FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE 283 FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY CO. Announce that Mr. B. B. Perry hag taken charge ut Its Insurance busnessb Mr. Potry will be glad to see his trlendj, and when In need of ANY KIM) of Insurance, see h I m, Mr. Perr^r has had many years ex perience In Insurance, and is prepared to give the public the best of service. For Insurance of any kind, ?write, phono or see Bennett Perry THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY CO, Chiropractic Health Talk No. 6 BT Dr. Chas. Bremner Thorp Is one main nerve center that feeda the rest of your body. When that falls to provide the proper nourishment it causer disease. And thnt vital part of your body Is the spfne. It Is the main stream of your entire sy9tem. If a dam il plac ed across one of the arteries that feeds another scctlon. 1t cuts off the flow of nerve ener gy and when that occurs you become sick. For years past people have been trying drugs of various descrip tions. And they have undergone operations until Chiropractic stepped into the fight with the common sense idea and proved Its method to the world. And I can prove to you to your utter satisfaction that Chiro practic will bring you back to health. And If I doubt it I will he frank to tell you rfo. At any rate it will cost you nothing, to come to my office for spinal analysis and consultation. It may mean your return to the most valued of human posses sions ? Health. Dr. Chas. Bremner CHIROPRACTOR Phone 40 Henderson, N. C. NOIICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of authority contained In a certain Deed of Trust executed to me. the undersigned trait tee, on the 18th day o t Feb*. 1S22. which aald deed ot trust Is duly re corded In the office ot the register of dc-eds of Franklin county In Book 244 page 216, default having been made tn the payment vt the Indebtedness se cured and demand having heen made upon me for foreclosure by 'be holder of the securities, I will on MONDAY, JULY 1?, 1923 at about the hour of noon, at the court house door tn Loulsburg. N. C., oiler fir sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described land: Beginning at a rock, corner of the Harrison l#*d. thence S 3d 30' W 50 chains 30 links to a rock and small Pine pointers, the Bolton corner, now In the Matthews line, thence S 86 F tO chains 90 links to a stake, Mat thews corner, thence N ?d 30' E 50 chains 20 links to a stake and point ers, Allen's corner, thence N S6d 15' W 62 chains to the beginning. Con taining 308.23 acres. Being the a#me !t>nd convoyed to N. S. Phelps by A C. Ellis and others, by deed recorded In Book 241 page 313. See also Book 216 page 507. It being the farm oii which the said" N. ?. Phelps now re sides. This June 13, 1293. 6-15-5t S. A. NEWELS Trustee. NEW TOWN ORDINANCES Ordinance passed at the meeting of the Town Commissioners. June 11th, 1923: The Commissioners ot the Town of Loulsburg, N. C-, do hereby enact and ordain that all owners of Automobiles. Trucks, and Motor driven vehicles in the Town of Loulsburg, N. C. be re quired to pay a License Tax to said Town ot $1.04. All owners of said Motor Vehicles are hereby required to register said Vehicles with the Town Clerk on or before June 30th, lt>23 and annually thereafter. All such owners shall be required to dis play on the front of said Vehicle a license Tag furnished by said Town. Any person failing to comply with this ordinance shall be subject to a penalty In the sum ot $10.00. 6-1 5-4t L. L. JOYNER, Mayor. Ordinance passed at the meetlnjToF the Town Commissioners, June 11th, 1923: Be it ordained and enacted as an ordinance of the Town of Louisburg, N. C. that all public Dance Halls In said Town be required to pay a li cense Tax of $1.00 for each public Dance. All ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. All persons falling to comply with this ordinance upon conviction shall pay a fine of Twenty Dollars. 6-15-4t L L. JOYNER, Mayor. Order passed at the meeting of Town Commissioners June 11th, 1923: It Is ordered that the delinquent Taxes for 1920, 1921 and 1922 be col lected according to Law, and further that the Clerk be ordered to instruct the Tax Collector for the Town to proceed to collect said Taxes by levy upon personal property and sale, and advertisement of real estate and sale. Advertisement to commence not later than first week tn July, 1923. 6-15-4t L. L. JOYNER, Mayor. Order passed at the meeting of Town Commissioners June 11th, 1923: It is ordered that all delinquent and passed due Paving assessments due' the Town of Loulsburg, N. C. he col lected according to Law, and that the Clerk be instructed to proceed to ad vertise according to law all property against which said assessments arc made and now past due, and sell the same. Said advertisements to com- 1 mence not later than the first week In July, 1923. C-15-?t L L JOYNEtyttayor. Piles Cared In 6 to $4 Day ? DrottiJU Kfantfmaney If PA ZO OINTMENT fails to care ltfhini,Wind. BlecriialAr Protrodiog Pile*. 8ALK or VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the authority contained In the deed ot trust execut ed and delivered by Boston Allen of Frank)in County, N. C., dated Dec. S4. 1920. to H M. Beam, Trustee. and re c< rded In Franklin County Registry In book 234. page 164, and default having been made In the payment ot notes thereby secured and upon de mand and request ot the holders ot the tiald notes described thereto. I will on MONDAY. JULY 23. 1'2S at or near the hour ot J2 o clock M., at the courthouse door ot Franklin County ai Loulsburg, N. C.. ollor tor sale and tell to the highest hldder for cash the following described tracts or parcels ot land situate In Frank |tn County, Loulsburg Township. State of North Carolina and describ ed as follows: 1st 1 ract. Containing 2 acres and being the lands conveyed to said Bos ton Allen by deed recorded In Frank lin County Registry book 132. page 119, reference to which is hereby made. 2nd Tract. Containing 3 acres and being the lahds convoyed to Boston Allen by deed recorded in Franklin County Registry In book 132, page 317 reference to which is horeliy made. 3rd Tiact. Containing 2 acres and being the lands conveyed to Boston Allen by deed recorded in book 127, page 33.1, Franklin County Registry, reference to which is hereby made. 4th Tract. Containing 2 acres and being the lands conveyed to Boston Allen by deea recorded in book 113, page 447. reference to which Is here by made. Franklin County Registry. This the 21st day ot June, 1923. 6-22-5t H. M. BEAM, Trustee, FOR FIBST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE NO. MS. NOTICE By order of the Board of County Commissioners, notice Is he-.eby given that a Superintendent of Public Wel fare will be elected on the second Monday in July. This June 4, 1923, ARTHUR STRICKLAND, Chm'n. S. C. HOLDEN, Cleft 6-8-4t The Quinine That Ode, not Alfcct The Head of its tonjeNnd kxative effect. LAXA TIVE BHOMO QUUTINE (Tablets) can be taken by anyone without Mrvousnesa or rlnfhtf In the bead. E.WGROVTO tfenacare on boxHSc. Time to Re-tire? I in-, ru>? ? ???? ?!? FOR SALE BY JlcKIJfJfE 1IROS. Lonsburg, X. C. GAINS 26 POUNDS IN 30 DAYS Remarkable Experience of P. 0. Lake Builds Up Weight Quickly "X was all run down," write# P. C. Lake. "1 had to quit work I was so woak. Now, thanks to Prunltone, I look like a new man. I gained 25 pounds In 30 days." "Prunltone has put ten pounds on me In 14 days," Stated Wm. Brack. "It has made me sleep well, enjoy what I ate and enabled me to work with Interest and pleasure." It you would like to put on a few pounds of good solid flesh just try Prunltone, It will surely _surprlso you. For salefcy L. E. Scoggln. TOBACCO FLUES, $7.50 PEr| HUNDRED. SEE E. A. ROG ERS, LOUISBURO, N. C. 6-8-4t Subscribe to The Franklin Times PROFESSIONAL COLUMN DB. J. IIEBBERT FITZGERALD Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat I Will be at Dr. H. H. Johnson's offloe In Loulsburg every first Monday. En gagements should be made as tar In advance as possible. DB. B. F. YARBOBOCGH Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, 5. C. Office In Blckett and Ywbo rough Boll dins* Office Phone *98 Residence Phone 18 S. ATWOOD BBWBIX. ittHMy>it-l??. Loulsburg, N. C. Phone No. 115 Office In First National Bank Building General Practice DB. W. B. MOBTON Bye Specialist Office In Hotel Building Loulsburg, North Carolina I wish to advise my patients and the pubUc generally that atter the 1st ot September my business will be on a Cash basis when work la completed. DR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING 8. P. BDKT, M. D. . Loulsburg, N. O. Offices over Scoggln'* Drag Star*. Hours 11 &. m. to 1 p. m? and 4 to 6 p. m. DB. W. K. BASS. 1 Veterinarian Loulsburg. N. 0. Offices and Hospital East Nash St ? . Phone Office 335-L Residence 336-J | Special Attention to Small Animals. DB. D. f. HntHWlCL .jI.C. Office in the First National Bank Building on Main and Nash Bts. W. M. FEKSOH. ATTORNEY - AT-LAW Loulsburg, North Carolina hMtln In all oourta. Office on Mala | Street. Q. M. BEAM Attornej-at-Lavr Offices over Post Office Practice In ail courts. i.i, I,, DB. J. is. iiAVIS Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, North Carolina Office Main Street A. T- Neal Building at River Bridge Telephone Connections 64 and 64-2 R. Hours: 8 to 11:30 a. m. 2 to 6 p. m. B. B. White B. H. Baton* WHIT* M MALONB LAWYERS Loulitmrg, North Carolina praattoa, settlement ot ?* funds Invested. On* mem bar ot m btb always ta tha office, DB. H. 6. FEBBY Physklan and Surgeon Loulsbxrg, North Carolina Offices Adjoining Ay cock Drug Co. Telephones: Day 287; Night 287 DB. i. B. MALONB. UmUton. North Carolina iffia* la Ayeock Drag Store, Market ?Greet, Offioe Practice Surgery and oonsnltatlon. DB. H. H. JOHNSON Physician and Burgees Lomlstarg, ? North Carolina Office over Ayoock Drag Co. Telephone*: Day and Night both No, 10 I. 0. NBWBLL, M. D. bihtarf, B. u Office In First National Bank Building D ay Phone !4? ? Night Phone Stf-I Wm H. Rnffln, fhoa. W. Baffin WM. H. * TH08. W. BOFFIN Attorney s-at'Law tiahlMg, t Herth Carolina General practice, both civil and crim inal, la Franklin and adjoining ooun ttoa, Bapreato and Federal Courts, la First National Bank ' ' DR O. A* OATLIN ramffiw * RntMi R. F. D. No. i LOUISBURO, N. O. Located at White Level. I>eave call at O. B. Oonn Drag Store I WANT TO ANNOUNCE TO MT OLD CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS That I have taken over the manage ment of the Stegall Bro*. Barber Hhop I (hall m* that ron are treated with profound respect and. that you get the boat Barber work possible Be fair with your good looks and" let a Real Barbar do your work. Yours to serfe, . ,j OSCAR T. BTEGALL % DOINGS OF THE DUFFS / A Suitable Present BY ALLMAN *v\m Conqueror of Mrs. Mallow This la Alio talcst action picture of Miss Mabel McKano. considered England'* foremost womnn icnuin player. She recently overwhelmed Mrs, Molla DJuistcUt Maltory. American champ. NOTICE! All people that have watches left here with me for repair over 60 days ago, I notify them to get them at once or they will be sold for charges. This also includes clocks. Come and get them at once. L. W. PARRISH, Jeweler LOUISBURG, N. C. City Property For Sale My home on Middle Street directly in front of Mr.' J. L. Palmer's home. .2 '."l, ' Itt T ?X:':" Large vacant lot adjoin ing Mr. Charlie Elmore's home and in front of F. B. McKinne's. i ? . " fe \ i ? Also vacant lot corner Church and Middle Sts. (The old Barrow Home Place). j' i * V tl ,1. K. K. ALLEN Lonisburg Motor Co.

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