NOTICE! Open For Business ? In the old Beck Garage. Your - p&tronge solicited. ? ? Storage, Gas, Oil, Goodyear Tires and Williard Batteries. If in trouble phone me day or night, will be there. CAR WASHING? I have employed one of the best car washers to be found. Cars called for and delivered. H. P. Cranford LODISBURG, - North Carolina ANNOUNCEMENT ! I take pleasure in announcing to my many friends and rustomers that I have moved my stock of Heavy and Fancy Groceries to the Burt building corner of Court and Main street, south of the Court Square, where I have more room and am better ? >? prepared to serve your every want. I shall carry full lines at the very lowest price for quality and serin re to be found. Coma to see me and lets talk talk over your needs. J. Allen Harris Uniform Quality at the RIQHT PRICE All Standard Sizes / Carried in Stock . I ALLEN MACHINE COMPANY PARAGE Loniaburg, N. 0. Phone 295-J MONEY TO LEND ON IMPBOVED (arm lande. t ptr cent lntereet. Mb cominleelon, no bonue. May ran for U yeara or be paid off at option of borrower. Only a ehort time ra .qulred to cat the money. 7-14-tf S. A. NEWELL. SALE ? ? ARMY SHOES - . SALE We have Juet bought a tremendoua atock of Army Munmon laa( ehoee to be eold to the public direct . Price "Aeee ahoea are 100 per cent ?olid leather with heavy double eolee sewed and nailed. The upper* are of heavy tan chrome leather with bellow* tonne, thereby making them waterproof. Theee ahoea are eel ling ?ery fait and we advlae you to order ?t onoe to Ittewe your order being Th? ataee are ? toll all wtdtbe; Pay Poatnaa on receipt or ?ooda or aend money order. Money refunded If ahoee A box c SALVE for 7 ? ? ? - ? RE-SALE 0T VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under ana by virtu# of the pow?r ccnferred a pom nt In a certain Deed of Trust executed t - r 7 f ?./?'" ? PrtoM r?a?o??tila. Mrrle* a* kwt. ' ? J. C TUCKER Proprietor Saturday and Monday : "i * * ? * . >. Ranging in Prices from 25 Cents to 75 Cents. YOUR CHOICE 19c EAT THE BEST - - Melrose Flour Barrel # 1-2 Barrel 1-4 Barrel 1-8 Barrel^ $ 8.50 4.25 2.15 1.10 The Hudson Store Co ?. ? ?>; -s -?*, r** v ? - NEXT DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK ' . Louisburg, N. C. ? Plant Someyiing This Spring . Raleigh, N. C. April ,30 Those who ast. w'eek pass wflthout doing any thing more definite about Garden we^E than reading the notices, thoul^ determine to plant something this spring anyway, says F. E. McCall, Gar den Specialist Tor the Agricultural Ex tension Service. Mr. McCall urgts that somethdng should actually eb planted so that the grower may feel that he is helping North Carolina take her place as a leading horticultural State. He suggests that some good blight proof tomatoes of the Norduke, Mar vel and Norton varieties be planted. A few carrots, parsnips and ground "cherries may be started or a few plants of the improved blue-berries along with raspberries and dewher ries will give a start with small fruits. He says, "Locate some godd .flow ering shrub in the woods. Prune the roots now by taking a spade and cut ting .away all lateral roots about eighteen -Inches out each way from the' inafb stem, fieave the plant to develop new roots this summer and transplant It next November. Lawn grass seed will grow better If some woods mould Is mixed in ^ith the top soil." * The(ge suggestions by Mr. McCall are In line wlfti the Uve-at-home pro gram. ot the Agricultural Extension Service and the effort being made by horticultural workers to beautify the -farmstead of Carolina and encourago the all year garden. A grouch Is a man who finds a , quarter and cnsres his luck becau*e |lt was not a dollar. * Never let a seed store cheat you. are 614,000 seeds In a bushel of , ston that Headache with SAM'S [hbadeasy. MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE "Louisburg, N. C. Wants your tank account, and offers you ? a banking service that you will like. Our firat consideration la the Bafety of our de posits. We are prepared to serve you ef ficiently and promptly on any .proposition that is consistent with safoand sound bank ing. . we fay Interest on savings ACCOUNTS AND CERTIFICATES' OP DEPOSIT. "VVte have a growing list of cu?tomers who like their connection with the Farmers National. WE %OtlLD LIKE TO TALK THE MATTER OVER WITH YOTJ, Farmers National Bank ? Louisburg, BT. 0. * vV ?* ' >>? ? a*' \?* * ? siA'