the ingredients printed on the label of your bak ing powder tin include Cream of Tartar ? your cakes, biscuits and other foods will be mo re health ful and have a finer tex ture and taste. That is one of the rea sons why thoughtful women insist on ROY A L Baking Powder The ONLY nationally, distrib uted Cream of Tartar Baking Powder Contains No Alum ? Leaves No Bitter Taste TONKELS NEW STORE Just received one lot of New Style Dresses, and offering AT SPECIAL PRICES Dresses worth up to $10.00 at $6.95 Dresses up to $15.00 at $9.95 Dresses up to $24.50 at $14.95 We have a good many Ladies Spring Suits that we are offering at a Great Sacrifice Price Suits worth up to $25.00 Now $16.95 Suits worth up to $30.00 Now $19.95 i About 10 Jersey Suits $15.00 values will now offer at $8.95 One lot of Spring Coats and Capes at HALF PRICE A big lot of New Millinery at real BIG BARGAINS . Slippers and Oxfords at Special Prices Men'3 and Boys Clothing GREATLY REDUCED SEE TONKEL BEFORE BUYING A, Tonkel Next Door to H. C. Taylor's Hardware Store Louisburg, : N. C. OXFORD "CKA8C" BtMKHES AMO SURREYS . Are Tt/r Brsr By Tkttr ? YOU CAN HOT AFFORD TO Mcittricc QUALIT A rtw DOLLARS I c CM Or A x BUOOY OA 6UKRCY rT4! OUR MOTTO IS QUAL/TY TMB OX?ORO QUAUTV WILL QE REMIHBtHtD LONG AfTKR PRICE HAS SKIN FOf?<3?TTEN /Mtraators 7WrMVW#AyrrMMKH<UK$0Mt0MmXY | tH. C. TAYLOR (LEGAL ADVERTISING) RE -SALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of au order of lesale made by the Superior Court of Pianklin county, tha last and hlgheat lidder at pre>tt?ua. sale on January *.nd, 19 J 3 having (ailed to comply with Che terms of his bid and due notice having been given said last and high est bidder atid under and Jdv virtue of tbe power of e>atr contained ' In that certain deed of trust executed by D, B. Kearney and wife to K. H. Malont. Tr lis tee. on Jan. 20th. i92l recorded in book -24 page 47^. Registry of Deeds t'^r Franklin county, X. C* de fault having been made In the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby se ct red aud demand tor foreclosure hav ing been made upon me by the holder! of the bonds. representing said indebt edness. I will on MONDAY, APRIL 23. 1923 effer for sale at public auction ut the courthouse door in Louiabi'.rg, X. C. to tbe highest bidder for cash a cer tain tract or parcel ot land situate in Frankliuton township. Franulin coun ty, State of North Carolina, described as follows: Bounded x*n tUe North by the lanus of J. A. Kelly estate and B. B. Tonliuson. on the Hast uy the lends of J. F. Tomlinson. on the South by the lands of MVs. Annie E. Mitchell and J. F. Tomlinson and on the West l.y the lands ? f Mis. Annie E. Mitchell containing 2G acres more or less and being a part of the E. P. Blackley tract (originally Mitchell lan i) and conveyed to D. B. Kearney by deeds of recent date, duly recorded in the registry of Franklin county. This 23rd da" of March. 1923. 3-23-5t E. H. MALONE, Trustee. MORTGAGEES SALE By virtue of the power conferred ' tti me by a certain mortgage executed by W- A. Williams and wife Annie WillutSM, recorded in Book 152, page 270 office., of Register of Deeds for Franklin cbvnty, I will on FRIDAYN^PRIL 30th, 1923 at 12 o'clock M, ~i?r thereabouts, sell lor cash to the hign?$t bidder at the courthouse door in LbHJsburg, North Carolina that certain tntox of land, ?beginning at a bridge acroS* Shocco [-Creek, Warrentor. road; thence hb the said creek 17 C 64 L to mouth' - of Smart's branch: thence up branch "B. "C corner for Lot No. 6; thence S 37 C 82 L; thence S 10 3-4 W 1 C 69 L, cor ner of Lot No. 4; thence S 58 E 2 C 75 1. to a poplar; thence S 38 1-2 E 3 C 77 L; S 78 E 5 C to two poplars; N 89 | K fi n 43 L to rock. West side of road, corner for lot No. 4; thence along roall 46 C 8 L to the beginning, containing! ninety-six (96) acres. This March 24th, 1923. R. H. GRIFFIN, Mortgagee, W. H. DAMERON, Assignee, 2-30-4t B B. WILLIAMS, Attorney. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon me in a certain deed of trust executed to me by King Cotton Seed Company, Incorporated, duly re corded in the office of the Reigster of Deeds of Franklin County, N. C., In Book 244, page 13, default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness secured in taid deed of trust, and demand having been made upon me by tke holder of said indebtedness for the execution of the power of sale therein contained, I will on MONDAY, MAY 7th. 1923 at twelve o'clock, noon, sell at public' auction at the courthouse door in the] town of Louisburg, N. C. to the high-] est bidder, for cash, a certain tract, lot or parcel of land in Franklin coun ty., North Carolina, and situate at the corner of Nash and Church streets in the town of Louisburg, and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at the corner of the lot formerly known as the Farmers Tobacco Warehouse Com pany lot. now owned by Allen Broth ers Company, on NaBh street, thence southerly along the line of said Ware bouse lot 206 feet to a stake, thence about West 120 feet to Church street, thence about. North along Church street 206 feet to the intersection of Church and Nash streets, thence about iEast along Nash street 120 feet to the 'beginning, and being the lot conveyed by J. M. Allen and wife to said King Cotton Seed Company, Incorporated, on September 19th, 1&21, by deed re corded in the offiee <5f the Registegr of De^fta ,of,;Kr?nklin county, N. C., and upon which lot are situate the cotton ginnery, seed storage house and stor age sheds operated and used by the jsald King Cotton Seed Company, In corporated, during the season of 1S20 11)21 and several yearB prior thereto. This April 5th. 1923. 4-6-5t W. H. YARBOROUGH, Trustee. TRUSTEE'S 8AI.E OF I^AND By virtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed of trust made by N. A. Odora to Wm. H. Knffin Trustee, dated November 21. 1!)18, and lecorded in the Registry of Franklin county in book 221, page 238, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having oeen made by the holder of said debt upon the un dersigned trustee, the undersigned Will on MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1923 at about the hour of noon, at tho court house door In Loulsburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, iho lands conveyed by Ktid deed of trust and there descr.lied as follows: All that tract or parcel cf land ly ing and situate and being In the Coun ty of Franklin and the State of North Carolina, near the town of Dunn and being Farm No. six (6) on plat of land formerly owned by W. C. Kans dell, plat of which Is on record In FYnnlcltal County Register of Deed's office In Map Book i, page H2 to wMch plat for a more perfect description teference Is hereby made. Farm No six contains sixty-five acres, morn or lets. This March 2*, 1823. S*-23-5t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee, NSpba?rl&? to The Franklin Time* FOR RENT The C. T. Wester Home Place ni-ar Maplerille. A 8 or 4 horse farm, good cotton and tobacco land, flne pasture, fine orchard and good buildings. l-l#-tf E. H. MAI.ONK. TRUSTEK'S SAI.K Uf LAND. By vlrture of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust, made on F*pb. 15, 1918, kfO, H. Harris to T. W. KuHiu, Trustee, and recorded In Book 224 page 57, Regiat-y of Frank lln Cvuutv. default having been made in the payment . of the Indebtedness thereby secured, and demand for fore- , closure having been nui46 on said ' trustee by the holder of said Indebted ness, the uudersigued, will, on, Mon day, May 7. 1923, at or about tho hour of noon at the Court House Door in Loulsburg, X. C. oiler lor sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, a certain part or parcel of land situate in Franklin County, Louis burg Township, North Carolina, and more particularly deflned as follows: Beginning nt the mouth of a small branch in the King Branch. Mrs. Pla ce's corner, thence X. SO W. 70 poles IS links to tne Loulsburg Railroad! line, 40 feet from the center of the said railroad; thence along the rail road lino S. 60 3-4 W. 5S poles. thence continuing with the railroad line, a curve 21 poles to J. P. TItnberlake's line; thence S- 3S E. S4 poles 20 links to a stake and pointers, J. P. Timber lake's corner on King Branch, thence down said brauch as it meanders 97 poles to the beginning, containing 41 acres, more or less. It being the land conveyed to the Franklin Land Co. bv H. C. Kearney and wife by deed, recorded in book 199 page 463, and by the said Franklin Laud Co. con veyed to O. H. Harris on Feb. 15. 1918, reference to which deeds is hereby made for further description of said land. This April 2. 1923. ?> 4-S-5t T. W. Ruffin, Trustee. SALE OF LAND Under and by virlure of the power an<f authority contained in that deed of trust executed by A. W. Perry, Jr. on the 14th day of September, 1917, to Ben T. Holden, Trustee, recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Franklin County in Book 210, Page, 286, default having been made in the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and demand mad? upon me as Trustee to foreclose, I will on Monday the 14th day of May, ^423. at 12 o'clock M. at the Courthouse <iooK^f Franklin County, in Louisburg, ;N. C-Xsell at public austlon to the highest Bolder for cash, taat tract or ?parcel of land situate in Cedar Rock Township, FialKJin County, North Ca Beginning at a l^lnck Gum cn Cy press Creek, Dean's co>&er; thence S. 72 1-2 W. 11 polcc 9 linkV^o a ctake and Sweet Gum; thence N IJM-2 W 24 polos to a rock; thence N. 50 poles 18 links to the old path, a Ibue Pine and Sweet Gum pointers, thfe^ Thoo. H. Murray corner; thence N. 8l 1-4 E. 6 poles to Cypress Creek; thence down said creek as It meanders 10 poles 22 links to the fork of the creek; thence up the East prong as It meanders 112 1-2 poles to a stike, formerly White Or.U; tlience East 4 poles to a large Pino Stump, Mary Ann Bobbit's corner; thence S. 71 E. 40 1-2 poles to a stake Bobbit's corner; thence S. 2 W. 15 pole3 11 links to a stake, Bobbit's corner; thence S88 E. ?3poles 5 links to a rock, corner of No. 4 in Bobbit's line; thence S. 1 1-2 W. 45 poles to a rock and pointers, corner of No. 3; thence S 37 W 83 poles to a rock and pointers, Dean's line; thence N 57 W 42 poles to the beginning, con taining 88 acres. This the 10th day of April, 1923. Ben T. Holden, 4-13-5t Trustee. TRUSTEES SALE OP LAND By virture of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed ef Trust, made on April 15, 1918, by H. A- Wil liams and wife, Kate H. Williams to Win. H. Pace, Trustee, and recorded in Book 194 page 389, Registry of Franklin County, N. C. default having been made In the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured, and de mand for foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the holder of said Indebtedness, the undersigned, will on, MQNDAY, May 14, 1923, at or about the hour of noon at the Cou^ House Door in Louisburg N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the high pst bidder for cash, the following de scribed land: Tract No. 4. Begins at a stake corner of Lot No. 6 In line of railroad land, thence N. 8S 1-2 W. 15.25 chs. to the center of the road, corner for No. -6 marked by a stake on the E side, thence along the road, S 20 1-2 E 3.92 chs, thence S 34 1-4 E 1.80 to a stake near a corner of the grave yard, thence S. 88 1-2 E. 13.50 chs. to corner of lot No. 8 in the line of the railroad land, thence along that line, N 8 W 5 chs to the beginning, contain ing 7 12 acres (lesB one icr? oxceptod (t>: grave yar'", . This April 11. 192*1. WM H. PaCK. Trustee. Wm. H. & Tho* W. Ruffin, Attyi. 4-13-Bt MORTGAGE SALE LAND By virtue of the power of gale con tained In that certain mortgage deed made by Robt. A. Allen and wife to C. E. Ransdell, dated March 9, 1921, fuid recused In the Registry of Frank lin county In book 210, page 659, de fault having been made In the payment of the debt tberby secured, the under signed will, on Tuesday, April 24th, at about the hour of noon at the court house door In Loulsburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash tbe lands In said mortgage deed conveyed and there de scribed as follows; Situate In Frankllnton Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, ad joining the lands of John Hayes, and ethers and bounded as follows; Bounded on the North by John Hayes on the East by John Allen estate, on the West by T. J. Confers estate and on tbe South by Thao, Jones, contain ing thirteen and one eighth acres, more or less This. March 23, 1923. C. E. Handsel), 3-23-51 Mortgagee Wm. H. A Thos. W. Ruffln .Attys. FKAKKMJT r?g. t REALTY CO. L0AS9 A!?D INSURANCE 7-21tf (LEGAL ADVERTISING) TRU8TEE8 SALE OF LAND By rlrtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed of trust dated Jan. 1, 1918, made by J. T. Phelps to T. W. Whedbee, Trustee, re corded in the Registry of Franklin Co. in book 224 page 341 and pursuant to the appointment of a substituted trus tee in place of above named trustee, who is now deceased, made by the holder of the Indebtedness secured, un der the power in said deed oi* trust con tMned. which appointment is also duly recorded in the Registry of Franklin County la Book 241 page 202, default I t ving been made in the payment oT ? : e indebtedness thereby secured, and demand for foreclosure having been i.-irde upon the undersigned trustee | by the holder of said indebtedness, and ?iit trustee having sold oaid land at tor due advertisement ou Monday, March 5. 1923, and tne purchaser at said sale having (ailed to comply will: ihe terms of the same, and further de mand being made on said trustee to re-advertise and sell said ;and again at the expense i't said purchaser, tha t.ndersigned will on MONDAY, MAY 14, 1923 at or about the hour of noon ft the Courthouse door in Louisburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, that tract or parcel of iand in said- deed of trust (LEGAL ADVERTI8INO) conveyed and there described a* fol lows: Known us the Hatlewood placo de vised to the said Saran W. Morris by the last Will und Testament of Mies Kate Spain, dec. and described in the cued dated Dec. 14, 1841 from Allen 'ihcrapson to Warwick Kazlewood as follows: Beginning at a dogwood on the West side of the road, thence N 82 1-2 W ?t> poles to pine,. thence N 6S W 47 poles to a dead Pine and Sassa fras stump (Person corner) thence along his line W 52 poles to a Red Oak thence S 3-4 W 201 pole3 to Hick cry, McKni^ht corner, thence along htB line N 88 E 237 pole* to i Poplar and Elm o:i the bank of a brc.nch thence up said branch to a Poplar; thence to the beginning, containing by estima tion 22l 3-4 acres, more or less' being the tract of land couveyed by Sarah W. Morris to J. T. Phelps and this in strument iB to secure part of the pur chase price therefor. This April 13, 1923. W. F. JOYNER, Substituted Trustee. Wm. H. & Thos. W. RufTln, Attys. 4-13-51 The Quinine 1 bat Does Ndt Affect The Head Because of its tonic am^faxativo effect. LAXA TIVE BROMO QUINjKjr (Tablets) can be taken by anyono without gwlsinfl nervousness or rin?ln? in the head. E.W.(^fc)VE S signature on tox^ 30c. Our April Message Buy your Drugs and Medicines at Scoggin's Drug Store if you want the freshest and best. Have your Prescriptions filled at Scoggin's, if you want the BEST SERVICE and BEST PRICES. Ask your Physician to leave your Proscriptions at Scoggin'3 if you want your friends to fill them. Just received the largest, latest and niftiest line of Stationery ever brought to Louisburg. Kinds that can not be had anywhere except at Scoggin's. . Remember all our Garden Seed are fresh and you can get all you -need at Scoggin's. Our Ice Cream (the VELVET kind) and Cold Drinks are unsur Trade at Scoggin's thereby showing your appreciations for an old friend who has stood by you for 30 years. Scoggin Drug Store Per Q. Li. AYCOCK Tobacco Farmers Besides the small cost, less than $4.00 per year, the JOHNSON TOBACCO CURING FURNACE is an INVESTMENT that pays you the first season. Over 100 per cent in improved cures Over 35 per cent in fuel saved Also *nves time and labor, rednces fire risk, absolute control of heats fill times. B.">0 lbs. best casting nnd armed rnst proof Iron. Cheapest value per pound In Iron nnd steel jou can buy. Sold direct to Farmers. Easy Terms. See them and learn about them at - H. C. Taylor AGENTS LOUISBCRG, N. C. New Lot Shoes and Slippers I have just opened a new lot of Shoes and Slippers for both ladles and gentlemen. Come and look them over, I will do the rest. A full line of groceries and feed at all timds. Everything guar anteed as represented or your money back. Come to see me when in town. Am always glad to see y*bu. v Yours truiy, J. W. PERRY NASH STREUT LO"I&BTntO. N 0. (LEGAL ADVERTISING)

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