bidder for cash those two tracts of land situate In Cedar Rock town ship, Franklin county and described as follows: > First Tract: Containing 29 1-2 acres, more or less and being bound ed on the north and northwest by the lands of 8. G. White, on the east by W. R Boone; on the sonth by Mrs. M. H. Harris and on the west by Mrs. Sarah StalUngs and 8. G. White, and comprising 'the two tracts hertofore conveyed to N. P. Boone by deed of J. ?h^Creekmore recorded In book 229 on page 9, Franklin County Registry. Second Tract: Containing 32 acres more or less, and bounded on north by the lands of G. W. Bridgers,' on the east by > Greenleaf Johnson Lumber Compajqr, on the sonth by W:' R. I>oone/and on the west by W. J. Boone; it being the same tract of land here tofore conveyed to N. "RS Boone by deed of W. R. Boone anti wile record ed in book 229 on page 28, Registry of Franklin connjy. Reference being he^e made to %ll of safa deed and re cords mentioned herein. There isxme prior mortgage on said land to Farm Loan Board. This Mar. 12th, J&3. B. F. WOOD, Trustee. O- B. Moss, Attorney. 3-16-5t Why not use a dependable uour, like WILLIAM TELL? 2-23-8t J. S. HOWELL. THE . FRANKLIN TIMES $1.50 Per Year In Advance School children need bread to make '.hem strong. Try WILLIAM TELL Floor. 2-23-8t J. 8. HOWELL. MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED farm lands. 6 per cent Interest. No commission, no bonus. Muarnn (or 33 years or be paid off at^WUon of borrower. Only a short time re quired to get the money. 7-14-tt 8. A. NEWELL. effect, see how and. bow Too will then Bratj sack of WILLIAM TELA. Floor la fuar?Nteed, or money refunded. t-U-i t J. 8. HOWElii. APPLICATION - FOR PARDON OT" RALPH HIOH ? Application will be intdt to thn Oor eraor of North Carolina (or the par don of Ralph High. ronrlcted at th? Janoa ry terra IKS of the Franklin 8u pinior Court for the crime of oaaaolt with deadly weapon with Intent, and Mntcnced to ? tarn on the roads of towimhlp All persona who f.ppe* tlte frantic* of aald pardon are Itfflted to forward their protest* to tbd Oorernor without delay. ThU March n. ma. ~ H-M-Xt T. W. RCPTO, A UT. Uubecrlbe to TBM FRANKLIN TDOB $1.M Par Tear la Advance rannanr ran. * ualtt co. loajtb ajt? naumAwoB v i - " " ? . comaBaioNXE-s wmr or LAND Br TtrtM ol an ord?r of tMih Bads by the Superior Court of Franklin ra>VJ 1b that SpocIaT Proceedings en titled i. D. Stalling*. Admr. of C. B. Bonn, deed., iplnw Mrs. Nolle Bonn et al. upon an opaet bid, the under - signed will on j MONDAY. APRIL 16. 1?23 at about the hour of noon at the court house door Is L*>ulsburg, N. O. offer at public sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described tract of land: Beginning 'at a Southeast corner of the Dower; thence along line of dower North 67 poles to a stake cor ner of the dower line In the line of W. J. 8talllnga; thence 8 83 E 25 poles to a stake; thence N 2 1-2 E 10 poles 12 links to a stake; thence S 84 E 28 poles 10 links to a stake; thence S 6 W 18 poles; thence S 83 E 32 poles to a stake, B. Lewis corner; thence S 64 3-4 W 71 poles 18 links to a stake; thence N 87 1-2 W 12 poles 12 links to the beginning, containing sixteen and one half (16 1-2) acres by survey of 1922. The grave yard Is excepted from this sale and reserved to the heirs of said C. H. Bunn. This Mar. 16, 1923. 3-16-5t WM. H. RUTFIN, Commissioner ? - ? NOTICE or LAND BALa Piliaiism to authority la that deed of trait from John Henry Smith, Sr. and wife, Mariah Smith to 8. C. Holden, Tru?Ve?, recorded In, tli? cf tee of tho register of dN