?fox OLD jLND TOUSti J ?"& as **? u ?poa tto Tlforwu "??b Tutt's Pills ^^ttz.'lrsLSr* Tomato plants will grow eight or ton feet hlgli If tied to a stake and the suckers removed weekly. ThU Is tfce beat way to train them says ex tension horticulturist R. P. Payne. Malekulan brides have two front teeth knocked out, which la hard daring watermelon season. Improvements ta feeding and car lug for twin* must originate In the mind of, the owner; If be think* It la not worth while? then It Isn't, gays W. W. Shay. \ Four things must be considered in growing hogs for market says exten sion workers of the Btuie College? these are: Time ot marketing; qual ity ot product; rate ot gain and cost of gatn. Don't forget that clean, trcsh wa ter kept In a cool spot will make the fowls happy this month. These ' Frlnceton senior# who say they have never kissed a gtrl do not say what girl. Twenty Tons of Sea Monster ?h. V O'DOuri'" *e~ hi:? "ltd v.T Lone XCe> i^nut un a lMiour iskhi tmuiu only when GO bullets from ) pe ve: rifle \vi_r? fired into :t. It 35 fret lone. 23 feet In srlrt V . 1 ' 1' ?K;- o! 12 f?et. Naturalists say it hel?m?j8 to n rure lamii ? ...c Pacific tufrUitia alr??K." j'urt u uie and part shar* a. .oca ui ltf guunuc size may be had ?rom IhU view of its mouth, oni pertly open. SPECIAL SALE We are selling for the next two weeks, MAVIS TALCUM POWDER for 20c a box. DR. CALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN La- ge Size for 80c Small Size for 45c We also can save you money on anything you buy from us. OUR FOUNTAIN IS STILL IN BLOOM *. I ? N We can make lots of good drinks. Try us next. F. R. Pleasants PHONE 222 J The season's best and most popular style* and designs both in Snits and Extra Pieces. Call in and look over our Stock before yon begin your spring cleaning that you may easily solve your arrangement problem. W. E. White Furniture Co. 1 i 1 ? -"v ? v - . . ' i Sunday School Convention At Centerville From officers of the Franklin Coun ty Sunday School Association comes the information that arrangement* are being completed for the County Sunday School Contention to > be held ?t the Baptist Church, Centrevllle, N. C Saturday anil Sum day. September 1 and 2. l#23. The County President, Mr. C_ M. Beam and the County Secretary Ml *8 iCdna Beasley afe sending communi cations to Sunday School leaders of all denominations In Ihe county, urg ing each Buuday School to have a large delegation at the Convention. It is expected that practically every Sunday School !n the. county will be represented. Announcements concerning speak ers and program for the convention will be ??nt out later. Several ? of- ? the best Sunday School workers In the county will take part a' different sieslong of the convention. In addition to the local talent Mr. D. W Sims, of Raleigh, General Sup erintendent of the North Carolina Sunday School Association has been secured to speak at each session of the convention. The Franklin County Sunday School Association under whose auspices the convention Is being neld, is an Interdenominational organization. The' ( < unty Association is one of the In tegral units of the North Carolina Sunday School Association, which is a cooperative efTort of workers from the different denominations to extend and Improve Sunday School work In North Carolina^, The Association stands for those Interests that are common to Sunday School workers of i.il denominations. Some of the fish caught early thlo spring are six feet long now. / The richer they get, the more they hate putting on heirs. PASTURES FOR THE PIG8 Raleigh, N. C. June 27 ? "Rxpelroents have shown and e <i> ;rlcuec has pro v. n that no Tarheel farrer shou]d attempt to raise pigs, unless he dm plans a definite system of pastures. This permanent "paiturf ^ah+BM be ?r vallable for the hogs thruout the sum mer months and where provision has not bee made for It, soybeans or cow peas can be used to advantace by male ing plantings at different peilods dur ing the year so that other grail, g field will be provided as fast as one is ex hausted, " says Earl Hostetler, In charge of swine Investigations for the State College and Department of Agriculture. Mr. Hostetler stales that to have a good permanent pasture, It needs to be seeded in the fall and a mixture of 14 pounds of orchard grass, 6 pounds of red clover, 4 pounds of white Dutch clover and 6 pounds of Alsike clover per acre will make a good mixture to use. Where the land is in bottoms, the Alsike clover may well be increased to take the place of red clover. A pasture mixture of this kind or a seeding of alfalfa, red clover and alsike clover can be used with good results over all North Ca rolina. There are numerous other grasses and legumes such as Bermuda, burr clover, leaped <za or red top that will furnish good graz ing for hogs, but these are not nearly ' so palatable as the legumes men tioned and will not give as good re sults, thinks Mr. Hostetler. He says, " Through the fall and winder months oats ai^d rye make fine gracing and may be sowed bi |tween rows at last working of the ; crops. This not only economizes on /he land under plow but servos the two-fold purpose of soil building and grazing. During the spring months, ? the sows and their litters will thriv# on oats and rape pasture and the hogs will later harvest that grain not con sumed while the oats were being grazed. "Good pastures are essential In hog raising but it must be kept in mind that the anima's alio need a good grain ration in addition." FORECLOSURE SALE LAND By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust made by Haywood Cheek to R. N. Qupton, dated Jan. 1, 1920, and record ed in the Registry of Franklin County In Book 234, page 15, default having been made In the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand for fore closure having been made by the hol der of the Indebtedness so secured upon said trustee, the undersigned will, on ? MONDAY, AUGUST ?, 1923, at about the hour of noon, at the courthouse door In Loulsburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the lands in said deed of trust described as follows: Situate in Sandy Creek Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, ad joining the lands of Pinnell, Renn and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a Sweet gum, the Pinnell corner and running thence fl 64 1-2 K ?8 poles SO links to a Whlteoak stump thence 8 78 E 16 poles to a small ftlackgum. Renn's corner; thence S IK W 104 Joles to three Redofcks and a Blackjack pointers, Renn's corner; thence N 29 1-8 W 88 poles 22 links to a Sassafras; thence 8 40 W 42 poles to a Whlteoak; thence N 59 W 129 poles toAHornbeam pointer; thenc? N 5 K 98 moles to a Pine; thence N 88 1-2 E ? 1-2 pole*- to the beginning containing one hunndred and one acresy&iore or less; being the land convAad to W. O. Faulkner by J. H. Lasaltsr and wife by deed duly re corded In the Registry of Franklin Count# In Book 188 at page 198, and the apme land conveyed by W. O. Faorener to Haywood Cheek by deed al do duly recorded In said registry. frills July 8. 1948. V It N. QUPTON, Trustee. VfltK * Thos. W. Ruffln, | Attorneys. 7-?-5t A policeman tells us a good man Is ha rd to And. Subscribe to The Franklin Times ? o ? ? -I Wouldn't <j0 Camping Without ? Hat -Snap," Sayg Ray White ?"Wife and I spent our vacation camping last summer, smell of cook ing brought rats. We went to low n, got flame RAT-SNAP. broke up - sk es, put it outside our tent. We got the rats alright? big fellows." Far mers, storekeepers, housewives, should use RAT-SNAP. Three sizes, 35c. #Ei . $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Cash Grocery and Market. ? ? ? ? i _>* Colds Cause Qrlp ssd Influeala LAXATIVE BROMO QUINJMfc TlblM/rcnsnt tlx cut Thrrr Is only cpe "Bum QuiniDc.' E. W, GROVE'S signature Sn JOc. TRUSTEE'S RESALE OF LAND Pursuant to an order of rc-salc i.ude by i'r.e Svperior Court of Fnr.K lln County m th? matter of sale of lands of H. A. Williams by Wm. H. Face, Trustee upon an advance bid on sale thereof made June 11, 1923, and by virtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed of trust dated April .15, 1918 and recorded lu Franklin Registry In Book 194, page 3S9, default having been m.ide In the payment of the debt thereby secured end demand for foreclosure having been made by the holder of the ln< debtediu ss so secured updn said trus tee, the undersigned will o? MONDAY. JULY 9, 1923 at the noon recess of court, offer for Bale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following des cribed lands situate near the Town of Yonhgsvilie and In said deed of trust described as Lot No. 4 of the division of the Williams land, aud more par ticularly defined as follows: Begins at a stake, corner of Lot Wo. 6 In the line of the Railroad land; thence N 88 1-2 W 15.25 chains to the center of the road, corner for No. ?, marked by a stake on the East side ; thence along the road S 20 1-2 E 3.92 chains; thence S 34 1-2 E 1.80 chains to a stake near a corner of the graveyard; thence S SS 1-2 E 13.50 chains to a corner of Lot No. 6 in the line of the Railroad land; thence along that line S8W5 chains to the beginning, con taining 7 1-2 acre*, less one acre re served and excepted for family grave yard. This June 22, 1923. WM. H. PACE. Trustee. Wm. H & Thos. W. Ruff in. Attorneys. 6-22-3t r HONEST Are 70a treating roar talents with die credit when yon hare to boy an automobile every few years when yon can hare a deep well drilled with pure water, that will stand (or ages, or hare lights or water installed that will last a life time. We furnish those things that go to make up a permanent con venient for home comfort. White Pump & Well Company, Inc. Well Drillers and Wa ter Supply Contractors. Norlina, N. C. . LEATHER Has Advanced 10 Gents a Pound Bat vt in (till putting ob Bole* it th? following old prloM: , -4 r<tdl?a Sole* 8g MiU pair Ma'i Bole* ?190 per pair ru?o Solo*, tougher than leather, abaolntelr waterproof 11.11 PImt Uim ... 18 c?nta per pair Mjwi Stock Pood.. S pkg for 16 cent* Any ktad Harne** mad* to order. LOUI8BUBO REPAIR SHOP Jothu T-*1""'" Proprietor FOR SALE On the Installment Plan A $1,000 Savings Account $50.00 Down. Balance weekly. You can buy a $1,000.00 sav ings account on the install ment plan as easily as any thing else. When you have completed your payments you will have more real value for your money than any other in stallments you can make. COME QUICK BEFORE THEY ABE ALL SOLD THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK LOU1SBURG, North Carolina "FRIENDLY BANKING SERVICE JUST WHEN YOU WANT ITT" 1802 1922 LOUISBURG COLLEGE A Junior College for Young Women With a Standard Preparatory Course of Four Years Faculty of specially trained, consecrated Christian teachers. Health Record Unsurpassed. Home-like Atmosphere. Social Life Carefully Guarded. Athletics. In addition to the regular college courses, Classical and Literary, attention Is called to the departments of Art, Business, Education, Expression, Home Economics, Music (Piano, Voice, Violin, Theory, etc.). and Religious Education. Bates as low as consistent with good service. Send for free Catalog. For further information write, A. W. Mohn, President, - Louisburg, N. 0. DRINK AT OUR FOUNTAIN | WHITE'S ICE CREAM i "Surety of Purity" Sairitary Cups. Olefin Spoons. Pure Drinks. Aycock Drug Co. Incorporated

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