THE FRANKLIN TIMES I. K. .JOHSSOX. Editor ?nd Mnnager ?TAR DROPS? XC'ottoa sold for 27 3-4 cents a pound yesterday ? Quito a large number of children took advantage of the I'llnfc at the College this wceSt. ? I'let'k J. J. Darrow requests ub to state that the nieineograph copies of the Budget mailed out by him this week contain an error In addition The iteiv. reading $54,836.75, making the tota? of the rirbt section should read $51,056.75. Having Trouble With Your Roses? Kaleigh, N. C. June 5. Mildew on rcscs may be checked by dusting ilowers of sulphur over the bushes i)L?"hitl!n:r letters from farm, irs about their experience with th? htlt-'.vcevll as well as the result* of last year's work. In dusting cotton with calcium arsenate, the Agricul tural Extension Service of the State College and State Departmeiit of Agri culture has just released Extension Circular 137 by Franklin Sherman. This circular comprises 22 pages of practical and scientific information written in efery-Uay "language and easily understood. It gives the Ad vantages and disadvantages of dust ing, explains the method and describ es the machinery to use. In presenting this circular to the farmers of North Carolina, the Ex tension Service believes It has fully covered most of those points that sho ild receive attention in the con trol of the weevil. The circular is written from the viewpoint of the in sect alone and does not combine the recommendations about livestock and ether crops. Neither does it take in cultural methods, fertilization ajnd other factors involved, in producing a good crop of cotton. It only covers the "protection" of such, cotton as Js produced. The circular has now been received from tli? printer in an edition of 15, 000 and will be sent to farmers on request as long as the suoply lasts. County agents will also he supplied with copies and those who do not care to write to the Editor, Exten sion Service, Kaleigh, for a copy may ottaln one from their county agent. Requests should be made as early as possible so that all preparations for fighting the weevil may be made on time. 49 Years Ago Folks boiled coffee and settled It with an egg-. Ladies rode on side saddles. Little Johny wore brass toed hoots and daddy wore brORans, T.eeches operated more frequently than the surgeon's knife. When a preacher said a truth, the people said Amen. Left over noon victuals' were finished at supper time. Neigh born asked about your family and meant It. Merry-Go-Rounds were celled Fly ing Jennies. Folks used toothpicks and were still polite A tea cup of red liquor was sold for five cents. Indies' dresses reached from her wck to the heel. Wheat was sowed broadcast and harrowed in with a tree top. It took 20 minutes to sh;ne shoes with Mason's blacking. People served pot liquor Instead of canned soup. Indigestion and appendicitis were called plain Bellyache. Quinine was takfeii In coeee, mo> lasses or tlMUa paper. Vermillion wag used as hearth paint Instead of face paint. liable* were rocked In cradles with out addling their brains. Men played Mumble Peg Instead of Poker. " The neighbors all got fresh meat at hog killing tlmo. And a man made the same wlfo do a lifetime. ?"??ul. Legumes and livestock go hand In band to build up better ?oll? and more lasting farm prosperity In North Carollnq. Hav.eyou planned for sum mer legumes on that stubble land. The Importune? of Industr'ul He*, lop ?iient We should havo learned the Import unto, of industrial uud agricultural giowth and development to.^ur com munity. Our prosperty rests upon lh? es denial pha.'es In the city's Inipr ove rrent If a mine, u smelter or a factoiy iu or around our city closes down it cilpples the community to the extent c? its prominence, and The amount of money it distributes regularly in the place The Jchocls. .churches, profes sional or mercant;xle establishments suffer proportionately. Tiie comfor table homes and well paid artisans are aWccied and a paialyiz'ng influ ence is felt. Our prosperity rests on the basis and . sound industrial and agricultural growth and it behooves us to do all in our power to keep thes. conditions settled and secure. For this reason wrL.#hould guard with care t fie disturbing elements that crccp in to disrupt a quiet and harmonious state. It is the business oi every homeloving man aii'i woman to protect his or her welfare, and to discourage any a?.u on the part ct disinterested agitators to break the serenity of our condition.. Henrietta. Oklahoma. Standard. One hundred and seventy-five bright young girls from 28 North Carolina counties attended the short course held by home demonstration workers in Kalefgh last week. Mr. Paul Griffin, cf Raleigh, visited people here yesterday. Figure It Ouv When Evt'Vii IViJgo Uwove). of PeabCKly, mr.mod Ci'oert R. Rucker slu- was alk to ccJl her sis ter "mother."' Rucker is the ?oa of her sister's husband. Francis R. Johnson, of racoma, Wash. ft Is', tho khonort man of the ^ 1923. graduating, qlass of tho U. S. j MilJUu-yIAcfta^rTiyiatiWeat_ Point, For Shriners Buck 8t Patte.-white l>'?ia honi*- Sa P.vl '.Veil 104.10 C ? L r:1. r.'.'.'.'y 1 j".i BulUck IS 00 M C Chamblee 12a Bunn 14.70 Mrs G A Clayton 64a B::in 45.75 li F ri >o<: 9 l-2a Bunn 17.9S W R F!oRt:-3 54a Medlin 4i'a Peai\e 59.85 W J Gay 36a Johnson 14.75 Mrs> C H Harris 1 lot Bunn 2.32 J N Harris 1 lot Bunn. 23.92 R I Mitchell 12 1-L'a GuMoa 15a ChamVdee 1 lot ^ 53 55 I, G Mo-gan 29a Turkey Er 21 l-4a Turkey Br 21.?'' R W Montgomery 1 lot Bunn 2.5" Mullen Bros 1 lot Bunn 2.2i \V A Mullen Est 1 lot Bunn 17Sa Tar Rd Bal 31 S2 W A Mullen 1 via Tar River 122.34 North State Oev t c 20a Bunn 24.6! H K Perry 4ua Riley 84 l-2a W H P Est 62.31 J R Perry 16a Bunn 15. Si R E Pearce 50a Pearce 13.01 jS P Pc.'rco 65a Moc Cr 46-5 Jchn C Paarce 34a Moc Cr 40;i Moc Cr 30 00 It M Privet t 64 a R'.ce Tract 31 53 Mrs D W Ridifrds 96a hocic 1 :JS J M Rice 78a Tar River S'i.4* Baldy Rice 108a no des 4O.0S (' M Stallings 1 lot Bunn l.S* iO D Stallings 42a Alford 72a !1 >: .S! S S Strickland 1 lot Bunn 2.55 A M Strickland 75a Tar River 24,15 Mrs Nannie Sykes 230a Tar R TO SS B B Sykes 2 lots Bunn 17 l-2a Bunn {4.20 Mrs O L Tant 6Ca Bell 31.57 O L Tant Est 20Sa 4 tr comb 9J.S5 Raymond T Watklns l lot Bunn 2.7'! J R Weathersby 251a Red Well 95.33 G Food Williams 14a Williams 5.40 J FrefJ Williams 55a Moc Cr 31.26 J E Wright 98a Race Tract 65.53 Annie Horton 1 lot Bunn 1 65 Joshua Jones 5 3-4a Pilot 5.34 Howard Jones 35a Dodd 35a Mcntgomery b'.iO C L Perry 58 3-4a Weathersby 37 4" J E Perry 40a Moody 27.05 Harry Roborson ISa Chavis 1-.69 Cullem Satter white 86a Cr 1 lot liimn 43 04 Fab Yarboro 105a Montgomery 44.54 HARRIS TOWNSHIP Lee Baker 34a Mary Denton 20.28 W A Harnett 3Ba Mann 36 l-2a Edwards 52 16 C D Prlvir 53a Home 31 12 Mrs M L Fowler 85 l-2a WHP Est 72.03 Vance Frazler la WRY IS. 17 It T Harris 68a Harris 2a homo 42.72 J N Harris 384a home ISM* Mrs R C Hagwood^Sa homo 136.67 J 11 Horton 85a homo 48.42 W T Jones 76a home 46.25 J M McOhee 30a homo 2 ) 64 J R Pace 86a home 68.86 J C Pearce 83a R R Perry 38.22 Bailey Pearce 30a Driver 17 26 Mrs R F Perry 88n WHP 86a WHP 7364 A 8 Robhins 40a home 26.H 4 J A Timberlake 3 l-4a home 32.13 T B Wilder 330a Wilder 141.33 Willis Young 72a home ? j 62 J II Thompson 1 l-2a Four Brgg 6.40 yOlJXGSVILLE rOWSSHU* Mrs E T Alford 14 l-2a 8 Y :? lots 50 98 Banner Hosiery Mill 1 lot 34.80 Mrs B F P.urrows 2 lots 9 04 H M Bell 1 lot near YgB 11.28 C M Cooke Est 894a Cedar Cr 228.78 Farmers & Merchants Bank 1 lot Ygs 63 92 Mrs L R Hatch 2 lots Ygs 24.72 Dr P R Hatch Est 2 lota Ygs 84 80 H 8 Hicks 1 lot Ygs 7.25 House and Moore 218a T J King 75.01 Ben G King 80a P Rock 320a H 127.85 H L Little 21a Flat Rock 29.23 C ft M* v Ola Tar Kit 27.07 J M M* Oh' e 79a Fit I 27.74 ' K A a. i.or 1 Jut Ygs lJ.v: 1 < P ?'? ? re** 2 ja Sins ltd 17 1*1 1 -'^*1= Pctirce 2~ i-2a 5i:::s . f J. I 10. 7 J | 5. i ' ar? ilia \'?$ li.'j \ ! jl K i'-:ir? v - lots Ygs 15 31 1 ?>jrs K sni r*r;uK 30a E Y^s IMS j 7. I. Th trrin^ton 132 l-2a homo 47.7-* W II Wall IS "? 3-4a Richland Cr 47. SS j J T WilMin 1 1 vi Little Rive/ 102 1-2 I :: Little Kirrr ?>a Cr'Vr 112a Cr j ? r j\i PI ilTa L River 221.92 John Winston 1 lot \za 30) 3-4a 1 Ks . 'j 7 . 4 -I , H i'. Winston 22a Pailmrn 2v ?a Kai K'l 1 lot j* 17 l>r..:'i:s K Winston ^7a P'andy ^ < r 27.52 S H Yuung 172a J E May 76. 85 V* ? Young i-4a Tar ltd 1.87 V>:s ' i : ri <* o 1 let Ygs 21.36 iK-if.' ' ioke 64a Ltg Kd 27.12 Mu:.1 i! Iktrjam l-2u S Y 4.3$ \\n Kills 1 lot Yg* 1.70 Ki.* :i E i .vards Est 1 lot Y 2.32 t < n Z'J 3-4a LI>k ltd IS. 7 ? Sa:i; Harris 24a E Ygs 13.1"> I W H iMvr Ca H S Hicks Slots ^ g.- 23. 60 I Y? ? : lv\:rn??y 1 lot Ygs ^ 3.5'.' Cto jfi?l Lula Mitchcll 1 lut Yg-* 2.7" I.fvvj-, H Pern* Jr 25 l-2a Ltg ltd lv.6;' J H K? il 3 lota Ygs 7.6:; Victoria Richardson la X Ygs 3.8> ls*~..4ti?H,w Walter Scarboro*22a Moore M R-l 20.62 S: !.' ? y -smith 4?a E Ygs 25.4 i Ji-n ? Williamson 1 lot Ygs 3.S:? Eia?!i?? Wiggins 1 lot Ygs 1.65 t H Yo jng 100a CamrUA Cr 34.63 KKA.NKI l>TON TOWNSHIP Frank and Daniel Allen 3 lots 3.10 C C Ayscue 100a home 2t?.03 Ci W Harrow 2 lots Frk 7r..9l C F I '-'St 442a home 107.29 M-.bel K Bell 11a Lbg Rd S.45 Mrs J U Brewer 1 lot Frk 70. SO W T Brown 1 lot Frk 15.5;'. I M t'ooke 90a Wallece Cooke 24.30 Liake Aneilt B T Gre-jti timber i-3.6fc J'rs Mc Henley Admr 130a C 43.11 1 H Kearney 130a BSK l-2a Oxi Kd 1 lot Frk ??" *9 H C Kearney 136a McGhee Hayes loa Powell, 79a Lowry, 209a Kearney 200.00 r B Kearney 26a P.lackn-.M 17.12 R E Kearney 10 l-2a HCK, llot Frk 47.7. 1 H Kearney 216 l-2a Cooke-Bal lard. 407 3-4a Gill, 446a I'rltch 9rd. 19a Brinkley, 14a Lewis. 117a Fuller, S2a Long, ISSa Gill 1 11a homo, 50a Grec's 35a Cocke 330a. home. 9 lots Frk 1.022.70 J S Lay ton 104a Alford. 5a V"G 63.30 Henry .May 1 lot 14.25 E H Ma'.one" Trustee 12 l-2u Bk 9.35 S H Mot)aniel l-2a home 22.63 Miss sasle McGiict? 1 lot F:a Vis \V H Nicholson l?5a S Perry :!7.5o s 306a holffc 37.01 V.' ! Ci? i''.v 3-4. i HUht lots 17.12 K A dpeeu ? lots r'rk Mrs J D Speed 2 lots Frk *5'?,^ J P Strother Est 156a hor.13 0 J Ward ja home 4: P!5 ?i:llie Arl ington la Long 7 2'i Bcttie Alston 2a New WelOon 4. 39 J S Allen l-4a R. tvis 30a J Allen 17 9.) 1 L'lus Allen 4 l-2a Green, 1 lot ! prk 13t'! 'Adeline Allen 8a Or. n 1 lot 13.69 Win O Allen 12:! ho" ?-? julia Bibby 134a \V:a Bibby _ 3>.03 LXirsey ant 4>$ itobt Hunt 10a I'.ji.t Alloa |josh Kearney l-4a Hillshoro Miss Kate Kearney la Hirks 9.05 TH3 Mitchell and wife t-4.< N Wei . 82a Beaver, 1 lot 52.S7 Tom M.Ghee l-4a Long 1 ^ Fanner Nal 96a home 32 70 ?llm Neal and wife 181 Nicholson 11. $9 Msry and Geneva Nicholson 15a. I home M s;! ir'annle Outlaw 3-4a N Weldon 4.03 C.ara Peace l-2a New Ral I John Perry Est 60a home 31.59 Q?>orglanna Perry 1 l-2a N Ral 2.94 Julius Perry l-4a X We. 3.86 I A X. Perry 3-4a CSW 7.08 | \mie Person la N Wei, la Xel 5.34 Turner Person la heme \Ym Person la N Wei Jeff Pryor la old home 9 9 Sevier 1 lot Frk 15 12 Mettle C Smith l-4a N* Ral 5 34 Alice Tlmberlake 2a homo 5.10 John Webb la home 5.74 Ctrollne Williams 1 lot Frk 4.2ti Jane Williams l-4a N Ral I SO Josh Williamson 1 lot Frk Kd Wlfiston 2 lots Frk 4 30 Thoodore Wright 2a Stokes 4 87 W M Williams l-2a Reavis 1 lot i home W W Yarboro 3-4a N Ral S 81 HAYESVil.U) TOWNSHIP n T Ayscue Jr 92 12a Green 58.70 W D Ayscue 92 1-2 a home 46.B0 W N Ayscue 45 l-2a Green 24.49 C G Ayscue 82 l-2a homo 53.78 W W Green 387a home 101.64 Itobt J Gill 88a Edwards Mill 22.32 J W Hedgepeth 20a Hedgepeth 5 01 J C Hayes and Sisters 20la ii 73.76 Mary, L Hunt 8a Huuts Mill 4 31 H J Journegan 34a Journegan 16.57 1 r 1 Ayscue 72^21 M n Journegan 34a old homo 23 27 W E Kearney 90a Hedgepeth 25.41 John H Lasslter 72 l-2a Hudson 31.62 F G Moore 30a Hedgepeth 5.52 Geo ^ Rose 371a Brodie 73 97 Mr? II L Stokes 92a Green 36 18 Spencer Alston 75a Wiley Dal 5 96 Charlie Burwell 19a Hunt 6.40 Bell Cooke 6 3-4a Mitchell H Q Cheek 36 l-2a Oreen . 9.96 Roberta Cheek <-6a G*een 16.80 Mary FVster 2 l-2a Mayta'd 2.35 Alex Fuller 75a home Moses LeMay 66a Fuller 18.82 Minerva Mitchell 6 3-4a Mltcheil 3.15 Tom MlUpell 6 3-4a Mitchell 3.3o Antkcny Rod* *11 20a Gill 20 04 ) C U So Ionian 147a McCraw 50.51 j J J Young SOa Young 47.91. C W Young 25a Young 14.00 ' v (kkkk Township W C Abbott 25a CarrUl 21.06: Y.isa Lucy' 4Ja home 19.07' J H Ball 1 00a ho!U. _5a Journegan 25a Lull 38.16 ; J' C Carroll 2 Ja home 3371, Mr? H E Debnam llMi Macklin 21.57, It K Debnam 116a Fiat Hock 77.52 H L* EfFvaMs 27.4 TV >T Zd\\urd? 4r?.?7 ; k N Edvards 66a Flat Hock 43.1 j H - 1 > Etf^rton ^7^a Holly uryve 279.90 Mrs \ P Ef? wards 71a Lyons Cr 29.00 0 Z Edwards 75a home, 60a Kd.vd; 37a Kdw-'s. 'la S ir Hal 21.77 Dave Evans 52 l-2a Faulkner 1 3.00 ^ Cr Faulkner 25a Kearaey 2?j.0S ? Thurston Foster 21a Ed*vd? 10.65 1 ;.i C (i up ton 42 l-2a home 35.2 1 1 Victor Harris 38a Ellis 10.76 i* R Jones 28o Curactt 20.52 'i P Jones 100a Jones 26.4" - W ".V" Jones ISa Carroll 7 25 J ' " Journecran 10 1 1-la Thar 42.44 R D Mosely 42 l-2a Avscue 27.28 Mrs \V M Person 5S 2-4a home 2J.11 C.\rolina Lbr and Cons Co, 306 ?a Saunders 594.4 i j K B Smith 31a Tharrington 14.22 C R Stroth^r 34a Speed J3.62 ! 1 A Upchurch Sla home 39 8 1 ; Mrs M E Williams 2a Laurel 16.37 ' Might 53.6S | Mary and Edith Yarboro US 1-la Annie Alston Est 25a Perry 6.45 ' Fdward Alston 50a Mosely 13. SO 1 Junius Alston 25a Perry 6.45! Cecil Brown 5 l-2a Moore 3.37 J H Cheek 101a Faulkner 31.59 | W 13 Ellis 52a home 35.15 1 J E Ellis 196a home 142a I Glass 97. SS L G Foster 135a Edwards 40.56 Ilobrt Hayes 100a home 41.96 J T Perry 2a home 2.S>. Sam Solo man 50 3-4a Foster 32.13 Omega Soloman Ola Dement 48 3-4 a Dorsey 90.47 Hinton Southerland 23 3-4a Mosely 47a no des 22.02 lliomas and Ellis la Gin 6.00 MINK TOWNSHIP Lindsay Alston Soa Collins Mill 15a home 87. S5 F M Denton 12 l-2a home 10.55 R R Denton 12 l-2a MWD 13.49 H H Gupton 33a home 27.30 L L Gupton 56a home. 88 l-2a Gupton Bal 67. 2S Cleveland Gupton 34 l-ja WCG, 120a WCG. S7a WCG 93.9-1 Mrs J T Gupton 20a Wilder- Miss C H Gupton 70a Gupton 25.06 J T Jenkins 1 lot Wood 3.40 7. V Jones and Sister 426a Jcnes 222.8 7 J J Lanier 6 lots Wood 63.3:5 W T Parrish 28 l-2a FE3L, 1 lot Wood 22.91 Mr? Lillinn Parish 120 l-2a L^?t 2a Cer.treville 42. 5i D E Radford 22a Raulord 11 5S C A Radford 27a Radford J 95 J W Radford 25a Ccr.rreville 16.68 W O Rosser 39 l-2a lirown 18.62 W J Shearin 58a Smith 23.25 J M Tliorne 2 lots Wood- 8.45 R J Upchurch 150a Laurel Rd, 16 3 -4a Mrs JCU ? 1 . ?> 7 Mrs W D Upchurch 16 3-4a JCU 12 49 Wood Drug Store 2 lots Wood 102.14 Thos N Alston 5a Shocco 6.35 H R Alston Sr 7Sa Shocco 1 lot Wood Ba! 19.:>:i H D Alston 78a home 31.60 S T Alston 19 l-2a Alston S.2;* Emily Durt 2 3-4a home 2.20 Pennie Mitchell 40a I King 36. 8b Lynn Person la Billy Perry 3.3S a C Stamper 35 3-4a Stamper 18.6:3 Sid Williams 40a home 15.4 > i CEDAJf rock township I! G Alford Co 30a PWC 15.03 ' W J Eoone 94a home S0.2S I X I' Boone 23a Cieekmore, 30 l-2a Hoone 41.40 I Mrs Cornelia Boone Est 5-6 int in \ 127 a ?7 jui \ A Bowdtn 47a homo 53.12 5 c Bowden 71u Justice, Son t'Dji *pedge /''' 166.62 \ A Bowden 51a home / 33. Gs | John Brown Est 35a Ro>f Bud 3.3?i J'i \V Bridges '97a Iujii>?* "?..5-' j '.lis P R llunn ila,fconie 1 A" E Collins 41a h/fme 2''. 7-5 T Davis 26a Red Bud 17.34 I tl L D-lbrldgyEst 71a H Bal 16.23 | Mi's M \V Harris 36 l-2a Thomas 41. 5S Mrs \V P ftayman 'J6a home 52. 5K Mis Fl'Jfeiiie Bowdcu 42a home 22.33 Mrs Alice Inscoe 40a Lbg Ud 12.7'.) W Ivey 105a Gr Rd. 4a EHB. 40a Ivey Rd 02.31 Mrs Mollie Jones 117a hon.e 242.40 Mrs Fa'nnle C King 100a home 43.73 Mrs J J Lancaster 23a Lancaster 64a Davis 1-1.71 Mis Mary J Lancaster 132a home 60a Gupton SO-SO C A Long 103a Stallings, 8 l-2a Bowden 101 J .1 J May 52 l-2a homo 37.01 J W Manguttl G2a Iioono 45.60 J T Murphy 10a John Brewer 4 09 Mrs Mary Nelms 14a S Nelms 5.33 K M and A W Perry 50a May, SSa Ford 62.37 A W Perry Jr 20 l-2a Cupton 9.57 J M Rice 150a home 34.79 Mrs Lee Shearin 208a Sills 134.14 Mrs Lillie Shearin 45a Cooke, 35a Shearin, 285a Sills 129.8'i I! W Sturdivant 22a Sturdivant 52a home. 60a Gupton Bal 35.68 Bettle and Mabel Stallings 21a Coppedge 13.33 G B H Stallings 82a Stalling, H7 l-2a P Tree 175.84 Mrs J W Valentine 23 l-2a home 14.101 D P Wester 17 l-2a hon^i 13.79] Mrs Annlo G Wester 19a home 7.90 White Levet Oroe Crr 1 lot Store 1508 | S G WMIs 80a home 52.65 B F Wood 71 l-2a Swanson. 97 l-2a Wood, 8a Wester "*68.17 I W Ft Williams 39 l-2a Sills 2 yrs ilTSl | O Y Yarboro 1 00a C C Ifayes 48.6-5 Mrs Martha Yarboro 41a Yarb 13. 16 I Mrs Kate Yarboro 200a Cyp Cr 261 3-4a Davis 294.09 J Pnttle Coppe1 Duk?' 4Sa home 29-04 1, P fcMward* 134h home 83 54 .Vis Annie Ld wards t>6a Vic Is 33,4*5 ?*ra Fannie Edwards l'>Sa Mck 50.51 J H Faulk 23a Faulk 13.04 ?uiss Carrie Gay <}$ l-4a Gay 25.84 J E Griffin 27a Wood . 15.45 J (J Green 200a Brodie 114.12 J D Hnes 4(Ja Howard 16.31 H L 53a Wilder 21.63 M L Jones S4a home 44.65 <\ S Laughter 22 l-2a Strickland 15. 62 Mrs K W Moore 93a home 22a Bet tio Moore 63.17 t" M Moore 26a Pearce 10a Gay 35.77 1 G Ross 31a Ross 41.14 M H Ross E*t 50a Ro?s 34 90" Mrs F B Stalllngs Est 75a Stalgs 24.S?6 M O Strickland 30a home 13. 60 J M Sykes 325a home 166.62 (. M Stal'.iiigs 42a Wood, 3a W 13.52 Mrs Nannie Sykes 21 la Stone 72.26 S S Sykes 7Sa Strickland 23.07 Mrs S M I'pchureh 2u4a homo 152. 6?> C M Vaughan 135 l-2a b)Die 103.5.5 G X Wilder 37a home 30.3 1 S R Wilder 13a home. 17 3-4a Gay 22a Letter, 30a Xeal 68.75 .Vis* Annie Wilder 22a Wilder $.38 it II Williams 22a Wilder 8.2$ 1' S Wilder 47a Unchurch 27.8?* Mrs Kate Yarboro -7a Webb, 62a Webb. 305a Divis. 177a Mitchell 2l?*>-'Divis. 7Sa CPH 315.33 Maria Dancy 4a home 4.61 Jim Jordan Est 50a Xeal 24.6t> y.'.ck Richardson 75a home 38.75 W ? Wiggins $4a Taylor 23.3* I JIISIURG TOWNSHIP E T Bailey 1 lot 3.01) C M Cook" Est 72a home 136.81 Mrs J R C d! lie 1 lot home 109.20 Dr A II Flc-minR 1 1-2 lots Mid St* 5.52 Mapy Gr*een Gill 1 Ipt, 6.65 Mrs J F' Gupton 12$-l-2a Home 66.73 J J Hayes Kst 1 lot UoilA* 44.4') J R Inscoe 113a heme, Zfa Hedge pet h 71 SS Mrs Smma Johnsor In l-2a Hedge .*.48 CarTj^r 59 20 58 23 McK, 159.17 53.58 peth S J Matthews 62a1 spencer W E Murphy oa Ptarce L C Pordue 105a Cooke A W Perry Jr l?2a A and 13a Gordon A O Perry Est S6a home Mrs Pattie Porry Lst 2<5 l-2a Joy ner 20. 7^ J S Place 1 lot home 12.34 J L Spencer Ha War Rd 3oa H 7'3.1i K P Taylor 2 lots Lbg 136.42 W c Whit Jeer 27a Person 12. S7 TV K A Williams Est 1 lot X Main St 31.44 T B Wilder 3 1-2 1 M n Spnj. 348a Fox Swp, 4 lets Qal 75.^5 Mrs Kate Yarboro 1 lot home 90.S4 O V Yavboro \ tj*vn lois, 123a Strang 212.14 .A! rhony Alston 2oa Ed Keliy 15.72 H Yarboro '? lot.-?, ^4 l-2a Wheel er. 157a .S i* l:ro\n ; Dennis Alston 1 lor. homo hIJmo AxSfon 1 lot J W Alston 1 lot home Randall Barham 2a Pleasants Josh liraneh 48a Allen Charlie Drodie Est 4a Wolt Pit Joe H Rell 1 lot Lddio Bridges 2 lots Connie Branch 39a Sam Davi$ K-t Basket 17 l-2a Spenc^K^ Jiettie Collins 1 lot ' Villis Cooke 1 l--*a Fpfc Rd Grizzell Chavis l 1 qjt ? Lelia Daniels I . u UV/J 1C18 3a 1 lot )/f)avis 1 lot Geo Dunston L-xlot Mollie Dunsrua 55a Whitfield Mary E Davx2 lets Al?ie D. June D , Washington Davi s 1 lot I'a>?ie Davis 1 lot [Pfred and V. Davis 3'ja S'?m Davis (Tom Dayis 39a San Davis (Mrs Lucy Davis 2a Sam Davis jJciin W Davis 1 let |A!cx Davis 3*?a Sam Pavis |Jn:nes ?r?d Frud Davis 29a S D 1 1 urrell Davis Jr 1 lot jDiirell Pavls Sr 3a home Gfo E^erton 1 lot* D!:'k Ego r ton l?j l-2a hom*. rrnnk i-'uli-o- 1 lor. home | Ptrcy Foster 1 lot iXancy Foster Oa Ced ir St | Tom Foster 6Sa Pace ? Thurston Foster 2 lots I John Green I let I Annie L Green 6:*a Men Harris iTcra Gr?en 1 lor. Alston Green 1 Jot {Garland Harris 1 lot i8a:n A Harris 'J lots Joseph Hil * 10a War Rd 1 lot Bal 12.S.J . Mrs O H A Hawkins 1. lot home 11.57 27 :?1 5.J8 16.10 2.y3 2S.83 4.tM ^7.25 7.0 <5 13.U* 17.45 7.25 5.51 ? 2.51 3 7 'J 9.25 22.4) 13.58 15.11 11.55 0.41 5.52 1 4.1M 21.62 2.03 5.0'i 23.7* 1 J.')2 5.52 i \:rj 6. 13 16.L>'7 4.49 14.4=i 24.70 39.22 6.3:? 27.SI S.3:i 7 '*5 6.0S 54. 3? Ili'xfe Hazsl wood l lot '.Viilter Holland 18a E<1 Kelly i has J Johnson 1 lot Robt Kearney 2 3 -4a Foster oam Kelly Jr 28a P Hawking Lewis I? King l lot Uettie King 1 lot Lewis King t lot Haywood Lewis 31a Wild(jJ J R Lewis 40 l-2a J<5yner Lucy Lewis la M P Julia Llttlejohn 9a B Swp [Madison Malone 1 lot J H Malone 1 lot .Mil's M";)nn la Joy Br Jolm Aland 32 1-2? Joe Br Amanda Manly X lot William Martin I lot Martha McKnight 1 lot Alex McKuight 1 lot Lazarus N'eal 1 lot Joe .Veal la R R David Perry 34a J.)e Bi; tattle Perry 1 lot. ?Nathan Ruffin l lot J ' h> Ruftla 3-la Davis Annette Ridley 3a War Rtf Jack Shaw 1 lot Richard Skinner X lot Henry ituilh la home Ernest Steed I lot Nelson Thomas 1 lot J 11 Thomnsou la lar Rd Care Wood 1 tot boms Willie Ward 1 lot home (has White 2 lota Rosa White 1 lot Amanda Wilcox 1 lot horaf Henry Williamson 18a home P W Williams 1 lot homo Augustus Williams 1 lot L F Williams 3 lots Maria Yarboro 1 lot A L Yarboro 17a Joe Bf Matilda Yarboro 1 lot Calvin Yarboro Est 1 lol Martha Yarboro Est ? 1-# BUk i.T !? 10.72 5.81 3.37 16.87 7.2F. 3.80 7.?#7 41 ?l 28.55 1.63 4.30 4.0K 15.22 9.02 21 ?:> 3 00 7.25 2 !>3 8 32 10.46 8.46 26.30 8.47 6.3* 4.23 8.9H 4 66 6.60 11 ?4 8.9V 7 61 .UiL 5.67 7.52 14 01 6.38 1330 18.67 11.49 9. 25 7.90 Town CaiTjn YatStflro 1 lol . ri n iU a