?Cor old and room s J POta ??t u kladl? ~ ?; ?? 4?Uo?t. Irak or liSi old Me U Bpoo tta vtforxu Ul. Tutt's Pills THE FRANKLIN TIMES 11.50 Per Year In Adrane# Piles Cured In 6 to I i IfelMllU refund moot to cure Itching, BUod, 1 . VU *??t*ntiy relievet restful deep after the 1 aiion MCNT fail* tdiai PUea. n?? NOTICE | Having qualified ?? Administrator ot the estate o( J. P. Sandllng. deceased, late of Franklin county, North Caro lina, this la to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate ot the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, on or before the 4th day of May, -1824. . or tlila notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All per sons Indebted -to? said estate will please make Immediate payment. This the 4th day of May, 1923. 5-4-6t JOHN W. 8 AND LINO. Admr. Senator Lodge's argument against this world court Idea seems to be that It isn't Lodge-leal. OUR FOUNTAIN is in Full Bloom. Cold Drinks of all kind. Give us a trial is all we ask. - PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded and will save you money. Seibert Poison Fly Paper - 8 Sheets for 10c Bee Brand Insect Powder 10, 25 and 5C>f Size F. R. Pleasants V PHONE 222 J Furniture The season's best and most popular % styles and designs both in Suits and Extra Pieces. Call in and look over t. our Stock before you begin your spring cleaning that you may easily solve your arrangement problem. W. E. White Furniture Co. Now is the Time to Sow For V ? , - ? ? German Millet ? > - ' A \ . Pole and Banch Snaps Sudan Grass Teosinte Seed Velvet Beans Qat Tail Millet Soja Beans . Melon Seed V ""'V ? * ?>' . We exercise great care to itave * . ' . . % . : all seed pure and reliable I P. HICKS BY CONDO pT* 'To P/?3S TWcT\ TRUSTEES SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon me In a certain deed of trust executed to me by Joseph B. Gordon and recorded in the office Of tun leglstei of ? deedo ? of- Franklin county in book 224, page 283, default halng been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured in said deed of trust, and demand having been made upon me to execute the power, of sale contained therein, I will on MONDAY, MAY 28, 1923 at the hour of noon, sell at public auc tion at the courthouse door in Louis burg, N. C. to the highest bidder for -cash one tract or parcel ot land situ ated in Franklin County, Loulsburg Township, State of North Carolina and describe as follows: Beginning at the old Spencer (near Jno. W. Harris) and Knights of Old eon corner in tho road leading from the old Spencer Qln place to Rocky .Ford, which point is marked by an iron stake on the South side of the road; tbence S 4d W 4.35 chains to an iron stake, the S. E. corner of the Knights of Gideon lot thence -N 86d W 1.3S chains to an iron stake and pointers the new corner for Jno. W. Harris and Jas. B. Gordon in the back line of the Knight of Gideon lot; thence S 4d W 13.78 to a rock .new corner of Jno.W. Harris and Jas. B. Gordon in J. W. Perry line; thence S 86d E 7.13 chains to a rock new cor ner for Jno. W. Harris and Jas. B. Gordon in J. W. Perry which corner is In an abandoned road about 75 feet- weBt of it where di crossed a branch; thence N 4d E 18.15 chains to the middle of the aforeuaid road. Jno. W. Harris and J. B. Gordon cor ner on said road; thcnce along the said road N 86 W 5.76 chains to the beginning, containing Twelve and three tenths (12.3) acres more or less according to survey of B. B Kger ton made Oct. 7. 1919. This 24th day cWApril, 1923. C. P.^IARRIS, Trustee. W. H. Yarborough, Atty. 4-:!7-5t NOTICE OP SALE By virtue of the power given to the undersigned Trustee in a certain deed of trust made by J. E. Wright and wife to the . undersigned Trustee, dated May 14, 1920, in book 233, page 230-231 Of the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, N. C., (default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured) the undersigned will oiler for sale at the courthouse door In Loulsburg, N. C., at 12 o'clock noon, the following des cribed real efttate, on SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1?23. A certain tract or parcel of land In Franklin County, Dunn s Townshtp;1 North Carolina, described a* follows: Bounded on the N by the lands of Tom Jones and B. T. Wright, on the K by the lands of Willie Pa Ui ford, on the S by the lands of Atha Jeans, and cm the W by the Loulsburg road, contain ing 90 acres, more or less, and being the Identical land conveyed by John Alford and wife to JT. E. Wright by deed duly registered In book 182. page 263, Franklin County Registry, to which reference Is hereby made tor further description. Terms of sale cash. This the 1st day of May, 192ft 8-ll-4t A. M. SCALES, Trustee. NOTICE - Having qualified as executors of the estate Of J. B. Allen, deceased, late of Franklin CotAty, all person# holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to tke undersigned on or More the 18th d?qrt of M*y, 1914, or this notice will M plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will plensrf come forward and make Imme diate settlement. This May 17, 1MB. " tt. W. ALLKN. B. G. ALLEN. 6-18-?t T: ? Executors. Wm. H. A Thoa. W. Ruffln, Attys. ' If Russia had autoa like us she could sentence men to take a walk Inatead of shooting them. ' ? ? m , Subscribe to The Frankly Tl?* > TRUSTEE S SALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In that cer tain deed of trust executed by Tom Foster and wife Adeline Poster to P. H Allen, Tnmtflfi. on the 10th day of Feb., 1921, and which is recorded In the office of the Register ot Deeds for Franklin County, ft. C. In book 234 at page 261. default having been made in the payment of the notes thereby secured, and the holders ot the said notes having made demand upon mo to sell the said land, I will on MONDAY, JUNE 4. 1923, at about the hour ot noon, at the court house door in the town cf Louisburg, N. C. sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the follow- j ing described Real Estate: Bounded on the North by lands ot N. S. Thcrtnpaon, on the East by Coun ty road and Chas. Macon, on the South by the lands of H. C. Dlckerson, and on the West by the lands ot the Hayes Estate and D. T. Smithwick, contain ing Sixty-Eight (68) acres, more or leas. -And being the tract of land bought by G. W. Ford from John R. J Face, and belllg that tract of land pur chased by Tom Foster from G. W. Ford and wife. Thlg the 2nd day of May, 1923. 5-4-6t F. H. ALLEN, Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECU TION North Carolina, In the Franklin County. Superior Court First National Bank, Louisburg. N. C. Vs. - P. J. King. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Franklin County in the above entitled action, I will on MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1923 at 12 o'clock M. at the court house door of said County, sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said ex ecution, all the right, title and inter est which the said P. J. King, the de fendant has In the following real es tate, to-wit: A one-seventh undivid ed Interest in that tract of land In Harris Township, Franklin- County, containing 113 acres, more or less and being that tract of land of which Mrs. J. B. King died seized and possessed of, and known as the King home place This May 4, 1323. 5-ll-6t H. A. KEARNEY, Sheriff. NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Isaac M. tiupton. de ceased, late of Franklin County, no tice 1 shereby given all persons hold ing claim* against said estate to pro Ben tthemto ?h*o??y ~ " Laxative for Habitual promptly but. -t l 4 to 21 days , Stlrtnriatea and Vary Pleasant to Take. OCT Oa the first two sales days of the recently organized curb market at Rocky Mount, the farm women of Nash 4od Edgecombe Counties sold $149.85 And 11(5.25 worth of products. A Nash c?hnly Club boy profits from the sales by th&klng baskets. JHe has made and koia IS at ll.OQ. each. Insects and diseases frequently de atroy from (0 to 80 percent of the trult crop In an unsprayed orchard. Sometimes the trees ore so weakened tjurt. they die later. Hpraylng keeps tile trees vigorous and the fruit un hleiqlttfcd, say horticultural workers of the Agricultural Extension Service. It Is easier to collect a crowd than to ooUect from a orofrd, LOUISBURG COLLEGE A Junior College for Young Women With a Standard Preparatory (Tonne of Jour Years Faculty of specially tratned, consecrate* Christian teachers. Health Record Unsurpassed- ? H