THE FRANKLIN TIMES . m , m. '? ? .. . . . . ?A. F. J0HK80H, Editor u< luipr . -> ? I ~ i Cm Tear ..f. fl.&O Bifkt ??nth* 1. 00 Six Mouth? ....... '.... .74 Iiu Month* .60 Foreign AArtrtlainf RtprmnUthi 1 | THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION ) ? ? ? I'f . ,J J- . i .? Entered at the Post Office at Louis turg. N. C., as second class matter. The republicans have quite a hard Job trying (o divert attention from Jtardings court plan. The movement tb er^d'cate the tu bercular cattle In Franklin County tg receiving much favor. Mr. J. A. Mltchiner was selected as oup to be voted on for Director for this district of the North Carolina Cotton Growers Assoclati'iii. The district la "composed of Franklin, Chatham. Ourhnm. Harnett. Lee anc Wake. Mr. F. M. McKay, of Harnett vrns the other telection. The mem bers of the Ootfon Association now have a golden opportunity to eledt one of tbe strongest and beef Inform ed Co-ops In the State as their Di rector, in Mr. Mitchiner. Let every body caat their vote and let that vote be for J. . Mltchiner. FACTS ABOUT THE SCHOOL ELEC TION, JCSE THE ?8RD 1. What Is meant by an elementary school? Ans. One In which only the first seven grades, or a part of them, are taught. 2. What Is meant by a high school? Ans. One in which the high school grades are taught, that Is the eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh grades. 3. What Is the number of high school pupils necessary lor the small est and lowest type ot.a standard high school? Ana. An average dally attendance of not less than 45 in the high school department. , 4. How many high school teachers may such a school have In its hlgl> school department? Ans. 3. 6. As the schools are now organ lied In this territory, la any one of the schools prepared to do high school work? Ans. No. , S. tinder the present conditions how- do the children get to a high school? Ans. The parents have to send them away from home to a high school and pay board. 7. What is the average cost per child, per year to the parent that Is forc?d to do this? Ans. .From $150.00 to 1200.00 per child per year. 8. Are there any people in this proposed territory who are not able to do this? 9. What are going to become of these crildren? ?? An 8. When they finish the seventh grade, their school days are over. IP- What Is the object of the elec tion that will be held In this proposed tenrltory, Jane the 23rd? Ajns. To let the people say whether or not they will make this territory a Special Taxing District. 11. What is a Special Taxing Dis trict? Ans. A District composed of several elementary schools and an Central high school with a uniform tax rate. 12. If the election carries thus forcing a Special TAxing District, how vrtll this afreet the elementary schools? Ans. Each elementary school will remain Just as it Is and may teach through the seventh grade except the cleihentary school that Is sufficiently near the Central high school for the Children to attend the elementary de partment. of the high, school. ? $d8. What v?fll be the length of term c?jthe elementary schools? ,'VAn*. The elementary schools must have the same length of term as the hiih school. It Is Just as important m the elementary children to have a l< nj(4|ma m it ia for the high school 14 Will there be an elementary de partment taught In connection with the high schoolT * , 15. "What -will b? the relation be tween the Principal of the high school and the elementary schools? . Ann. The Principal of th^ high school will have full supervision of all the elementary schools. This will uni fy the fork and assure the small school^ of close expert supervision. 16. How will the children living too far to walk.- get to the high school? Ann. They wii) be transported at the expanse of the Bpeclal Taxing Dis trict. _ , tT Where should the high school be situated? At the place, where it will the convenience of ? rrfajorlty of the people la the Special Taxing Dis trict t It. Who will be the ones to make the decision as to the site? I i Ml The- Board of Education has each district to select a person Its district. These rop wlth. the Chairman of the tUos and the Otoonty will decide on the 1?. What Local tax wW be voted oa? * a|Mtto?tof0n *""* ,rtui4l*a multiply this by 6 and TOM will have the exact amount this fix will coat you. It you bare less than a thousand Hollars, multiply the number ot hund red lollara by $.50. ~ SI. Will this 60 cent* b^ In addi tion to any local tax that the districts row have? ? Ans. No. The law clearly states that when the 50 cent tax la voted, that all other local taxes that may have been voted are thereby repealed. 22. How will this Bs) cant local tax be used? Ans. To do all necessary butldtng in the Special Taxing .District and to run the schools beyond the six months term. 23. Can ar.y more local tax be vot ed? Ans. No. 50 cents is the maximum rate that can bs voted. 24. Will It be compulsory to levy till of the 60 cent tax each year? An^f No, only that part of the 50 cu&U wat Is necessary (or baUdlngs, rejrartrs and teachers salaries. ' 25. Who will pay for the trucks gas. oil, repairs and drivers? Ans. The county will pay for one half the cost of the trucks, and one half of repairs for the eutlre year, al so, the gas, oil and drivers for 6 a-onlhP. The Special Taxing District will pay one-half the cost of the trucks and one-half of repairs for the entlro year, also, gas, oil and driver for the term beyond six months. 26. Who As responsible for the buildings, repairs, equipment, etc. for ihe elementary schools? Ans. The entire Special Taxing District 27. Why do the people in Loulsburg and Dunn Township have a standard high school* Ans. Because they arc willing to pay for It. 28. Do the children in this propos ed territory deserve high school ad v:intagec? Ans. Timely Tips For The Home Gardener Raleigh, May 22 ? Just now Is a most important time In the home vegetable garden. There are the young tomato plants, the young peppers and egg plants to be transplanted and the cab bage .and cauliflower to be looked ni ter. All of thes are much benefitted It they can be transplanted now In a good well-pulverixed soil that contains humus or decayed vegetable matter so that the young roots will not dry out nor the soil bake about them. F. E. McCall, extension Garden Specialist for the State College and States De partment, of Agriculture, says that these things should receive attention at once. He advises also that the young tomato plants be kept off the ground and sprayed with the 60 rd earn Mixture to prevent blight. Mr. McCall says, "Now Is the time to make additional sowings of early peas (Little Marvel variety) and the stringless green pod snap beans. Try some Golden Bantam sweet corn for a change this year. White Icicle rad ishes, early Half-Long carrots and leaf lettuce (Black seeded Simpson) may also be planted now. In place of the head lettuce try some Cos lettuce for the hot weather. This can be planted by making two or three sow ings at two weeks Intervals and grown and handled in the same manner as head lettuce. The entire garden can be kept producing some food crop regularly, if the plantings and culti vation are kept up regularly and thoroughly." ? The extension workers have made the garden an important ? part of the "Live at Home" program which they are fostering In North Carolina this year. It Is found that the Negroes are already responding splendidly and it is hoped that, this year, no land owner will consider that he has a good farm unless he has a good gard en. Wanted? A Friend Of The Forests Raleigh. May 22 ? E. O. Robinson of the lumber firm of Mowbray and Rob inson has set the whole South a splen did example by donating a trust fund of one million dollars and 16.000 acres of timber land to be used to further the educational, agricultural and eco nomic progress of the mountain dis trict of eastern Kentucky. H. M. Curran, Farm Forester for the North Carolina State College and State Department of Agriculure, stat es that Mr. Robinson won his fortune from the forest of eastern Kentucky and Is a pioneer lumber man of that faction ? , ^ . Fifteen thousand acres of the land is to be reforested and then managed under intelligent supervision as an example of how format lands should be treated In that section. The in come from the trust fund will be used In part for this work. In talking about this matter, Mr. Curran saye, "Where can we And such a friend for the forests of North Caro lina? Kentucky la rich in forests, it Is true, but North Carolina la far richer. 8ball It be said ttxat the land of the Blue Qrass and Thoroughbred ctffen more tor the future of her for ests that the Load of tt? Long Leaf Pine, or that kentucky la richer In pa triotic citizenship than the Old North State T Can wa not Had. among thoaa whose fortunes are founded on the exploitation of our foreat wealth aome one who will follow th? example of B. O. Robinson 1 North Carolina needa aome one who will give to the State a tract of land and the funds necee sary to operate It so aa to demon strate to coming generations that the forest lands of North Carolina can again yield their health of timber and naval stares." < ? ? : MJ. Btn# Is boiling OvAr in Italy, while in America tire btre our prMt* dential candidate*. Bakitnos, thsjr say, are a happy mt [Ml g^iff to k"?W " REPORT LQll^BlBejOWNSHIP ROAD ?POD ' Showing Receipt* and Disbarsemvts- iroiu .May lit, IMS to H*J 1st, 1W8 i RSCBl^TS May 16?recelved from M. S. OIMWO I J37.25 Juao 7. recelred from Sheriff 1,000.00 Tital _ 1,637.25 DISBURSEMENTS , . ? x May 6. J E Winston salary to May 1st. 1 gal oil $ 44.70 May IS J E Winston salary 1-2 May ; . 60.00 May 15. J W Perry account ? - f.- 12.60 May 16. Hudsous Garage account ... ' ? 52.47 May 19, Loulsburg Motor Co. account 80.00 May 20. Hecks Garuge account 10.90 May 21 J E Winston salary ? - , . ? 26.00 May 22, Loulsburg Repair Shop account . , 2.60 May 22, E H McFsrland account J_ . 15.50 May 23, Hudsons Oarage account ? 26.50 May 27. J E Winston salary ! 25.00 May 27, J E Winston account p*kl, J Lehman - _ 1.00 May 27. R F Fuller and Son- gas and oil : 29.35 May 27, Willis Cooke account ? ? ... 1.60 June 2. J W Perry account 13.25 June 3. J B Wlnsto? salary : 25tOO June 7. H. -C. Taylor account ? 10.10 June 9. Neese Electric Shoe Shop account - 1.50 June 10. R F Fuller and Son gas and oil : 20.80 June 10 J E Winston salary * 25.00 Juno 13. J C Tucker board of 'prisoners 171.25 June 17, J E Winston salary 2, ? 25.00 June 17, R F Fuller and Son gas and oil .' 36.45 June 19. R W Hudson account 1 > 26.80 June 23. Allen Machine Co. account , 4.30 June 2., J E Winston sr.lary 25.00 Jane 26, R F Fuller End Son gas and oil 1 ' 28.90 " Balance on hard"" ! 847.83 Total .J 1,637.25 RECEIPTS July 1.. to balance on hand $ 847.38 July 5, deposit received from Sheriff 1 1 500.00 Aug. 8, deposit received from Sheriff 300.00 $ 1,647.38 DISBURSEMENTS ?Ally 1, J E Winston salary $ 26.00 July 3. R F Fuller and Son gas and oil . ? 25.95 JrJy 10, T W Ruffln attorney retainer 75.00 July 10, J W Perry account I 9.00 July 12 R F Fuller and Son gas and oil 21.80 July 14, J E Winston salary for two weeks 50.00 July 15 R F Fuller and Son gas and oil - 27.70 July 21, R F Fuller and Son gas and oil : .1 84.55 July 22, J E Winston salary 25.00 July 24, J C Tucker board prisoners June ? i 132.00 July, 2J, J E Winston salary 25.00 July "31, R F Full;- and Son gas end oil - 26.85 Am 5, J E Winston salary __ _ 25.00 Aie 7, R F Fuller and Son gas and oil 26.30 Aug 10, J W Perry account - 8.76 Aug 12 J E Winston salary ? 26.04 Aug 12, L L Joyner COD chargeo on blades . 22,14 Aug 14, R F Fuller ".nd Son gas and oil 19.80 Aug 19, J E Winston salary . 26.00 Aug 19, Jack Hawkins 2 days truck driver ! ? 4.00 A eg 19, R F Fuller and Son gas and oil J 24.37 (Vt'g 26, J E Winston salary i. 25.00 Aug 28, R F Fuller and Son gas and oil - 28.50 \ug 31, Aycocke Drug Co. account medicine 23.66 j Total - ? X :< $ ? DISBURSEMENTS Sept 2, J E Winston Supt salary and exp to Henderson Sept 6 J W Perry account , Sept 9 J E Winston Supt salary -- ' Sept 9, R F Fuller and Son gas and oil . Sept 11, F J Beasley Cash, Draft, bond coupon Sept 16, F J Beasley Cash, coupons Sept 16 J E Winston salary Supt Sept 16 R F Fuller and Son gas and oil Sept 23, J E Winston salary Supt -- Sept 23 Jack Hawkins driver Sept 30, J E Winston Supt salary Sept 30, Jack Hawkins driver i Oct 2, R F Fuller and Son gas and oil Oct 2 J C Tucker board of prisoners III Oct 7, J E Winston salary Supt Oct 7, Jack Hawkins driver : -? Oct 7, F J Beasley Cash, Int and Exch on bonds Oct 7. F J Beasley Cash, Int and Exch on bonds Oct 14, J E Winston salary Supt Oct 14, Jack Hawkins driver Oct 16, R F Fuller and Son gas and oil ? . ? -? Oct 16. J W Perry account - ,. Oct 18, Freeman and Co. account Oct 21, J E Winston salary Supt Oct 21, Jack Hawkins driver - Oct 28, J E Winston salary Supt - Oct 28. J E Winston spark plug and repairs Oct 28. B H Meadows salary guard i Oct 28, Jack Hawkins driver ? : Oct 28, R F Fuller and Son gas and oil Nov 4, J E Winston salary Supt Nov 4, B H Meadows salary guard 4. - Nov 4, Jack Hawkins salary driver __ Ntrv 6, J C Tucker board of prisoners , . ? u Nov 6. Thps J Taylor costs High and Debnam -- r Nov 10, O S Macon account I a ?. Nov 11, J E Winston salary Supt - ? Nov 11, B H Meadows guard - Nov 11 Jack Hawkins driver . ? NOV 11, J E Winston work on truck - Jfc Nov 14 L P Hloks account . Nov 15, Hudson Oarage account : Nov 16, R F Fuller and Son gas and oil - - ... ? Nov 18, J E Winston salary Supt Nov 18, B H Meadows guard : ..1 : - Nov 18, Jack Hawkins driver ~ Nor 26, J ? Winston salary 8upt . Nov 26, B H Meadows guard - ? Nov 25, Jack Hawkins driver : ? - Nov 26. H C Taylor account _ Nov 27, R F Fuller and Son gas and oil _ _ 734.86 912.52 1,647.38 ! 912.52 1,979.60 400,00 3,292.12 436.26 Total - * ? _i.-i.-4---. RECEIPTS Dec 2. r(*elved for costs from J E Winston , Dec 2, received from H A Kearnny Sheriff ? Dec 5, lecelved from H A Kearney Sheriff ? ? Doc 14, received from Chandler and Ragland ? + Doc 16, received f-om Town of Louisbnrg ? ? ? ? Jan 3, received from H A Kearney Sheriff Total DIHIUIR8EMENTB I Dec 1, 1922 to amount Of Overdraft __ f Dec 2, Franklin Times, printing ? ? ? Dec 2, 3_ E Winston salary Dec 2. B H Meadows salary . Dec 2, Jack Hawktn? salary ... ? Dm 2, M S Clifton account : ? * ? Dec 4, J C Tucker board of prisoners .i. -??? w I Dec 4, N B Tucker account ? ] Dec < R W Hudson account Dec (, LP Iflckj account Dec 7, Neese Electric Shoe Shop account ? Dae 8, McKlnne Brothers account . ? ? ? Dec 8. T K Allen account i Dee -8, Allen Brothers account ? , Dec 8, Ay cock D rug Co. Mfcount ^j.i? Dec 8, ~ ?j ? / Sept 1, balance on hand Total Sept 1 amount on hand Oct 8 received loan from 1st Nat. Bank Nov 6. received from H A Kearney T Dec 1st to amount of Overdraft Dec 9, J E Winston work on truck ? Dec 9, J Lehman account . Doc 11, R F Fuller end Son 111 and oil ? Dec 14. McKlune Bros Co. account ? Dec 14, A F Johnson services Bec-Treas .. Dec IS, F W Wheless account Dec 14, J E Winston salary - .... Dec 16, B H Meadows salary Dec 16, Jack Hawkins salary ri~ Dec 16, A S W1*?S account ? Dec 20, Corbltt Truck Parts Co. account Dec. 23. J E Winston, salary Dec 23, B H Meadows Balary Doc 23, Jack Hawkins salary Dec IX, Hudson Garage account Dec 2S, Corbltt Truck Parts Co. account JXn 1, McKlnne Brothers Co. account Jan 1, J C Tucker board of prisoners Jan 1. J E Winston salary Jan 1, B H Meadows salary Jan 2, N B Tucker account Jan 3, R F Fuller and Son gas end oil Jan 4,. Corbltt Truck Parts Co. account ? Jan 6 J E Winston salary Jan 6, B H Meadows salary Jan 6, Hudson Oarage account Jan 8. Freeman and Co. account Jan 8, Jesse Hill account Jan 13, J E Winston salary Jan 13, B H Meadows salary Jan 13, I G Preddy team _ Jan 13, J C Tucker team ..... Jan 15, R F Fuller and Son gas and oil ? Jan 20, J E Winston salary Jan 20, B H Meadows salary > ? ^ Jan 20, W E White Furniture Co. account Jan 27, J E Winston salary I Jan 27. B H MeadoWB salary Jan 27, J E Winston, one pet oock ..J 6.00 8.40 30.24 .. 1 9.13 150.00 17.25 25.00 ? 17.60 10.0? 3.30 20.84 25.00 17.60 10.00 7.80 101.06 11.53 274.50 26.00 17.60 5.50 .1 1. 40.07 17.01 25.00 ' 17.510 19.55 201.70 ? ? 6.60 25.00 17.50 24.00 33.00 30.96 25.00 17.50 13.60 25.00 .1 17.60 - .55 Amount on hand Feb 1st, 1923 2,424.26 1,198.17 Total I .... $ RECEIPTS |Fcb 1, .-mount brought forward $ Feb 3, received from H A Kearney Sheriff . -J Feb 3, received from Ragland cleaning street .f March 1, amount Overdraft - - Total ? A > .... $ DISBURSEMENTS " Feb 1, N B Tucker account $ Feb. 1, T W Watson Ins on truck Feb 1, F J Beasley draft for parts ..i a Feb 1, L L Joyner freight -r-?r - Feb 1, L P Hicks aacount U-i - Fob 3, J E Winston salary . ? Feb 3, B H Meadows salary ?? Feb 3, F J Beasley Note and Interest S. Feb 8, r. F Fuller and Son gas and oil Feo 9, J C Tucker board of prisoners T Feb 10,, J E Winston salary - Feb 10, B H Meadows salary . Feb 10, Alex McKnlght account - ? Feb 12, Eutrlc H^zelwood account __ ; Feb 17,. J E Winston salary Feb 17, B H Meadows salary Feb 19, Freeman and Co^account -Li Fob 19, McKlnne Bros Co. account --i ? *~ Feb 18, Hudson Garage gas and oil ^ - ? . Feb 24, J E Winston salary , ? : . Feb 24, B H Meadows salary . ___v ? Feb 26, R F Fuller and Son gas and oil ? I Feb 26, F J Beasley Int and Eich on bonds _ ? Feb 27, T K Allen account _ i ? " TCtal T " RECEIPTS "" ' March received from Sheriff ? .. ? ._ ? i_|_ March 9, receltied'from Note 1st Nat Bank March 9, received frotp Note O C Hill __ 1 March 36, received from Sheriff disinfectant ? March 17, received from Sheriff ...i ? . ? r April 14, received from Sheriff .1 ! ? 1; ? April 13, received from Sheriff l ? April 19, received from Sheriff May l, Overdraft ? -J Total m DISBURSEMENTS March 1, A W Alston account - ? ) March 3, J E Winston salary March 3, B H Meadows salary : ? T March 3, R C Beak account . March 6, J C Tucker board of prisoners _ March 5, Corbltt Truck Parts Co. aownint March 5, McKlnne Bros Co account -iv, March li, Germo Mfg Co. disinfectant , . March 6, Hudsons Garage gas and oil .r March 9. F J Beasley Int and Exc on bonds ? ? March 9, F J Beasley Int and stamps on note ? March 9, N B Tucker account i March 10, J E Winston salary , , ? March 10, B H Meadows salary March 10, Jack H&wklnB salary March 12, R F Fujler and Son ?as and oil March 13, F R Pleasants account March 14, Freeman and Co. account ? March 17 J E Wlnstqn salary : ? ? March 17, B H Meadows salary ? March 17, Jack Hawkins salary March 20, Aycock Drug Oo. account March 24, J E Wlftston salary ? March *4, B H Me?.JoWs salary .... March .'4, Jack Hawkins 'salary March 27. E F Craven on account" March 31, J E Winston salary March 31, B H Steadows salary . ? . Mcrch 31. Jack-Awklns salary March 31. Willis Cooke account , April S, Beaaleys Garage account k April 4, N B Tucker account April i, Pecks Garage account ? l 1 April C, t> F Fuller and Son gas and oil : April 6, E F Yarboreugh COD part a April 7, Freeman and Co. account April J C Tucker board 6t prisoners April 7, J E Winston salary J A pril 7, B H Meadows salary April 7, Jack Hawkins salary April 7, Jim Mitchell moving house April 11, T H Godwin costs M Mjissenburg April la, W E White Fur Co. account 4 April 14, J E Winston salary April 1#, B H Meadows salary April 14, Jack Hawk'ns salary ..... , April 1', R F Fujler and Son gaB and oil 1... April 19, Major 8t?gall auto acct J W Leonard .... April 21, E F Yarbo rough COD parts 1 ? April 21, Jack Hawkins salary .i April 21, J B Winston Salary April V, B H M widows salary ? April 28, 1 B Winston salary .-i. April 28, B H Meadow* salary April 28, Jack Hawkins salary .... April 28, J B Winston exp after J W Leonard April 28, J W Alston auto ?p JW Leonard March 1, amount Overdraft brbught forward ( 3,622.43 1.198.17 2,500.00 11.00 114.10 3,823.27 29.35 21.00 63.00 2.22 6.53 26.00 17.50 2,020.00 58.78 251.64 25.00 17.60 6.75 2.75 25.00 17.50 33.35 ?^-8.20 28.05 25.00 . ,17,50 17.45 1,103.75 12.05 8,823 27 ...?7i00.00 55.00' 139.56 300.00 300,00 . 300.00 128.41 3,077.97 3.00 25.00 17.50 . 20.75 293.35 30144 . 7.14 74.00 . 12.35 1,103.75 11.74 14.15 26.00 17.50 4.95 60.26 4.20 40.75 25.00 17.50 10.00 28.90 25.00 17.60 10.00 60.00 25.00 17.50 10.00 1.75 8.70 31.65 21.68 108.78 8.40 46.40 331.30 26.0" 17.60 8.85 60.00 11.15 49.00 26.00 17.60 10.00 41,20 8.00 10.58 8.85 26.00 17.60 26.00 17.60 10.00 7.40 18.00 114.10 Total -_? .g.077.97 Jwlw KOI fl'ri? jCjLct^iSk' **??>?? IW.pil, bad exumpl^T Mt btr I T?frk?y. the itlek man of Europ*, ?x i ptou to (?t up. and about toy ?tvln* r America oil. * , ? ^ ??' N Bmbn Alraa Wahop anr* America . |a womca'a y?r*4tM. W? rat, ioim I leak Ilk# bird* o I p*f adla* Ohio minuter says proper dancing U A fine art. Police Mr improper dancing hi * fine. > ? lit1..* Aviators *ho Sew across America In 27 hour* will try to do It again and call It a flay. , ? il ' ' ? ? < <? O? ? w ?q? ? ? ? Tiro can lira on .braad and oheesn and kisses, jrthoy dOBt fan out Ot

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