It Is Easy To Find What You Want : AT KLINES With our tremendous stock and our desire to always satisfy our customers we are always on the alert to supply every demand our customers may make on us. No article is too small or too large for us to stock at all times. You don't have to shop around when you shop at KLINE'S. We offer a few Specials for Hot Summer Days: VOILE DRESSES $4.95 Wonderful new Voile Drosses, light" and park pat terns, newest stvles, verv nicelv trimmed, values up to $8.50. GINGHAM DRESSES All Sizes $2.45 Variety of patterns to choose from, light and dark pattern?, many different styles, som- are worth $5.00. SUMMER, VOILES 25c .Shout TOO pieces ~tcr eh oi>so~T l'mn. assorted patterns, some checks ? Egyptian patterns ? soli. I colors, regu lar 35c value. MEN'S STRAW HATS 98c Any size, White and Burnt Straw, sizes 6%' to 7 Yi, smooth edge, rough edge and telescop shapes, all worth $2.00. Biggest Bargain in town. , * PALM BEACH SUITS $11.95 Men's Palm Beach Suits, light tan, grey, blue, with stripe, and dark brown, sizes 34 to 46, genuine Palm Beach only, worth $15.00. MEN'S UNIONS 59c $1.00 value Pajarna Check Unions, sizes 34 to 46, ex tra good value. 1 MEN'S SHIRTS I 89c Tan Pongee, collar attached, sizes 14 to 17. You should buy a half dozen at this- pri^c. ANYTHING YOU WANT CAN BE BOUGHT FOR LETS AT KLINE'S. START TODAY AND BUY WHERE YOU CAN SAVE. L. Kline & Co. Whew advertised ?b see* elsewhere its always * ? , t :? CHEAPEST HERE LOUISBURG, - * NORTH CAROLINA HAD SURPRISE OF HER WHOI.E LIFE Mrs. Manning, Enjoying Health and Strength She Never Expected, Thanks Tanlac. "My stubborn case of stomach I trouble is completely gone, but if I ihuil not takn Tan lac when I did I 1 1 lievc I would have hocorre a ?'.er \ous wreck", recently affirmed Mrs. Laura Vanning. Osceola Mills, Gas tonia, N. C, "For about ten years. I had drifted along from bad to worse, and finally 1 cached the point where I could hard I ly get about. Every bite I ate hurt me. Gas would form on my stomach. ;-Tid my heart paipitated until it alarm ed me. I was so nervous the child ten playing around the house almost districted me. and I simply felt mis t-rable all the time. "I improved so quickly when I got Tanlac that it was the surprise of my life. I have only been taking the treatment for a few weeks now, but I already it has mc feeling fine in every vfty. Tanlac certainly is the right medicine for troubles like I had." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug gists. Accept no substitute. Over 37 iniliion bottles sold. Tanlac Vegetable -{Mils are Nature's own remedy for constipation. "For sale everywhere. Schloss News As nc have net seen anything from Schloss in .1 long tuie, will try to write and let the folks know we are r.ei dead yet. The farmers are about up with t!-eir work owing to the dry weather. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Brewer, Miss Ltta Harris and Mr. Sara Harris vis ited Justice Sunday. The fight for our high school is on now and some of us are so eager to see this thing through that they get nervous. And my way of thinking it is enough to make us even shudder when we think of the greatest oppor tunity that has ever confronted us to <lo the biggest and best thing we ever did for our children. To even con sider the slightest thought of loosing it is rediculous. Hut we people be lieve with all our hearts, that we are going to carry it everwhelmlngfy. For it is a hard thing to look the bright boys and girls in the face and say by their action on June 23rd (the Toting day) that they are going to deny them an opportunity to get an education: We don't believt that we have any around Schloss that is going to say that by their actons on June 23rd. Miss Alma Ball , of Greensboro, who has been spending the past week with her sister. Mrs. Annie Burnette, returned Tuesday of this week to re sume her studies at the N. C. College for Women. The State Board of Health Is offer ing us a great opportunity to have our children's tonsils and adesioids' removed at a greatly reduced price. Everybody who has children that are suffering from one or both of thesj troubles should not hesitate to get in touch with the authorities at the ear liest possible moment. Messrs. J. K. Brewer and Otho Tuck ei- have been on the sick list for the past week. Glad to say they are im proving. Mr. E. H. Malonc, of Louisburg, rtftitwl ? Schjosg Sunday afternoon. We are always glad to have Mr. Ma lone, as he is always full of good spirits and we love him like a broth NEW TOWN ORDINANCES Ordinance passed at (he meeting of the Town Commissioners, June 11th, 1923: The Commissioners of the Town cf Ltuisburg, N. C., do hereby enact and ordain 'hat all owners of Automobiles. Trucks, and Motor driven vehicles in the of Louisburg, N. C. be re quired to pay a License Tax to said Town of $1.00. All owners of said Motor Vehicles are hereby required to register said Vehicles with the Town Clerk on or before June 30th, IS'23 and annually thereafter. All such owners shall be required to dis play on the front of said Vehicle a license Tag furnished by said Town. Ary person failing to comply with this ordinance shall be subject to a penalty in the sum ol 110.00. S-15-4t L?. L. JOYXKR, Mayor. Ordinance passed at the meeting of the Town Commissioners, June lltli, 19?3: Be it ordained and enacted as an ordinance of the Town of Ijoulshurp. N. C. that all public Dance Hails in said Town be required to pay a li cense Tax of 11.00 for each public Dance. All ordinances In conflict herewith are hereby repealed. All persons falling to comply with this ordinance upon conviction shall pay a fine of Twenty Dollars. B-15-4t L L. JOYNER, Mayor Order passed at the meeting of Town Commissioners June 11th. 1>23 It Is ordered that the delinquent Tixes for 1920, 1921 nnd 1922 be col lected according to Law. sr.d further that the Clerk be ordered to Instruct the Tax Collector for the Town to proceed to collect said Taxes by levy upon poraonal property and Rile, and advertisement of real estate and sale. Advertisement to commence not later than flrst week In July, 1923. 6-1 5- 4t L, L. JOYNER, Mayor. Order passed at the meeting of Town Commissioners June 11th, 1923: It is ordered that all delinquent and passed due Paving assessments due the Town of Loulsborg, N. C. be col lected according to Law, and that the Clerk be instructed to proceed to ad vertise according to law all property aKalnst which said assessment* arc made and now past due, and sell the same, Said advertisements to com mence not later than the first week in July, 1923. G-15-4t L L. JOYNER, Mayoiv er. Well. If this escapes the waste bas ket will call again. but would much lather that "Jack Sparrow" come back as he was once our regular cor respondent. ' * Jay Cay Bee. Handy Information about producing clean cream of quality Is contained tu John Arey's new foldeV which has Jest been received from the printer. ,\sk the Agricultural Extension Ser vice at Raleigh for a copy of F. 13. l)ld you know that bees may be de veloped Into a profitable side line on the average North Carolina farm. C. U Sams. Extension bee-keeper for the State College and Department of Agriculture, will tell you about it If you will write him. The first sign of summer Is when you wish it wat winter. 1 WANT TO ANNOUNCE TO MY OLD CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS That I have taken over the manage ment of the Stegall Bros. Barber bhop 1 shall see that you are treated with profound respect and that ycu get the best Barber work possible. Be fair with your good looks and let a Real liarber do your work. Yours to serfe. OSCAR T. STEGALL. WANTED? A COLOR!. I) WOMAN 01 good moral character, who could look after several small children. K. C. PERRY, County Welfare Offi cer. 6-15-lt IIOC TAKEN" IP? V FEMALE SET. tor. white and liver colored, s>ou to find pups. Ownor can get same by paying for this advi rtisement and expenses. For Information call at FRANKLIN TIMES Office. 6-15-lt NOTICE TAXI'ATVrtS Your attention Is calted to a new crder of the Board of Town Commis sioners published in this issue of the franklin Times requiring me to ad vertise all property for sale upor which taxes for 1920, lssi, 1922 is ('ue. I urge you to attend to this mat ter at once and save yourself emliar rasment and extra costs. D. C. High.. C-15-2t Tax Collector NOIICE OF SALE I'nrter and by virtue of authority contained In a certain Deed of Trust o.ecuted to me, the undersigned trus tte. on the ISth day of Feb., 1922, Viich said deed of trust Is duly re corded in the office of the register of t'.i eds of Franklin county In Book 244 ;:ge 215, default having been made ??v. the payment of the indebtedness se cured and demand havin? V-een made ui on me for foreclosure by the holder the securities, I will on MONDAY, JULY 16, 1923 : nbout the hour of noon, at the court -use door in Louisburg, N. C., offer !c r sale to the highest bidder for cash, ii.e following described land: Beginning at a rock, corner of the I'arrison land, thence S 3d 30' W" 50 chains 30 links to a rock and small Pine pointers, the Bolton corner, now in the Matthews line, thence S 86 F CO chains 90 links to a stake, Mat thews corner, thence ?? 4d 30' E 50 chains 20 links to a stake and point ers, Allen's corner, thence N S6d 15' W ?2 chains to the beginning. Con taining 30S.23 acres, Being the same '.ond conveyed to N. S. -Phelps by A. C. Ellis and others, by dc':d recorded In Book 241 pai?e 813; ? Sep also Hook 216 page 507. It being the farm ot. which the said N. S. Phelps now re sides. This June 13, 1293. 6-15-5t S. A. NEWELL, Trustee, SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In that deed of trust executed on the 8th day of February, 1917, duly registered In the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County In Book 210 at page 237, default having been made in the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and demand made upon me to foreclose In accordance with the terms and provisions thereof, I, the under signed Trustee, will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, at the Courthouse door of Franklin comi ty, N. C. on MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1923 at 1 2o'clock M. the following tract or parcel of land, situate In Franklin county, Louisburg Township, state of North Carolina, and described as fol lows: Adjoining the Ballard lands, O. W. Ford and others, and bounded on the South and East by the Frank Ballard lands, on the West by the landB of G. W. Ford, and on the North by the lands of J. J Barrow, It being the tract of land heretofore known as the N. H. Macon tract, whereon said Macon re sided at the time of his death, said lands being about three miles East, of Louisburg, and being the lands con veyed by J. T. MIHs and wife Ellle Mills and Mrs. Lura Burns to Mrs, Su sie W. Yarborough by deed dated 1910 and recorded In the Registry of Frank lln county In Book 173 page 178, and also described by reference to Will Book "R" Page 798, and deed records 125 page 250; 152 page 292; 179 page 24; 74 page 25, reference to all of which Is hereby made, containing In original tract 337 acres, more or less. But from this tract there has been conveyed to E. M. Perry and A. W. Perry, Jr. 127 acres, more or less, ly ing on the West side of Sycamore Cree k. This the Bth day of May, 1923. E-ll-4t R B. WHITE, Trustee. The above sale was continued until Monday, June 11. 1923, by consent of all parties concerned. This Jmio 4. 1923. 6-8-lt R. B. WHITE, Trustee. The above sale was continued until Monday, June 18, 1923, by consent of all parties concerned. This June 11, 1923. 6-16-lt R. B. WHITE, Trustee PIIm Cared In 6 to Day* Drattbt* M mht tt PAZO AntMFNT full. BUad. BUe<llt|l or fVtrodlci Plica, irW reiirree I ten tag PIIm. ? in y na c*r get rcatfal tUep after the fim afeUcatka. Pricc 60c. TONKEL'S June Sale -HAS BEEN A GREAT SUCCESS, IT S THE TALK OF LOUISBURG, AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY The wonderful bargains that has been passed over to the buying public. You will find more and bigger bargains added for this week, in CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, SHOES, MILLINERY AND READY-TO-WEAR Visit this sale before buying elsewhere. We have nsw goods arriving daily and is marked down for this JUNE SALE. ?DON'T FORGET A, Tonkel LOUISBURG'S NEWEST STORE Next Door to H. C. Taylor's Hardware Store Louisburg, : N. C. Arsenate of Lead 1 Pound Package . 45c 5 " " $2.00 SPRAYERS . $7.50 each ?5 ' ? * I ?* * * . I J ^ Rubber Roofing 1 Ply $1.00 Roll 2 " 1.50 3 " 2.00 >> I ? McKINNE BROS. PAY CASH and PAY LESS NOTICE Having qualified an Executrix of the estate of Boston Allen, deceased, late of Franklin County, all persons hold ing claims against said estate , are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of May 1924, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate are re quested to make Immediate settle ment. This May 28th, 1B23, IDA ALLEN, Extrx O M. Beam, Attorney. 6-l-6t NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Sarah Thomas Morris, deceased, late of Franklin County, no t|jce Is hereby glVen all persons hold lng claims against said estate to pre Bont them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of May, 1924, or this notice vrlll be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to Bald estate will please come tor ward and make Immediate settlement. This May 28th, 1923. J. W. THOMAS, Admr. O. M. Beam, Attorney. t 6-l-6t No Wo All children healthy color, rule, there '? GROVE'S T for two or three Prove UiedUeetU ento* Tonic to the throw off or dlipel to perfect health '? *? a nealthy Child ihlei with Worm# have ao an tad Ice tee poor blood, sod ae a cf leu stomach dlttarhance E9q chill K)NIC ilven retolariy will enrich the blood, iro '??"? General gtrenjth ? rttem. Nature will then me, and tbeChlld will be it to take. Mo per bottle. ?eek

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