THX OLD HOMX TOWN BY ST AH LEY WE ARB IN FINE SHAPE TO SUPPLY YOUR WANTS, WITH ANYTHING YOU 9 o - ? WANT, SUCH AS: STEBL BEAM CULTIVATORS ? , Tk%L:: W0? DBEAM cultivators STONEWALL COTTON PLOWS ?V-78^;, . CAROLINA COTTON PLOWS boles COTTON HOES ? ^ V -' ? ? *. . . ? t cotton planters ' ;Sii. cfi?N flanters v^-.? HEAVY AND LIGHT BRIDLES " .-yisfe.,,* HORSE COLLARS ? .; > LAWN MOWERS ' GARDEN HOSE When in need of anything good to work with see ALLEN BROTHERS it will pay yon. = /--->? "COME AND SEE IS AT.T. WE ASK" Allen Bros. Co. Louisburg, N. 0. Make your home beautiful with "JOHN LUCAS" Pure Paints, for outftide and inside. I have the agency for this well known high grade paint. Big stock Screen Wire, Boors, Window Screen Framed, Oil Cook Stoves, BASE BALL GOODS Poultry Wire Farming Tools A store foil of good Hardware YLOR RE- SALE OP LAND Under and by virtu* of an order of lesale made by the *up*r?oj poort of Franklin county, the bat and fcllhMt bidder at previous sale on January 22nd, 1828 having (ailed to coayjjy with the terms fit his bldTKid due noUoe taring been |1tw said last and fclgh cst bidder and under and by virtue ot the power of tale contained la that certain deed ot trust executed by B. B. Kearney and -wile to EL BL Mvobe. Trustee, on Jan. 20th, 1931 recorded in book 224 page 479. Registry . ot Deeds for Franklin county, N. C. de fault having been made in the pay. ment of the Indebtedness thereby se ct red and demand for foreclosure hav ing been made upon me by the holder ot the bonds representing saldMadebt edness, I will on MONDAY, APRIL 23. IMS offer for sale at public auction at the courthouse door in Loulsburg, N. C. to the highest bidder for cash a cer tain tract or parcel ot land situate In Frankllnton township, Franklin coun ty, State of North Carolina, described as follows: Bounded on the "North by the lands ot J. A- Kelly estate and 3- B. Tomltnson, on the East by the lends ot J. F. Tomllnson. on the South by the lands ot Sirs. Annie EL Mitchell and J. F. Tomllnson and on the West by the lands ft Mrs. Annie EL Mitchell containing 26 acres more or less and being a part ot the EL P. Biackley traqt (originally Mitchell lan.1) and ' conveyed to D. B. Kearney by deeda of recent date, duly recorded in the registry ot Franklin county. This 23rd dav of March, 1923. 3-23-5t E. H. MALONE, Trustee. The above sale waa continued J>y ? con set of all parties concerned to ' Monday, April 30, 1923. This ApVll 23. 1923. 4-27-lt E. H. MALONE, Trustee. ! The above sale was continued by consent ot all parties concerned to Monday, May 7, 1923. This April 80, 1193. 5-4-lt E. H MALONB, Trustee. "We Picked Up Seven Large Bead Rata First Morula* Using Kat-8aap." Bo writes Mr. B. E Carpenter, Wool bridge, N. J. "We loot 18 small cjiloka one night, killed by rafts. Bought some RaT-SNAP and picked up 7 large dead rata next morning and In 2 weeks didn't a single rat, RAT-SNAP Is good an Convention will be held at the Bute College this year on July 81, August 1 and 2. Mark these dates on your calendar. Plant* grow fastest early In the morning, so you might boy your gar de an alarm clock. .wix' tm: BEST EQUIPPED The rural home or the city home? Mail us a card and we'll come to see you and explain some of the' advantages with a deep well, water works, electric lights, spraying machines and etc. White Pump & Well - Company, Inc. Well Drillers and Wa ? ter Supply Contractors,. Norlina, N. C. LEATHER Hu Advanced 10 Gents a Pound Bttnin ?tUl patting on Solaa at the following old prloaa: Sol*a - ? K cmti pair I i'? SoUa $1.00 par pair] Panoo Sola*, tcroghar than leathc-,. absolutely waterproof |1.U Plow Lines M eanta p?r pal# Myer? Mock Food ? t pkg for 2S cant* Any kind Harnaaa mad* to order. jLOUISBUEa REPAIR SHOP Jnttns Lehman. Proprietor f. *. ROTH COMPANY Louisburg's Most Popular Price Department Store It is gratifying to see bow many of Franklin County ' s leading ladies and gentlemen who have been in to see the nice line of Spring Goods we are showing and to hear the . , ^ ' many pleasant remarks about how much can be saved by trading here. We are doing our utmost to give you more and better goods for the same money. Read the- prices below and come in and join the multitude-of satisfied buyers. We want to see you and will do all we can to make your visit both pleasant and profitable. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT SPECIALS 26 In Bleaching extra good quality? 17tte yd 27 In Sheeting good grade 9Hc yd 32 In Dress Gingham all colors'and pat terns 23c yd 27 In Dress Gingham all colors and pat terns 15c yd 9|4 Pepp|eral Sheeting , 48c yd Curtain Scrim nice quality : 10c yd Apron Glnghaip^^gCodTferade ..10 and 15c yd 42 In Ratine all colors ! 49c yd 42 In Everfaat Suitings 1 &c yd LADIES READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. 8PE8IALS Ladles Coat Suits' Trtcotlne all colors trimmed and the very latest Spring styles, -- Special $1&?0 Ladles Polret Twill in all the neweBt ? shades and styles $24.50 Ladies Spring Coats and Capes all col- - ors and styles $&?0 to $14-95 Ladles Spring Dresses all the latest styles and designs. All time $llk Crepe dresses $8.95 Crepe deohene dresses $9.96 Falsi ey and All Time Crepe combination ? dresses $1840 Silk Canton Crepe dresses $17.60 Silk Crepe Satin dresses $BLtO Voiles and Ratine dresses $346 and $&M Gingham dresses 98c to fkJK MILLINERY DEPT. SPECIALS Ladles hats trimmed and untrlmmed 4 ' Ladles Tlabo Braid bats trimmed with flowers . . _ Wi * Ladles Mll&n hats trimmed all colors ? $&?& . Ladles Sailor hats x $1.45 to (Mi Ladles Crepe and Braid combinations all colors trimmed tUS "Ladies shape untrlmmed all colors and styles $1.60 to $140 Chlldrens and Uisses bats trimmed and untrlmmed 98c to $245 A large assortment of flowers and ribbons for trimmliigs. All hats trimmed free of charge by an experienced mllltifer. LADIES and CHILDRENS FUR NISHINGS DEPT. SPECIALS Ladies Collars and Cults 60 to 98c Ladles Bertha collars all styles 50c to $L60 Ladles Spring Sweaters, all colors $1.95- $445. Ladies Paisley Silk-Kerchiefs 60c 'Ladies Silk Chamos gloves 50 to 98e Ladies Purses and Pocketbooks..98? to $140 Chlldrens Sweaters all colors $145 Voiles all colors and patterns ? IS to 65c yd Organdies the very newest shades 25, 35, 45c 42 In SUlc Crepe dechlne all shades$1.45-$&46 42 In Silk Canton Crepe $1.95 to $UK> 1 In Silk Crepe Satin *2.45 to #8.85 36 la Messalln all colors J1.45 36 In Taffeta all colors $1.25 to $1.95 All Time Silk Crepe all colors 82.25 yd Duretta Cloth for boys 3ults and middles 88c 36 In Silk Mercerised Poplin ail colors 49Hc India Linen nice quality 15c yd MEN'S and BOYS FURNISHINGS ' DEPT. SPECIALS Men's dress shirts in stripes and checks with collar attached and detached lie Men's dress shirts In pongee, white and j tan, button down collar 98c to $135 ; Men's dress shirts In neat checks with or without collars ---II #8c to $1*46 | Men's work shirts In solid blue, stripes and checks 75 to 98c Boys dress shirts with or without collars all colors 98e Men's Unlonsults ? 50 to 95c Men's and Boys caps large asst 45c to $2.85 Mens and Boys extra heavy overalls 50e-$L95 Men's new Spring hats very latest shad es 1 98c to $845 Men's new Spring Neckwear 50 to 95c j ' I LADIES SKIRT AND BLOUSE ' DEPT. SPECIAL^ Ladles skirts pleated In all the latest 1 combination colors $3.95 to $&A5 . Ladies Crepe dechlne Blouses all col ors $2.95 to $845 Ladles Silk Paisley Blouses all colors ' $&95 to $5.95 Ladles Silk Trlcolette and Paisley Blouses $&85 to $445 Ladles white Voile Shirtwaists and Blouses ? 1 ? 98c to $1.95 Ladies Colored Voile Blouses.. 95e to $1.45 MEN'S, WOMENS and CHlLD RENS HOSIERY DEPT. SPECIALS Ladles pure thread silk full fafshloned hose gi,45 Ladles silk hose all colors 49 to 95c Ladies heavy silk hose full fashioned all the" newest shades $1.50 to 9B.46 Ladies pure thredd embroidered silk hose all colors ? $lj>5 Men's silk hose all colors 49 to 95C Men's lisle hose all colors _ 15 to 25c Childrena hose all colors 15 to 85e Children* short and three quarter length sox silk and lisle 15 to 49c MEN'S, WOMENS and OHILDRENS SHOE DEPT. SPECIALS Men's Oxfords mil the newest stylet and patterns * ? Men's Black Calf Oxfords enlgUli .and \ blucber last I fMt'to HH Hen's Chocolato and Tony Red English . and Blacher Oxfords W.74 .to |Mi Men's plow shoss and sandsls rubber heels |LH to IMS LAdtes 1 strap Tot Sandals In black, tan pearl and white ? & RJ( Ladles black and tan Oxfords rubbei heels ; Ladles black kM one strap pomps fLM * Ladle* patent pomps 1 ft 2 straps 1 Ladles combination pumps and Oxfords Beige and patent white and patent " gray and patent $*.?& to $ U* Ladles white Oxfords and Pumps |l?4t-W.M Children* patent and kid pump~Me to |Ut * /S4. 11 ? - * . Children* tan scuffle* -We to IMS MEN'S and BOTH' CLOTHING DEPT. SPECIALS Mat I'm Clothing In *11 tta* UtMt *tyl?* and color* M?o'( Bin* 8*rge nit* Bntftah aport nodal ! tVM Man'* 2 pair panta Bnlta hard flnlih WoraUda ? " i fUM ' Man'* fancy lilxtnr* *olt* fMJO Total Man'* pfa stripe antta in bro*m. Mm *?d black ?tLM Yonng Man'* niito la small naat chack . affkcta HW Tomhg l(an'i *nk* in hard finish oomW-/ nation, colors HUt * Men'a extra trouleri a large aimortment to MlMt from ? tlJt to 9M? Boys mtta la tweed eflact with 2 pair pant* ? . tfjft B jr* nit* ln blue ??rge (Ml Bora ?ntia In neat chacka and atrlpa* with on* and 1 pair panta? MM to Bora tittle ratts (lie 2 to t In Mm eerge neat chacka and .trfbe. $1 M to UM Bora mail aaita In Um lateat atylaa an4 oolovr a large aaeohtment to eeleot from - i Wcto HM Bora **"a pant* In all ahartaa aU Ma- "* terlali a Wg aaaortmeftt . Me to 9Mt THE S*0E1 THAT ALWAYS m&LM TH* 0HZAPX8T LOUIS BURG, ? -i ? ^ ^ NORTH CAROLINA