THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. 7. JOHNSON, Editor u< liuiir ? TAB DROPS? ?Mill Mtrrian Mullen, of Bunn, la visiting little L.urlyne Wlggs this week. . Jelly Glasses, Fruit Jars. Jar Tops and Rubbers At L. P. HICKS 7-13-lt Arctic regions have their cold, but we have our foreign policy. HAVE YOU EVEH NOTICED THAT THB XBBCHANT WHO SEXDS HI THE COPT FOB HIS AD EABLT ALWAYS HAS THE NEATEST AD1 HOMK SAPtfUAHKS AMERICA With lumber In the local market an easy 30 per cent less than It was three years ago, there Is no reason why tfeoee who have been contemplating building should not now go ahead. Every man who becomes a home own er automatically become* a good cit izen. With each added heme, the safety of the republic is promoted. Let the good work go on. ? Argus Leader, Sioux Fall, So. Dak. DON'T FORGET TO SEND ADVERTISING COPY IN EARLY o Chattanooga (Teen.) woman of 38 eloped with a youngster of 83, the^ old cradle robber. Madame Horthy Teaches Weaving Mme. ?? vhy (left), wife of Admiral Horthy. :it of Hungary, glvlii leswv- . ii weaving fet the DOeaing ct u girls' 8 ' ool rt t!udap*?t. Weajing h '/-? i. tiling one of the most popular lndustrict of ttc country. THE qp) HOME TOWN BY STANLEY rcjx-y... .. . sn. FARl-T T^IS UIN/ERYMAH DAVE WHITAKER ?T, OUlETljr BOR>ED> -ni!= FUR. COAT He <5oT /N A TRADE FC* 7>\P QOL-D WATCH THAT TbRAJCD GREEN /N MIS POCKET. 1FHNY ONE HAS? Killed a pig, Shot his wife, Got married, ; Borrowed a clump, " Made a speech, Joined the army, Robbed a bank, Bought a Ford, Sold a dog, I<ost hi k wallet. Gone Ashing, Broken his neck, ( Bought a house, Con mltttd suioldo. Shot a cat. Keen away, Con.e bid: bo-ne, Moved his office. Taken a vacation. Been In a fight, Got I Icked. Has no oil stock. Got rlcli. Made a bad bet, IV? new* SEND IT TO THE EDITOR. (With apologies and grateful ac knowledgement to I olumbia Alumni News.) WHY WAIT TILL THE LAST DAT TO SEND THE COPT IN FOB AH ADVEBTISEMBNT WHEN THE AD MAN CAN GIVF YOU A MU'!H BFT. TEB JOB IE YOU SEND IT IN SOONEBt DONT FOBGET IT. Just received one care of Cearelite Top Dressing ? the test for crops. 7-13-lt . J. P. TIMBERLAKE. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of W. H. Hester, deceas ed, late of Franklin Cdtt^ty, notice is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 13th day of July, 1924, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement. This July 12th, 1923. 7-13-6t H. E. LONG. Admr. Report of the Condition of THE-BUNN BANKING COMPANY At Bonn; In the State of North Car- , ollna, ' at the close of business on June 3ftth, 1923. ? RESOURCES Loans- and Dtocoun'.s.. $ 59,632.18 Demaifc Loans 1,159.48 Overdrafts, unsecured S .73 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds 400.00 Furniture and Fixtures-'- 2,282.79 Cash In. vault and net amts due from Banks, Bank era and Trust Com panies 8,136.88 Checks for clearing 85.65 Total $ 71,681.71 i LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in .. $10,000.00 Surplus fund 1,500.00 Undivided Profits, lesa current expenses ? and taxes paid <- 1,004.75 Bills Payable 4,145.00 r.eposits subject to check Individual 37,175.37 Time Certificates of De posit, Due in Lels Than 30 Days ... ? 16,346.94 Cashier's Checks outstan ding IOJi.SO Time Certificates of De posit, Due on or After 30 Days ? 1,39?. 7? Total $ 71,681.71 State of North Carolina? County of Franklin, ss: I, M. E. Shamburger, Jr., Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.: ' ' ?? tftfcf M. E. SHAMBURGER, JR? Cashier. Correct ? Attest : B. C. JOHNSON. J. G. BUNN, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before mo, this 6th day of July. 1923. Benjamin M. Mullen. Notary Public. My Com. Expires June 8. 1H25. SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR TAXES At 12 M. on Monday, August 6th, 1923, "at the Court House door in Louisburg, N. C. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, aUBthe lands in Franklin County on i<V!ch taxes for 1920 and 1922 remain due thereon, with costs added, pur suant to the existing lawB of North Carolina under Section 2883 Revisal 1905 and amendments thereto, a list of the lands to be sold and amounts due thereon Is as follows: H. A. KEARNEY, Sheriff, Franklin County. This July 12th, 1923. CEDAR ROCK TOWN-HIP O. Y. Yarboro, 100 teres C. C. Hayes, for 1922 8 48.65 1 Mrs Kate Yarboro, 200 a Cy press Creek, 261 3-4 a Dav- , Js, for 1822 : 294 09 For Bal. 1920 125.56 1 CYPRESS CREEK TOWNSHIP Mrs. Kate Yarboro, 37 a Webb, 62 a Webb, 805 a Davis, 177 a Mitchell, 210 a Davis, 78 a Da- . vis, for 1922 : 316.33 For Bal, 1920 267 12 1 LOUI8BURG TOWNSHIP 0. Y. Yarboro, 4 lots Lbg, 128 a Strange, for 1922 _ 212.14 For Bal. 1920 123 46 Mrs. Kate Yarboro, I lot home, for 1922 9084 For 1920 242.38 7-13-4t NOTICE Having qualified as administrator, c t a. of the estate of J. E. Nicholson, de ceased, late Franklin County, no tice is hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of June, 1924, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Atf persons indebted to said estate will, please oome for ward and make immediate settlement Thb Jul* list. 1913. Tt C. T. NICHOLSON. JT ?-II ?t ? Admr. & V ft, BOSTON WOMAN RECOM MENDING IT TO HER FRIENDS fopaiar 1!')* ton Lady Saj* gyunltone Hait Pruien A (iodsfnd to Her It In always interesting to listen to tlx statements ot our friends, and especially when you know they are sincere and honest in That they say Added Interest is created in a state ment coming mfrom one, who has spent a lifetime in Boston, where she Is well known socially. Such a person Is Annie Stewart, who resides In Boston and Is posses sed of the respect and confidence lot her associates, and is willing tor anyone to call on her to verify the following rlgned testimonial. "I have suffered with stomach trouble for the past seven years. It took th<- form of indigestion and dys pepoia I had dizzy spells and head aches. and after I ate a little food It would forment and cause ft* a to form in my stomach. I had pains all over my body and was chronica Ily consti pated. My liver was torpid and I felt miserable. I had doctored and had been in the hospital, but received no permanent relief. I was so nervous and restless that at night I could scarce ly sleep The gas, pressing under my l eart. caused palpitation, and when I arose in the morning I was just as tired as when I retired. About two weeks ago I began to take Prunltone, and I can truthfully state that it has done wonders in my case. I am feeling like a new woman, and can eat any kind of food. I sleep the night through add have no more aches or pains; in fact. It has cured me, and I am recom mending it to all my friends, as it has been a Godsend to me." L. E. Scoggln seil and guarantee Prunltone. There are numerous symptoms of this trouble that Prunltone can re lieve. In fact, any of the following may denote affections of the stomach: Indigestion dyspepsia, belching of wind, bad breath, sick throbbing head ache, poor circulation, night sweats, that tired feeling, costivencss, coated tongue or a poor compexlon. Cantlon; As Prunitone Is recom mended as a flesh builder, those not wishing to Increase their weight 15 pounds or more, should not take It continuously. Rata Baga Turnip Seed , VA At L P. HICKS 7-13-lt NOTICE OF SALE OP PROPERTY , HO PAST DUE ASSESSMENTS QN STREETS OP LOUI8 BURO, N. C. Pursuant to an' order passed, June ? 2i'th, T923, by the,3oard of Ccrmmls slouej# of the Town of Loulsburg, N. C. and recorded In Minute Docket, page -J2 authorizing and directing the ClefK -Yo collect the past due Street assesaments according .to law, I will se|l M., public auction to the highest t lddeiVi for Cash at the Court House doof ilk Louiaburg, N. C. on tho 24th daJ^d^j^ugnst, '1*23,. the tallowing o^.-pareels of property situated In the Jovrn Ot Loulsburg, N. C. By order Board ot Commissioners. J. J. BARROW. Clerk. J. M. Allen and W. H. Allen, lot known as the Mill property south side of River contain ing about 872 feet frontage *1,467.18 G H Cooper, lot on Kenmore Ave, about 100 ft frontage.. 63.0< H H. Yarboro, 1 lot Nash St-- 55.55 1 lot Church Street 74.12 F. B. McKlnne, 1 lot Middle St. about 115 feet frontage 93.45 St. Mathlas Church, Main St. ( South"' side River) 04.54 J. A. Turner Estate, lots on Middle Street, about 145 feet frontage 130v95 ,Mr8. J. R, Collie. 1 lot Main - St. 7 J' feet frontage 27.18 J. C. Tucker, 1 lot Main St... 19.10 1 Seed Irish Potatoes for second crop At L P. HICKS 7-13-lt SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE iTni'or and by virtue of the authority contained In the deed of trust execut ed and delivered by Boston Allen of l>ank[ln County, N. C, dated Dec. 24, 1920. to H. M. Beam, Trustee, and re li rded In Franklin County Registry in book 234, page 164, and default having been made In the payment ot notes thereby secured and upon de mand and request of the holders of the ild notes described therein, I will on MONDAY, JULY 23. 1923 at or near the hour of 12 o'clock M., at the courthouse door of Franklin County at Loulsburg, N. C., odor for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described tracts or parcels of land situate In Frank [in bounty, Loulsburg Township, State Of North Carolina and describ ed as follows: 1st Tract. Containing 2 acres and being the lands conveyed to said Hos ton Allen by deed recorded fh Frank lin County Registry book 132, page 119, reference to which Is hereby made. 2nd Tract. Containing 3 acres and being the lands convoyed to Boston Allen by deed recorded In Franklin County Registry In book 132, page 111 referents# to which Is hereby made. 3rd Tract. Containing 2 aoces and being the lands conveyed to -Boston Allen by deed recorded In book 14^ page S32, Franklin County Registry, reference to which Is hereby made. 4th Tract. ContalAng 2 acres and being the lands conveyed to Boston Allen by deeo recorded In book 113, page 447, reference to which Is here by made. Franklin County Registry This the 21st day of June, 1923. 6-22-5t H. M. BEAM, Trustee. To make good butter, the creamery must have good, clean cream and to make money from cream, tho produc er ought to try It on a year round ba sis Instead ot only In the summer suggest* one county agent with ex perience la tho work. Qerman Millet and Crimson Cloror ?*ort >; At U r. HICKS 7-13-lt REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Farmers and Merchants Bank At Louisburg, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business on June 30. 1923. RES0URCE8 Loans and Discounts ! Demand Loans Overdrafts, unsecured United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds and Coupons Banking Houses $3,300.00; Furniture and fixtures, 14,500.00... Bills of Exchange .. Cash in vault and net amts. due -from Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies Cash Items held over 24 hours Checks for clearing Town Orders $ 543,149.49 446,212.71 19,463.74 1,847.51 1,12^.36 7,800.06 1,377.71 26,561.94 2,324.26 26,179. *3 10,271 . 83 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid In Surplus Fund Undivided Profits, less current expenses and taxes paid Notes and BUI# rediscounts Bills Payable ? , Deposits subject to cH?ek, Individual Demand Certificates of Deposit Cashiev's Checks outstanding Certified Checks Time Certificates of Deposit, Due on or After 30 Days Savings Deposits Collections Total t 543,149.49 State of North Carolina, County of Franklin, ss: I, M. S. Clifton, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the?best of my knowledge and belief. M. S. CLIFTON. Cashier. Correct ? Attest : J. W. KINO. - L,. L. JOYNHR, F. W. WHEIJCSS. Director I . Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 10th day of July, 1923. H. M. STOVAUL, Notary Public. , ? ?? $50, #00. 00 15.000.00 12,222.32 5.000.00 56,000.00 181,768.70 18,982. 42 2,315.94 18.00 21,610.00 172,303.97 8,928.14 SPECIAL Sugar C?red Picnics, wrapped per lb 14c Choice Cuts Western Steak per lb 35c Choice Roasts,, per lb 25 - 30c" Stew, I2V2C Soup Bone 5c Hamburger Steak, per lb. .30c Small Tender Pork Chops, per lb 30c l'ork Roast. 25c Home-made All Pork Sausage per lb 25c Frankfurter Sausage .... 20c Fresh Spareribs 22M>c Fresh Pork Brains 25c Heef and Pork Liver . . 20c Country Style Slice Ham. .40o F. F. V. Hams 35c Country Hams 30o Slice Bacon 35c Armour arid Kingan in 1 lb. carton 45c Phone Orders Promptly De livered. Our Refrigerating Plant will keep fresh meats as good in summer as in winter. Quality guaranteed at all times. CASH GROCERY and Market Phone 270 Louisburg, V. C.

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