Ah a summer legume the soybean 1? second lo none any extension work ers, ns a soil building crop It 1b ex cell .'lit and It make* good pasture tor cuttle, sheep and hogo. HAVE YOU EVER SOTICFD T1IAT THE MERCHANT WHO SENDS IN THE COPY FOE HIS AD EABLY ALWAYS HAS THE NEATEST Alii T* o w?rl J over, tlie Tun t enlight ened nail progropolvo agrkniltural districts are found whcrt livestock provides one of tho chlof sources of income. Piles Cured U 6 tojrf Djy? >u?tflsts refund myojj PAjfv OINTMENT Call* to cure Itching, t liutyBleoding or Pnxrudi?4 Pl'cs. I Instantly relieves l*blo^Tllea, and you con Bet | rcAtiui bleep after Lpo itnt application. Price ivc. Mske; provision for a cocxl acrcugi' to summer legumes advices College laud Department if Agriculture v.ork ors. More fertile soils will result. n AVTicn joa run au ad In Tlie TIMKS we know tliat you mailt a good utl. nicely displayed. That Is the only kind of an ad He w?nt to glTe yon, but I It take* a lit* In Lime tn set icood ads? so get out of that habit of wnltlng un til the last day before even thinking abont your aie Associ ation. The action was brought by tho Association for liquidated damage? covering the tobacco already sold and for an Injunction to prevent further breach of contract, an ! tho defendant appealed from the order for an In junction Issued by Judge Prank Dan iels In Nash county In October; 1922. Allege Act Unconstitutional The defendant contended that the co-operatl/e marketing act is uncon stitutional and void and that the con tract between the plaintiff and the de fendant is invalid because in restraint of Inter-State and lntra-State com merce and, therefore, that the injutx. tlcn wa3 improvidently granted. The plaintiff Association contended that the co-operative marketing Act is constitutional and that a co-op otive marketing association organized for the handling of Its members' pro ducts only is entitled to an injunction against the grower member who threat ens to breach his marketing agree ment: that the marketing contract is> not in restraint of inter-State c iiu merce or violative of any Federal . :iti trust law or law against monopolies innd does not violate the statues, ;mb llc policy or constitution of N >rth Carolina The case was handled for the pi '.in tiff in tlie lower court, by Aaron S?: iro. i.ationail known cooperative ev ?rc and attorney, Lawrence R. Levy, his associate, Burgess & Joyner, J :nesj | if. I'm S'cpi-'.'ii f". :i!;.g:tw. In .he jh'gt.' ? rt I..i vr?aw K. Levy and . U*air?"s li. 1 'on a:. pea red. Atloratyj for, t,),r 'ncl-iled L. V. IJr.nnii, F. Ulhw ( ;;m*s Pending Tl> d?-ei ;\v victory for the Co-o;v?- [ on v^tteh the- -court al?o 1 de<4*umfi ot si mi -ia.r rharsoUT . Jin four other r^lased cast.' now !r?- j I lore it. will settle it is regarded, pend ing lHia:.:tinbined with the healing effect of Grove's O-Ppa-Trate Salve through the pores of the skin jPbn stops a cough. Both remedies are packed in one carton and the { cost of the combined treatment is 35c. Just ask your druggist for HAYES' i HEALING HONEY. EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO ;?/Hooas, That >3 auns CU?o Tt> cot m?Rjs rr, "UlVojj ^ ? I ' -jr s, rr'a /A cZZTmo, o*** * ^ ?*_v' t^cvuoi^ p. r^/? ??? ^ ^ V/tC-tv?!! ^ a oom? ;. v\ ^ #* (c? t -1 f. ?'?' ? -^ > H' * -*? T^.if.-rr* c" -r 'f? V J""~ W V . ? *i< fKKVM A 1 5'i-:vi^y. - <*. i ^ * i 1802 _ 1922 LOUISBURG COLLEGE A Junior College for Young Women With i Standard Preparatory Course of Four Years Faculty of specially trained, consecrated Christian teachers. Health Record Unsurpassed. Home-lllce Atjnosphere. Sociil Life Carefully Guarded. Athletics. In addlt'on A6 the regular college courses. Classical and Literary, attention Is called to the departments of Art, Business, Education. Kxpression, Home Economics, 3TusIc CFIano, Tolce. Violin, Theory, ct:.), and Religious Education. r ? Hates a? low as consistent with good set-rice. Send for free Catalog. For further information write, " A. W. Mohn, President, - Louisburg, N. C. Vie Will torc The Following Vegetables this Week at Reduced Prices Snaps per lb. Squash per lb. Cucumbers each, Cabbage per lb. Celery, (Jumbo) Lettuce, Iceburg, Tomatoes per lb. 25c 12 l-2c 7I-2c 8c 25c 20c 20c We have a few more seed Irish potatoes. Send your order in. CASH GROCERY and Market Phone 270 Louisburg, If. C. We Have Exclusive Agency for Whitmans Candy n?, ' ? Try a Box Aycock Drug Co. Incorporated THJt K'RA 1 KI.1N TIMES lkoal4 bt In joar homf. If r*a ut ? nk nrrlher, bo on*. 5o?4 la jtmr Mk orrlptlnn sal h'lp ?? to h*Mt for ? bettor eoMm??ltj. Subocrlb* to THB FRANKLIN TUCKS li.M p?r tw m Unagt