Moinl~use P. F. Dalky Company Inc. Shoe Polish Keep "Your Shoes Naat ?kitWo, N.Y. SEDAN New Price F. O. B. DETROIT At the new low price the Ford ^ Sedan represents a greater val ue than- has ever been offered. It provides enclosed car com fort in a dependable, quality product at a minimum cost. Your order placed now will insure reasonably prompt de - livery. Terms if desired. Louisburg Motor Co. LOUISBURG, North Carolina LAUNDRY We wish to nnnonnce tliat we are now In position to handle nny* thing In the way of I.nnndry. For the benfeftt of prlvnte families, wo will do your family wet wash for Ic per lb. and finish work 15c per lb. Onr minimum charge 75c. , - > ??> Also don't forgot we are still Cleaning nnd Pressing. . >w4 Remember, we are always at your serrlee. YOUR PATRflNAGF, APPRECIATED The Service Shop W. B. MUNFORD, Manager * PHONE 10ft l I t I.OHISBtlBO, N. C. "ALL WORK CASH ON DELIVERY" * Subscribe to The Franklin Times Tutl's Pills Induce regular habit. good digestion. Relieve the dyspeptic and debilitated and tone up the system AGAINST MALARIA NOTICE OP SALE Pursuant to the power given to the undersigned Trustee in a Deed of Trust executed by I. H. Kearney and v. ire Oza D. Kearney and D. B. Kear ney, dated Juno 9 ,1919, and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds ot franklin county. N. C. In book 236, page 4, .default having been made in the payment of tho Indebtedness there by secured) tho undersigned Trustee will offer the follo\Hng described real estate for sale at the court house door in Louisburg, N. C.f at twelve o'clock Noon, on MONDAY, APRIL 16, 192;: 1. Beginning at a stake, Ellis' cor ner In Cook's line, thence S 88 W 142 pis to a white oak, thence along the creek 16 pis to Home Beam on the N side of creek, Cook's corner, thence up the foranch to a poplar, Woodard's cor ner,' thence N along his line to W. F. & D. T. Kearney line, thence along '.heir line to Wlnstou's line, thence along his line S 3 W 74 pis to the be ginning, containing 126 acres, more or less. 2. A certain tract, and more par ticularly described as follows: That parcel or tract of land being the resi due of lot No. 2 in the division of the Levister land, said lot No. 2 having been allotted to C. S. Williams in that proceeding in ~ Franklin Superior Court entitled C. S. Williams vb Mar garet Powell, recorded in boot 7, pag es 109 et seq. Orders and Decrees, in the office ot the CSC of Franklin coun ty, N. C., after cutting off that portion of said lot No. 2 which was subsequent ly conveyed by said C. S. Williams to 1. H. Kearney by deed recorded in book 146. page 305 in the Register of Deeds office in Franklin county, N. C., said lot No. 2 as allotted to sala C. S. Will lams containing 71 acres, and that portion of same conveyed to said I. H. Kearney by deed above referred to contains 15 1^2 acres, leaving a residue of said lot No. 2 of 19 1-2 acres, more or less, which is hereby conveyed. Ref erence is here made to above mention ed proceedings and also to the above mention 1 deed of C. S. WilliamB to I H. Kearney, for a further and more accurate description of the said 19 1-2 acres, moro or less, hereby conveyed. 3. Bounded on the N by Mrs. Mary E. Long and Henrietta Allen, on the E by Mrs. Mary E. Long, on the S by he Monroe Cook land, on the W by Mrs. Mary E. Long, containing 2-3 acre, more or less, and being the same lands allotted to Annie Wilder In the division of the Monroe Cook lands. 4' That tract known aj lot No. 1 in the division of the Norman Long liinds according to agreement of re cord in book of Orders and Decrees No. 6 page , office CSC Franklin Co. N. C., containing 70 acres describ ed as follows: Beginning at a rock, Levister's corner, thence along (Levis ter's and Kearney lines S 4 1-2 W 180 pis, thence S 3 1-2 W 38 pis 21 Iks to cedar creek, thence up said creek 64 pis to a stake, corner No. 2, thence N 4 E 205 pis 15 Iks to a stake in LerU ter's line, corner No. 2, thence S 87 1-t E 53 pis to the beginning, same hav ing been allotted to sala E. A. Long In above described. That tract No. 4 In aforesaid division described as fol lows: Beginning at a rock, corner No. 3 in B. O. Holden's line, thence N 87 W 8 pis to Holden's corner, in Nut all branch, thence down said branch 59 pIb to Shanty branch, thence down fchanty branch 62 pis 17 Iks to Cat lctt -branch, Uxehce down Catlett branch 101 pis to a walnut tree at the mouth of the old branch, corner for R. L. Conyers on Cedar creek, thence down Cedar creek and mill pond 50 pis to a small pine and pointers, cor ner No. 3, thence N 11 E 22 Iks to the beginning, containing 75 1-2 acres, end being tract conveyed by deed of S. O. Long to E. A. Long, recorded in (?ook 135, page 117 and allotted to S. O. Long in aforesaid division. 5. That parcel of land situate in the said County in the town of Frank llnton and bounded as follows: On the N by the lot of Mrs. Mary Wilson, on the E by lot of S. 8. Pearson, on the S by lot of Mary King, on the W by street leading from Church St by as id lot, and containing 1-7 of an acre more or less. 7. Beginning at the intersection of the old run and canal just above No. 2, thence N 24 1-2 W 1.95 chs, N 73 1-4 5 1.45 cbs to the beginning, containing 14-100 of an acre. Beginning at W aide of bridgo mouth o f old rock, thence N 4 B 3.12 chs. N 28 1-4 E 1.64 chs, N 22 l-l W 1.43 cha, N 13 E 3.13 chs, S 88 E 1.20 cha to the cinal, thence down the canal 3 14 W 9.43 chs to the beginning, containing 66-100 of an acre. Beginning at the brtdge over Taylor creek on the new road, thenca 3 30 1-i E 3.22 chs along old road, 3 54 B 3.25 cha to a cut or path to new road, thenca along oald path N 31 1-4 W 138 cha, N 3 3-4 E 2.70 cha to tha naw road, thenca along new road 8 69 W 1.42 chs, N 66 1-2 W 2.90 cha to the beginning, con taining 66-100 of an acre. Beginning at the Intersection of East line of Brlnkley estate and new road, thence along new road N 33 1-2 W 3.S7 chs, N 19 W 4.82 chs, N 5T W 5.94 cha, N 24 3-4 W 3.42 chs to cedar stake, on B side of road, thence N 3 1-2 B 11 chs to a rock, thence 8 8 1 1-2 E 10.75 chs to B line of Brlnkley land, thenca along said line 8 3 W 23.94 cha to tlta beginning, containing 17.60 acres. Terms of sale oash. This March 16, 1923. 3-23-4t A. M. SCALES, Trustae. The above sale was continued to Monday, April 23, 1923, by consent of all parties concerned. This April 16, 1923. 4-20-lt A. M. 8CALKS, Trustee. .The above sale was continued by Consent of all parties concerned to Monday, April 30, 1923. This April 23. 1923. 4-237-lt A. M. SCALES, Trustee. ?? FOR FIRST A 89 JOB PRINTING PHONB NO. Ml. i Hastings'. Seeds ? 1023 Catalog Fro? and useful at ad , ?d. It nontftJrq 100 .??...?? ?Bd oorreoOy dea crtMs* tf* Ult aixj ?Mat popular ragaUbla* tMM and torn crops tor tba BdoOl Bow and what to ptant ta year yvd. nrdm and field far iwi purpoaa. Bow to bt*t the boll wewrQ. baan baetlt and other peal*. PoB natural color pictures of the beat Bnaaa. ObuV loll and other flower*. How to gat 5 pack oca of soed of beatftfol Oo??aa tree. How mooh wad la ra*u?-ad to aUnt a row or acre, wfcen aai bow to Mant and ooltivate. Whj It fay* to pm good eeeda and hvrfp tm tham aa aheap or cbaapar Gmb ?nnm oa ardlnary Beoda. ? Jtiat write tor UMh ' tMi Baed Book. IH ? ?Bd TOcTl be mlifcto ff home. It W tor tt today. H. Q. HA: i PROFESSIONAL COLUMN DK. J. HERBERT FITZGERALD Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Will be at Dr. H. H. Johnson's office In Louisburg every first Monday. En gagements should be made as tar In advance as possible. II Rt R. F. YARBOBOUGH Phjslclun and Surgeon Louisburg, N. C. Office !n Blckett and Yar borough Building. Office Phone 296 Residence Phone 28 8. ATWOOD NEWELL. A ttorme j- At-Law. Louisburg. N. C. Phone No. 116 Office In First National Bank Building General Practice DK. W. B. MORTON Bye Specialist Office In Hotel Building Louisburg, North Carolina I wish to advise my patients and the public generally that after the 1st of September my business will be on a Cash basis when work Is completed. DR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING 8. P. BURT, K. D. Louisburg, N. C; Offices over Scoggls's Drag Star*. Hours 11 a. m. to 1 p. m? and 4 to 6 p. m. DR. W. R. BASS. Veterinarian Louisburg, N. C. Offices and Hospital East Nash St. Phone Office 335-L Residence 335-J Special Attention to Small Animals. DB. D. t. SETHWlCK. Dentist. UiUknf, H. G. Office In tba First National Bank Building on Main and Nash Sts. W. M. PERSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Louisburg, North Carolina Practice in all courts. Office on Mala Street. 6. M. BEAK * Attornej-at-Law Offices over Post Office Practice In all courts. DK. J. H. if A VIS Physician and Surgeon Louisburg, North Carolina Office Main Street A. T- Neal Building at River Bridge Telephone Connections 64 and 64-2 R. Hours: 8 to 11:30 a. m. 2 to 6 p. m. B. B. White B. H. Haleae WHITE * SALONE LAWYERS Loulqbnrg, North "Carolina ?emeral practice, settlement of ea lates funds lnvaitjd. One member of taa firm always In the office. DR. H. G. PERRY Physician and Sargeon Lonlnburg, North Carolina Offices Adjoining Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day 287: Night 287 DR. J. R. ?ALONK. ' Loalaborg, North Carolina la Ayeock Drag Store. Market Ufa eat. Office Practice Uorgery and oonaaltatlon. DK. H. H. J0HNS05 PhjulcUn and Surgeon Lonlaburtr, North Carolina I Office orer Aycock Drug Co. Telephones : Day and Night both No. 10 1 J. 0. NKWRLL, ?. D. Leolxborf, N. ? Offloe In Flrat National Bank Building I Day Phone 249 ? Night Phone I4t-Sj Win H huffln, Thoa. W. Haffln WH. M. * THOH. W. ttCKFIN Attoraeji-at-Law Lealakarg, i North Carolina Qeneral practice, both olvll and crtm tnal. In Franklin and adjoining ooan Uaa, Supreme and Federal Conrta. Offlcea In Flrat National Bank Ball ding. STFfJALL BBOS. Barbara Innlnbarg. IT. 0. We hare Ave good barbera and yon | will receive the beat of aerrlce. Alao Baiex Automobile for hire at | all tlmee, at reaaonable prices. Cold* Caftae Orlp and Influenza LAXATIVE 8*0*0 QUH*INE T.Mm. mm the nam I Then W only oo? "Brans WhIm* K. W. OKjrvr* lUfcatuT* on boa. Mm ?r Protect the INTERIOR of your home against the Summer invasion of insects with a selection from our complete stock of SCREEN* WINDOWS SCREEN DOORS ? , SCREEN WIRE LWECT POWDER LIQUID DISINFECTANT Beautify the EXTERIOR of your home with the use of our HIGH GRADE LAWN GRASS SEED L4WN SPRINKLERS ? . . . LAWN MOWERS LAWN RAKES LAWN HOSE I ? P. HICKS Get Your Ice at A. S. Wiggs. Always prompt and courteous in attention and price always right. A full line of heavy and fancy groceries at most reasona ble prices. Give me a call. I will appreciate your trade. A. S. WIGGS NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. Horses and Mules " ? I have just received a large number of fine well broke horses and mules that I am of- . ' ' , fering cheap for cash or on good paper. .They are especially adapted to farm work. GOME AND SEE THEM. In the Griffin & Beasley Stable near the Jail R. A. Pearce N0T1CB Having qualified as executrix of the nutate ot Ufa. Nancy R. Thomas, de ceased, late of Prankltn oountjr, this Is to notify alt persona haying claims agalnHt said estate to present them duly Itemised and verified to the Un dersigned at her home la Mill brook. K. C., on or before 27th day ot April, 1914 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their reooyery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please eome tor ward and make hamedate sellltam Thin 26th day ot April, 192S. MRS, MlNNtK T. HATCH. 4-27-6t Bxeoutrlx. RAJ ITS HIIDIASY Ww Bai? by Ayoock DtTMr 0?< ?? *? Fleeeent*, Baaalay Broil.., Bunn Dru? Oo.. W. Murphy, Ha try UrMM. roR rnunr atom job nurrrnw _viio*a mm . _