all the profit on this sale A little ten-cent error crept in when the clerk was hurriedly adding a few figures on the corner of a sack. That ten-cent loss represented more than the net profit on the sale. You can't afford to do business that way. Save that profit with a Burroughs Put a Burroughs on your counter ? use it to add cash sales. It will give you the answer in less time and you and your customer will both know the answer la right. A Burroughs will pay for itself In a remarkably short time just by stopping those little losses. Then the help it gives you in checking your invoices and freight bills, totaling your ledgers and deposit slips, and in handling other figuring, costs you nothing. Start this saving today ? a $12.50 payment puts this Burroughs to work for you. Burroughs Adding Machine Company BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE COMPANY 121 W. Martin St. Raleigh Telephone Bell 167 Burroughs NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION FOR THE INCORPORATION UF EPSOM SCHOOL D18TRICT Upon petition ol the County Board of Education of Franklin County, said petition being in due form, It Is here by ordered that an election be held In accordance With the provisions of Section 233, Article 17, Part 7, Chap i: tor One of "An Act to Amend the Con j Rolidated Statutes and to Codify the % Laws Relating to Public Schools" en acted by the General Assombly of North Carolina at its regular session In 1923, at which election shall be ascertained the will of the people jwlUiln that portion of tl.e Epsom School District lying and being situ ate In Franklin County as to Whether if or not It shall he incorporated with f that portion of the Epsom School 1L (strict lying and being s'tuate In Vance County, so as to form an Incor |>orated school district to be known as the Epsom School District. L The said election shall be held on the l Amend the Consolidated Statutes and to Codify iho law relating to Public Schools," cnar.ted by the General Assembly of North Carolina at Its regular session in 1923, St which election shall be as cortalned tho will of the people with in said School District whether or not there shall be levied a special annual tax of not more than flfty cents on the One Hundred Dollars valuation of property within safd District to supplement the public school fund which may be upportloned to said district by the County Board of Edu cation and In case such special tax shall bo voted then It shall operate to repeal and abolish nil npeelnl school taxes heretofore voted within paid school district. The snlrt electon shall be held on Monday, the 18th day of July, 1923, the polling place shall be Pino Ridgo School House In said dlstrSM ; a new rpRlstratlon shall bo made and How aril W. 1 ant Is hereby appointed Reg istrar and J. 0. Williams and F. C. Richardson are hero' y appointed poll holders for said election The boundaries of said Pine Ridge School District, as filed by the Coun ty Iloard of Education, are as follows: Beginning at bridge over Norrls' Creek on Tarboro road; thence down Norris' Cre*k to Crooked Creek; tlienee down Crooked Creek to Tar River; thence down Tar River to Nash County line; thente along Nash County lino to line of Pilot District No. 4 Dunn Township ; thence along line of Pilot District to Bnrwell Ba ker's In Spring Hope road, west to head of Contentnea Creek, West to new road, Falson's corner; thence to I'ead of Raker's pond; thence along creek to beginning. The Registration Books shall be open from June 16th, 1923 to July 7th, IMS and the Registrar will have tald hooks at u1d polling place on each Saturday during said period from the lfclh day of June, 1923, to the 14th day of July, 1913. By order of the Board of County C< mmlssloMrs this the 4th day of June, 1923. ARTHUR STR1CI 6-8-4t The World's Greatest Fruit Tonic is now having a tremendous sale owing to its unusual merit. It is the idoal tonic to bnild up the run down system and round out your face and figure with healthy firm flesh and strong muscles. Many people both yuung and old drag about without ambi tion enough to do halt' a day's work, they feel all tired out, ex hausted, have sleepless nights? their nerves are gone. Prr.nitone aids in building up the run down condition and gives you pep. [What Prunitono i> doing 1' or jwople everywhere it will do for you. I was nm down, could not sloop nights, had no appetite and what I eat distressed me, my physicians said It was stomach trouble and he gavo me a course of treatment/for months without any relief and I tried many other remedies but notnlng seemed to help me until a frien4 recommended Prunitone and It has certainly made a new stomach for me, I fcelleve, for I can eat anything now and I sleep like a haby at night, I just wish I could tell everyone personally that Is worn out, always tired and exhausted Just what It has -OOWTaS- " me. Yours truly, Mrs. Mary A. Mason, Bangor, Maine. Mrs. E. G. Shepherd, Manchester, N. H. writes: ? I have suffered for 15 >ears with Rheumatism and havo tri ed more than a dozen Doctors and I any number ?f medicines without re ceiving any permanent relief until I triod Prunitone and after taking six bottles I feel twenty years younger than when I started taking it. My ad vice to anyone suffering witn Rheuma tism is to start taking Prunitone at once and it will soon he gone forever. Chns. K. Dickey, Syracuse, N. Y. writes: ? Just a few lines to tell you I what Prunitone has done for me. I suffered a nervous breakdown two years ago and had tried physicians medicines, and many remedies that were advertised as cure-alls but noth ing did me any good until I tried Prunitone and It seemed to help me almost from the first dose nad now I am feeline: Ant- and full, of ambition. I runitone Is certainly a wonderfful I nerve tonic and it gives me such an l appetite I can't eat enough at one [meal to last until the next. FOR SALE BY L. E. 8COGGI> NOTICE OF 9PECIAl'*~TAX**F.I.EC TION Upon petition signed by the requir ed number of citizens of the Pilot School District, Franklin Coun ty, State of North Carolina, said pe tliion having been duly approved ani endorsed by the County Hoard of Ed ucation of Franklin County, it is or dered that an election be held in said School District in accordance with the provisions of Article 17. part 7, Chapter 1, of "An Act to Amend the Consolidated Statutes and to Codify the law relating to Public Schools," cnacted by the General Assembly of Ncrth Carolina at its reguli.r session in 1923, at which election shall be as certained the will of the people with in said School District whether or not there shall be levied a special annual tax of not more than 30 cents on the One Hundred Dollars valuation of property within said District ? to supplement the public school fund vl'lch may be apportioned to said district by the County Board of Edu cation and in c\23 and the Registrar will have s.iid books at*said polling place on each Saturday during said period from the Itith day of June, 192?, to the 14th d. 'y of July. 1923. By order of the Board of County Commissioners this the 4th day of June, 1923. ARTHUR STRICKLAND, Attest; Clulr nan S. C. HOLDEN, Clerk. ti-8-41 NOTICE Having Qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Willie Z. Arnold, de ceased. late of Franklin Ccunty, all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to prenent them to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of June, 1924, or this no tice will be pload in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This June 7th, 1923. MRS. ZANIE ARNOLD. Admrx. B. T. Holden, Atty. 6-8-Gt rir;s FOR SAI.E ? ( HAVK A Si; li ber of Duroc Jersey pigs ready for delivery by June 16th, for sale at 15.00 each. Apply at once to Willie K Ball, R 1, Alert, X C. 6-8-2t EVERETT TRUE BY COtfDO