REPORT OF THE CONDITION OB" / The First National Bank A Loulsburg, In tDe State of North Carollna.ftT the close ot business on April 8, 1928. RESOURCES Loan3 and discounts, Including rediscounts, accep tances of other banks, and foreign bills of ex change, or drafts sold with Indorsement of this bank $ 462,668.32 I Overdrafts, unsecured -1 - 550.16 | Deposited to secure circulation (U. 8. bonds par yalue) 60,000.00 Ml other United Stales Government securities 10,550 . 00 60,550.00] Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc 60,172.35 Banking Houbo, Furniture and fixtures 29,050.50 Real estate owned other than banking house 6,979.00 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 43,431.77 Items with Federal Peserv Bank In process of collection 2,000.00 Cash In yault and amount due from national banks 87,968.60 Amount due from State banks, bankers anrf trust com panies In the United States ? - ? 6,277.65 Checks on other banks In the same city or town as reporting bank 2,035.22 MlscellxncouB cash '.torn 11.970.70 Redemption fund with U.S. Treas. and due from U.S. Treas ? 2,500.00 Total $ 776,142.26 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In r ' 150,000.00 Undivided "profits ? z 5,842.49 Reserved (or Interest and taxes accrued 2,300.00 Less current expenses, Interest and taxes paid 1,077.81 7,064.68 Circulating notos outstanding ?_ \ 60,000.00 Amount, due to Federal Reserve Bank (deferred credits) 12,994.36 Cashier's checks outstanding 2,78^.14 T:tal o; Items 21, 2?. 23, 24 and 25 16,783.60 Individual deposits subject to check ,231,418.32 Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) ? 141,270.01 State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of ? atsets of this bank or surety bond 18,927.37 Other time deposits - 254,928.38 Total of Mme deposits subject to Reserve ? 414,125.76 Notes aud bHls redlseounted, Including acceptances of other banks and foreign bills of exchange or drafts sold with indorsement of ;4iis bank 6,750.00 Total - $ 776.142.26 State of North Carolina, County of Franklin, ss: I, F. J. Beasley, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the e'oove statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. J. BEASLEY. Cashier. N Correct ? Attest: MALCOLM McKINNE, WM. H. RUFFIN. D. F. McKINNE, * Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of April, 1923. C. W. EDWARDS, Notary Public. 1 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Farmers and Merchants Bank At Louisburg, In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business on April 3, 1923. / .RESOURCES Loans ?nd Discounts . t Demand Lbans 4 Overdra'ts, unsecured . - United -States Bonds and Liberty Bonds . Banklcg Houses $3,300.00; Furniture and fixtures, $4,600.00... Cash in vault and net amts. due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies Cash Item* held ov*r 24 hours ' ; ? Bills of Exchange 1 Checks for clearing 4. Town ftnd County Orders '--rr 408,731.81 15,194.41 98.97 2,000.00 7,800.00 33,663.27 '5,753.20 1,261.63 25,370.00 8,386.87 ? 508,269.16 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid In Surplus Fund \ $50,000.00 Undivided profits, lesH less current expenses and taxes paldZIIIII 18,942 '.*79' Deposito subject to check _ *16,111.15 Demand Certificates of Deposit ? . Cashier's Checks outstanding O rttfled Checks ? ? ? ..aMMteak. -V'lMUOU UUWU ? ? ? Time Certificates of Deposit, Due "on or After 30 Days ? Savings Deposits , Collections * , ? __ 8,696.80 2,016.64 222.99 40. 800. ? | 160,643.72 1,416.81 total 1 508,269.16* State of North .. I. M. S. Clifton, the %ix>ve statement is gqbscrlbed aad sworn to before me this 10th day of April, 1923. H. M. 8TOVALZ* Notary Public. * ' at Franklin, sa: . above named Bank, do solemnly swear that best of my knowledge and belief, f M. a. CLIFTON, Cashier. Correct? Attest:- . J. w.,K ma F. W. wTTBLMS, ' L. L? JOYNHB, x Directors. -v*. . ; Queer greet dad, : 1 must do aomethk* lor ttto ?oodltloo. 1 Mflered moatly with mr back and ? weakaeaa in mjr tab*.* I would hava dread ful headicbei.? Ihadhot flnthtt CARDUI The Woon's Torie and o( other*,' who teemed to km Am mm trouble* T had, b?lng benefited, ao I bton to uaeff. iioand N iMlW Mal L I took arraral bottles . . . and waa mad* 10 math batter I didnT km any mora trouble orthli Idad. It rag of ' painful female luck u Mr*. R above. If rou a ?m the did, takaiGwdrf? ? jtM. It ihould help jroa. . Sold Everywhere. ID The man with the largest library usually has the least time to read. and give your stomach a lift. Provides "tie bit ol ? w??r In bmnmficiat lonn. Helps (o cleanse (he teeth and keep kfltbem healthy. What's In a name? It's QUALITY with WILLIAM TELL Flour! 2-23-8t J. 8. HOWEIJ. THM* FRANKLC; TIMES II. BO Per Year in Advance. For (meuL Dlgculta or pastry, WIL LIAM TELL Flour leads them ali. S-28-8t J.8. HOWELL. ACT QUICKLY Do the right thing at the right AM quickly In time of dancer. In time of kidney dancer, Doan'i Klkney Pills are moat effective. Plenty of Loulaborg evidence of thalr worth. Ask yotor neighbor I Mrs. F. L Barman, Church St, Lou is burg, gave tha following state ment on June 14, 1118: "My kidneys > bothered me lot and acted too fre quently. I heard a treat deal about Doan's Kidney Pills, so t procured some at the Ayoock Drug Oo. Doan'i oertately reached the spot and euree me of all the trouble." On Dec. It, 19X1, Mrs. Herman gatd: "Dean's Kidney Pills oured tne of a spell of kldotsy trouble and I haven't been bothered since. It Is Indeed a pleasure to o^nflrm my fpf m?r statement.* Prtoe 60o, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a. kidney remedy? get Doan's Kidney Pills ? the same that Mm, 'Herman had. - Foster-Mllburn OO, Mfr*? Buffalo, N. T. ' ' ? _ Husband Loses v>-? Luella Dunton. of Bath, Ma . ?*>c by a court ruHog Is entitled tc r*"K>vor 350,000 In bonds from hex *0*1*34, lU.'ph H. Dun ton. Sb< the bonds were given hex t* ? millionaire who died recently ?*4 'urmsi over to her husband tot 1+ty~ ?:l The Husband claimed they -?> v~?-n given to Hm, I PROFESSIONAL COLUMN DR. J. HERBERT FITZGERALD Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Will be at Dr. H. H. Johnson's office In Louisburg every first Monday. En gagements should be made as tar In advance as possible. DR. R. F. YARBOBOEGH Physician and Surgeon Louisburg, N. C. Office in Blckett and Yar bo rough Boll ding. Office Phone 296 Residence Phone 28 S. AT WOOD UK WELL. Atteraer-At-Law. Louisburg, N. C. Phone No. 115 Office In First National Bank Building General Practice DR. W. B. MORTOX Eye Specialist Office in Hotel Building' Louisburg, North Carolina I wish to advise my patients and the public generally that after the 1st of September my business will be on a Cash basis when work Is completed. DR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING S. P. BURT. M. D. Louisburg, N. C. Offices over Sooggln's Drug Btor% Hours 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., and 4 to 6 p. m. . DR. W. B. BASS. Veterinarian Louisburg, N. C. Offices and Hospital East Nash St. Phone Office 335-L. Residence 335-J Special Attention to Small Animals. DR. D. T. SMITH WICK. ' Destiflt. Ullikiri, I. C. Office tn the First National Bank Building on Main and Nash 8ts. W. M. PERSON. ATTORN If Y-AT-LAW Lonlsburg, North Carolina Praatle* tn all courts. Office on Main. Street. G. M. BEAM Attorne) .at-Law Offices over Post Office Practice in an courts. DB. J. u. i> A Via Phjrsichin and Surgeon U.ilibirf, North Carolina Office Main Street A. Neal Building at River Bridge Telephone Connections 64 and 64-2, R . Honrs: 8 to 11:30 a: m. 2 to 6 p. m. I. B. White E. H. Idni WHITE * MA LONE ^ fcAWTHRB Ixralsburg, North Carolina ?Mural practice, settlement of ea iataa funds Invested. Onj mem bar oi Ana always la tha office. DR. H. 6. PERRY Physician and Snrgeon Itthborg, North Carolina Office* Adjoining Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: "" Day 887; Night 287 DK. J. K. ?AXON*. Loulsbnrg, North Carolina 4m In ly?oU Drag Store, Market Mint, Ofloa Practlca Sugary \ and consultation DR. H. H. JOHNSON Physician and Sargeoa ImMrt, North Carolina Office over Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day and Night both No. 10 J. 0. NEWELL, M. D. Lttlibwi, If. Office In Flret National Bank BulldloG D*T Phone 248 ? Night Phone 249-2 Was. H. Koffln, rhoa W Raffia I wm. H. * TH08. W. BDFFIN Atteraeyn-at-Law UaUarx, > Nerth Carollaa General practice, both ctrll and crfa hMlt la Franklin and adjoining coun faa. Supreme and Federal Courte. Offices in First National Bank Building. U- i . ? I . - STEOALL BROS. iMWnnTx. 0. Wa bare Are good barbers and yo* win reoelre tha best pt aerrtoe. AJao Bates Automobile lor hire at all time*, at reasonable prloea. TO THE STAB Twinkle, twinkle little Star, At last we know jnst what you are, Tearing .'jound the streets so fast, Everyone's Car is here at last: Small in upkeep, small in price. Yet big in value, and oh, so nice: Not a single car that is made today, Can pass the Star in any way: The highest hill it will take on high, And on the level it will nearly fly; Every garage would close today On th.^ repair and upkepp you have to pay: ' Give enough thanks, we really can't, To tbe Star builder ? W. C. Durant, _ For building a car for one and all, With a value that is big, and a price that is small; She is ready for demonstration, believe me At Beck's Garage, Louisburg, N. C. ? MRS. H. G. PERRY. BECK'S GARAGE PHONE 311 * LOUISBURG, N. C. EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE STATION T. W. WATSON, AGENT 8? E? B? Y^jl? C? E THERE IS NO GUESSWORK about the underwriting qualifications of this FIFTEEN- YEAR-OLD INSURANCE OFFICE. The Insuring public in this County has no question as to the quality of Insuranco furnished from THIS OFFICE. Our Clients have learned that this OFFICE can be depended on for the very best SERVICE, even in emergency ca3es. If you have INSURANCE PROBLEMS, bring them to this OFFICE, we will SOLVE THEM FOR YOU. Our Business is founded on EFFICIENCY, and SERVICE. When you think oi INSURANCE, think of W? A? T? S? 0? X Notice To Owners of Cars and Fordson Tractors of Franklin County We can serve you night or day, when in trouble with your automobile or your Fordson Tractor, as Messrs. H. O. Leonard and N. B. Medlin, known as Herbert and Nobe, are with me, and Mr. Leonard Is known as the best Fordson Tractor mechanic in the county, also for Ford cars. Mr. Med lin Is known to be one of the best me chanics in the county for all large cars such as Hudson's, Essex, Dodge's and Bulck's and all other large makes of cars. We caif serve you as well as any Garage tn "the county. We Carry nothing except genuine Ford parts for your Ford and can serve you as quick for parts for large cars as any Oarage In Louteburg as no Oarage carries stock (or other cars except In small quantities. When In town -all to se^ ? our stock of casings, Inner tubes and accessories as we carry the largest block In the county except the Louls burg Motor Co. Don't forget when In trouble call day Phone (No. 7), at night (No. 237) and we are always on the job. We serve you tor gas, oil and all accessories on Sunday as well as Monday. HUDSON'S GARAGE R. W. HUDSON, Proprietor Louisburg, N. C ANNOUNCEMENT ! I take pleasure in announcing to my maay friends and customers that I have moved my stock of Heavy and Fancy Groceries to the Burt building corner of Court and Main street, south of the Court Square, where I have more room and am better prepared to serve your every want. I shall carry - \ 't' rig full lines at the very lowest prioe for quality and servi -e to be found. / Coma to see, me and lefci talk talk over your needs. J. Alien Harris -