NOTICE! Open For Business In the old Beck Garage. Your patronge solicited. Storage, Gas, Oil, Goodyear Tires and Williard Batteries* If in trouble phone me day or night, will be there. CAR WASHING? I have employed one of the best car washers to be found. Cars called for and delivered. H. P. Cranford LODISBURG, North Carolina 1 hare iiM receded a new lot of Melrose anil Vanco Flour, tlie kind that milk's the liest biscuits, also a nice line of heavy and fancy er.icerie*. A full line of feed stnff* and dairy feed. <-lTe me a call aril let me sho" joo that I can fnrnNh tou the be?t at a lit tle le every bottle of *EY. The aahr* chert and throat ? Cold or Groap. )' Hatflaf Hooey la tW bMAoi effect of tb? potm of ilk* SSnTHi5Rdro^ ^ ***** Free Flower Seeds Too will b? glad to know that Has tin**', -The Sooth's nuflmmi ~ will (lr? away about 1.000,000 pankMl of ?Md of the South'* moat prpOar flow Mb this spring. Tiore Is nothtn* to &? rtpm* that can compare with riot colored Opwtn. Thay brighten tn all 09 tod make any house attnustlm You oatrt plant too many flower* and this ocportanlty to ce( Bhirley Popplaa, EJT*rlaattn< Aow ?m, zinnia*. eoamoa and Bnn> log Both absolutely free. to ptrtataly t0 be welcomed by all wiiw oil thl? paper. , Tou can gat thejnl JM wrtta to Hastings' tor tha naw 1MI Catalog. It tolls you how to fat flow Willi tree. It has 100 pag?* of twatmfl photo grapfclo pictures and oorrarf descrip tions of garden flower am) Said *?tdi, bulb* and plants, and alas to fall of helpful Information thai |i Beaded almost dally In rrsry 8ooO>Sro bom*. It's che most raluabj* Mad took rr?: pubythed and y?u wffl bs taJadU? you're got It Jx>st write STw for Auto captured In FlSrida was de signed for rum running, and said to be about 4(' white mule power. FRANKLIX I>S. >e Cleared Our Summer Home of Huts," by Mrs. Perrj. "When we opened our seaside 1'ome last May, It was alive with rats. They'd gnawed all tl.e upholstering. Wt cleaneu theni out in a week with ICAT-SXAP . I prefer this rat killer because it comes in cake form, no mixing Satfes dirty hands end plates." Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1 23. S< Id and guaranteed by Cash Grocery and Market. Salt serves as a spice or condi ment which whets the appetite and Increases the palalibillty of feed for j all livestock. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given all persons that Morris Hunt, a minor sjn of C. D. Hunt,, has left my home without cause or my consent, nnd therefore all per sons are hereby forbidden to hire or otherwise harbor him under penalty of law provided. This May IS, 1923. 6-18-4t C. D. HUNT. ?*EV8 U. 8. ARMY MTNS0N-LA8T SHOES AT $2.95 SUM 6H to 18 ? New again will yon be able lo buy these shoes at such a low price. We were lucky in finding a manufacturer, who was overstocked with them, ana needed ready cash, so we bought them at almost one-half of the regu lar price. This shoe is made over the D. 8. Army Munson-last, with ex tra heavy stitching; special grained chrome brown leather used through out. An ideal shoe for workmen, far mers, Ice-men, postmen, carpenters and motormen, who are obliged to be on their feet all day. Send correct size. Pay Postman $2.95 on delivery, or send us a money or?ar. - _ ? If you are not satisfied with these shoes after yon examine them, we Will promptly rotund your money." U. 8. DISTRIBUTING ft SALES COMPANY 20-2# West 22nd, 8-2-tt New York City, N Y. U h chill Tonic restores by Purlfyind and When you feel lu effect, see how the cheeks and how you will then Is simply in syrup. So it The blood Farmers National Bank MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE Loulsburg, N. CT Wants your bank account, and offers you o banking service that you will like. Our first consideration is the safety of our de posits. We are prepared to serve you ef ficiently and promptly on any proposition that is consistent with safe and sound bank ing. WE PAY INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AND CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. Wte have a growing list of customers who like their connection with the Farmers National. WE WOULD LIKE TO TALK THE MATTER OVER WITH YOU. Farmers National Bank Louisburg, N. 0. )' . Lji. M tn&iibfA, ' - r'