IDE FRANKLIN TINE5| J. P. JOKfSOH, Miter mat ?aaacerj i . ' *WK ?1.M ?x Inib .?* ta Intki M 1 ~mF?iSt^fcAN i at Ton | Entered at the Post Office at Lonls IMI. N. a, as second class matter. The State SuperHoi^ Court In the cam' eof Tobacco Growers Co-Opera tl^ Association vs W. J. Jones, of Nash County, handed com an opin ion folly upholding the Co-Operative contract on Wednesday. Thu settles all controversey as to its constitution ality. TOWN MANAGER The recent campaign in Louisburg bag developed a question that is wor thy of the serious consideration of every citixen in the town, more es pecially those that are. or are con templating being Commissioners. Its the question of a City Manager for Louisbnrg. To our minds it is the 'very- thing Lou is burg needs. It is al so a very dangerous thing to use. There is no doubt, as we see it. that the business of Louisburg is sufficient ly large to Justify the employment of a man to look after It ? to give his whole time to. We do not ^gree with soihe that we should have 3 Commis sion form of government for the rea son that in the Commission form of government it requires three whole time Commissioners ? halt time would n't do as a divided interest isn't us ually good for any business ? and we don't think Loulsbnrg is large enough or has business enough to Justify three men of this kind. Bat we do think it can easily acord, and actually save money by having one man as Manager. Provided the salary is suf ficiently large to Justify a really com petent man to tak^ hold of It. He would Bave his salary in many ways.' The dangers in such a system lies in getting th'j wrong man ? one who is put In for political purposes, rather than qualifications. For this reason a manager should never be elected, as It Is so hard to get rid of him If It Is found that a mistake has been made. He should be employed by the Board Of Commissioners and then only on a contract that stit?s that his time ifi office is up when his services be come unsatisfactory to th? Board. We hope that whoover is elected f. r Commissioners in I^ouisburg for the next two years will try out the City Manager plan for one year at lecst, and lets see how we like It. ' LOUISBURG AND POLITICS Possibly one of the most outstanding features in the history or Ixmlsburg is its poliitics. The time for election or i>rim:iry has ever beeu a welcomed time by its inhabttaritsT They like it for the games' sake and play it aa a di version. And it is the most seldom thihg'at all that a season of this kind Is let to pass without the joy of a con flict. Sometimes reaching the ez tremes and again more pleasant and congenial. But usually developing a most spirited light with extra good feelings prevailing. Therefore the interest shown in Ixraisburg the past- week is ^nothing unusual. Only a repetition of what has happened so many times before. The only thing new .abor t it was the .^ptlvlUea of the ladles. No one <| cei ls their good motives or their t'.ood uences. Therefore their inactivity t idter soch interested activity brought ' about the spice of the occasion. The >, no doubt, Was over enthusiasm, desire to do something of benflt, but itly got started in a direction I opt entirely satisfactory. ever there Is no use to discount ^tie offirti of the good ladfo's as they Stop a U " ? >? Each and every ingredient in Royal Baking Powder is whole^pme. 4' Ton would not hesitate to use anyone of them by itself. '' '\ "? V " ? Will the baking powder you use stand this test ? ? Read the ingredient clause on the label and decide for yourself.' ROYAL Baking 15oxmlo?' Made from Cream of Tartar derived from grape* Contains No Alum ? Leaves No Bitter Taele { are sure.'y go: dr and the holding of the primary would surely hare given a better advantage to any one contemplating entering the campaign. However no one at heart really believes that either of the Com missioners had any ulterior motive Jn his act. It was purely an act without serious consideration. One that 'should not have been made, btft It was. But even though the time allowed was short, too short, it did not debar any one from entering the primary And most assuredly euch an excuse Is re diciyous after the-Mass Meeting hat! ! an opportunity of putting out as many tickets as it wished. This too is a circumstance which out people are thoroughly familiar and will versed in handling as (ally three fourths of the tickets eTer voted on in Louisburg were made np the night before. In view of all the facts the circum stances and the character of the men elected, together with political and Melal harmony we believe it woald be *b error to introduce another tick et' against the primary nominees. There are a few things In life a little more valuable than a public office or the desire of some over-cnthused per son being satisfied. Louisburg is very susceptibile to factional flghta. At present there has not been anything of this kind to enter. With the devdN opments piomlsed by another Mass Meeting we need expect nothiing else except 3 hilter contest that will leave an aftermath that can do no one any good. Lets have harmony. Yet there Is justification for the un rest that Is experienced in Louisburg over its municipal finances. The fact that the town collects *rrrw?d MO. 000 from taxes and other MUrees and by Its actions flatly refuses to give an accounting to the tax payers Is suRic lent to bring about criticism. The fact that the books are In the Clerk's office and open to any citizen who wishes to see them Is not sufficient. To go Into the office and call for the books Is more or less emuaxrasslng and besides is inconvenient tor the average taxpayer during the hours that you could reasonably expect the Clerk to be on the job. The taxpayer wants a toll and complete statement of the receipts and expenditures ot the town. One that 1b made np In a plain and easily understood manner. He Is en titled to It, and the law requires It to be published. Why not give It to, Jiim? No big business allows a manager, to continue to run the business year end and year out without ever requiring an accounting. Then why should the town officials expect treatment that is not recognized as good business, yie are confident that It the town officials would take the tax payers into their confidence and keep tbem posted jhjV licly of the affairs of the town, ttyffe would be less than five per cent of tl)e urasent 4iasatlsfacUbn. ? 4_i We do not condemn or criticise action of our tax payers la' 4M6k Meeting assembled, but on the. oti&rl hand wish to encourage it. But let Its activities lead to the right way. Don't use it for the purpose of bringing ugly charges against one another, or ibr the purpose ot creating discord up^tf which to ride some fellow into public office, or to create strife among an otherwise happy and contented p?t> ple. But lets use it to say to our offjg ials how we think tne governnflnit should be run and then to lend our as sistance and influence to our offi ,'ili and help them do It. We will feel much better by doing this than by leaving everything up to oar officials without any help from us and then "cussing" them out for not ilulng what we wanted done. Lets discourage everything th#f tends to break the peace and harmony of a community and encourage the spirit of team work and cooperation. We will get more desirable results. Accidentally Killed Milliard Mitchell, IS years eld, a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Mitchell, of Frankllnton, waq Instantly killed oil '.ast Tuesday eveblng at 8:30 when Ithrownt beneath a freight train. Mr. Mitchell was attempting to cross be tween two cars as the train stood at: the Graded School crossing. The tialn started, he fell to the track and was Instantly killed. ? Frankiinton $100 Diamond Ring to be given away absolutely FREE. Saturday, June 3 TO ,/mp flNO A GOOD ONE FOR. t "?W! BA8V- LCTTS 5?E- HERE'S ONE " MEAN 5 AMOEUC - TH? t * BEATRICE- MEANS MAKING HAPPY ?O. EM EH TINE- MEAjCS MILt> AND OENTLE^ ?6MMEHME" *1fcANS IHOOSTRtOOS ' " NANCY* MEANS FOU. Of GRACE" \TMAT SOUNDS Good! TUtRe AftZ SOME ZO?9 ? WA?tlS |M rtftSfc AT TM :r- \ J Aj*o ?'i