Tuft's PUls AGAINST MALARIA Subscribe to The Franklin Time* Yh (-oard A|?lut Burglar*, Bat What A boat bits! Rats steal millions ot doltars* -worth of grain, chickens, eggs, etc. Destroy property and are a menace to health. It you are troubled vrttn rats, try ItAT-SNAP. It will surely kill them ? prerent odars. Cats or dogs won't touch it. Cornea In cakes. Three sizes, 36c, 65c, *1.25. Sold and guar anteed by Cash Grocery and Market! P I C - N I C S * and other orderly gatherings are invited to use our grounds when needed. Good bathing, boating, danc ing an-* excellent orchestra. . . Dancing every week night, '?acred concerts Sunday afternoons. PUNKIN CENTRE AMUSEMENT CO., Inc. (At Clifton's Pond) Oakda'e Tobacco Twine 56c lb. Thermometers, led Bead 45c Lanterns $1.00 to $1.65 Ice Cream Freerers, 1 quart to 2 gallons Water Coolers, 2 to 6 gallons Fruit Jars, Tops and Rubbers OIL end WOOD COOK STOVES AND RANGES I can save you money on stoves and ranges, Gome and get my prices. HARD BRICK $2.00 per 100 A store full of good Hardware H. O. TAYLOR Hardware NOTICE! We are glad to annouee U 4, Fraaklln County that we have Just Installed ? SEW, MODERN AXD THOROUGHLY SANITARY SODA FOUNTAIN " I nnd hare renovated onr entire store and we cordially Write your inspection. MAURICE CLIFTON, JR., who will be glad to serve you, and _tmiles while he makes jfour drink, because he knows you will snjjle back at h'rr . with that happy smile of satisfaction after you drink it. In fact our drug store now i? good enough to be patronized by the rich, but none too good for the poor, so we invite you all. Our prices are very reasonable and our services courteous. Yours to Berve and to please, \ (i. L. AY COCK, MAURICE CLIFTON, Jit, L. F.. 8C0CJGIN At Scoggln Drug Store All Summer Goods -It- ' . BARGAIN PRICES We are offering oar entire stock at prices to suit you summer time purse. BEAUTIFUL NEW LINE of Voiles, Lawns, Organdies and Dotted Swiss . just received. Come in and see us before you buy. i .'i ' ' THE LADIES SHOP Mrs, K. R. BmtU, Prop. Mrt. J. A. Turner, Mgr. Klin StTMt 0 Louisburg, V. 0. A Wish "I hara taJtea Card* tori ra-o? u4l I mi 1 ww waak, loo," Mfr Mi*. SUrla Eataa, e(]whp, Ok*. "MKmMMi of good? ao muck feat I grra M to my daaghtor. tha ?a OftNCMMtal CARDUI Tin Womb's To* "Wt hm Brad hara, Mar wa bare ourowa hoMlatovi. I hara had to work ] a* M* aoantry waaa't boH a>d II and* it hard tor aa. "I WISH 1 coald Ml a wama o< Cardid? tba madl tbatpadgtraaa ta go oa aad do ay wack." FOR FIRST CLASS JOB P] PHONE 283 No Worm* n a imMafaw All ehMrea umUiiI with Worai km m m hoakhr color, which MmMI poq/blood, aadaaa rale. then is nare or Icm miafci.li dletartoaooe. OtOVTS TASTELESS chill TOJHC (hi nflllty Mr two or three will will e?Hch tha Mood. In jure tho dlseetkn. and Oct m a General StroaOth eoiaf Toaie to the whole srotem. Netaro will then throw otter dispel tho worms, and th e Child will bo fc perfect health. Ptoaamt to take. ?#c per beetle. FOR SALE We have listed for sale several val aable farms, amoug which are (1) kbout 84 acres Cedar Rock T. 8. known as Cooke land, on State highway; (2) about 135 acres Hayesvllle T. S. known as part of Whltaker lands. For prices and terms, see FRANKLIN INS. tc REALTY CO. (Over First National Rank) FORECLOSURE SALE LANDS By virtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed of trust made by Geo. W. Burnett and wife. Annie Burnett to Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee, dated Dec. 11, l?19, and re corded In Franklin Registry in Book 234, page 487, default having been made In the payment of the debt there by secured and demand for foreclos ure by the holder of the debt thereby secured on the said trustee, the under signed will, on MONDAY, JULY 23, 1923 at about the hour of noon, at the court house door In Louisburg, N. C., offer for sale at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash, those lands in said deed of trust conveyed and there uescribed as follows: First Tract. Beginning at a rock, James Smith's corner in Williams (formerly Hill's) line, thence by the Fnller survey of 1901 West 60 poles to a stake and pointers, a now corner made by J. T. Inscoe in 1910; thence by survey of 1910, S 1 1-2 W 80 poles to a stake and pointers, corner for No. 2 In Boddie's line; thence by Fuller survey of 1901, East 60 poles to a slake; thence N 1 E 80 poles to the beginning, containing twenty-five acres, more or lesB, it being lot No. 1 In the Division of land among Roden Alston and others fully described in partition agreement duly recorded in Book 179, page 20, et seq., reference to which is hereby made. Second Tract. Beginning at a stake and pointers corner for No. 1 in Wil liams line, thence by survey of W. N. Fuller of 1901 West 50 poles to a stake aDd pointers, a corner between the first 50 acres tract purchased; thence S 1 W 80 poles to a stake and pointers in Boddie's line; thence East 50 poles to a stake and pointers, a new corner made by Inscoe In 1910; thence by survey of Inscoe 1910 N 1 1-2 E 80 poles to the beginning, con taining 25 acres, more or less. Both tracts being conveyed to G. W. Bur nett by deed dated Dec. 9, 1919, refer ence to which is hereby made to Franklin registry. This June 22, 11123, e-22-6t- WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. FEEL ALL USED UP? Lota of Loultburg Peopl i Do. Doee yovr back ache conetantlyT Do you have aharp twlngea vbn ?tooptnc or lift til*? Feel all used up ? aa If you oould Juat go no farther T Why not look to your kldneyaT Why not Uae Doan'a Kidney PHUT Lou la burs people hara don* ao. They tell you the reault Mrs. A. U. A ah lay. Main St., Loui* bars, ?aye: "My one aide and eapee tally through nfjr kidney*, hurt me badly. Erery time I llfleo a Broom to sweep or did any duatlnc. a sharp t niece ahot through my aide. I did not raat well, becauae of thu mlaery lad dlaxy apella and headacbee add ed to my trouble. I procured Doan'a Kidney PtUfl at the Aycock Dru? Co., and they removed the trouble." Price 10c, at all deal era. Don't ?ply aak for a kidney remedy ? g*\ va'a Kidney PUla? the aame that Aahley bad. PoaterMlllrani Co, Buffalo, N. T. Tint UKOWTH iu 1)10 la the praM dispatches we read that the governor of the state of New York addressed the people of the en tire commonwealth by radio. He sat In the governors chair In the ex ecutive suite where radio experts from the General Electric Com pany had prepared the proper transmitting devices. Then out In California. W. E. Creed, president of the Pad lie Qas & Electric Company, radioed, his address at the annual meeting so that the various communl ties in the central portion of the Mate served by the company, could hear him speak. The American Telephone & Telegraph Company announces an Invention which Us engineers have perfected to solve the problem of i maintaining privacy in radio communl cation. Dr. Albert Abrams of San Fran cleco announces the invention ot ' a super-radio set to test disease. And so it goes. Radio Is today annihilating dis tance. Its greatest usefulness will be felt when through unified organisa tion the service ot experts can be broadcasted to the people of the coun try on a definite schedule. . It Is warm enough to practice clas sic dancing now. : ? I SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE tjnrtor and by virtue ot the authority contained in the deed of trust execut ed and delivered by Boston Allen ot Frank]ln County, N. C., dated Dec. 24, 1920, to H. M. Beam, Trustee, and re ci rded in Franklin County Registry I? book 234, page 164, and default having been made in the payment ot notes thereby secured and upon de mand and request of the holders ot the said notes described therein, I will on MONDAY, JULY 23, 1923 at or near the hour of 12 o'clock M., at the courthouse door of Franklin County at Lonlsbnrg, N. C., offer tor sale and sell to the highest bidder ton cash the following described tracts or parcels of land situate in Frank lin County, Loulsbnrg Township, State ot North Carolina and describ ed as follows: 1st Tract. Containing 2 acres and being the lands conveyed to said Bos ton Allen by deed recorded in Frank lin County Registry book 132, page 119, reference to which is hereby made. 2nd Tract Containing 3 acres and being the lands convoyed to Boston Allen by deed recorded in Franklin County Registry in book 132, page 117 reference to whieh is hereby made. 3rd Tract. Containing 2 acres and being the lands conveyed to Boston Allen by deed recorded in book 127, p.Tge 333, Franklin County Registry, reference to which la hereby made. 4th Tract. Containing 2 acres and being the lands conveyed to Boston Allen by deea recorded in book 113, page 447, reference to which is here by made. Franklin County Registry. This the 21st day of June, 1923. 6-22-5t H. M. BEAM, Trustee. NOTICE SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that Deed ot Trust, execnted on the 1st day of October 1917 by O. Y. Yarboro, de fault having been made In the paying of the Indebtedness secured thereby and the demand made upon, me by the holder of said Indebtedness to fore close, the undersigned will Bell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door of Franklin County, State of North Car olina, on MONDAY, JULY 30, 1923 at about the hour ot noon, that tract or parcel of land situate in Louisburg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, described as follows: Beginning at a Black Jack on a Branch, the Macon land; thence down the Branch as it meanders 109 poles to Sycamore Creek; thence down said creek as it meanders 8 poles, 16 links to O. W. Ford's corner at a Small drain (a Ash Pointer) ; thence N 24 W 181 poles to the center of the path leading to the Uzzell place; thence along said path N 61 1-2 E 64 poles, N 68 1-2 B 16 poles 11 links to a rock; thence 8 3 W 110 poles 16 links to the beginning, containing 40 acres, more or less This June 28th, 1923. 6-29- fit B. T. HOLDEN, Trustee. THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY CO. Announce that Mr. B. B. Perry baa taken charge of 11a insurance husneesb. Mr. Pel ry will be clad to see b(a friends, and when In need of INI KIND of Inau ranee, aee hln*. - Mr. Perry baa bad many years ex perience la Insurance, and la prepared to give the public the beat of aerrice. For Insurance of any kind, write, phone or see Bennett Perry TRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY 00. TONKEL'S New Store Offers Big Reductions on Hot Weathei\Goods For This Week Men's Palm Beach, Cool Cloth and Mohair Suite, worth up to $19.50, will close them out for. . . . $9.95 Men 's Straw and Panama Hats, worth up to $5.00 Special at t $1.49 and $1.95 Bia REDUCTION ON SHOES, SLIPPERS AND OXFORDS Special prices on Printed Voiles and Dotted Swiss in the very newest patterns, worth up to 50c, now per yard 25c A big lot of Tissue Ginghams which will make up a dainty cool looking dress, worth up to 69c, Special for this week, per yard 39q A 310 LINE OF LADIES SILK HOSE AT A OREAT REDUCTION We have new Millinery arriving daily and you can se lect a beautiful trimmed or Sport Hat for ..... 98c Remember you are always WELCOME at A, Tonkel LOUISBURG'S NEWEST STORE Next Door to H. C. Taylor's Hardware Store Looisburg} : N. C. The QaWM That Dm* Dm srfiwmrc (Subscribe to p? THB FRANKLIN TIMES $1.60 Par Y?ar in Advance. $50.00 REWARD! For information leading to urest and conviction of person for tearing up road sign on Franklinton ro*d 6-22-tf * T. A. ROTH. The Great Majestic "The Range With a Reputation" THE GREAT MAJESTIC Special Demonstration . , July 9th to 2lst BROS. PAY CASH and PAY LESS