THE FRANKLIN TIMES Am r. JOHHSOK, Editor h4 lnf Ob. Tour 91. M 9? ?h Illttl .74 ??sths . M Entered at th# Pout Office at Louis The finding of the deficit will no doubt be the blow that kills Gov. Morrison's ship scheme. If so It doer' well. News reports flate that &n agree ment h^s been signed at Lausanna ending the strife in the east Let it be hoped so, for at least 24 hours. The failure tie republicans have made In putting the banks for making loans to farmers to make growing crops into operation is pronounced apd the farmers are becoming wise as to' where the responsibility rests. The Ku Klux have announced a big ceremonial to be held at Wrightsville Beach on Monday. August 6th, at 8:30 p. m. to which everybody is invited. No doubt there will be quite a big crowd present, both Klansmen and anti-Klansmen. Gov. Morrison says Maxwell is res ponsible for the State deficit. Max well savs he was right about it. al though the Auditor's report showed something over $700,000.00. This re port. if we understand the figures, gave credit for "Several Items that had not been collected. That may be good theory, but it won't pay bills. We are Inclined to think, with Mr. Max well In his estimate of a $5,000,000 de ficit. FAK* AGENTS ATTEND SHORT COl'BSE Monroe, N. C. July 24. Farm Demon stration Agents representing forty counties of Central and Piedmont North Carolina met here recently for their annual conference and short course. The meeting was under the supervision of District Agents E. S. Millsaps and O. P. McCrary and was reported to be one of the most valu able conferences recently held by this group of extension workers. One day was given over to round table dis cnsslons of the Urm agMll s ill uUleuis. as presented by the agents themselves One afternoon of anqfher day was devoted to a study of farming methods In Union county and the remainder of the three days was consumed in lectures given by representatives of the Stale College. State Dei-arunent of Agriculture and the Federal Depart ment of Agriculture. Mrs. Edith Vand derbllt addressed the men on one day in the interest of the State Fair. Mr. J. M. Gray, assistant director of extension, stated that the agents considered this meeting one of the best that they had taken part in re cently and passed a resolution thank ing the people of Monroe and of Union County for the many kindnesses ex tended to them during their stay. Last week the agents at work In F.&Btem Carolina gathered tor three days at Beaufort and this week those at work In the mountains will meet at Newlands for a similar conference. These are the annual midsummer meetings and precede the Farmers' and Farm Women's Convention to be held at the State College at Raleigh on July 31. August l and 2. Dine delicious Pound Cake, Layer Cake and Sponge Cake at L. P. H1CK8. 7-27-1 1 A bachelor tells us his suit case has Just returned from 11s second honeymoon this year. Friday is one of the seven days on ?which diving into shallow water is --wrftto be unlucky. We will not have a new World War, but several nations are trying to make the old one over. Recalling Old War Days - .u I! rrl J. E. C^umutl. "Ucn of the Arsonne" novr visiting ii?;y 'iy. IjLs resi^'U to or.c ot h * comrades at the Walter !!?.?? . W-y?;Tr:'tOll D C. No Monkey Shines, Johnny! nrwrrr You have to tal:o thW daily rub of camphorated oil for your weak chest. (Johnny c a chimp In too London Zoo.) DANGER FROM ILL-ADVISED LEGISLATION Pi re insurance affccts directly the protection and credit of every Indi vidual. Representatives in legislatures are prone to believe that every evil, or every practice that they think is evil, can be remedied by legislation. They wish to regulate by statue personal and business conduct of every kind Laws are piled upon laws; proposals for state and municipal ownership in various fields, and other paternalis tic measures are common., in Ari zona a bill (or a state cement plant and another for a state fund insuring state employees were inttroduced re cently; in Colorado It was urged that 'he slate should write automobile in surance; and a similar bill v.-as intro duced in Massachusetts, where an ef fort was made to compel Insurance companies to invest forty per cent of their premiums in dwelling houses. In theory these measures are ap pealing, but in practice they tend to disturb business. Insurance is the ba sis of credit. When a man has a Ore and hisproperty Is Insured he wants hi? money at once. Insurance reserves must be kept in assets that can be turned into cash Immediately. It forty percent of insurance companies' funds were loaned on dwellings, and a con flagration should strike a community during a period of depression, it would be Impossible for the compa nies to convert their mortgages into cash with sufficient speed to pay in surance claims as promptly as would be desired. This illustrates an ill-advised mea sure which would undermine the sta bility of a business that is vital to the nation. HOW TO BI7CHEE LAMB OR JTCTTON Raleigh, N. C. July 24 ? To achieve a savory flavor in mutton and lamb take the animal off of grass at least a day before he Is to be slaughtered ? this gets the grass out of his sys tem. Then, when butchering begins, the animal Is cool Instead of over heated as It necessarily would be If caught and butchered at once. Ex citement often develops characteris tic odors In many other animals, so Some of Those Who Saw Firpo K. O. Willard *t Hrmmr at y. V. J., - aft. tte ?urU# **mrr )M.*M WW Lata Flrpo knock oat J?M . Ttata picture 4w?? taken at nnwt. AS Mat ?H takaa a Office ta the first National Bank Building on Main and Hash 8ta. W. m. FERSOH. ATTORNEY -AT-LAW Loulsburg. North Carolina Praatloe ta all oourta. Office oa Mala Btreet. CL H. BEAM Attorae) -at- Law Offieee over Post Office ??-l Wm H. Baffin, rhoe f wm. h. ft thoh. w. Bcrrui , Unlaborg, I Hartfc OmftM "nwril practice, both drll and i ilai tnal, In Franklin and adjoining eovn Uaa. Raprana and Federal Ooarta. otlleaa la nrat National Baak DR. 0. A. OATLIN nrddu ft Bargeon r. r. D. No. ? IyOOTSBTTRG, N. C. Iwatxl at White Larel. Imt? call | at O. B. Oonn Drag atore 1 WANT TO ANNOUNCE TO MY OLD '1STOMKR8 AND FRIKND9 That I hare taken orer the aut|*. meat of th* Btagall Broa. Berber Hhop I ehall aaa that ytra are treated with profound respect and that yon gat the t+*t Barter work poaatble. Be fair with row good look* and 1st ? Rft| To My Friends and the Public have on hand, 30x3 and 30x3% at cost. They have advanced about 20 per cent since I bought so come and get yours before they are gone. A full line of feed and provision on band all the time. Am still selling shoes cheap. Oome to see me when in town. An; always glad to see you. Yours truiy, J. W. PERRY NASH STREET LO_ISBURO. N 0. Get Your Ice at A. S. Wiggs. Always prompt ? and'eourteous in attention and price always right.? [A full line ot heavy and fancy'groceries at most reasona ble prices. Give me a call. I will appreciate your trade. A. s. WIGGS NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. LAUNDRY CLEANING and PRESSING We wish to call attention to the head of every Home, that we are in position to take care of yonr FAMILY WASH at a very little more cost than what yon are now CLOTHES ARE CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Each and every one are cordially invited to inspect onr pla^t and look over onr work. For information Gall Phone 10S. YOUR PATRONAG ESOLIGITED The Service Shop W. B. MUNFORD, Manager PHONE IN I I l L0UI8BUBG, If. C. "ALL WORK GASH ON DELIVERY" SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE That la mj motto. FIRE AND Lin INSURANCE Bj pleasant every morning nntll eleven o'clock, and the rost of the day will take care of Itself. Place your Fire and Lite Insurance with this Agency, and I will take cars of TOUR INSURANCE TROUBLES FOR TOU. This Agency Is ths OLDEST IN FRANKLIN COUNTT. T. W. WATSON, AGENT Tim m tklsk sf INSURANCE, < ' | . y j*??- - - ... .v