Tutt's Pills Induca regular habit, good digestion . Rallavatha dy?p?pc?c and dabditatwj ?nd tona up tha aystani AGAINST MALARIA THE FRANKLIN TIMES $1.60 Per Year la Advance Piles Cured la 6 to 14 Dsyr Druggists refund money it PAZO blKfrnZNT falls to cure Itch log. Blind, Bleeding arPjdtniding Pile*. Instantly relieves Itching Piles. ?nd yuo can get restful sleep alter the first application. Price 00c. OUR FOUNTAIN is in Full Bloom,. Cold Drinks of all kind. Give us a trial is all we ask. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded and will save you money. Seibert Poison Fly Paper Bee Brand Insect Powder 8 Sheets for 10c 10, 25 and 50c Size F. R. Pleasants PHONE 222 J Furniture The season's best and most popular styles and designs both in Suits and Extra Pieces. Call in and look over our Stock before you begin your spring cleaning that you may easily solve your arrangement problem. W. E. White Furniture Co. Now is the Time to Sow For German Millet Pole and Bunch Snaps Sudan Grass Teosinte Seed Velvet Beans Cat Tail Millet jr* Soja Beans Melon Seed We exercise great care to have all seed pure and reliable I P. HIOKS NOTICE " Having quallfled as Administrator ot the estate ot J. P. Handling, deceased, late ot Franklin county, North Caro lina, Hjla, Is to notify all persons bar ing claim's against the estate ot -the said de^eftaed to exhibit them to the undersigned, on or before the 4th day of May. 1924, or this notice will be plead In bar ot their recovery. All per sons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This the 4th day of May, 1923. 5-4-6t JOHN W. SAND LINO, Admr. Senator Lod^e'9 argument againut this world court idea Beema to be that It Isn't Lodge-leal. NOTICE OF SALE fuller and by virtue ot authority contained Id tbat certain deed o( trust executed to the undersigned trustee by R. D. Mosley ami wife on the 5th day o( April, 1922. the conditions in the said deed of trust not having been compiled with, the indebtedness there by secured being |>:. it duo and demand having been made upon me tor fore closure. I will on MONDAY. JLXkl 13. 1J23 at about 12 o'clock- 51. at the court bouse door at Ivoulsburg. N C. offer for sile to tlie highest bidder, for ca^h. tbat certain tract ot land lying and being.in Sandy Creek township. Frank lla County, North Carolina, described as follows: Bounded on the North by the lands William Plnnell, oil the East by the lands of Ed Faulkner, on the South by the lands of Wiley Askew and on the West by the lands of XV. S. Per nell. Containing 26 acres, more or less. ?> Being the same land devised to Patty Mosley by the will of her father, Wiley Mosley. This May 16. 1923. 5-lS-5t S. A. NEWELL. Trustee. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND Under and by virtue of the power contained In a certain deed of trust to J. G. Mills, Trustee from J. T. Wilson and wife, which said deed of trust is iccorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin county in Book 225, page 23, default having been made la th? payment of the notes secured thereby, I will offer for sale at public miction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the town ot Leulsburg, N. C. on MONDAY, JUNE IS, 1923 at 12 M. the following described real estate : A certain parcel or tract of land sit uate in Harris township, Franklin county. North Carolina. ad]oining the lands of Samuel Harris, Perry and Tattersan. Joe Young, J. T. Wilson and others, and being the land con veyed to XV. B. Tlmberlase by Caro line Timberlake by deed rt-corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County in Book 71, page 145, and afterwards conveyed to J. T. Tim berlake by Emma Tlmnertake and e'hers, and containing ISO a-res, tr:ure or less. This land is lcnowu as "The Old Wiggins" land. This the 14th day of May, 1923. 5-18-5t J. G. MILLS, Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF .'.AND Pursuant to an order of re-sale n.ade by the Superior Court of Frank lln County In the matter oi sale of lands of H A. Williams by Wm. H. Pace, Trustee, upon an advance, bid cn sale made thereof on May 14th, 1923, and by virtue of the power of bale contained in thai certain deed of trust dated April 15, 1918, and record ed in Franklin Registry in Cook 194, page 3SS, default having been made In the payment of the debt thereby se cured, and demand for foreclosure hav lig been made on said trustee by tl>e holder of the Indebtedness to secured, the undersigned will on MONDAY, JUN'ii 11, 1923_ at the courthouse door in Louisburg, at about the hour of noon, offer for sale at public auction, to the hlptlMt Udder for cash, the following describ ed lands situate near to the town of ?Voungsville and in said deed of trust described bs Lot No. 4 of the division of the Williams land, and more par-i ticularly defined as follows: Begins at a stake, corner of Lot No. 6 In the line of the Railroad land; thence N 88 1-2 W 15.25 chains to the center of the road, corner for No 6. marked by a stake on the East side; j thence along the road S 20 1-2 E 3.92 chains: thcnce S 34 1-4 E 1.80 clis. to a stake near a corner of the grave yard; thenoe S 88 1-2 E 13 60 chs. to a corner of Lot No. 6 in the line of the ! Railroad land; thence along that line N 8 W 5 chs. to the beginning, '-on taining 7 1-2 acres, less one acre te served awl excepted for family grave yard. This May 24, 1923. WM H. PACE, Trustee. Wm. H. & 7hos. W. Ruffin, Attorneys. 5-25-3t SALE OF VALUABLE LAND Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court entered in tiiat Special Proceeding entitled, "Wary Jane Foster et als vs. M. T. Hawkins" the undersigned Commissioners will, at or about the hour of noon on - 1 MONDAY. JUNE 25, 1923> at the Court House door of Franklin County, ofTer for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder, upon the terms hereinafter set forth, the fol lowing descrfbed tract or parcel of iand, situated in Hayesville Township Franklin County,, North Carolina, described as follows: Bounded on the North by the lands of the estate of J. A. Hawkins, on 'he East and South by the lands of Mat thew T. Hawkins, and on the West by the lands of the estate of J. A. Hawkins and W. O. Mitchell, con taining 97 acres, more or less, and being the tract of land upon which Thomas H. Hawkins resided at the time of his death. Terms of sale: One third iash and the balance payable In two equal annual Installments deferred pay ments bearing Interest at the rate of six per centum per anntim from the date of deed until paid and being se cured by a mortgage or deed of trust on the property above described. This the 26th day of May, 1923. W. H. YARBOROUGH, E. H. MALONE. 6-l-4t Commissioner*. "I dot K*al Mad When I Lost My Helling Hen," Mrs. Hnnnnn. "I went Into the hen house one rooming and found my favorite Retter dead. I got roal mad. Went to the ?tore, bought sftne RAT-SNAP and In a week I got six dead rata. Evory, body who raises poultry should keep RAT-SNAP* Three sixes, 86c. ?5o. $1 25 sold and guaranteed by ''ash Grocery and Market. PORTO BICO POTATO SLIPS FOB sale, $1.25 per 1000. Now ready for delivery C. M. Vaughan, R 1. Ma plevllle, N. C. 6-25-8t NOTICE I HuvU:*r qualitied a .4 executors oC' the estate of J. B. Alien, deceased | late of Fruaklln County, all persons; t elding i^aiins aguinst sa!d estate are! hereof notified to present them to the j ujKj'Tsritrnprt on or betore the 18th day ? of May, U?iM. or this notice will be f plead in bar uf their recovery. All ; j.ersons In-Vbtet' to said estate will1 ph:u^. forward and make lmme-| ' iat** This May 17, 1&23. H. W ALLEN, H 0. ALLEN. 5-lS-Ot Executors. M m. H & Thos W. Kuflin, Attys. NOTICE Having -juallfied as Administrator, ot the e stale of Isaac M. Gupton, de ctasecl. late of Franklin County, no- ' tico i ahereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre tent them to the undersigned on or before the 11th. day of May, 1924, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persona Indebted j to said estate will please come for- 1 ward and make immediate settlement | This May 10th, 1923. C-ll-St J. W. GUPTON, Admr. | SALE OP LAND Ln?l'r and by vlrture of the power!] and authority contained in that deed j of trust executed on the 20th day o! ! October, 1:?15. duly registered in tho P ?-Ti( ?- of the Register of Deeds for 1 1 Franklin County in Hook 210. Pag*? i j 4, default having been made in th? | payment of the indebtedness thereby | tecurfd and demand made upon me j to foreclose in accordance with the terms and provisions thereof, I the I undersigned Trustee, will s U at pub lie auction to the higest bidder fcr cash at the Courthouse door of F ank lin County, X. C., on Monday the -?>th day of June, 1923, that certain tract or parcel of land situate t j Frankli ? I County, Louisburg Township, North Carolina, and described as follows I Adjoin ling the lands of Mrs. F. X. Jc yner and J M. Allen, Beginning at I the Southeast corner of Mrs. F. X Joynt-r lot on the Street running iXorth of the Louisburg Graded School Campus; .thence in a. Northerly di rection along Mrs. F. X. Joyner's line to the J. M. Allen line; thence in an Ea-terly direction aleng the J. M. Allen l.ne Xinety feet (**0) to a stake in the said Allen line; thence in a Southerly direction in a liCe parall; to the said Mrs. F. N. J^vrer line? to a point in said Street running Xarth of the Louisburg Graded School Com y thence along sai l Street in a Westerly direction Xinety feet (90) to the beginning, it being the same iot conveyed by M. S. Cliftcn and I wife w Alice J Czzeil by deeel re corded in tLe Registry of Franklin County in book 158, Page SO, refer ence to which record is here n*ade. ThU th-? 26th day of May, 1923. t l-4t E. H. Malcue Trustee . Being heavyweight champ is easy ! work, but Dempsey will fight you be- j fore vou get that job. J HONEST Are yon treating your talents with due credit when you have to buy an automobile every few years when you can haye a deep well drilled with pure water, that will stand for ages, or haye lights or water Installed that will last a life time, y\'f> furnish those things that go to mnke up a permanent con venient for home comfort. White Pump & Well Company, Inc. Well Drillers and Wa ter Supply Contractors. Norlina, N. C. LEATHER Has Advanced 10 Cents a Pound But we are still putting on Soles at the following old prices: Ladles Soles 85 cents pair Hen's Soles $1.00 per pair Panco Soles, tougher than leather, absolutely waterproof $1.25 Plow Lines 25 cents per pair Myers Stock Food? 3 pkg for 25 cents Any kind Harness made to order. LOUISBURO REPAIR SHOP J all lis Lehman. Proprietor AO Vi. * 1922 LOUISBURG COLLEGE A Junior College for Young* Women With i Standard Preparatory Course of Four Years Faculty of specially trained, consecrated Christian teachers. Health Record Unsurpassed. Home-like Atmosphere. Soelil Life Carefully Guarded. Athletics. In addition to the regular college courses, Classical and Literary, attention is called to the departments of Art, Business, Education, Expression, Home Economics, Music (Piano, Voice, Violin, Theory, ctc.), and Religious Education. Rates as low as consistent wfuT^ood serrlee. Send for free Catalog.' For further information write, A. W. Mohn, President, - Louisburg, N. C. SPECIAL Susjar Cured Picnics, wrapped pe r lb 14c C hoice Cuts Western Steak per lb 35c Choice Boasts.. per lb 25 - 30c stc\v, 121 jo Soup Bone ~y' Hambnrsrer Steak, per lb Small Tender Pork Chops, per lb 30c Pork Hoa?t '25c Home-made All Pork Sausasre per lb 25e r rankfurter Sausasre .... 20o Fresh Spareribs 22!-> Fresh Pork Brains 25c Beef and Pork Liver 2' Countrv Stvle Slice Ham . . 40<; F. F. V. Hams 35c Count iy Hams 30o slice Bacon 35c Armour ami Kinqran in 1 11). carton J5c Phone Orders Promptly De livered. Oor Refrigerating Plant will keep fresh meats as good in summer .is in winter. Quality guaranteed at all times. CASH GROCERY and Market Phone 270 Louisburg, N. C. DRINK AT OUR FOUNTAIN WHITE'S ICE CREAM "Surety of Purity" Sanitary Cups. Clean Spoons. Pure Drinks. Aycock Drug Co. Incorporate THE FRANKLIN THUS Hull U In rtmr boat. II jh *n Mt a nk icrlhtr, k* OB*. B?m la jmtr aiW icrtptl*! Ui Mlf M te ?Mt far k bettor w? WW. . ? ^ Subacrib* to tot hunkzjn ran 11.50 Pw Twr 4 um~