Have you shinedyour shoes today mm I' Shoe Polish / It improves your per . sonal appearance and saves the leather. Fori* Black, White, Tan, Brown and Ox-blood Shoos F. F. Da] Icy Company lac. Buffalo, N. Y. CHASSIS New Price Er<XBT DETROIT Tbtolk of itl For only $235 you can-now buy this efficient, Economical and reliable Ford Chassis. With a body to suit your needs, it enables you to imme diately increase your trade zone, satisfy-more customers, reduce your delivery costs and make more money. Buy Now. Terms if desired. Louisburg Motor Co. LOUISBUBG, North Carolina >Vo wish to wnonnce tjint we i)xo now In position to handle any thing In tjhe w?y of I-anndry. For the benefit of private families, wo will do yonr family wet fash for 5e per lb. and finish work 15c per lb. Our minimum charge 75c. ?-*' "*? ...v r-?. J*- . 0. Also don't forget we are still Cleaning and Pressing. Remember^ we are always at your service. TOCB PATRONAGE APPRECIATED ' /. - A ' ' aJJ ? V- . jV The Scrvicc Shop W. B. MUNFOED, Manager PHONR 104 ill LOUTSBUSfl, !f. C. "ALL WORK CASH ON DELIVERY" Subscribe to The Franklin Times " Under and by virtue of the power ovularrod upon mo la * certain dee ! of trust executed to by Jo*?yh. li Gordon ?Ud recorded in the office of the register of deed* of Franklin county lu .book 224, page >83, default lining been made la the payment of the Indebtedness aecured In aald deed of trust, and demand htfvlng been made upon mo to execute the power of Bale contained therein, I will on MONDAY, MAY 28. 1928 at the hour of noon, sell at public auc tion at the courthouse door In Lfjuls bjirg, N. C. to the highest bidder for cash ono tract or parcel of land situ ated In Franklin County, Loulsburg Township, State of North Carolina and describe as follows: Beginning at the old Spencer (near Jno. W. Harris) and Knights of Old con corner In tho road leading "from the old Spencer Gin place to Rocky Ford, which point Is marked by an iron stake on the South side of the road; thence S 4d W 4.35 chains to an iron stake, the S. E. corner of the KnlghtB of Gideon lot thence N 8Sd W 1.33 chains to an Iron stake and pointers the new corner for Jno. W. Harris and Jns. B. Gordon In the back line of 'be Knight of Gideon lot; thence S 4d W 13.78 to a rock new corner' of Jno.W. Harris and Jaa. B. Gordon in J W. Perry line.; thence S S6d E 7.13 chains to a rock neW cor ner for Jno. W. Harris and Jas. B. ?Gordon In J. W. Perry vrhich corner ij In an abandoned road about 75 feet west of it where it crossed a branch; thence N 4d E 18.15 chains to the middle of the aforesaid road. Jno. W. Harris and J. B. Gordon cor ner on said road; thence along the said road "N 86, W 5.76 chains to the beginning, containing Tvrelve and three tenths (12.3) acres more or less according to survey of B. B. Eger ton made Oct. 7, 1919. This 24th day of AprlC 1923. C. P. HARRIS, Trustee. W. H. Yarborough. Atty. 4-27-5t NOTICE Pursuant to an order of re-sale In the Spccial Proceedings entitled in the matter of Rosa Brown et alB ? tho bid at the first aale having been rais ed as required by law, 1 will sell at the courthouse door in Loulsburg, N. C. at about the hour of noon on MAY THE 14th, 191:3 for cash at public auction the follow ing described real estate A rartiitn iracx or i!in<i Hin'V "'1 in Trdnr -V iownsiiip. Franklin county, said State It being Lot No. 2 in the division ol follows: Beginning at a Pine Har pers corner; thcnce S 69d E 143 poles 19 links to a stake corner Na 1 In Lancaster's corncr; thence S 40d W 4< poles 16 links to a Ltake ?r?d point ers Joseph Collins corner; thence N 72d W 113 poles to a stake Collins cor ner iji Harpers line; thence N 3d 60 poles 12 links to the beginning, con taining 35 1-4 acres more or lees. It tc-ing the land formerly owned by John \3rown decsased. This April the 27th, 1923. W. M. PERSON, 4-27-3t Commissioner. | NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of authority contained In a certain deed of trust executed to S. A. Nevrell, Trustee, by Frank Hawkins and wire Cora HaV kins, on tl)e 15th day of A?>rll, 1923, which said deed of trust is duly recor ded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin county in Book 234 page 319, default having been made In the indebtedness thereby se cured and demand having beou made for foreclosure, the undersigned trus tee will on MONDAY, MAY 28, 1923 at about the hour of 12 o'clock M, at ilie courthouse door in Louisburg, N. C.* offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract bf land ly ir g and being in Louisburg township, North Carolina, described tis follows; . Ming the lot of land devised to Cora Hawkins by hor father, William Allen, by Item 4 of said v.'lll, which is of record in the office of the Clerk of 4he Superior Court of Franklin coun ty in Will Book V. page 516, described as follows; Twenty acres of land to cut off next to the lands of lohn Har ris. Commencing at' Peter Hawkins' corner and running thence west to the creek and crossing North <lt the church, to be three acres deep and 6 2-3 acres long. This April 25, 1923. 4-27-5t S. A. NEWELL, Trustee: SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained tn that mort gage deed executed on the 17th day of January, 1921, by C. A. I.S>ng and vtlfe Stella Long to Justice Supply Company, dnly registered In Book 210 page 545. Registry of Franklin county, and by-order of re-nale made ?by the Clerk of the Super U,r Court pursuant to a dopoelt and up cot bid, ttre undersigned transferee will ip'i at publlo auction to the highest bid der for caah, on MONDAY, MAY 14, 1923 at -12 o'clock M, at the courthouse door of Franklin county tn Louisburg, N. C. (hat tract or parcel of land sit uate In Cedar Rock township. Frank lin county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of P. O. Bowden estate. Sa rah J. S tailings, and others, and des cribed Os follows: Beginning' at a (take in ihe center of the I.oui<itynrg and 8pri,ig Hope road, running & 86 1-2 K lit poles 17 links to Thomas Ifno on East side of old road; thence S 8 H W 6 polee 11 links to the Thomas line; thence S 8 1-2 W lrpoleo to a piae;?thonce N 80 1-2 W 75 poles to % stake in the now rofd; thence along said road N 60 W 28 poles 11 links to the begin ning, containing eight and-pne six teenth (8 1-1 1) acres, more or less. This the 24th day of April, 1928. MRS. J. O. BOWDEN. 4-27-8t Transferee. Only ton oat of every 100 UoWWS are scented, bat the same M not true of onions. . 'i.i'l'.u About th? most Important thing go ing on now In tight underwear, _ hSB ? -'"?Aafi* : ? ' Free Flower 8eeds You wffl be glad to kaow that UM j tings', "The South'* SwtoM," tl? away about 3.000,90e pa?ta<* Of seed of the South'* moat popoWt flow ant this spring. There la nothing la the bom* that can compare with rich oolored Qpwen. They brighten ue all up and make any home attractive. You capl plant too .many {lower* and this opportunity to get Shirley Popples, Everlasting Flow ers, Zinnias, Cosmos and Mexican Burn ing Bush absolutely (roe. Is certainly to be weloomed by all readers of this paper Yon can get th?m! Just write to Hastings' tor the new IMS Catalog. It tells you how to got flower seeds fre*. It has 109 pages of baautlful photo graphic pictures and oorrect descrip tions of garden flower and field seed*, bulbs and plant*, asd alw la full ot helpful information that I* needed almost dally in even Soothers home. It's the moat valuable eeod book ever published and you will be mlffcty glad you've got It Just write ul w to i | ths new Catalog. H. a HASTINGS OO, Atlanta, Oa. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN 111!. J. 11 Kit Htm FITZGERALD Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Will bo at Dr. II. H. Johnson's office In Loulsburg every first Monday. En gagements should be made as far In advance as possible. Dili K. F. YABB0B0C6H I'll} fklan and Surgeon Loulsburg, N. C. Office !n Blckett and Yarborougb Building. Office Phone 2S6 Residence Phone 28 8. ATWOOD NEWELL. Attoraey-At-Lnw. Louisliurg, N'. C. Phone No. 115 Office in First National Bank Building General Practice Illl. W. B. MORTON Eye Specialist Office In Hotel Building I-ouisburg, North Carolina -4 ? wlrlr'ttr advlba my patients and the public generally that after the 1st of September my business_willJlfl-Jin. & Cash basis when work Is completed. DR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING 8. P. BUBT, M. D. Loulsburg, N. C. Offices over Bcoggln's Drag 8 tore. Hours 11 a. m. to 1 p. m? and 4 to i p. m. i)lL W. R. BASS. Veterinarian Loulsburg. N. C. Offices and Hospital East Nash St. Phone Office 335-L Residence 336-J Special Attention to Small Animals. DB..D. f. SMITH WICK. Dentist. Loubfearf, N. C. OSice In tile First National Bonk Building on Main and Nash Sts. W. M. PEKSON. ATTORNEY -AT -LAW Loulsburg, North Carolina Taetloe In all courts. Office on Main Street. G. M. BEAM Attorney -at-Law Officos over Post Office Practice in all courts. Dll J. n. uAVlg Physician and Surgeon loulsburg, North Carolina Office Main Street A. T- Neal Building at River Bridge Telephone Connections 64 and 64-2 R. Hours: 8 to 11 : 30. a. m. 2 to 6 p. m. 8. B. White E. H. Maloae * WHITE * HA LONE LAWYERS Loolsbarg, North Carolina S?neral practice, settlement of m *tee fundi investofl. On a member of ;ce firm always In the offlce. DR. H. G. PERRY Physician and Surgeon Lonlsbarg, North Carolina Offices Adjoining Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day 287; Night 287 DB. 1. B. MALONE. Loulsburg, North Carolina /ie? In Aycock Drug Store, Market Street, Offlce Practice Uurgery and oonsultatlon. DB. B. H. JOHNSON Physician and Surgeon I.onlsburg, North Carolina Office over Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day and Night both No. 10 i. 0. NKWEL1? M. D. . Lnhkirt, N. ?? Office in First National Bank Building Day Phono 149 ? Night Phone 249-2 rhoe. W. K tiffin W. BAFFIN North Carolina both clrll and crlm and adjoining conn Federal Courts. National Bank Protect the INTERIOR of your borne against the Summer invasion of insects with a selection from onr Complelt! stock of SC.PEEN WINDOWS , SCREEN DOORS SCREEN WIRE * INJECT POWDER .. * LIQUID DISINFECTANT? Beautify tho IjJXTERIOR of your home with the use III fill GRADE UWN GRASS SEED LAWN SPRINKLERS LAWN MOWERS LAWN RAKES LAWN HOSE I ? P: KICKS Get Your Ice at A. S. Wiggs. Always prompt and courteous in attention and price always right. A full line ot heavy and fancy gr^eries at most reasona ble prices. Give me a call. I will appreciate your trade. A. S. WIGGS NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. Notice To Owners of Cars and Fordson Tractors of Franklin County Wo can serve you night or day, when irf trouble with your automobile or your Fordson Tractor, as Messrs. H. G. Leonard and X. B. Medlin, known as Herbert and Nobe, are with me, and Mr. Leonard is known as the best Fordson Tractor mechanic In the county, also for Ford oars. Mr. Med lin is known to be one of the best me chanics in the county for all large cars such as Hudson's. Essex, Dodgo'B and Bulck'a and all other la^ge makes of cars. We can serre you as well as any Oarage in the county. We carry nothing except genuine Ford parts tor your Ford and can serve yon as quick for parts for large cars as any Oarage In LouUburg as no Oarage tarries stock for other cars except to small quantities. When In town caH to see our stock of caaiugs, Inner takaa and occes8orles as we carry the largest stock In the county except tfce Lauls bnrg Motor Co. DmI forget vken in trouble call day Phone (No. t), at night (No. 137) and ?? ax* always on the J6b. We serve yon tor gas, oil and all accessories on Sunday aa w*U as Monday. HUDSON'S GARAGE R. W. HUDSON, Proprietor Loqiebtug, N. C NOTICE Havlnj qualified as executrix, of the ostato of Mrs. Nanoy H. Thomas, de ceased, late of Franklin county, this Is to notify all persons having olalibs against said estate to present them duly itemlied and rerlfted to. the un dersigned at her home In HUlbrook, N. C., on or before 27th day of 4t>rll, 1914 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebt ed to Mid estate wilt please same for ward and make imnaedate settleent. This Itth. day of April, 19U.

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