Tftc * Problent OfSjife Investment It requires expert knowledge to seize op tunity and avoid risk. Ther FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK wishes every one of its v depositors to prosper 4 because ? their success \ means more success for ? the bank. We zealously guard \ the welfare of our pa ? - trons and gladly lend our facilities' to investi gation. Every Deposit youmake m Our Bank is a link in the chain of your Success. bm? sqor If people would realize how easy it is to grow wealthy, more of them would make tne effort. It is not b hard task ? it is concen trating- their energies on SAVING money, ipstead of thinking how they can SPEND it. Why not make the effort T Come in NOW and open an account an<5 ada to it as fast as yon can. As it grows, determination increases and it is that determination and yonr enthusiasm that will make you rich. We will welcome you. THE FH8T NATIONAL BANK LOUISBURO, North Carolina REASONABLE SAVING HELPS US ALL Colds Cause GKlpAnd Influenza LAXATIVE BHOMO OVTjflNE T?blet? remove tba csum. There i* fr~.1 ooe "Bromo Qutaine." E. W. GLOVE'S on box. 30c. Stoo that /Hiadache .with SAM'S HEADEASy. A Wish 1 tare taken Cartel lor nr dowa, worn-out oowttttoct narvouaaeaa and alaaptaaaataa, aid I was weak, loo," aaya Mr* Silvte Eataa, of JwataM, OUa. "Cartful did ma fwt toti of good? ao much thafl gM M to my daughter. 8t? Ope? pWaed o( a aorwtaala bar Wat and back. Stab took Ma bottles of CARDUI The Woman's Took and bar condition waa mwrti better. \ - "We have lived bare, mm Jenalags, for 26 yaaia, and aow we have our owa bona la Iowa. I have had to work pretty hard, at this country wasn't ball ?p, and it made it hard lor aa. "I WISH 1 could taU weak women of Cardul? the medicine that hatped give me the stroajgl^ to go on lad do my work." > - SiS__ WRIGLEYS and give your stomach a lift. PwvMw "(be Ml of ?WMt* In imnafietmt Helps to cleans* teeth and keep Bin healthy. DON'T FORGET TO SEND ADVERTISING COPY IN EARLY THAT DULL ACHING Don't worry and complain a boo* a bad back. Get rid of It! For weak kidneys, lama and achy backs, your neighbors rtcommud Doan's KM nay Pills. Aak your neighbor' Mra. 0. O. Oakley, LoulsburK. *aya: "My back cave me trouble and niora inga there was a steady, dull misery through my kidneys, which bothered me more as the day wqre on TT>e doll pains across my back tlm.1 me oat eufly; l( felt like a weight tied about my waist pdlMng me Iowa. Nervous, dull headache* were nom mon and When I straightened after' stooping, dark specks appeared "be. tor* my ey"es On "reading bout Doan's Kidney Pills I decided t? try them. The first bo* relieved nv and I kept on with Doan'a until I was entirety rid of the trouble. I hare had no return of It." Prioe We, at ail dealers, ixm't ?Imply aak for a k<0ney reraedj get Doan's Kidney Pllls-the mric that ?,. Oakley had. Forfter-M 1 1 burn Mfra., Buffalo, N Y NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Tmter and by YlrttW'GT aurfi&rRy Hi a rcTttrra Ami l)T~tru>! executed to 8. A. Nov/oll,. Trustee, by Frank Hawkins~and ante Cora Haw on the loth day of Aorll, lb23, | vhicfc sold deed of trust is duly recor ? ?d In the office' of the Register of Leeds cf Franklin county In Book j. age 319* default having been. niad.1 In the Indebtedness thereby se turtd and demand havfug beer. made for foreclosure, the undersigned trus tee will or. MONDAY. MAY 28. U23 at about the houi^of 12 o'clock M, at i be courthouse door In Lou'.sburg. N. C, oiler for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land ly ir s and being In Louisburg township, North Carolina, described as follows: Being tho lot of land devised to Cora Hawkins by her father, William. Allen, by Item 4 of said will, which. Is of record in ti;e office of the Cle^k of the Superior Court of Franklin coun ty in Will Book V. page 516, described cs follows; Twenty acres of land to cut off next to the lands of John Har ris. Commencing at Peter Hawkins" corner and running thence west to the creek and crossing North of the church, to be three acres deep and 6 acres long. This April 25, 1923. 4-27-5t S. A. NEWELL, Trustee FORECLOSURE SALE Of LAND By vlrture of the power ot sale con tained In that certain deed ot trust made by W. D. Egerton to Wm. H. puffin. Trustee, dated Nov. 29, 1919, and rcorded In the Registry of Frank lin County In Book 224, page 294, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the debt thereby secured, and demand for foreclsure having been made upon said trustee by the hol der of said debt, the undersigned wfll. on Monday, May 2Sth., 1923, rt aboutj the hour of noon, at the Court house Doo!* in Louisburg. X. C., offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the lands in 3ald deed of trust coaveyed and there de nned as follows: Adjoining th lands of the heir's of J K. Spencer, the heirs of Richard Kelly, A. W. Perry, Jr. and others and bounded as follows: On the North by the lands of the heirs of the late J. K. Spencer and lands formerly be longing to the estate of Mrs. Lou Bar ham