SAVE YOW MONEY Tuft's Pills Some boys are smail for their age. So are some men. Pllea Cured la 6 ] OniiilMl re food moot] to cure Itch lot. Blind, I -?385". USlSZ'^ 14 0*7* - 3 OOmiENTtaOj it Procrodin* PUn. yS?g NOTICE j Having qualified at Administrator ot the estate ot J. P. Handling, deceased. Una, this Is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, on or before the 4th day of May, 1924, or this notice will he plead In bar of their recovery. All per sons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This the 4th day of May, 1923. 6-4-6t JOTOi W. SANDLING, Admr. Senator Lodge's argument against this world court Idea seems to be teat it isn't Lodge-tcal. OUR FOUNTAIN is in Full Bloom. Cold Drinks of all kind. Give us a trial is all we ask. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded and will save you money. Seibert Poison Fly Paper - 8 Sheets for 10c Bee Brand Insect Powder 10, 25 and 50c Size F. R. Pleasants PHONE 222 J Furniture The season's best and most popular styles and designs both in Suits and Extra Pieces. Call in and look 6ver t | our Stock before' you begin your spring cleaning that you may easily solve your arrangement problem. W. E. White Furniture Co Wood Beam <Ld 50 ?T'li*** klMk McKINNE BROS. pay CASttaad PAV SALE or LAND ? "J Under una by ylrtue of the power and authority contained lu that deed August, 1919, duly registered In the office of the Register' of Deeds for Franklin County in Book 224 at page ?86, default having been made in the payment of the notes secured thereby and demand made pon me to tore close lo accordance with the terms and provisions -thereof, 1, the under signed Trustee, will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door of Franklin coun ty, N. C. on MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1923 at 12 o'clock M. the following describ ed real estate, situate In Franklin County, State of. North Carolina and dt scribed cs follows: ' 1st Tract. That tract of land known as the Evans Tract and designated as Tract No. 6 In the division of the lands among the Heirs at law of Norman Long deceased, contaraing J't 1-2 acres and being fully described In Ihe record of said division in Book 6, Orders and Decrees, office of Clerk Superior Court of Franklin county at pages 218 et soq. 2nd Tract. That lot or parcel of land chuate In the town of Franklin ton, N. C. known as the Norf White place and bounded by the lands of W. L. McGhee, Christian church and Hills boro road containing about three acres and fully described In deed of R. B White, Comr. to I. H. Kearney, record ed in Book 156 at page 3o8 Registry of Franklin county. 3rd Tract. That lot or parcel of land In town of Frankllnton known as Norf White Shop lot on HUlsboro road and more fully described In above mentioned deed of R. B. White, Comr. to I. H. Kearney recorded in book 156 at page 338, said Registry of Frank lin county. 4th Tract. That tract or parcel of land known as the W. W. King lends adjoining C. H. Sandllng estate and Geo. Kearney lands and lying on Mount Olivet road, containing 44 acres more or less and being more fully described In deed from Spruill and Blckett, Comrs to I. H. Kearney, said deed being duly recorded In book 156 at page 434, Reg istry of Deeds for Franklin county. Reference being here made to all of the aforesaid deeds and records for a more full description of the lands hereby conveyed. This 23rd day of March. 1923. 3-23-5t J. E. MALOXE, JR, Truetee. The above sale was continued by consent of all parties concerned to Monday, April 30, 1923. This April 23 1923 4-27-lt J. E. MALOXE, JR., Trustee. The above sale was continued by copsent of all parties concerned to Monday, May 7j_ 1923. This April 30, 1293 5-4-lt J. E. MALONE, JR, Trustee. The above sal* was continued by consent of all parties concerned to Monday, May 14, 1923. This May 7th, * 1:23. 5-11-lt J. E. MALONE, JR.. Trustee. The above sale was continued by consent of all parties concerned to Monday, May 21, 1923. This May 14, 1923. 5-18-lt J. E. MALONE. JR., Trustee. SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that deed of trust executed on the 4th day of August, 1919, duly registered in tha office of the Register ot Deeds lor Franklin county in Book 224 at -page 385, default having been made m the payment of the notes secured thereby and demand made upon me to fore close in accordance with the terms land._j>rovisIons thereof, I, the Snder tigned Trustee, will sell a; public auc tion to the highest bldde^ for cash, at the courthouse door ot Franklin coun ty, N. C. ou MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1923 at 12 o'clock M. the following describ ed real estate, Bltuate in Franklin ton township. Franklin county, State of North Carolina, and described ae follows: 3rd Tract. All that parcel of land containing 37 1-2 acres more or Jess and being known as the Toney Pugh Place, conveyed to Oza D. Kearney by deed of R. B. White, Trustee, dated Sept. 25, 1917 and recorded - In Book 221, page 83 Registry ft Franklin coun ty, N. C. 4th Tract. All of the parcel- of land containing 16 1-C*acres more or let's, conveyed to Oza p. Kearney by deed of W. H. Yarborough and B. H. Malone, Comrs. dated Angust 28, 1918 and re corded in Book 221 page 189 aforesaid Registry. > 5tl? Tract. All of that parcel of land conveyed by R. B. White, Comr. to Oza D. Kearney by deed dated Nov. 10th, 1918 aqd recorded In Book 213 page' 584 aforesaid Registry. Reference to all of saifr deeds and records being hare mm. This 23rd dny1 of March, 1923. 3-28-6t J. E. MALONE, JR., Trustee The above sale was continued by consent of all paxtlas concerned to Monday, April SO, " 1923. This April 41 ISIS r ** 4-27-lt J. E. MALONE, JR.. Trustee The above sale was continued by content ot -all parties concerned to Monday, Mar 7. 1?M. This April 30, 1292. 5-4-lt J. E. MALONE, JR., Trustee lie above sale was continued by consent ot all parties conceerned to Monday, May 14, 1923. This May 7th. 1988. 6-11-lt J. B. MALONE, JR., Trustee , | - The above sale was continued by content ot all parties concerned to - " Ma/ il, 1923. This May 14. | Klg-lt J. E. MALONE. JR., Trustee. NOTICE Or SALE Pursuant to the power given to the j undersigned Truste^j In a Deed of may and wlte Ota D. Kearney and D. B. Rear ney, dated June 9 4*19. and recorded in the office ot the Register bt Deedt> ot Franklin county, N. C. In book 236. page 4, .default having been made In tha payment of the indebtedness ther? by secured) (he undersigned Trustee will offer the following described real ?state tor tale at the court house door In Loutsbnrff, N. C., at. twelve o'clock 1?^ wsmxr, Xj-ril i?. ims 1. Beginning at a Make, Bills' cor n?r in Oodk'i Una. thence a W W 142 rpte to a white oak. thence along .the creek 16 pis to Home Beam on the N' side of creek. Cook's corner, thence up ; tbs branch to a poplar, Woodard's cor rf, thence N along his line t?"W. TV D. T Kearney line, theacp along (J?Ir line lo Winston's line, thence along his line 8 3 W 74 pis to the be ginning, containing 126 acres, more or less. 8. A certain tract, and more par ticularly described as follows: That parcel or tract of land being the resi due of lot No. 2 In the dlriston of the TLevlster land, said lot No. 2 having been allotted to C. S. Williams In that proceeding In Franklin Superior Court entitled C. 8. Williams vs Mar garet Powell, recorded in book 7, par es 103 et seq. Orders and Decrees, In the office ot the CSC of Franklin coun ty, X. C.. after cutting off that portion erf said lot No. 2 which was subsequent [ ly conveyed by said C. 8. Williams to t I. H. Kearney by deed recorded In book 146. page 305 In the Register of Deeds office in Franklin county, N. C., said lot No. 2 as allotted to said C. 8. Will iams containing 71 acres, and that portion of same conveyed to said I. H. Kearney by deed above referred to contains 15 1-2 acres, leaving a residue of said lot No. 2 ot 19 1-2 acres,, more or less, *hlch Is hereby conveyed. Ref erence is here made to above mention ed proceedings and also to the above mention ' deed af_C. S. Williams to I. H. Kearney, for a further and more accurate description of the said 19 1-2 acres, more or less, hereby conveyed. 3. Bounded oil the N by Jlrs. Mary E. Long and Henrietta Allen, on the E by Mrs. Mary E. Long, on the S by he Monroe Cook land, on the W by Mrs. Mary E. Long, containing 2-3 acre, more or less, and being the same lands allotted to Annie Wilder In the division ot the Monroe Cook lands. 4. That tract known ^ lot No. 1 In the division of the Norman Long lands according to agreement ot re cord in book of Orders and Decre-s No. 6 page , office CSC Franklin Co. N. C., containing 70 acres describ ed as follows: Beginning at a rock, Levister's corner, thence along Levis - ter'e and Kearney lines S 4 1-2 W 180 pis, thence S 3 1-2 W 38 pis 21 Iks to cedar creek, thence up said creek 54 pis to a stake, corner No. 2, thence N 4 E 205 pis 15 Iks to a stake In Levls ter'B line, corner No. 2, thence S 87 1-2 E 53 pis to the beginning, same hav ing been allotted to said E. A. Long In above described. That tract No. 4 In aforesaid division described as fol No. 3 in B. O. Holden's line, thence N 87 W 8 pis to Holden's" corner. In Nut all branch, thence down said branch 5? pis to Shanty branch, thence down gbanty branch 62 pis 17 Iks to Cat "lett branch, thence down Catlett branch 101 pis to a walnut tree at the mouth of the old branch, corner for R. L. Conyers on Cedar creek, thence down Cedar creek and mill pond 5l? ?Is to a small pine and pointers, cor ner No. 3, thence N 11 E 22 Iks to the beginning, containing 75 1-2 acres, r.nrt heing tract conveyed by deed ot S. O. Long, to E. A. Long, recorded in book 135, page 117 and allotted to S. O. Long In aforesaid division. , 5. That parcel of land situate In [the said County in the town ot Frank lfnton and bounded as follows: On the N by the lot of Mrs. Mary Wtlsonf on the E by lot ot S. S. Pearson, on I the S by lot of Mary King, on the W by street leading from Church St. by ssid lot, and containing 1-7 ot an acre more or less. ?7. Beginning at the intersection of the old run and canal just above No. 2, thence N 24 1-2 W 1.95 chs, N 73 1-4 K 1.45 cbs to the beginning, containing 14-100 of an acre. Beginning at M aide of bridge mouth nf old rock, thence N 4 E 3.42 chs, N 28 1-4 E 1.64 chs, N 22 1-2 W 1.43 chs. X 13 E 3.13 chs, S 89 E 1.20 cbs to the ctnal, thence down the canal 3 14 W '??.43 chs to the beginning, containing *15-100 >>t an acre. Beginning at the bridge over Taylor creek on tbe new road, thence S 30 1-2 IE 3.22 chs along old road, S 54 E 3.25 chs to a cut or path to new road, thence along said path N 31 1-4 W 138 chs, N 3 3-4 E 2.70 chs to the new road, thence along new road S 69 W 1.42 chs. N 66 1-2 W 2.90 chs to the beginning, con taining 66-100 of an acre. Beginning at the Intersection ot East line of Brlnkley eBtate and new road, thence along new road N 33 1-2 W 3.37 chs, N 19 W 4.82 chs, N 5T W 5.94 chs, M 24 3-4 W 3.42 chs to cedar stake, on E side of road, thence N 3 1-2 E 11 chs to a rock, thence S 87 1-2 E 10.75 chs to E line of Brlnkley land, thence along said line 3 3 W 23.94 chs to the beginning, containing 17.60 acres. Terms of sale cash. This March 16. 1923. 3-2 3-4 1 A. M. SCALES, Trustee. The above sale was continued to Monday. April 23, 1923, by consent of ill parlies concerned. This April 16, 1923: l-20-lt A- M. SCALES, Trustee. The above sale was continued by consent of all parties concerned to Monday, April 30, 1923. This April 23 1913, T* 1-237-lt { A. M. SCALES. Trustee. The above sale was continued by consent ot *11 parties concerned to Monday, May 7, 1923. This April 30, ia?3. 5-4-lt A. M. SCALES. Trustee. . The abore sale was continued by consent of all parties conceerued to Monday, May 14, 1923. This May 7th, 1918. , ? . S-ll-lt A. M. 8CALES. Trustee. The above sale was continued by consent o? all parties concerned to vtondayTTJiy 21. 1923. TBs May M, I Ml. 5-18-U ? A. M SCALES. Trustee. town pAper Is more than a part of your com' home swarms with 1802 1922 LOUISBURG COLLEGE A Junior College for Young Women With a Standard Preparatory Course of Four Tears Faculty ot specially trained, consecrated Christian teachers. Health Record Unsurpassed. Home-like Atmosphere. Sociil Life Carefully Guarded. Athletics. * In addition to the regular college courses. Classical and Literary, attention is called to the departments ot Art, Business, Education, Expression, Home Economics, Music (Piano, Voice, Violin, Theory, etc.), and Religious Education. Rates as Inn as consistent with good service. Send tor tree Catalog. For farther information write, A. W. Mohn, President," - Louisburg, N. C. We Will Have - .. i The Following Vegetables this Week at Reduced Prices Snaps per lb. 25c Squash per lb. 12 l-2c Cucumbers each, 7 l-2c Cabbage per lb. 8c Celery, (Jumbo) 25c Lettuce^Iceburg, 20c Tomatoes per lb. 20c We have a few more seed Irish potatoes. Send your order in. CASH GROCERY and Market Phone 270 Louisburg, Bf. C. DRINK AT OUR FOUNTAIN WHITE'S ICE CREAM "Surety of Purity" Sanitary Cups. Glean Spoons. Pure Drinks. Ay cock Drug Co* . Inr Arnnrittil ?? THB FRANJOJN % UN FK T?h |

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