tieCCIAL OPENING DAY Program -AT CHAUTAUQUA MARGERY ^ JANE GAGE COMPANY ?? Two Concerts Inspirational Lecture "The Crisis and The Call " By Grove Herbert "Quality Programs for Everybody " BUY A SEASON TICKET CHASSIS New Price F-O-iB. DETROIT LOUfSBURG, N. C. JUNE 4-8, 1923 ?^Quality Programs for E< 20 EVENTS 20 atyj Junior Chautauqua Km Wttk&rj AfMtooti Greeting* and Announcements? ChautflB^tt StpeildMklact Concert? The Mti^try Jane Oa#? Qp. Junior Chautauqua Night. Concert? The Margery Jan* Gag* Co. ? Wtun-OroT* UubM, "Tb? Citato ttd tlx CtU" Scwmi I Vttk-daj Morning i Junior Chautauqua Afternoon ? Lecture? To b* ainooixed Concert? EakbaCPWtaMnaaB^UnMQilS Go. ? Night. ' Concert? Eekhoff-Watertnan-RinggBld Qp. Hnfir-lnmint "harin BoV Tiggen Morning. Junftr Chautauqua 4cA>oo> lecture? To be i_ Oonsert ? tdarchetd'i I Nigjtf. . > . Concert? MarcUattl"! Q Lecture? Frank Diyoo Junior Cbaotnqoa Afternoon* * ' Concert ? Cham bar lin-8AMmlMRflSS^fi?. Lecturer-Cart oonlat ? Marion BtHoff iw 'V Night. ? S W Concert? Chamberiin-Babcqfk Recital Co. > Lecture? Frank B. P?fr?pn ^ % Ftftk Wtth-day \ Morning. v Junior Chautauqua , Junior Chautauqua Pigeant? "H? FiAil^tfe * Entertainment? Child Impereo nation*, Bather Late 8cB*f>Wl Night i ?? "Croeeod Wire*" Sunday ? suitabl* tt> the day WB lanced. w* A 8BA60N TICKET TODLERS TO OVE FINE CON* CERT AT CHAUTAUQUA Yodeling it* a highly cultivated art, and dates back to about 600 {I. C., whan the Goths, being pushed westward by Asiatics, found a safe retreat among the Alps. Taking op theit abode hi a .nigh, moun tainous country, they found It diffi cult to communicate with one an other. They soon discovered that, certain calls would carry far in the thin, clear mountain air, and agreed among themselves that a certain sounc would indicate the approach of a storm; another, in vasion of an enemy; and still an other, glad tidings. In the co'irso of time this means of communica tion was developed into a series of pleasing and melodious mountain falls. Afplne Yodelipi; has now be come a rational characteristic, and these calls form a pretty, pleas ing and patriotic method by which the Alpine people show affection for their native land and for their friend/ An exceptionally fine entertain ment and rare musical treat win be afforded the Chautauqua audi ence here when Marehettra famous Swiss Yoilitw gll? a large reper toire. of Swiss Folk Bong and In strumental numbers. The company is composed of Mr. Harry Marehetti, Idea Mitii Ad moot Mrs. Martha Marehetti, Jack Joat, Constantin Wunderle, all of whom, attired in the national cos tume. which with it! filagree silver ornament*, real lace and hand em broidery, are exceptionally beauti ful and make a fitting and pio tareeqoc setting for the Swiss vodel songs? solos, duets, trios and <% MUMe numhers ? whieb compos* the afternoon and evening enter tainment. An Ititeraatln} account of the origin of yodeitng, Mid the many usee to which H la pot In Ml Mater U given tf Mr. Merc h Isfefe ?WMUlon of bemuttfulhr rwtomA j> In- W-ll fl|lllW, * s_a.a owls* f oik oonjfi) flwcripttvp, patriot it *nd dianNiarlrtte, witli zither 'mrm CHAUTAUQUA LECTURER, HARDING AND BEN GREET Cbarlea B. Taggart relate* an interacting remlnleoence of ht? ?netting, year* ago, with aa actor manager and a certain editor. Jt waa la th# "pre-circuit Chautau qua" era, when th*r* frequently occurred gap* two or three day* beteraan engagement*. Daring one oi tk*M gap* Mr. vX*gg*rt found M merit In ? mld-wejH town, where an independent Cbau&uqua waa In prognaa, Together wiu? the ac tor-manager Of the play which waa appearing on the Chautauqua and the editor of the local paper, Mr. waa a dinner gMt at the I home of a local phydeian. It proved to be a memorable dinner. The aator.?mger told interesting tele* of Ma theatrical toon In England, arqong them an aaeount of Ma ep pnruy at the bom* of Jo IS* Suakbfc th* ?AUm recalled fae clueMag tmMmglt * recent vtaft to (MM If "H aa evening that Mis DfeATi now nlaeea amcag ' Uf 53m traaenred reml mii? biHIlae the town waa M>H?. -Ufciot the actor -manager Be* Greet, CM the editor Warren Oaky Fiddler," Mr. Vaggart, )? a feTortt* with th* Enurt? poIUriMr. TUtaart ia ? r?l XtaSf m Ma dialect on wiH want 1 tL ???"* hiSTiT if1