Our April Message Buy your Drugs and Medicines at Scoggin's Drug Store If you want the-treshest and best. Ha ve your Prescriptions filled at Scoggin's, if you want the BEST SERVICE end BEST PRICES. Ask your Physician to leave your Prescriptions at Scoggin's if you want your friends to fill them. Just received the largest, latest and niftiest line of Stationery ever brought to Louisburg. Kinds that can not be .had anywhere except at Scoggin's. Remember all our Garden Seed are fresh and you can get all you need at Scoggin's. Our Ice Cream (the VELVET kind) and Cold Drinks are unsur passed by any. _ < Trade at Scoggin's thereby showing your appreciations fcr an old friend who has stood by you for 30 years. Scoggin Drug Store Per G. U AYCOCK STRAW HATS The New Styles in the different brands WHITE and BROWN color SPECIAL PRICES on Snappy Spring Styles ^n Men and Boy's Suits We have some good values in two pant Boy's Suits The season's most popular colors and models in Summer Suits. These suits are more than reasonable, they are CHEAP "COME AND SEE IS ALL WE ASK" Allen Bros. Co. Lonisbnrg, N. C. LAUNDRY ? CLEANING and PRESSING "We wish to call attention to the head of every Home, that wo are in position to take care of your FAMILY WASH at a very little more cost than what yon are now Payi^UB CLOTHES ARK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Each and every one are cordially invited to inspect our pli.t and look over our work. For information Call Phone 105. YOUR PATRONAG ^SOLICITED The Service Shop f ' ? W. ?. MUHTORD, Manager n?iriM l i - ? \. ? louisbubo, h. c. "ALL WORK CASH ON DELIVERY' NOTICE OF SALE Under uud by virtue of "authority contained in thai certain de?d o f truat executed to the undersigned trustee by R. D. Motley aud wile on the 5th day of April, 1922. the coud-tioua la the aaid deed of trust not ha ring been complied with. the indebtedness there by -secured being past due and demand having been made upon me for fore closure, 1 will on MONDAY. JtXF IS. U2J at about 12 o'clock M at the court house door at Louisburg. N. C. offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, that certain tract of land lying and beiug in Sandy Creek township. Frank lin county, -North Carolina, described as follows: Bounded on the North by lands William Pinnell. on the East by the lands of Ed Faulkner, on the South, by the lands of Wiley Askew and on the West by the lands of W. S. Per-, nell. Containing 26 acres, more or les9. Being the same land devised to Patty Mosley by the will of her father. Wiley Mosley. This May 16. 1323. 5-lS-ot S. A. NEWELL. Trustee. SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue ot the power and authority contained In that deed of trust executed on the Sth day of February. 1917, duly registered In the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County in Book 210 at page 237. default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and demand made upon me to foreclose In accordance with the terms and provisions thereof. I. the under signed Trustee, will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, at the Courthouse door ot Franklin coun ty, N. C. on MONDAY, JUNE 4. 1923 at 1 2o'clock M. the following tract or parcel of land, situate in Franklin county, Louisburg Township, state of North Carolina, and described as fol lows: Adjoining the Ballard lands, O. W. Ford and others, and bounded on the South and East by the Frank Ballard lands, on the West by the lands of O. W. Ford, and on the North by the lands of J. J. Barrow, it being the tract of land heretofore known as the N. H. Macon tract, whereon said Macon re sided at the time ot his death, said lands being about three miles East of Louisburg, and being the lands con veyed by J. T. Mills and wife Ellle Mills and Mrs. Lura Burns to Mrs. Su sie W. Tarborough by deed dated 1910 and recorded In the Registry of Frank lin county in Book 173 page 178, and also described by reference to Vvul Book "R" Page *96, and deed records 125 page 250; 152 page 292; 179 page 24; 74 page 25, reference to all of which is hereby made, containing in original tract 337 acres, mare or less. But from this tract there has been conveyed to E. M. Perry and A. W. Perry, Jr. 127 acres, more or less, ly ing on the West side of Sycamore Crec t. ' This the 5th dcy of May. 1923. E-ll-4t R. B. WHITE, Tmstee. HONEST Are yon treating yonr talents with due credit "when yon haTe to bny an automobile erery few years when yon can hare a deep well drilled with pure water, that will stand for ages, or haTe lights or water Installed that will last a life time. We furnish those things that go to make np a permanent con Tenlent for home comfort. White Pump & Well Company, Inc. Well Drillers and Wa ter Supply Contractors. Norlina, N. C. LEATHER Has Advanced 10 Cents a Pound Bat we are still patting on Sole* at the following old price*: Ladle* Bole* 85 cents pair Men's Bole* $1.00 per pair Fanco Soles, tougher than leather, absolutely waterproof $1.25 Plow Unes 25 cents per pair Myers Stock J$m1 __ t pkj; for 25 cents Any kind Harness made to order. LOUI8BUEO REPAIR SHOP jottns Lehman. Proprietor PROFESSIONAL COLUMN Dfc J. HERBERT K1 lit. k. KAL1> Eje, Ear, Sose, Throat Will be at Dr. U. H. Johnson's office In Louiaburg every first Monday . tin. KagenT--::i8 should be mad* as far la advaxi. as poaalble. ' I'LL 1L K. lARBOROl'GH l'lijslclaa and Sarfeon LooJsbarg, 9. C. Office to Blckett and Yarborough Building. Office PboDe 286 Residence Phone 18 S. AT WOOD US WX LL> a A tteraey -At- Law, Loulsburg. N, C. Pbone No. 115 Office In First National Bank Bulldlnc General Practice DR. W. B. MORXO> Eye Specialist Office In Hotel Building Louisburg, North Carolina I wish to advise my patients and the public generally that after the 1st of September my business will be on a Cash basis when work Is completed. DR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING S. P. BDBT, M. D. Loulsburg, N. C. Offices OTOT Scoggln's Dm* Star*. Hoars 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., and 4 to S p. m. DR. W. K. BASS. Veterinarian Loulsburg, N. C. Offices and Hospital East Nash St. Phone Office 335-L ""Residence 335-J Special Attention to Small * Animate. DR. D. C. 8M1T11 WICK. DNtW, kealsharg, R, C. Office In Uie First National Bank Building on Main and Nash Sts. W. M. PERSON. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Louis burg, North Carolina Fraetiee In all courts. Office on Main Street G. K. BEAM Attornej-at-Law Offices over Post Office Practice In ail courta. DK. J. B. iiaVls Physician and Snrgeon Lonlsburg, North Carolina Office Main Street A. T- Neal Building at River Bridge Telephone Connections 61 and 64-2 R. Hours: 8 to 11:30 a. m. 2 to 6 p. m. K. B. White B. H. Maloae WHITE M MALONB LAWYBR8 Loulsbnrg, North Carolina ?oneral practice, settlement of e? stee funds tnTMbd. Ou ? ber ol -ee firm always ha the oles. DB. H, G. PERRY Physician and Surgeon LonUbnrg, North Carolina Offices Adjoining Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day 287: Night 287 DB. J. B. MALOBB. Loulsburg, North Carolina ?ee In Aycock Drag Btore, Market Otreet. Office Practice Sorgary and consultation. DK. H. H. JOHNSON Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, North Carolina Office over Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day and Night both No. 10 J. 0. NEWELL, M. D. Loulsburg, N. ?? Office In First National Bank Building Day Phone 249 ? Night Phone 249-2 Win. H. Kuffln, Thoe. W RufHn WM. H. * THOS. W. BL'FFIN A ttomr j?-at-I.arr Loulnburj, t North Carolina General practice, both civil and crim inal, In Franklin and adjoining coun tiea, Supreme and Federal Courts. Offices In First National Bank Building. 8TEGALL BROS. Barbers Leulsharg, N. (~ We have five good barbers and you will receive the best of servlc*. Also Essex Automobile tor hire st all times, at reasonable prices. NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX ELEC TION t'pon petition duly ondorsed by the governing school boards of at least a majority of the school districts within the special school taxing dis trict to be known as the Harris Youngsvllle Special School Taxing District, said petition having been du ly approved by the County Board of Education of Franklin County, It Is ordered that an election be held In ac e< rdance with the provisions of Article 18. Part 7, Chapter One of "An Act to Amend the Consolidated Statutes and to ( odlfy the Laws Relating to Public Schools," enacted by the General As M-mUy of North Carolina at Its regu lar session In 1923, at which election sball be ascertained the will of the people within sal<^ Special School Taxing District, whether or not thero shall be levied a special annual tax of not more than fifty centa on the One Hundred Dollars valuation of prop el ty to supplement the public school fund, which may be apportioned to the proposed Special School Taring District by the County Board of Edu cation; and in %ase such special tax sball be voted then it shall operate to repeal and abolish all school taxes heretofore voted In sny local tax or special charter district located within said Special School Taxing District. The said election shall be held on the ttri day of Jane, 1923, the polling rlace to be at Royar School Build In* In said District. A new registra tion (hall be made and Kenneth Thar rlngton la hereby appointed Registrar, and W. H Hogers and H. K. Perry are b?reby appointed poll-holders in said ?lection. The boundaries of said Special School Taxing District as fixed by tho Ctunty Hoard of Education are as fol Ijws: Beginning at a point on Cedar Creek Corner Tor Youngsvllle School Dis trict; thence In a Southerly direction along the Youngsvllle School District line to the Kranklln-Wako County line; thence In it Southeasterly direc tion along the said Franklln-Wake County line to Phillips Mill Pond; Cor ner for Pearce's School District ; thence !n a Northerly direction aim* learces School District lino to the Italelgh-Hallfax Road, corner for New Hope School District; thence In a Northerly direction along said Ral eigh-Hailtax Road to the Bijar Car ter's corner; thence In an Easterly di rection along the New Hope-Plercc School District line to the Buna School District line; thence In a Northerly direction along the Bunn-Ntw Hope School District line to Rock Springs L-chool District line; thence along the Southern and Western boundary of the Rock Springs School District lino to the Louisburg Graded School Hoe, thence In a Westerly direction along the Louisburg Graded School District line to Southwest corner of said Lou'.s burg Graded School District on Cam pers Creek; thenoe in a Northerly di rection along Louisburg Graded School District line to Harris and Louisburg Township line; thence in a Westerly direction along said Harris-Louisburg Township line to corner for 1 ouisburg Harris, Franklinton and Youngsville Townships also corner for Flat Rock School District; tbeuce in a Northern direction along Loulsburg-Frankltnton Township line to Cedar Creeic; thence up Cedar Creek to the beginning. The -ogiBtratlon books shall be c pened from the 12th day of May, 192% to the 9th day of June, 1923. and the Registrar will have said books at the sold polling place on each Saturday during said period trom the 12tb day of May, 1923, to the 16th day of June, 1923. By order of the Beard of County Commissioners, this the 7th day of May, 1923. ARTHUR STRICKLAND, Attest; Chairman. S. C. HOLDEN, Clerk. 5-U-4t NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX ELEC TION Upon petition duly endorsed by tbe governing school boards o( at least a majority of the school districts within tbe special school taxing dis trict to be known as the Youngsvllla Special School Taxing District, said petition having been du ly approved by the County Board of Lducation of Franklin County, it is 01 dered that an election be held In ac cordance with the provisions of Article 18, Part 7, Chapter One of "An Act to Amend the Consolidated Statutes and to Codify the Lavs Relating to Public Schools," enacted by the General As sembly of North Carolina at its regu lar session in 1923, at which election ?hall be ascertained the will of the people within said Special School Taxing District, whether or not there shall be levied a special annual tax o* not more than fifty cents on the One Hundred Dollars valuation of prop erty to supplement the public school fund, which may be apportioned to the proposed Special School Taxing District by the County Board of Edu cation; and in case such special tax shall be voted then It shall operate tc repeal and abolish all school taxes heretofore voted In any local tax or special charter district located WTOSlii said Special School Taxing District. The said election shall be held on the 23rd day of June, 1923, the polling place to be at the Mayor^ Ottice, Youngsvllle. N. C., In said District. A new registration shall be made and J. A. Winston is hereby appointed Reg istrar, and J. E. Green and J. E. Hall are hereby appointed poll-holders In said election. The boundaries of said Special School Taxing District as fixed by the County Board of Education are as fol lows: Beginning at a point In the Gran ville-Franklin County line, corner tor Youngsvllle and Frankllntc-n Town ships; thence In an Easterly direction along the Kranklinton anil Voungs ville Township lino is Flat Hock Schco! District line; Ih-ncc In a Sou therly direction al >??* the Western boundary line of the Klai l-:ck School IJls'rlct and the Roberts Sclinol Dis trict to Ibe Wak) Franklin Ciunty line; thence In a 'Vit.cvly direction a:ofcg the Wake-Frank'.in County line to point where WnW? and Franklin Counties corner !.i the (iranvlllo County lino; thence In a Northerly di rection along th? Kruii?"'i-t!ranvillp County line to the po'ui of th? begin ning The registration books shall be opened from the 12th day of May. i Wf. to the 9th day of June, 1923. and the Registrar will have said books at the g|.|d polling place on each Saturday it.rlng said period from the 12th day of May, 1923, to the 16th da^of June, 1&23. By order of the Board of County Commissioners, this the ?th day of Kay. 1923. ARTHUR STRICKi.iAND, Attest; Chairman. 8 C. HOCbEN, Clerk. 5-ll-4t NOTICE OF 8PECIAL TAX ELEC TION Upon petition duly endorsed by the governing school boards of at least a majority of the school districts within the special school taxing dis trict to be known as the Frankllnton Township Special School Taxing District, said petition having been du ly approved by the County Board of Education of Franklin County? it is ordered that an election be held In ac cordance with the provisions of Article 18, Part 7, Chapter One of "An Act to Amend the Consolidated Statutes and to Codify the Laws Relating to Public Schools." enacted by the Qeneral As sembly of North Carolina at Its regu lar session In 1923, at which election shall be ascertained the will of the people within raid Spcclal School Taxing District, whether or Dot there ?hull be levied a special annual tax of not more than fifty ceirta on the One .Hundred Doliara valuation of ? prop eity to supplement the public school fund, which may be apportioned to the oroposed Special School Taxing District by the County Hoard ot Edu cation; and In case such special tax shall be voted then It shall operate tc repeal and abolish all school taxe? heretofore voted in any local tax or special charter district locatcd within said Special School Taxing District, except taxes voted to pay the Interest un and to retire outstanding bonds. The said flection shall be held on the 23rd day of June. 1923, the polling p'ace to be at the Mayor's Office. Frankllnton, N. C., In said District. A new registration shall be made and J H. Cooke Is hereby appointed Reg istrar, and A. B. Cooke and R. E. Kear ney are hereby appointed poll-holders in said election. The boundaries of said Special School Taxing District as fixed by the County Board of Education are as fol lows : Beginning at a point on Tar River, corner for Franklin, Granville and Vance Counties: thence Eastwardly along the Northern boundary^ Una of Frankllnton Township to corner for Frankllnton. Hayesvllle. Sandy Creek and Louisburg Townships; thence in a Southerly direction along 'he Frank linton-Louisburg Township line to Ce dar Creek; thence up Cedar Creek to the corner for the Flat Rock School District; thence In a Southerly direc tion along the Western boundary of the Flat Rock School District to the Youngsvllle-FVankllnton Township line; thence in a Westerly direction along the Youngsvillc-Frankllntcn Township line to the Franklin-Gran ville County line; thence in a Norther ly direction along the Franklin-Gran ville County line to the,j?olnt ot be ginning. The registration books shall be opened from the 12th day of May, 1923 to the 9th day of June, 1923. and the Registrar will have said books at the ssid polling place on eaeh Saturday during said period from the 12th day of May, 1923, to the 16th day of June. 1923. By order of the Board of County Ccmmissioners, this the 7th day ol May, 1923. ARTHUR STRICKLAND, Attest: .Chairman. S. C, HOLDEN, Clerk. 5-ll-4t NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX ELEC TION Upon petition duly endorsed by the governing school boards of at least a majority of the school districts within the special school taxing dis trict to be known as the Gold Mine-San dy Creek Special School Taxing District, said petition having been du ly approved by the County Board of Education of Franklin County, it is ordered that an election be Held in ac cordance with tho provisions of Artlclo 18, Part 7, Chapter One of "An Act to Amend the Consolidated Statutes and to Codify the Laws Relating to Public Schools," enacted by the General As nembly of North Carolina aL its regu lar session in 1923, at which election shall be ascertained the will of the people within said Special School Taxing District, whether or not there shall be levied a special annual tax of not more than fifty cents on the One Hundred Dollars valuation of prop el ty to supplement the public school fund, which may be apportioned to the proposed Special School Taxing District by the County Board of Edu cation; and in case such special tax shall be voted then it shall operate to repeal and abolish all school taxes heretofore voted in any local tax or special charter district located within said Special School Taxing District. The said election shall be held on the 23rd day of June, 1923, the polling place to be at Gupton Hi said District. A new registration shall be made and G. B. West is hereby appointed Reg istrar, and John Carr and Goo. Raynor are hereby appointed poll-holders in said election. The boundaries of said Special Srhool Taxing District as fixed by the County Board of Education are aa fol lf ws: Beginning at the point where the Itoad from Alert-Henderson Road crosses the Franklin-Warrc-n County line; thence In an Easterly direction u>ng said Warren-Franklin County line to corner Tor Franklin. Warren Halifax and Nash Counties; thence in a Southerly direction along the Nash Franklin County line to the present Wood School District line; thence in a Westerly direction along the pres ent Wood School District line to the present Pierce's School District; thence along the Southern boundary of the present Pierce's School Dis trict to Sandy Creek School District; thence along the Southern boundary of Sandy Creek School District to Cobbs Cross Roads, corner for Moul ton-Hayes School District; thonce along the Southern boundary line of Moulton-Hayes School District to Al Un Road; thence along the Western boundary of Moulton-Hayes School District to old O. Z. Edwards Mill; thence about North In a straight line to the point of beginning. The registration books shall bo cpened from the 12th day of Mny. 1923 to the 9th day of June, 1923, and tho Registrar will have said books at th? said polling place on each Baturday (luring said period from the 12th day of May. 1923, to tho 16th day of Juno. 1 923. By order of the Board of County Commissioners, this the 7th day of May, 1923. ARTHUR STRICKLAND. Attest: Chairman, fc C. HOLDEN. Clerk. 5-ll-? I (lot Real Mad When I lost My* Setting Hen," Mr*. Hannan. "I went Into the hen house one rooming and found my favorite setter dead. I got real mad. Wont to the store, bought some RAT-flNAP and | In a week I jot six dead rats. Evory Ibody who raise j poultry should keep R4T-f$MAP.> Three sites, 880. *6c, U 25 sold and guaranteed by Cash Grocery and Market.

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