SAVE 13 Vi % on coal X over-coating an oH frame bouse with Portlaricl Cement stucco effects 4. saving of 1 iVi* on coaL to this the sav expense and repairs that eliminates. ? * Many old homes cannot be improved on for general appearance, general comfort. But permanence and upkeep saving can be added at small cost. Ask your building ma terial dealer how. PORTLAND CEMENT] ^ "The Standard by which all other makes artmcasurtd" CHIROPRACTIC Removes the cause of disease without the use of Drugs or Surgery. If you" are sick, and want to get well, try Chiropractic Adjustments It doesn't matter what disease you have, CHIROPRACTIC will get you well. DR. CHAS. BREMNER HENDERSON, NORTH CAROLINA Louisburg office in Franklin Hotel. TUESDAY and FRIDAY'S from 2 to 4 P. M. Uniform Quality at the RIGHT PRICE All Standard Sizes Carried in Stock ALLEN MACHINE COMPANY GARAGE Lotriibnrg, N. 0. Phone 295- J TRUSTEES SALE Of LAND By virture of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed of Trust, made on April IS, 1918, by H. A Wil liams and wife, Rata H. Williams to Win. H. Pace, Trustee, and recorded In Book 194 pa?s 389, Registry of Franklin County, N. C. default having been made In the payment of the in debtedneas thereby secured, and de ' mand for foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the hplder of said indebtedness, the undersigned, will on, MONDAY, May 14. 193S, at or about the hour of noon at the Court House Door in Loulsburg N. C. offer for aale at public auction to the hlgh eat bidder for aaafc. the following de acifcsfl land: Tract Nd. 4. Bsgiae-at - corner of Lot No. 6 m llae of land, thence N. 88 1-1 W. . to the onUer of the road, ' No. ( marked by a take on , thence along the road, B 2 excepted to.- grave yai*!, . This April U 1,321. WM H. PArK. 1' ruatce Wm. H. A Thoa W. Ruffiii, Atty?. |4-li-6t Your grocer can quickly get WIL LIAM TELL Floor. ?"tjr-8t J. 8. HOWELL. -I Never Knew Tea CeaU Km* Rata Oat of a Batcher Shop" What Ralph Walking naya : "Fig ured rata around store had enough to feed on; wouldn't touch anything ana plcloua. Heard about RAT-SNAP, gara It a trial. Reaulta war* wonder ful. Cleaned all rata out In ton day*. Doga about itore night and day never touch RAT-8NAP." Three alxee, 85c, ?Sc. |l.2B. Sold and guaranteed by Caah Oro thi cprrnr fob am ADVERTISEMENT WBBN TMB AD MAS CAN ?!?* TOD A HUTH BFT TEB JOB IF YOU SEND IT IN [wanit dok*t roMtT rr. Bloused Nightie - \ ?The u*wt nv?M gown Is *->.? iImvm aaJ ts open lc*ern the Hda T*ry tu>*rly to the wai*t. At the wal*t it it blou??d and tied with loo* narrow; ribbon*. JLon* pleats art another fashionable tea, tar* and only lace, real lace if poaatble. should be used tor the bodice bond Ask your neighbor! She will know WILLIAM TELL Flour! J-*3-8t J. S. HOWELL. Soap, 1 cent a cake Save meat-scraps and grease ? mgke your own soap. Five and one-half lbs. of waste grease, one can of Red Seal Lye and a little water make 10 lbs. of the best soap you ever used. Follow directions carefully. No trouble or fuss. Thousands of women are saving a few dollars every year by using . Red Seal Lye to do the unpleasant work in the home. each can. Be sore and buy only the genu ine Red SEAL Lye.