CLOSES I '?-OPERATION Raleigh, July 16.? Mrs. Edith Van derbllt. President of the North Caro lina Agricultural Society, has Juat completed a tour of Eastern North. Carolina ln the interest of the 9Ute Fair. . She went on the warpath for the purpose of urging eloaer coopera* tlon between the county and commu nity fairs and the State Fair. She met with a gratifying response from the large crowds that heard her the past week. She spoke at Monroe, Wilmington, New Bern, Klnston, Ooldsboro and Wilson, and vlrited several other points in the State. She made the trip In approved stump speaking etyle, traveling by automobile so that she could make better time. Her poke bonnet hat caught the fancy ot her audiences, and many a Tar Heel farmer Is ready to wager that she is going to make the Fair this year the big success that she has ir. mind. Certainly she wlil If those who heard her speak can aid her in realizing her ambition, it Is declared, for these farmers found that she Is a real womanly woman without frills or furbelows. Mrs. Vandnerbilt in her addresses explained that the proper function of a State Fair or any fair for that mat ter is not the amusement of pleasure seekers but the development along proper lines of education in agricul ture, industry and general knowledge. She ventured to say that there is no other State on the Atlantic sea board that can present so much in the way ot natural resources as North Carolina and she ventured further to predict that a State Fair on a State wido basis and financially organised would do more for North Carolina In At* jretri than a million dollar* sp?nt In any other war. Even aa It li last year'* fair brought favorable com ment* from as far north aa New Hampshire and aa tar west as Wis consin. The logical conclusion of tbe pro gram of the Agricultural Society, ahe ?aid. Is to build u9 an. Institution that ? ill belong to the State and that will adequately represent the State. INSCJLvMCE GBOm*? CHE.U'EB Not long ago in the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that electricity was the only large Item in the cost of living which had shown say reduction in cost to the < onsumer since 1917. Whether or not this indicates a tecognltlon of the truth that tlie ex pense for Are insurance protection re presents only a small percentage of the Individual overhead Is not made Viear. or whether it was merely an overt- ijtht of the Bureau In overlook ing this bulkwark of modern society. It is a matter of record, however, that between 1912 and 1922. the aver age rate charged in tbe United Staes for fire Insurance coverage decllnec. to the extent of 7 cents for each $100 of Insurance carried. The astonishing feature of this situation la the fact that the reduction took place in the (ace of heavy ad vances for railroad fares, rents, wages, advertising aud other neces sary Expenses. Irish potatoes from home grown mountain seed were from 7 to 10 days earlier than those from Maine and Canadian seed, and the yield was equally as good, as shown by reports from the Tidewater counties. How Prunitone, the World's System Tonic Pats on Firm Flesh and Makes You Look Years Younger, Rounds Out Your Face and Figure With Healthy, Firm Flesh. Start Taking Prunitone Now if You Wish to Increase Your Weight and Endurance or Banish Skin Eruptions and Beau tify the Complexion. Thin, Pale People Quickly Become Strong, Stout, Robust and Have Lovely Red Cheeks by Us ing Prunitone, the Wonderful FRUIT TONIC. Simply weigh yourself and take Prunitone for one week, then weigh yourself again and note the rapid in crease in weight. Continue taking Pru cilone until you have Increased your ?weight rhp amount desired. You wlK very likely say that it has caused^ IT rema-kable change, it>has improved your looks wonderfully and any of your friends will hardly know you when your figure has been well roun ded out, as nature intended it should bo . This t ran formation Is due en tirely 10 the wonderful power of Pru titone to correct the assimilation of the foods you eat. The reason that Prunitone is hav ing such an astonishing sale in Amerl ca is due to merit alone. No Remedy that has ever been sold In America has met with such unprecedented success in so short a time as Prunl - tone, the celebrated Prune Tonic. If your Skin is Ugly, Flesh Flabby, Cheeks Hollow or your Neck Scrawny, or if you tire easily, lack air bi- ion. strength and energy, restless nights. Lave indigestion or stomach trouble, don't delay. Go at once to Ij. EL Scog pin and secure a bottie of Prunitone. SPECIAL NCriCB. Prunitone Is reccomme' ?d at a Hesh builder and feconstmctive sy ,?.'era Ten to. In many tnsln'.ci-K H hae I-rovod wonderlully effective in cases ot indigestion, He&htburn. Sleepless ness, Nervousness and general run down conditions It Is, however, ad visable only for persons wishing to increase their v eight and renew t.helr ~1 rength and energy to uso -'runitone. It may, howewer, be borno In mind that Prunitone contains no injurious drugs but la composed entirely of Prunes P. ots, Herbs and Iron in a most palatable liquid form. More than half a million men and women have used Prnnitone with wonderful suc cess, and it has been positively pro ven that it does mak? thin folks fat. t-ven whers all els"j has failed. Don't say it oan't be done. T?y Prunitone and prove what can be done for you. adv. FOB SALE BY L. E. SCOGGIJi PhOnC 1 1 1 GROCERIES Your order will receive the same prompt attention that yon gat in person? and it will save you the time and trouble of coming to our store. Special service gladly rendered. J. Allen Harris ;XOUISBURO, *' North Carolina i?:5 ' WONKY TO LEND ON IMPROVED farm lands. 6 p?r cent Interest. No eommlaalon, no bona*. May ran for n year* or bo paia off at option 4 of borrow or. Only a abort tlmo ro qutred to gat Um 16,000 f1rl? are enrolled In the home iGemonatratlon clubs, and 14,000 (tirU and woman are enrolled In the demon stration clubs and community club* onMM by Um Home Uamonstrat ion of tha Nortb Carolina State and Department 6f Ajcricui !T 14 tf , To Stop a Coafb Quick . Uke HAVES' 'HEALING HONEY. . coujh medic1 L- ? ? 1 bMllntf the I che? aDd throat of children rafforinf ftom * Cold or CToop. sssiSSSs: *s5?3$3 '^jTsssLSssSmXni^' *? 1?^^ ,or HAYE8' Free Flower Seeds! To* will be glad to kJtow tut B? ! tings', "Th* Booth'* SMdlBU," will glr* 1*1 r about 1.M0.MQ ptokM of lead of th* South'* moat popular flow *r* thl* spring. Thar* t* nothing In th* ham* th*t oan oompar* with rich oolorad flowers. They brighten n* *11 up tM ?III any houa* attractir*. You can't plant too many flowar* and thl* opportunity to (at 8Mrl*j Poppl**, Everlasting flow er*, 7tnnl*i. Coamoa and Maxlcaji Bum In* Bu*h absolutely fraa, la oartalnly to b* waloomad by *U raadar* of thl* P*P?r. Tou oan (*t thral Just writ* to Hastings' tor th* new 1111 Catalog. It tall* you how to gat no war seeds fr**. It ha* 100 pag** of beautiful photo graphic plcturaa and uuimlt daacrlp tlon* of garden flowar and fM4_*eeda. bulb* and plants, and alas t* full of helpful Information that fc needed almost dally In every Southern hem*. It' ? th* moat valuable aaad book erar published and you will ba mighty glad you've got It Just write aad ask tor the Mt Oatalo* H. ?L HAtTINM OO, Atlanta, **. This spring a total of 440,899 crates of strawberries went out of that part of North Carolina served by the At lantic^ Coast Line Railway. This com prises the main berry region of the State. This shows that there was an Increase of 155,688 crates OTer last j*ar, and good prices were received for the berries shipped. What this country needs Is a law against men wearing coats. o A June husband tells us he has been married a month and hasn't u ashed a dish yet. ? r A universal custom Alter thai boM&t* mry Every di, Mccll c,eanses lhe *ee",i ? f soothes Am throat. WRIGLEYS a good thing to remember Staled in its Parity Package THE, FLAVOR LASTS NOTICE Haying qualified as administrator, c t a. of the estate of J. E. Nicholson, de ceased, late of Franklin County, no tice Is hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of June, 1924, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make Immediate settlement This June 21st 1923. C. T. NICHOLSON, 6-22 6t Admr. c. t. a. NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Mary Q. Hudson, deceased, late of Franklin County, no tice 1s hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of June, 1924, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make Immediate settlement. This June 21st, 1923. W2-6t W. H. HUDSON, Adm'r. FRANKLIN INS. * REALTY 00. LOANS AND INSURANCE 7-Jltf TUCKER'S HOTEL and - CAFE j 2 Main Street LOUISBURG, R. C. The bent of meal* the mar ket affords and prepared la the best of fashion. Plenty of rooms for th? accommodation of all who with to spend the night, all Well tarnished. J. C ; TUCKER Proprietor ..... Habituai Const i pail on Curei % - In 14 to 2tr Days % "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is aspeclally preparwLSyrup Toni^Laxati ve tor Habitual Constipaion. It Relieves promptly but should be taken ifcgularly (or 14 to 21 days to Induce reguiy action. It, Stimulates and 1 Regulates. V?ry Pleasant to Take.?60o per bottle. ^ TH8 FRANKLIN TIMES $1.60 Per Tear In Adrance NOTICE Havlnig qualilcd as Administratrix of the estate of J. T. Edwards, de ceased, late of Franklin County, no tice Is hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to thMundersigned on or before the 22nd day of June, 1924, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make Immediate settlement This Jane 21st, 1928. e-22-?t MRS. M E. EDWARDS, Admrx | "KEN'S V. 8. ARMY MXTNSOTf-LAST | SHOES AT ?LK BlseeSH toll Never again will you be able to buy these shoes at stich a low prlw We were lacky In finding a manufacturer. Who was overstocked with them, and needed reedy cash, ao we bought them at almost one-half of the regu lar price. This shoe la made over its U. 8. Army Munson-last, with ex tra heavy stitching; special grained chrome brown leather need through out An Ideal shoe for workmon, nr -_ , . postmen, carpenters and motormen, who are obliged to be on their feet all day. Bead correct aise. Pay Postman I flJS on delivery, or send as a money | order. If yon are not satisfied with these] ?Oes after you examine them, we will | promptly refund your money." ;tj. 8. DISTRIBUTING * BALES COMPANY, 10- M Weet 22nd Ftreot, S-J-tf New Yor* City, N Y A TONIC drove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores and Vitality by Pnrifylng and ' the Blood. Whet^yetf feel Its tag. InvigoraUpfeffect, see how It brlnf* obtor to I ? cheeks and how It Improve lhe *bprtlte, joa will then appreciate Its tme tonic value. (fcuve't TestewKchin Tonlo Is simply fed* and (Whine Appended in syrup. So 30 ' "alt. The blood It and IRON to N. C. Law Says Stop Before Crossing We Say Stop, Look and Listen Before Buying We are giving especial attention at this time to Flonr, Lard, Sugar and Coffee. We receive onr flour direct from the mill and carry from Vanco to Melrose and White House brands. Don't buy from us until you get the other fellow's price The Hudson Store Co. NEXT DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK Louisburg, N. C. Your Success Account A Savings Account might really be called a "success account, " for your chances of success increase day by day with the am ount of your sav ings. Farmers National Bank Under U. S. Government , Supervision MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE Louisburg, H. O. ./ , ?? |i ^ ,v. ,.x. .