Bring home a Box of Shoe R>lish?" "Why Shoe Polish?" "Everybody knows the quality and you get more its 15$ and worth more P. P. Mb? Commit be. BuS*k>, N. V. CHASSIS New Price SLOuB. DEERorr ? TMnk of- itl " For only $235 1.1 you*2anaxOT!buy4?ris?f&cie?$, I Arv-tr^rmraKanHvrflKahlft Food | Chassis. j With a body to suit your | needs^it?nables you tcmnme diately increase your trade zone, satisfy 'more customers, $ reduce your delivery costs ? and<make?more money. ?if / 3uy1Now.<. Terms if desired ' Louisburg Motor Co. , LOUISBBEG, , North Carolina Flies and Mousquitoes Have Arrived SHUT THEM OUT WITH SCREEN WIRE I have a large Stock in all widths from 18 to 48 inches, both Galvanized and Black. LUCAS, HOUSE and AUTO PAINTS, ALABASTINE WALL TINTS A store full of good Hardware H. O. TAYLOR Hardware Subscribe to The Franklin Times ^?JUSTEES SALE OF IJ&H) , Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon uie in a certain M of trust executed to me by Joseph IS. Gordon and recorded In the office of the register of dee da of Franklin county In. book 224, page 233, default halug been made in the payment of the indebtedness Becnred in said deed of trust, and demand having been made upon me to execute the power of sale contained therein, I will on MONDAY, MAY 28, 1923 at the hour of noom, sell at public auc tion at the courthouse door tn LouIb burg. N. (\ to the highest bidder for [cash one tract or parcel of land situ ated lu Franklin County, Loulsburg i Township, State of North Carolina and describe as follows: Beginning at the old Spencer (near Jno. W. Harris) and Knights of Gid eon corner in tho road leading from The old Spencer Gin place to Rocky Ford, which point is marked by an Iron stako on the South side of the road; theuce S 4d W 4.35 chains to au iron stako. the S. E. corner of the Knights- of Gideon lot thence N 86d W 1.33 chains to an iron stake and pointers the new corner for Jno. W. Harris and Jas. B. Gordon in the back line of the Knight of Gideon lot; thence S 4d W 13.78 to a rock new corner of Jno.W. Harris and Jas. B. Gordon in J. W. Perry line; thence S 86d B 7.13 chains to a rock new cor ner for Jno. W. Harris and Jas. 13: Gordon in J. W. Perry which corner is in an abandoned road about 75 feet west of it where it crossed a branch; thence N 4d E 18.15 chains to the middle of the aforesaid road, Jno. W. Harris and J. B. Gordon cor ner on said road; thcnce along the said road N 86 W 5.76 chains to the beginning, containing Twelve and three tenths (12.3) acres more or less according to survey of B. B. Eger ton made Oct. 7, 1919. This 24th day of April, 1923. C. P. HARRIS, Trustee. W. H. Yarborough, Atty. 4-27-5t NOTICE SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of authority con tained In a certain deed of trust exe cuted to the undersigned trustee on the 17th day of May, 1920, by A. W. Perry, Jr. and wife, which said deed of trust Is duly recorded In the office of the register of deeds of Franklin county In Book 224 page 449, the In debtedness secured by the said deed of trust being past due and demand having been made upon mo for fore closure, I will on MONDAY, MAY 21, 1923, at about 12 o'clock M, at the court house door In Louisburg, N. 6. offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, that certain tjact of land in Louis burg township, Franklin county, des cribed as follows: The seven (7) tracts or parcels of land constituting what Is known as Back Bay Farm, located north of Louisburg, on the West side of the Louisburg-Warrenton road, and being the lands which were conveyed by F. B. McKlnne et al to A. W. Perry, Jr., containing 148 1-2 acres, more or less and being the landB separately des cribed in the deed from McKlnne et als to A. W. Perry, Jr., of record in the Register of Deeds office In book 225 pages 31-34, reference bolng made to said deed and description therein adopted as fully as if it were copied herein at length. Also the Deed from Wm. H. Ruffin and wife to D. F. Mc Kinn? et alB book 192 page 587. A cash deposit of 25 per cent of bid will be required. ThiB 18th day of April, 1923. 4-20-5t S. A. NEWELL, Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECU TION North Carolina, In the Franklin County. Superior Court First National Bank, Louisburg, N. C. Vh. P. J. King. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Franklin County In the above entitled action, I will on MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1923 at 12 o'clock M. at the court house door of said County, sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said ex ecution, all the right, title and Inter est which the said P. J. King, the de fendant has In the following real es tate, to-wlt: A one-seventh undivid ed Interest In that tract of land in Harris Township, Franklin County, containing 113 acres, more or leBs and being that tract of land of which Mrs. J. B. King died Belzed and possessed of, and known as the King home place This May 4, 1J23. # ' 5-ll-5t H. A. KEARNEY. Sheriff NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the pnw. j given to the undersigned Trustee .u u. certain deed of trust made by J. E. Wright and wife to the undersigned Trustee, dated May 14. 1S20. In book 233, page 230-231 of the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, N. C., (default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured) the undersigned will offer for sale at the courthouse door In Louisburg, N. C., at 12 o'clock noon, the following des cribed real estate, on SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1923. I A certain tract 6r parcel of land In Franklin County, Dunn's Township, North Carolina, described follows: Bounded on the N by the lands of Tom Jones and E. T. Wright, on the E by the lands of Willie Pattlford, on the S by the lands of Atha Jeans, and on the W by the Louisburg road, contain ing 90 acres, more or less, and being the identical land conveyed by John Alford and wife to J. E. Wright by deod duly registered In book 162, page 263, Franklin County Registry, to which reference la hereby made for further description. Terms of sale catfi. This the 1st day of May, 1923. 5-11 ? A. M. SCALES, Trustee. The farm women of Vance County are selling about $200 worth of pro ducts per week at the curb market In Henderson, according to reports from the home demonstration Agent. Many women are kept buty filling other orders that were taken on the market day. KES0MTI03S * Wbtr?tt the yvoman's CluV" Kuudu (or a bigger. better and busier Louis burg ? Intellectually, economically. In dustrially, clvlcally, morally and poli tically ? and for every Interest which In any way may fomrihum tn rh?. re alization of our alms and Ideals; and1 Whereas wo esteem it our good fortune to have for our first Presi dent Mrs. M. C\ Pleasants a woman whose culture and refinement so ad mirably qualify her for the position Of honor and' responsibility which has been accorded her In the unani nouB elerrton or Tier to tho position of President In this club, and to mem bership on tho Board of Trustees of the LoulBburg Graded School; and Whereas her untiring devotion and efficient services in these places of trust have pointed the way to a fuller realization to our alms and ideals; and Whereas certain discordant and uncalled for influences calculated to handicap her in the discharge of her official duties and discredit her use fulness as a member of the School this club and Into the meeting of the board; and Whereas we desire to assure our President and friend of our confidence and the high esteem in which she is held by us and the good people of Louisburg? Therefore. be it resolved: r 1. That we as a -body and as indi vldals pledge to her loyal support in her ever undertaking for the carry ing out of the purposes of this club. 2. That we look with disfavor on any effor.t on the part of any person or board who i:i any way whatever tries lo retard her leadrshlp or dis credit her usefulness as a member of the board. 3. That a copy of these resolutions be spread on our minutes, a copy be sent the Board of Trustees of the Louisburg Graded School, to the Frank lin Times for publication, and that a copy be sent to our President with assurances of our love and e9tecm. Mrs. A. M. Hall, Vice Pres. Mrs. G. M. Beam, Sec. MAY FORECAST IX. SECT OUTBREAKS Raleigh, N. C. May 16. By means of the insect survey which Franklin Sher ) man, Chief of the Division of Entomo logy, is now making in North Caro* lina, he reports that It may be pos sible later on to give advance notice of epidemic outbreaks of such pests as the Qreen Bug. Chinch Bug. Hessian Fly, Grasshoppers, Cotton Leaf Worm, and others. Mr. Sherman Is cooperating with 'the Federal Bureau of Entomol ogy in compiling records of insect outbreaks, the abundance of the in sects, and other items of information These findings go Into Washington v*here they are compared with find ings from all other states and the in formation is then returned to the dif ferent states. Mr. Sherman is now compiling the complaints of Insect damage reported to hla office from time to time during, the past twenty years. He finds from the thousands of complaints received that certain pests are at their worst in definite regions and their injuries confined to certain part^ of the year. ' To help in this work, Mr. Sherman states that interested farmers and county farm agents could render a distinct service by reporting accurate observations to him, giving about the following information: When was the pest lirst seen for the season? When does it first become common on the plants that it attacks? Is it more de structive or lests destructive than us ual? How does it compare with last, year All of this information, together with specimens of both the old and new insects, will help In making a complete insect survey of the State. A specimen and a record of all insects will give information al^out whTch there can be no doubt. He asks farni^ ers and other to cooperate with him in this work. "ENVOY" Rny Anderson, Chinese-born Amer ican. who Is actinic as agent between the various governmental representa tives and the Chinese brigands who wrecked a train and are holding tour ists for ransom. Our rural populaton fell off 460. 000 last year. Down on the farm they are down on the farm. fvmpsey. former pugllst. Is selling coal, and it would take him to sell us very much now. Electric lighted handbags are be ing sold, even though the contents had bent bo kept dark. They say brains are replacing beauty In Kentucky, and we say such a tiling is Impossible. Protect the INTERIOR of your home against the Suram-T invasion of -insects with a selection from our compete stock of SCREEN WINDOW'S " ~ SCPEEN DOORS SCREEN WIRE - - ?? ? INJECT POWDER HQ I'll) DISINFECT A NT Beautify tlio EXTERIOR of your home with the use of our HIGH GRADE . ? ... LAWN GRASS SEED w. LAWN SPRINKLERS ^ j ; i LAWN MOWERS 4! t ; .K LAWN RAKES i ? " LAWN HOSE L. P. HICKS Get Your Ice at A. S. Wijgs. Always prompt and courteous in attention and price always right. A full line ot heavy and fancy groceries at most reasona ble prices. Give me a call. I will appreciate your trade. A. S. WIGGS NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. To My Friends and the Public I have on hand a lot of F^d casings and tubes, am going to sell at about cost. Be sure to come to see me when in need of any. Also cotton hoes and Carolina cultivators and casting for same. A good line of groceries, feeds tuff 9, hey, eats and corn, most anything you need, also a good line of shoes. I am selling cheap, be sure to get my prices before you buy. It might pay you. Yours truiy, J. W. PERRY NASH STREET i ? LOriSBURG. N 0. NOTICE Having qualified an executrix ot the estate of Mrs. Nancy R. Thomas, de ceased, late of Franklin county, thin Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them duly Itemised and verified to the un dersigned at her home In Mlllbrook, N. C., on or before 27th day ot April, 1924 or this notice will be pleaded In bar ot their recovery. All persons Indebt ed to said estate will please come for #ard and make lmmedate settteent. This 2?th day ot April. 1928. MRS, MINNIK T. HATCH, 4-27-Ot Executrix, SAM'S HEADS A ST For Sal* by |Ayooc.k Dro| Co., F. R. Pleasant*. I Baasley Bros., Bunn'Draf Co.. W. I Murphy. Henry Ayacua. *OR FIRST OUtQ9 JOB FRIMTDW PHONM ~

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