THE FRANKLIN TIMES t A. T. JOHKSOIC, Editor U< Manager On. Tear ... .7. ?1.60 ?lffat Mouths 1.00 Hfac Months 75 Poor Months 60 f Foreign Advertising Representative THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION 4 Entered at the Post Office at Louls feorg, N. C., as second ?la?B matter, , Don? forget to attend the Business lien's meeting Tuesday night. The County Commissioners are to be congratulated upon their action to eradicate tubercular cattle from Prank lln County. The cost will bo nominal when the Talue and safe guard to hu man health is considered. North Carolina loses one of Its most able Congresseraen In the death or Hon, Claude KltcMn, which occurred at a Wilson hospital Thursday ot last week. He was recognized as one of the ? strongest men in Congress, both by his colleagues and the public. It now looks like Louisburg will have to build another filtration plant. Tbe present one baa about served Its purpose ? having filtered the water for Louisburg for practically twenty years. It 19 almost a-myracie to see the high quality of water the present management is giving us with a plant as old as this. TWESTY-FITE ADDITIONS The revival services just closed at the Baptist church were especially well attended and resulted In much good. There were twenty-live addi tions to the church and a Life Ser vice Band was organized with twen ty five members. Dr. Hay E. York did some fine preaching, holding three services each day. T he spirit of the meeting is best given in the fact that a cash offering of 1300.04 ?was made to Dr. York in a five min ute intermission. Louisburg is glad that Dr. York was in its midst and there is no question but tha; the good c-Jfects of his meeting will be long lasting. W. Z. AR.NOI.l) DEAD Mr. W. Z. Arnold died on Thursday morning of last week at bis home near Louisburg from the effects of a stroke of paralysis. He was In his 45th year and leaves a wife and sev eral c-tJ'idren. His remains were In terred at Prospect church Friday af ternoon. Deepest sympathy Is extended his bereaved family and friends. Wood Items We will let you all know thai we are still alive down here In our town of Wood. We had a big Ice cream supper at Mr. P. G. Sturgee Saturday night, and fish fry and dance. It was very much enjoyed by all. The Oxford Orphan children gave a concert at Wood Baptist church Friday night. It was One. Hope tbey will come again goon. Mr. Luther Gupton at.d wife, of Alert, visited his pareDts, Mr. and Mrs. A A. Gupton Saturday and Sun day. Miss Oracle and Lucy Burnetto spent Sunday afternoon at Mr3. A. A. Gupton's. Mr, Ramon Shearln and Miss Lucy Gupton and Miss Daisy Gupton went to Mrs. DaviB' on Red Bud lo sing for her Sunday afternoon. Mr. G. W. West and wife motored down to Wood Sunday afternoon. If this escapes the wa^te basket we Vill come again. Blue and Black Bird. Pousville Items Ab the dtp of Pousville is picking up bo much\Just thought wc would send Id a fewv iLepiB. Guess everybody ~~T?t>vabout through chopping cotton Mr. Frank West and >Jntnl!y, of Roa noke Rapids, visited his father the paflt week. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cash, of Moulton, vtslted Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Cash Sat^ uiday evening. Wc think the Paige haa sold out from South Pousville and taken in at Centtrvlllo. Mr. Ellis Jrnes and his father mo tored over to Rocky Mount Sunday. Mr Percy Wir.stead. Miss Car Dell AA\pix\, Miss Beatrice Jone ; and Mr_ iffed Jones went for a joy ride Sun day afternoon Mr. Roland Gray and Miss Ixila Wil liams, Miss Hallle Joyner and Mr Roger Williams matored over to l?u laburg Saturday afternoon. Come to our town and cut up. CHOP 8TICKS. ?" U.IJCIC8 . I Raleigh, June 1. ? Before the. bells ringing out on (rlap autumnal air again call "ta books" the State Board of Wealth will hare contributed thru Itt tonsil and adnold clinics to the physical betterment of close to three thousand children, thereby enabling them to take the greatest advantage of tb* Bute's modern system of school*. Already definite arrangements bare bean completed for these cltnlca to ba bald la twenty counties during the present year other counties are Uatathrely arranging for this serrlca *9?l the Indications are that the de How Prunitone, the World's System Tonic Pats on Firm Flesh and Makes You Look Years Younger, Rounds Out Your Face and Figure With Healthy, Firm Flesh. Start Taking Prunitone Now if You Wish to Increase Your Weight and Endurance or Banish Skin Eruptions and Beau tify the Complexicnj . Thin, Pale People Quickly Become Strong, Stout, Robust antTHave Lovely Red Cheeks by Us ing Prunitone, the Wonderful.FRUIT TONIC. : . -sc . r ?-> - ? ? " Simply weigh yourself and take Prunitone for one week, then weigh yourself again and note the rapid in crease In weight Conttirue~laklng Pru nitone until you have increased your weight the amount desired. You will very likely say that It has caused a rtma-kable change, it has Improved your looks wonderfully and any of your friends will hardly know you when your figure has been well roun ded out, as nature Intended It should be . This tranformatloc Is due en tirely :o the wonderful power of Pru nitone to correct the asstmilation of the foods you eat. The reason that Prunitone Is hav ing such an astonishing sale In Ameri ca Is due to merit alone. No Bemedy 'hat hag ever been sold In America has met with Buch unprecedented success in so short a time as Prunl tune, the celebrated Prune Tonic. If your Skin Is Ugly. Flesh Flabby, Cheeks Hollow or your Neck Scrawny, or if you tire easily, lack ambition, strength and energy, restless nights. Lave Indigestion or stomach trouble, don't delay. Go at once to I>. E. Scog Cln and secure a bottle of Prunitone. SPECIAL NOTICE Prunitone Is recconjraei ?d ai a flesh builder and reconstructive sy stem Trnlc. In many instances it hae [roved wonderfully effective in cases of Indigestion, Heahtburn, Sleepless ness, Nervousness and general run down conditions It Is, however, ad visable only for persons wishing to inrreas* their v eight and renew their -trength and energy to use -'runltone. It may, howerver, be borne In mind that Prunitone contains no injurious drugs but Is composed entirely of Prunes Hoots, Herbs and Iron in a most palatable liquid form. More than half a million men and women have used Prunitone with wonderful ?mc vess, and It has been positively pro ven that it does make thin folks fat even where all els? has failed. Don't say It can't be <lone. Try Prunitone and prove what can be done for you. adv. FOB SALE BY L. E. SCOGGIN mand will be greater than the one hospitial unit operated by the board will be able to handle. Clinics have been held during the month of May for Chatham County at Pittsboro , for Beaufort County at I,elhaven and Washington, for Mar tin County at Williamston. Another is in process during the present weeli for Bertie County at Windsor. A to tal of 447 children have been treated thus far. In addition the Board as sisted the authorities of Painlico County in the condurt of a clinic du ring March at which zOO were treated. Definite schedules have been an counced for June, July and August as follows: Halifax and Northampton Counties at Roanoke Rapids. June 4 - 8 ; Franklin County at Loulsburg, June 11-21; Vance County at Hender son, June 25-29; Stokes County at Danbury, July 2-6; Davie County at Mocksville. July 9-13; Iredell County at Statesvllle, July 16-20; Alexander County at Tayl'orsville, July 23-27; Caldwell County at Lenoir. July 3# Aug. 3; Avery County at Newlands, Aug. 6-10; Mitchell County at Bakers ville, Aug. 13-17; Madison County at Marshall, Aug. 20-24. Dates for Randolph, Scotland, Bruns wick and Hoke are to be announ ced later. The medical societies of Nash and Henderson counnties have arranged to conduct clinics for the children of their respective counties. Similar arrangements have been in operation in Buncombe, Haywood, Wake and and New Hanover counties for some years. A complete traveling hospital unit for the care of twenty-five children daily is in the field. This includes a truck for the transportation of the necessary equipment, such a3 cots, bedding, towels, hospital supplies. A stafT of ten nurses, an orderly, and on experienced physician f< r making physical examinations and administer ing anesthesia is maintained. The specialist performing the operations is selected by the local medical so ciety. The value of the work accomplished In these clinics has been demonstra ted by the increasing demand for them each year, Last year 2 488 child ren were treated. This year the num ber will approximate 3,000. TOBACCO GROWERS FIGHT JrOR ASSN. Declare Landlord Members Obligated To Deliver Total Crop; Win More Suits. Hundredw of members of the To bacco Growers Cooperative Associa tion, backing up the dec'<.i>n of their directors have declared that the tobac co of tenants on the farms of landlord who are members of their association shall not compete on the auction mar ket with tobacco placed in the farm ers' pool. Officials of the local units of the Tobacco Growers Cooeratlve Associ ation In Alamance' County met on June 2, at Burlington and adopted the following resolution. We farmers of Alamance County, Members of the Tobacco Growers As sociation (Cooperative), being assem bled at Burlington, Alamance County, for our regular monthly meetings do wish to go on record as supporting cxir association to the very fullest In its efforts to enforce each and every term of the contract signed by our members. We have In mind at this time especially, that part of the con tract which holds each landlord mem l>er for1 all the tobacco produced on his land. rurther, wp nigh to thank our D1- I rectors and official* for so frankly J amrtinfc their position In this matter, nnd for all the other many great things thpy have accomplished for ua. And wo feel the Association h<*a , acted wisely In not borrowing money to make additional payments up to this time and we realise that If our [tobaoco ta sold In an orderly manner we will have to tvait a reasonable time for a full settlement. Copj- to be sent to our Assoclatl n's Secretary at Raleigh, North Carolina Signed S. ?L. Dixon, County Chairman The organized growers cf Caswell County on the samt day at their epun Ity meeting in Yanceyville registered their protest against the practice of 1. ndlords who are members .. of th* marketing association al owing tobac co which is under contract to the as sociation to be marketed by nonmem ber growers. The Wake County grow ers likewise decla.ed their ccmplete independence from the auction sys tem on June 4, at their monthly coun ty meeting in Raleigh. Indications are tuat the great majority of North Caro l:na fanners will back this policy of their association like the growers of Virginia where the courts have re o.uired its members to pay liquidated damages on tobicco which was raised by non-members. A sweerlng victory was won by the tobacco assocation, in Virginia this ?week when three cases came up for trial before Judge W. R. Barks.ial" at Halifax Court House. The Virginia Jury put a stop to the habit which some members have of hiding behind the skirts of their wives when a mem ber who raised tobacco on land be longing to his wife who was a non member was required to pay liqui dated damages for three-fourths of the tobacco that he raiseod as his life's tenant, at the rate of 5c per pound with couit cost and attorneys' fees. In the opinion of tbe association attorneys this will put an effectual stop to many who endeavor to evade the obligations of their contract by growing cr selling tobft'-co In the nume of their wives. Two other defendants whOBe cases came up this week in the Halifax court agreed to all the terms of the suit brought against them rather 'han try their cases. This week's cases of the tobacco cooperative were added to a long list of legal victories for the association in Virginia where 29 suits filed in the state have now been settled with defendants upon terms of the association. In Halifax County alone, thirteen out of thirteen s*ults have resulted favorably for thp co ope-ative. In Pittsylvania County the association has already won eight out of nine of Its suits and in North Caro lina a largp number of its suits brought ogainst contract breatcra bave been settled on the associat'on's terms. o Stylish Women of Pans In Race To Eppomc Fa*. Paris. Franco. May 24.? The fat woman is back 1n fashion. With Gerny's famous* Parisian res taurant opening a special ryjin solely for stout customers, and with the big gest dressmakers specializing In gowns of ample proportions, fliet ing has almost completely ceased at the fashionable eating-houses. It is noticed that where last year' the smart woman strained every nerve I to take the weight, denying herself sugar., bread and all fastening fo kIs. she Is now engaged in a mad race to get plump quickly. The ' avoirdupois stakes" had a long fashionable list at the I?ngehamps paddock, many of the women who have despaired of getting fat before the end of the season wearing the old fashioned "pads'* discarded by their grandmothers. Arms, .shoulders and bust have again taken an extraordinary Importance. In contrast with the accentuation of the lrtwer limbs which have been a st*?adly feature of all styles since the war. Being "skinny" has become a social crime, and the smart drugstores are selling dozens of patent medicines guaranteed to add weight end g1rt>i In twony-fonr hours A good feed ration brought tne pro ductlOD of hemi from 16 eggs per day to got 30 pggB per day, report* Comi ty Agent B. n Reeves of Pitt ?ounty. Can afford a Burroughs J*ut this small, light und portable Burroughs to work In jour office or on your counter. Watch how easily and quickly it handles your tigurlng ? giving you the right answer In less time, every time. >'otlce how It stops the little errors that used to creep Into your lgur lrgt see how much easier it Is to get the tl if ares you ueed about your business evtrj day. Then you'll realize that IT QUICKLY PAYS FOR ITSELF In fact, In a remarkably short time you'll find tills little Burroughs in dispensable in your business. A $12.50 down-payment puts this Burroughs to work for you ? easy payments take care of the balance. M'hy not start this saving today] Call BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE COMPANY 121 W. Martin St. Raleigh Telephone Bell 167 Every Burroughs Adds, Subtracts, Multiplies and Divides Better Figures maJke Bigger Profits Chiropractic Health " Talk No. 3 BY Dr. Chas. Bremner A man Is siclP'i>^cauBe some thing wltttfn him Is wrong. All of your farts cannot be func tioning properly and yet cause you pain. Each section of your anatomy needs a certain a mount of nerve energy, and when that Is not supplied, some thing goes wrong. Simple log ic. It works on the Bame prin ciple that when you have a leak In your gasoline tank the en gine will give you trouble. In stead of hearing a noise under the radiator hood and messing things up In general, it finds out what Is causing the trouble and then mends It But literal ly, Chiropractic does get at the root of the trouble ? the spine. It Is the nerve center of the system. When the Bplne gets out__of alignment, It clogs up the~tlssuee that sends the force through your body. And the parts effected can be remedied by getting the spine In align ment. And th!? common sense prllclple la what has made Chi ropractic such a success. Come to my office for a spinal analy sis and consultation. Dr. Chas. Bremner CHIROPRACTOR Phone 44 Henderson, N. C. lOHITION WANTFD? ANY fl*F wanting a chauffeur or a man for general house work, write J. J Hill, Col.. Iyjulsburg, N. C. 6-8-3t TOBACCO FLUES, $7.50 PER HUNDRED. SEE E. A. ROO EES, LOUISBURO, N. C. ?-*-4t NOTICB? TAX PAYIIRS By order of the Board of Cottntr C'ommlaalonera at their regular meet ing on Monday. June 4th, 1933, th? name* of all peraona In Franklin County haying property that ahould be listed for taxea and who fall to Hat Home by July lat, will be reported to th? Grand Jury. Therefore all par dona ar<s urgod to llat their property within thla time and aave trouble, rmbarra?iment tnd expenao, This Jane 4, 1923 ARTHUR 8TRICKLAND, Chm n. B C. HOI-DEN, Clerk 6-S-4t Cultivate the garden after every r?ln Plant vegetables for miooeaalon, , NOTICE Alltperaons are hereby notified that I have a contract with Charlie Pearce, tor the year 1923, and he having left my employ wllhout cause or my con tent therefore I herewith forbid all persona from hiring or othorwlae har boring him under penalty of law as provided. Thla June 6th, 192X. 6-S-lt JOHN PEARCE nos FOR SAI.E? I HA VK A UPM ber of Dnroc Jersey plgi ready (or delivery by June 18th, for ??!? at $5.00 each. Apply at once to Willie H. Ball, R J, AJort, N, 0 6-8-Jt FOB 8ALK? ONE GOOD SADDLE and buggy horse Apply to MRS. W. P. NEAL,, LouUburg, N. C. 1 Oft C-l-2t FOR FIR8T 0LA8B JOB PHI IN TING PHONB NO. 183. , DR. 0. A. OATLIN l'hjxlclan A Burgeon R. F. D. No. * L0U1SBUR0, N. C. Located at White Lev-el, Leave call at Q, B, Oonji Drug Store More Royal Clinchers for 1923 United States Tires are Good Tires THE U. S. Tire people took plenty of time in developing the Royal Clincher Cord. When it was finally placed on sale there were no mis takes in it. Last year we couldn't make Royal Clinchers fast enough. Production for 1923 has been more than doubled. But whenever and wher ever you can get a Royal Clincher ? take it. LOUISBURO MOTOR CO Louiaburg, N. C. K. A. PERRY Youngsville, N. 0.

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