The World's Greatest Fruit Tonic is now having a tremendous sale owing to its unusual merit. It is the ideal tonic to build up the run down system aud round out your face and figure with healthy firm flesh and strong muscles. . ? * Many people both young and old drag about without ambi tion enough to do half a day's work, they feel all tired out, ex hausted, have sleepless nights, their nerv es are gone. Prunitone aids in building up the run down condition and gives you jwp. - ? What Pmnitone is doing f or will do for you. I was run down, could not sleep nights, had no appetite and what I eat distressed me, my physicians said It was stomach trouble and he gave me a course of treatment for months without any relief and I tri<*d many other remedies but nothing seemed to help me until a friend recommended Prunitone and it has certainly made a new stomach for me, 1 nellevc, for I can eat anything now and I sleep like a baby at night, I just wish I could tell everyone personally that is worn out. always tired and exhausted just what it has done for me. Yours truly, Mrs. Mary A. Mason, Bangor, Maine. Mrs. E. G. Shepherd, Manchester. N. H. writes: ? I have suffered for 15 jears with Rheumatism and have tri ed more than a dozen Doctors and jany number of medicines without re ceiving any permanent relief until I 'tried Prunitoae and after takiug six bottles I feel twenty years younger than when I started taking 1L My ad vice to anyone suffering with Rheuma tism is to start taking Prunltone at once and It will soon be gone forever. Chas. K. Dickey. Syracuse, N. Y. writes: ? Just a few lines to tell you what Prunltone lias done for me. I suffered a nervous breakdown two years ago and had tried physicians medicines, and many remedies that were advertised as cure-alls but noth ing did me any good until I tried lYunitone and it seemed to help me almost from the first dose nad now I am feeling fine and full of ambition. I runitone is certainly a wonderfful nerve tonic and it gives me such an appetite I can't eat enough at one m^fptl> last until the next. Hastings' 8eods 1023 Catalog Free Writ* todaj for Huttafa' n?w lilt qatalot. You will seed the Information It sItw almost daily ? the most valu able and useful ???<1 book *t*i publlah ?d. It oontaln* 100 pagQ*. picturing And oorreotly deecrlblng the b??t and post popular rogeiablea, Dowtn and (arm crops tor the South. How and what to plant In your yard, garden and (laid tor erwy purpose. How to beat Che boll weayfl. bean boetla and other pert*. Pull matural oolar plcturee ot the bMt Ro>m, Glad ioli and other flower*. How to g?t S packets of seed of beautiful flower* free. How much seed 1* rs^ulrwd to j plant a row or acre, wb?a and how to plant and cultivate. Why it pay* to plant good seeds and how t? I?t them as cheap oc cheaper than common or | ordinary seeds. Just write tor thl* hAndsom* new, 1913 Seed Book. It's a bwjtlful book and you'll be mlgbty to hare It In your home. It 1* absolutely tra*. Write for It today. H. t. HA8TINOS QU, ? 1 1 Atlanta, CM. I*. S. spends more on gum than religion. This is becauso gum is used every day. TRUSTEE'S RE-SALE OP LAND Pursuant to an order of re-salc made by the Superior OouFt^f Fraat lin County in the matter oi sale of the lands of H. A. Williams by Wni. K. Pace. Trustee, Ex part?, upoajm advance bid on a sale thereof made July 9, 1923, and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in that certain deed of trust dated April 15 1918, and recorded iu Franklin Registry in book 194, page 389. default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand for fore closure having been made by the hol der of said indebtedness so secured upon said trustee, the undersigned will on MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1923 at the noon recess of Court, at the court house door in Loulsburg. N. C. offer for sale at pubiic auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described lands situate near the town of Youngsvllle and in said deed of trust described as Lot No. 4 of the division of the Williams land, and more particularly defined as fol lows: Begins at a stake, corner ot Lot No. 6 in the line of the Railroad land; thence N 88 1-2 W 15.25 chain* to the center of the road, corner for No. 6, marked by a stake on the East side; thence along the road S 20 1-2 E 3.92 chains; thence S 34 1-2 E 1.80 chains to a stake near a corner of the graveyard; thence S S>8 1-2 E 13.50 chains to a corner of Lot No. 6 in the line of the Railroad land; thencs along that line N 8 W 5 chains to tha beginning, containing 7 1-2 acres, lees cne acre reserved and excepted tor family graveyard. This July 27th, 1923. WM. H. PACE, Trustee. Wm. H. ft Thos. W Ruffin, Attorneys 7-27-St tiabltuai tonsil potion Carad I in 14 to 21 Days >?/ "LAX-FOS WITH rt^SIN" is ? speofally pre pared Syrup Tonlc-Laxativ?f or Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to II days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take.* ?0o per bottle. Phone 111 GROCERIES FOR SALE BY L. E. SCOGGIN Your order will receive the same prompt attention that you get in person? and it will save you the time and trouble of coming to our store. Special service gladly rendered. J. Allen Harris LOUISBURG, North Carolina BUILDING do you buy permqnence ? r* COSTS but little more at the start than temporary construction. Over a period of year* it means dollars in your pocket ? for the upkeep on temporary building costs more than the building itself in the end. Your building material dealer has seen the growth of permanent building ? Kim done much himself to help it. You can save money bjr following his adrice as to method* of construction and brand* of material. Pound?d In l?38 Chartered In 1M9 TRIINITY COLLEGE Durham, North Carolina Trinity College otters the general student the choice of a wide rarlety of couraes leading to the bachelors degree. For mature students It pro Tides also special groups of studies In Business Administration. Relig ious Training, Engineering, Pre-medlcal, General Science Work, Teaoh tlon In all Departments. School oflng and Pre-legal. Graduate Instruc LAW. Fall Term begins 8opt. 17, 192J. Tor Catalague und Illustrated Bjcklet address R. L,* PLOWBRS. S*or*tnry to th? Corporation rw*irn djb. ? WUMra co. Uim ATO IH80IUHX IMUt ?- ;'S ?' ""?? 1 1 DOW* , rOROfcT TO BBND cow IN barlt - ' ? ? t . ?* f ? . v. ^ # ?r / , *>. ' . vu .. ' ,*>'* jr .>? : . ? JJ *-t >n v' ika fL,'. 1 ?-tirri In V^iyi^T' MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED farm laada. ? par cent Interest. No eommlaaton, no bonna. May ran for M year* or b? paid off at option ot borrower. Only a abort tlma re quired to get the money T-14-tt , 8. A. NBWRIX.. TH* nU**LIN $1.60 I'er Year In Advance JTakeit home to the kids. Haw j packet in your pocket for an ever-ready treat. TUCKER'S HOTEL and CAFE Main Street LOUISBURG, , N. C. The best of meals the mar- , ket affords and prepared la the best of fashion. Plenty of rooms for the gcoommodatlon of all who wish to spend the night, all well furnished. J. C. TUCKER Proprietor THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY CO. Announce that Mr. B. B. Perry has taken charge of He Insurance buanesab Mr. retry will be glad to gee hla friends, and when In need of ANY KIND of Insurance, gee htrrv Mr. Perry hag had many yearg ex perience In Insurance, and la prepared to tfye the public the b?at of serrlce. For Insurance of any kind, write, phone or gee Bennett Perry THE FRANKLIN INS. AND * REALTY 00. Nice thing about being eldnny 1* can eat all you pleaae without tetter. conductor! report the rising healthy. Many kid* of to be ten. A TONIC will than N. C. Law Says Stop Before Crossing We Say Stop, Look and ^ Listen Before Buying We are giving especial attention at this ?> time to Flour, Lard, Sugar and Coffee. We receive our flour direct from the mill and carry from Vanco to -Melrose and White House brands. Don't buy from us until you get the other fellow's price The Hudson Store Co. NEXT DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK Louisburg, N. C. Your Success Account A Savings Account might really be called a 14 success account," for your chances of success increase , day by day with the am ount of your sav ings. Farmers National Bank t - ? w ' '?;! I'M Under U. S. Government Supervision MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE Louisburg, V. O. 1U II. yj V-uv^k A delicious confec tion and an aid to Ike lea lb, appetite, | digestion. A

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