L. Kline & Co. Louisburg's Biggest and Best /- Department Store ? 1 * i Saturday Begins a Special - DRESS, CAPE AND- SPORT COAT OFFERING ESTABLISHING LOWEST PRICES FOR MODELS OF HIGHEST TYPE IT IS A COMMON OCCURENCE FOR WOMEN TO SHOP AROUND AND EVENTUALLY BUY AT L. KLINE'S. A GREATER AND MORE DIVERSI FIED SHOWING PLUS THE USUAL KLINE PRICES IS THE REASON. SATURDAY THESE PRICES HAVE BEEN LOWERED FOR AN EVENT WHICH ENABLES EVERY WOMAN TO OWN A CPRING DRESS AT LESS THAN CAN BE BOUGHT ELSEY/HERE. ALL-TYME CREPE DEESSES $5.95 | shades of Navy, Copen, Pekin, I Cocoa and Tan. with. Paisley blouse combination, collars an . sieeves trimmed with sank crepe as skirt, all sizes worth $12.50. DRESSES Canton Crepe, Crepe DeChir.e and Alityme $8.95" in newest shades combination efft-ct, some l.ave iace berthed, others are solid colors, sizes 16 to 42. DRESSES QF NEW CREATI01T3 IN SHEKARA * $12.95 Just received from New York, Shekara Dresses in every imaginable shade, Brown, Green, Tan, Cocoa, Pekin, some trimmed with ribbon, some have sleeves, others are new short sleeves worth up to $27.50. SPRING DRESSES $1495 ' of Canton Crepe in Silver Grey, Tan, Cocoa and Navy Blue, very exquisite models, sizes to fit the larger woman, excellent quality Canton Crepe, worth VP to $30.00. SPRING GAPES Of Polo and Polaire $9.95 in shades of Black, Brown, Tan end Cocoa, newest style cape, sizes 16 up, some have trimmed collars, worth $15 00. SPORT COATS $8.99 of new Polo and Polaire Cloth, in shades of Tan, so pop ular this season, these coats are well worth $15.00. Re duced for this week only. SPORT COATS $11.95 in Chic1'' models for the Young Miss, made of new Po laire in the season's newest shades, neatly trimmed, some have leather belt and pockets, are regular $19.50 coats. ? L Kline & Co. WHEW ADYEBTI8ED OR SEE* ELSEWHERE ITS ALWAYS ? CHEAPEST HEBE LOUISBURQ, - \ NORTH CAROLINA ?:OVEH>OH MOJUUSOX HAKtS STRONG SPEECH (Continued From First Page.) Justice 2: Cedar Rock 1. Total points out of 70, (1st 5; -'ud S; 3rd 2 points* Loulsburg 28; Fraakllnton 21; Bunu S: Flat Rook 6; C6dar Rock 6; Justice 4. Boys Under Twelve Years 100 yd dash ? won by Sykes Seven Paths; secoud House, Frankllnton; ? third Krazier. Flat Rock. 220 yd dash ? won by Lester, Jus tice; second Bailey, Loulsburg; third Frazier. Flat Rock. ?140 yd dash ? won by Frailer, Flat Rock; second Bailey, Loulsburg; third I Nash. Frankllnton. 440 relay ? won by Frankllnton; sec ond Loulsburg. Running high Jump ? won by Nash, ! Franklinton ; seccnd Hicks, Loulsburg 'third Mitchiner. Frankllnton. I Running broad jump ? won by Hicks Louisburg; second Bailey, Ixmisburg; I j third Mitchiner, Frankllnton. Points: 1st 5; 2nd 3; 3rd 2. I Summary; Winning 1st place, Franklinton 2; Loulsburg 1; Seven Paths 1; Justice 1; Flat Rock 1. 2nd ! place, Louisburg 5; Franklinton 1. j Srd place. Frankllnton 3; Flat Rock 2. Total points out of 68; Franklin ton 19; Louisburg 20; Flat Rock 9; ? Seven Paths 5; Justice 5. ] The outstanding features ? of ? these I events were the individual work of Frazier for Flat Rock. The young fellow scored all the points for his ' school single handed. Little Bailey t for Louisburg was high point winner | in this meet although two fourth plac ? es are not recorded for him. Nosh of Franklinton came along with young Frazier. The Franklinton relay team ' in this event was the prettiest of the j entire day. All the youngsters show ing sprinting ability. ? .4, Girls Events v~* o - i 50 yd dash ? won t)y R Wood, Seven Paths; second Winston, F"ranklinton ; third Peoples, Louisburg. 100 yd run ? won by B. Dement, Ce djr Rock; second Bartholomew, Louis burjl third Cherry, Frankllnton.' 440 yd relay ? tied Franklinton and " Loulsburg, 4 points each. Running broad jump ? won by Eftie Moore, Seven Paths, because Louis j burg, who entered four contestants, could not be counted. Annie Taylor, | Louisburg. jumped furtherest, 10 "It. | Points: 1st. 5; 2nd 3; 3rd 2. 1 Summary: First place, Franklinton j 1 ; Cedar Rock 1; Seven Paths 1; sec ond place, Frankllnton 1; Loulsburg , 1 ; third place Franklinton 1 ; Louis | burg 1 ; tied 1st place Franklinton and 1 Louisburg 4 points eaclt Total points out of 33: Franklinton 9; Louisburg ,9- Seven Paths 10; Cedar Rock 5. The running events between the girls were hotly contested by all the ! schools. The relay team from Frank linton illustrated its superiority but : an unfortunate and unintentional in terference caused that event to be i called a tie. Without a doubt the run ning team from Frankllnton was the best organized on the field. Louls burg fell down in the running events but was always strong In the jump . in; which pulled their averages up. t The total score for all events: Louis burg (1) 53; Franklinton (2) 49; Flat Rock Rock (4) 11; Seven Paths (3) 15; Cedar Rock (5) 10; Justice (6) 9; Bunn (no entries except boys over 12) i i7) 8 Winners of Medals Boys Over Twelve Years 101 yd dash, Rowe. Franklinton. | 220 yd dash. Cherry, Franklinton. 440 yd dash, Bartholomew, Louis burg. i 1-mile run, Wilson, Louisburg. 1-2 mile relay, team from Franklin ton, one n.edal to each runner. Running broad jump, Stamps, Louis j burg. ! Running high Jump, Stamps, Louis ? burg. Pole vault. Bartholomew, Louisburg. Boys Under Twelve Years; 100 yd da3h, Sykes, Seven Paths. ] 220 yd dash, Lester, Justice, 440 yd dash, Frazier, Flat Rock. Running high Jump, Nash, Frank j iinton. Running broad jump, Hicks, I ouls ; burg. Girls Events: ,"0 yd dash, R. Wood. Seven Paths. 100 yd dash, B. Dement, Cedar K'tfk. *40 yd relay, Loulsburg and Frank linton teams, one medal each. High jump, Bertha Dement and Rona Wood, tied, one medal each. ?II there are any corrections to this official score, make reports to J. 8. Massenburg, LoulBburg. The records are in his hands. The committee takes thlB opportuni ty to express its appreciation to those who so heartily and faithfully aided in carrying oat the program of" the day. The success of the Athletic event was due to the cooperation of Messrs. Berkley, Simpson and Fleming. Much credit is due Prof. E. C. Sex ton, of the Justice High School, for the arrangement of one of the finest parades ever held In Loulsburg. Quite a number of floats all of which were especially pretty, added much tc the long line and the graudeur of the occasion. The folowlng prlzei were won: The best exhibit from a one or two teacher school, $10 00, Far Tiers and I Merchants Bank of Loulsburg ? Wilder J School. \ The best exhibit from a three or 'frur teacher school, $10.00, Farmers j National Bank of Loulsburg? Maple ! vllle. | The best exhibit frum a five or more teacher school, $10.00, Citizens . litnk of Franlflinton ? PearrK I The hcst looking float, $10.00? Jus tice. The best looking school In line ? Wood. o ~ The folks had a community day at the Middlesex school In Nash county recently when the men pulled off their co&t* and plowed, dug and hauled all day while the children cleaned up the grounds. The Home Agent and Land scape Specialist of the State College and State Department of Agriculture j made plans fbr Improving the grounds. Seven other schools were also helped In the same way. will not increase prices until May 1st Firestone Prices on Fabric and Cord Passenger Car Tires and Tubes, also Solid and Pneumatic Truck Tires Will Advance May 1st Tire postponement of this price revision is possible only because of our realization of the price danger in th? Ra{)ber Restriction Act which became effective November 1, 1922. We wer* fortunate in our rubber purchases before the Restriction Act increased the price of crude rubber 150%. We have always endeavored to cham pion the cause of better made tires de livered at lowest cost to the tire user by economic manufacturing and distribu tion. And we are glad of the opportun ity to give the car-owner the additional saving at this time. Firestone Cords embody certain special processes which result in their producing mileage records, heretofore unheard-of in the industry. Among the more tm ? poitaui of these superior methods are blending, tempering, air-bag euro and double gum-dipping. Firestone Dealers are co-operating with us in our movement to supply your needs at present prices as long as their stock larts and we have advised our dealers that we will supply them with additional tires this month only so far as our output will permit. See the nearest Firestone Dealer. Purchase a set of., these Gum-Dipped Cords. Prove for yourself their re markable mileage advantages and easy riding qualities. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio H. C. T A Y LOR Most Miles per Dollar Says France Is Willing To Reduce German Debt V London. April D2. ? A dipatch to The Times Irom Paris says It has been learned, on what the correspondent believes to be excellent authc-lty, that France Is willing now to agree to a reduction in Germany's deb; to somo where betwween 40 billion and 50 bil lions gold narks, provided in the set tlement of the inter-allied debt all of France s indebtedness is extingui- 1 shed. Otherwise, it is asserted, Prance is disposed to hold out for her origi nrl figure of 232, 000, Ot", 000 gold marks'. .. France believes, according to the correspondent, that the greatest hin- j di'acce to cuch a settlement arises t'ronx American sentiment, and seems to think that tliis plan r.w.y induce Great Britain and the United States j tc consent to some arrangement. I Franklin Sherman wants to get the first live boll weevil that a farmer finds this season. Send it to him at ; Raleigh. Paint and Varnish Products Prevent Destruction Halt can't hurt floori protected with: D?yo? M?rb1e Floor FinWtl Vacrish D?to? Mirrolac 8lu!n*-'n-Vrrniih D?to? Floor P?'nt V* . c Crashing Blows by the Thousand! LIVERY foot -step ia a blow aimed at the life of the floor ! Every shoe ia a spiked club, a smashing mallet, a rasping file. Battered dally by. the stamping down of tons of weight, unprotected wood is doomed to swift destruction! Devoe Paint and Vamiah Products stop the blows from reaching the wood ? thus insuring sound and beautiful floors year after year. McKINNE BROTHERS < i Louisburg, N fO.