In the old Beck Garage. Your patronge solicited. Storage, Gas, Oil, Goodyear Tires and Williard Batteries. If in trouble phone me day or night, will be there. CAR WASHING? I have employed one of the best car washers to be found. Cars called for and delivered. H. P. Cranford LODISBURG, North Carolina 1 have Jnst received a new lot of Melrose and Yanoo Floor, the kind that makes the best biscuits also a nice line of heavy and ^ fancy irroeerles. A full line of feed stuffs an<^ dairy feed. Give me a call and let me show yon that I can furnish you the best at a lit tle less. J. Allen Harris Uniform Quality at the RIGHT PRICE All Standard Sizes Carried in Stock , * ALLEN MACHINE COMPANY GARAGE Louisburg, N. C. Phone 295- J MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED term land*. ? per cent Interest . No comnlaalon, no bonua. Hay ran tor It r?*n or be paid off at option of borrower. Only a ahort time re quired to cat the money. 7-14-tf 8. A. NEWELL. SALE - ? A RUT SHOES - - SALE We have Juat bought a tremendoua atock of Attny Man eon Mat shoe* to be "old to the public direct . Price 12.75. Theae sboea are 100 per cent ?olid leather with heavy double aolea unwed and nailed. The upper* are of hoary tan chrome leather with belloln tongue, , thereby making them waterproof. Theae ahoea are selling very tMt and we adrlae you to order nt^jjnce to lnaure your order being ThO alaei are 6 toll all width*; Pay Pootman oa receipt of good* or eend Momy refunded U ehoee To Car* \cJd |? o*> Day StSBSfflESS ' There are times when a broken win dow from a (tray baseball Is cheaper than the broken health of the child. Sunshine and outdoor ererolae makea yr.ung folk* healthy. ?eh bos. Jft ' Hastings' Seeds 1923 Oatftloff JPtee 1 farm cross lor tb* BovQx. ? Row and what to Cl?Dt fci C&rdoc and field tor yy Bft. ^ j L . -?*fc J Outwit hog cholera by vaccinating | ynnr herd In time. ' Idleness Is emptiness; tl>o tree In I which the sap Is stagnant, remains ) fruitless. ? Ballou. 1 The Quinine I tut Dae* Bbcwa of Its tonic mod TTVE BROMO QUININE U by anyone without cauMQfl in the bead. E-W.GROvrS FRANKLIN INS. * REALTY CO. LOANS AND INSURANCE 7-21 tf i iUiCe rlie \V ork Out ^ of - Washing Ever v h -.T_y vjf-' hate9 " the drv cgv -v ri vrqshing dishes .irwt v. . : ones RED SEAL L.y be erase ii makes the job Spotless pets and par.:, e? v.-.-U as snicing silverwaso ard dishe~, are 3ure when Xsd Seal Lym helps. Thi'-0 't;V'/ t':3S0?7e one half tcjiic..' " jsl in dis'.ipcn of water ? i?\? t 1: the dishes in. (Dc -:c . * e o aluminum.) Writ 3 for Lj oktot of house oold uies. Full 3irection3 in eacn can. .Be 6' ire and buy cnly tho ger-;5ac T.Z7H SEAL iLya. TUCKER'S CAFE Main Strctot LOUISBURG,* N. C. I h?T? Jo?t op?nad a flrit claaa Caf? In the old NmI bunding mod am prepared to famlih meaU at an houra. and tha b??t tha nirM afford*. ? Ic? Craam f tnU a eon*. Soft Drink*, ato. Prlcaa raaaonabla. aarrioa tha boat. % / ff'p. % . m*m / J. C TUCKER ?? ' Proprietor Special For SATURDAY ? * \ Sugar, 5 and 10 lb. bags, 10 1-2 cents Golden Crown Sprups, gallpn cans,, 55c 1 case, 6 gallons, Golden Crown Syrup, 3.00 Ivory Soap, cake, regulaf size, 6c Snowdrift Lard, 8 pound bucket, 1.30 Straw Hats, with band, each, ?8c We expect to hav? a car load of flour by Saturday. Get prices then corns to see us and we'll sell you. The Hudson Store Co. NEXT DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & UpRCHANTS BANK Louisburg, N. C. NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of R. N. Strickland, deceas ed, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons hcving claims atainst the estate ? of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Spring Hope, N. C., R. No. 2, on or before the 20th day of April, 1924, or this notice will bo plead In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This the 16th day of April, 1923. ARTHUR STRICKLAND, Adm'r. 4-20-6t of R. N. Strickland ,Dec'd. NOTICE Notice is hereby given all persons that Morris Hunt, a minor sjn Of C. D. Hunt, has left my home without cause or my consent, and therefore all per tons are hereby forbidden to hire or otherwise harbor him under penalty of law jfrovlded. This May 15, 19i3. 6-"l8-4t C. D. HUNT. "MEN'S U. 8. ARMY MUN80X-LAST pHOES AT 8li<* SH to 12 _ Never again will you be able to bay these shoes at inch a low price. We war* lucky in finding a manufacturer, who waa overstocked with them, and needed ready cash, so we bought them at almost one-halt of the regu lar pile*. This shoe la made orar the U. 8. Army Munson-last, with ex tra heavy stitching; special grained chrome brown leather used through out. An ideal shoe (or workman, tar mars, ice-men, postmen, carpenter* and motormen, who are obliged to be on their feet all day. gend correct size. Pay Postman $2.95 on delivery, or send us a money order. " ? 4 > It yon are not satisfied with these shoes after y6n examine them, we will promptly refund your money.*' O. S. DISTRIBUTING ft 8AI.E8 COMPANY, 2#-2S West 22nd ftreet, 3-2- tf New York City, N. Y. - a A TONIC Purifying and ] feel Its I Farmers \ r ' MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE Louisburg, N. C. Wants your bailf acflOtffit, fine! offers you o banking service that yon will like. Our ' first consideration is the safety of our de posits. We are prepared to serve you ef ficiently and promptly on any* proposition that is consistent with safe and sound bank ing. WE PAY INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AND CERTIFICATES OF iJ)EP08lT. ? ? . J Wb have a growing list of customers who like their connection with the Farmers National, . ?/ ' ' WE WOULD LIKE TO TALK THE ? ^ MATTER OVER WITH YOU. Farmers National Bank LoW?burg, jr. c