Feathers Most Come Before Eggs Molting season is here. Your hens will easily lose their old feathers. But can they grow new ones? If you don't give your birds feather-making feed, they will drain their bodies for feather-making material. The molt will be prolonged, and the birds _ will not lay next winter. Chowder makes feathers. Feed twice as much ' *"* iv, and your hens will molt They will be ready for L. P. HICKS Headquarters for Purina 1 RU,SJ'^E'S SALE OF TOWN LOT ro.LAND IN na8H AND FRANKLIN counties 1 VflnU?w tUe power 0( sale con n , w nT,n deed of tr?Bt rem- n r A Culpepper, Z. N. Cul L ' v' D- L Culpepper and wife and W . H ? S, T?Sykea- Depress, to iVm ? , uffin- Trustee, dated Dec. 23 fn'p iio/ec0r in Nash Registry Un p?:"? "',w? 253 and In Fran? , f ^Kistry In Book 244, pages 112-1' ??t ? ,blen mac'e ii? 'he pay mint of the debt thereby secured ar.d demand for foreclosure having been made by the holder of the in debtedness so secured by the said trustee; and default having been ,he Payment of sal<}. febt ac , Ji '"s t(J the terms of the decree of the Superior Court -of Nash County in that action entitled Mrs. Nannie T f/J"? ef al \s Wm. H. Ruff In. Trus tee et al^ and pursuant to he decree Hald Superior Court made In said action, the undersigned will on MONDAY SEPTEMBER 3. 1923 1 VT r^0Ba ?f Col"-t ^ Nash J*; f ; N- C., offer for sale, at public 1 auction to the highest bidder for cash 1 if/T, T'aJn Iots and tracts of tand ! V *f8hvllle and N?sh County, North Carolina, in said deed of trust lows* and th"e da8cr,t)ed as fol -.tf?nr?Tra<Ct' A tract ?r land *situ tv whlrhT 88 township. Nash coun ty, which is composed of three tracts fcparately described as follows: ' Tract (a). Beginning at a stake in MrS cor?er> ,n 'William B Williams line, thence S 87 E 148 1-2 8fl mi?? ? Pln? Stum": thence 84 W 8G Poles to a Blackburn; thence fl ?? i .40 poles to a stake; thence N ^1 E f hL Si 8 Black Jack on the road ? thence along said road to Geo. Pow' rock, corner; thence N 4 E 1KS N sTw 157Snn,e T* ' ^ ? is;, o F 8 10 a Redoak; thence S 152 1-2 poles to the beginning ron aming one hundred and seVnty three and 1-8 acres (178 1-8) more or Tract (b). A tract or parcel of land conveyed to the late B. N Cul pepper by J. T. Webb and wife bv deed recorded in Book 73 pairs 52 ?tJf Rowing of Nash 0* "to reference is hereby made for 17 sTlir"0?' Wld tract c0ntaln ? " 8"J acres, 'more or let*. j" (?)- A tract containing 86 wires more or less, convjyed to B h ^epper by J- T- Webb and wife u, ,n Ns"h c? Nl< tn wM^K . "? and following. SIS taSSS* '? "" J2KyjS2\2)i? conveyed to 3. B Jeffreys bv deed corded in Nash Registry, Book 102 tarfrf n an '0''?wlng, leaving the lands now convoyed 126 1-2 arre? more or less. acres. Sixth Tract, A certain tract m. of land lying and being situate in the town of Nashville, Nash County North 2Z"i> HJ0Bn,n?r >?"*? oij?Hh r SvJTrf- Veatar and the Hotel Mr^Hbma 521" " ,he OM Cttlpep ? ^C*p%.rUPM " PrM'?t f Fifth Tract That tract , near to the corporate limits of 1h? town of Nashville, Nash Coujty North Carolina, purchased by the said B M Culpepper from R. a. P Coolev tied on the North by the pobnii on the East, South and West bv #h/ lands Of Dr. T. T B-i.7 nn.Vi .tho ten acres, more or less reference" hi" Ing had to the deed ?!_" ?ortpt'^Nrr^unt' ? b* & ^L.P<7r?r 0f oontalSd ta Jlouase ndo?r# ST& fiSg* following described loC* ^ Franklin County, North Carolina First Tract. Beginning at a Holly and Cypress stump on the North banU ot Tar River in William E. Williams' line; thence an Easterly direction with said line to a stake in said Williams line; thence a Southerly di rection to said Tnr River, to a corner Hickory in Williams line; thence up the meanders of said Tar River to the first station, containing One Hundred and Twenty Eight and one half <128 1-2) acres, more or less; It being the sam?-tract ot land purchased by W. K. Davis from William Store d-.'ed for which is recorded In Book 33 page 311 of Franklin Registry, and being the same land purchased by B. N. Cul pepper from the said W. K. Davis in 1S78, as will appear by reference to a Certain obligaticn bond recorded In Book 156, page 2C4 to which referenci is hereby ipade. Second Tract. Beginning at a Feech tree on the bank of Cypress '"'reek, thence a Southerly direction William B. TV'iiliama line to a Wal nut- tree on the North banfc of Tar I River; thence down said river to Cy press tree in said Williams corner: thence an Easterly direction to a cor ner postoak In Williams co/Irar; thence East to Cypress Creek, a cor ner iiostoatk in Williams corner; thence along the meanders of said creek to the beginning containing 101 1-2 acres, more or less. The same being the lands purchased by W. K. Davis from Wllliaio Stone as record ed In Pouk 33, page 312 of Franklin Registry, and later p trrhastd b> B. N. Culpepper from the said W. - K. Davis, as will appear by reference to a certain obligation bond, dated 1878, acd recorded In Book 166, page 264 of said Registry. All of tho above des cribed tracts ot land are situate In Cypress Creek townhlp. Franklin County. Third Tract. This tract adjoins the lands of Calvin Wlggs. H. J. Haines estate, J. J. Alford and oth ors, and Is composed ot three tracts or parcels of land which are separate and degiribod as follows : Tract (a). Beginning at a stake In Gay's corner on the Tarboro road, thence along said road N 68 W 1?0 poles 23 links to a small Postoak Balnes' corner In Tant's line; thence S 29 E.60 poles to a Pine Stump, Tant's line or corner; thence N 78 E 19 poles to a Pine, Tant's corner; thence 8 2 E 174 poles to a Gum and Pine In Altord's line; thence East 97 poles 7 links to a Pine In Wlggs' line; thence N 140 polea 10 links to the be ginning, containing by survey One Hundred and Two and one halt (102 1-2) acres, more or less. Tract (b). Beginning at 'he center of the Loulsburg and Tarboro road In Wlggs' line; thence N 88 W 17 poles 17 links to a rock; thence N 12 1-8 E 8 1-2 poles to the center of the Louis burg and Tarboro road; thence along sala road 8 60 E 18 polea l.link to the' beginning, containing by survey two fifth (2-5) of an acre, more or less. Tract (e). Beginning at a rock In Wlggs' line; thence N 12 1-2 E 15 pol es to the center of the <Loulsbnrg road thenoe along said road N 60 W 86 pol es 2 links to the center of said rood, a Pine on the North side; thence 8 63 poles 5 links to a rock tn Wlggs' corner; thence 8 88 E 70 poles 19 links to the beginning, containing by survey 16 1-2 acres' more or leas. The same being the lands purchased hgr B N. Culpepper from J. P. Timber) ake and wife as will appear by reference to deed recorded In Book 98 page 842 of Franklin Registry. Seventh Tract. Also one other tract situate In Franklin County, North Carolina, being lot No. 3 in the partition Of the J. Madison Culpepper lands allotted In the Special Proceed ings entitled J. H. Culpepper and others against Edgar Sykes and oth ers, a* recorded in Book No. 9 ot Or der* and Decrees page 85 et aeq, to JUntf, Dwlght and Zollle Culpepper, containing 87 And 8-10 acres, mora or less, reference being had to said re NOTICE OP SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES In accordance with the law and par- . snant to an order passed by the Board I of Commissioners for the Town of Louisburg. N. O. directing and author ing the Tax Collector to advertise all property, the owners or which had failed to pay one-third of the Taxea due on same by the 14th day of July, 1923, I will as per said order directed proceed to sell at public auction for cash at the court house door in Louls burg, N. C. on the 20th day of August, 1S*23 at about the hour of noon, the following real estate to satisfy past due Taxee. 1920 J. D, Hines, lot Church St $162.20 John W. Alston, 1 lot Halifax road 27. OS George Merrltt, 1 lot Kenmore Avenue 0 88 Sand Williams, 1 lot River Rd 17.46 Calvin Yarboro, 1 lot River Rd 15.27 1921 C. M. Cooke Estate, 1 lot Main Street 174.21 Hlnes-Hodges Motor Co. Church and Nnsh Street 221.70 J. D. Hines, Church and Nash Street 63.40 F B. McKinne, 1 lot Middle St 167.69 John W. Alston, 1 lot Halifax Road 21. #4 Washington Davis, 1 lot Kenmore Avenue 9.85 Davis & Yarboro, 1 lot Nash St 6.60 George Egerton, 1 lot S Side River 6.44 W. M. Martin, 1 lot S Sido River 9.96 Willis R. McKnight, 1 lot S Side River 6.70 Nathan Ruff In, 1 lot S Side River 7.68 Alice Skinner, 1 lot S Side River J.3. 44 P. W. Williams, 1 lot River Rd 15^8 Calvin Yarboro, 1 lot River Rd 11.48 Calvin Yarboro Est. 1 lot River Road 6.83 Henry H. Yarboro, 1 lot S Side River 7.90 1922 C. M. Cooke Estate, l lot Main Street 241.41 J. J. Hayes Estate, 1 lot Main. Street 77.07 Hines-Hodges Motor Cq. 1 lot Nash Street 64.95 Mrs. F. B. McKinne, 1 lot Middle Street 188.65 Elnoia Yarborough, 1 lot S Sido River 11.91 J. W. Alston, 1 lot Halifax Rd 28.68 Eddie Bridgers, 1 lot Black Town 11.62 Algier Davis, 1 lot River Rd 13.44 June D. Davis, 1 lot S Side River 16.98 Washington Davis, 1 lot S Side River > 16.72 George Egerton, 1 lot S Sido River 7.30 Millie Foster, 1 lot S Side River 13. 6S Calvin Yarboro, 1 lot River Rd 16.32 Austin Qreen, 1 lot S Side River 11.91 Sam A Harris, 1 lot Main St 92. SO W. H. Hawkins, 1 lot Main St 46.00 Hlxey Hazelwood, 1 lot 8 Side River 5.79 Louisana Kearney, 1 lot S Side River 10.38 Wm. Martin, 1 lot Black Town 12.91 Ethel Merrltt, 1 lot S Side River 11.91 Richard Skinner, 1 lot S Side River ' 10.76 P. W. Williams, 1 lot River Rd 19.44 Augustus Williams, 1 lot Halifax Road 12.91 Calvin Yarboro Estate, River Rd IS. 03 H. C. Yarboro, 1 lot S Side River 8.32 Hiilllard H. Yarboro, Church and Nash Street 45.01 D. C. HIGH, Tax Collector. | July 20, 1923. cord for full description thereof. TEH MB OF SALE ? Cash; and a de posit of 25 per cent of each bid will be required Immediately at the con clusion of the bidding, and if deposit not satisfactory to the trustee, bid ding will be Immediately re-opened and another gale made. This August 2nd) 1923. 8-3-5t WM H. RUFFIN, Tructee. NOTICE OP SALE OF PROPERTY TO PAST DUE ASSESSMENTS ON STREETS OF LOUIS BURO. N. C. Pursuant to an order passed, June 2'..th, 1923, by the Board of Commis sioners ot the Town ot Louisburg, N. C. and recorded In Minute Docket, page 22 authorizing and directing the Clerk to collect the past due Street assessments according to law, I will sell at public auction to tbe highest bidder for Cash at the Court House door In Louisburg, N. C. on the 20th day ot August, 1923, the following lots or parcels of property situated in the Town of Louisburg, N. C. By order Board of Commissioners. J. J. BARROW, Clerk. J. M. Allen and W. R. Allen, lot known as the Mill property south side of River contain ing about 871 feet b ontago $1,467.11 O. H. Cooper, lot on Kenmore Ave, about 100 ft frontage.. 63.04 H H. Yarboro, 1 lot Nash St.? 55.68 1 lot Church Street 74.1* F. B. McKinne, 1 lot Middle St about 115 feet frontage 93.46 St. Mathias Church, Main 8t. (South side River) 94.64 J. A. Turner Estate, lots on Middle Street, about 146 feet frontage 130v?6 Mrs. J. R. Collie, 1 lot Main St. 74 feet frontage B7.1S J. C. Tucker, 1 lot Main St? 19.10 Why People Boy Kafr-Nnap in Prefer ence to Rat Poison (1) RAT-SNAP absolutely kills rats and mice. (2) What It iloesnt kill It scares away. (3) Rain killed with RAT-SNAP lcare no smell, they diy up Inside. (4) Made in takes, no mixing with other food. (5) Cats or dogs won't touch It. Three sises, 35c, 66c, $1;26. Bold and auaranteed ly Cash Qrocory and Market. Ady. THE FRANKLIN TIMES - 11.60 Per Year In Advance One farmer near Apex who patro nize* the Raleigh Curb Market hua ?old during the last six months t41o worth of poultry and eggs from a flock of 186 hens. Ho has one hundred young pullets tor another year and ha? fertilised his truck crops with poultry manure. J GAINS 25 POUNDS IN 30 DAYS Remarkable Experience of P. C. Lake Builds Up Weight Quickly "I was all run down," writes P. C. Lake, "I bad to quit work I was so weak. Now, thanks to Prunltone, I look like a new man. I gained 25 pounds In 30 days." "Prunltone has put ten pounds on me in 14 days," Stated Wm. Brack. "It has made me sleep well, enjoy what I ate and enabled me to work with Interest and pleasure." If you would like to put on a few pounds of good solid flesh just try Prunltone, It will surely surprise you. For sale by L. E. Scoggin. NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of L. C. Taylor, de ceased, late of Franklin County, no tice Is hereby given a'l persons hold In* claims against said estate To pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of August, 1924, or tht? notice will be plead In bar of their rocovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make immediate settlement. _ This August 2nd, 1923. 8-3-6t H. E. LONG, Extr. FOR SALE 85 acres of splendid farming land Ju?t outside of Franklinton, known as the I. H. Kearney home, has (5,000.00 worth of buildjng on it, and is one of the beat small farms in Franklin County. See or write E. H. MALONE. Louisburg, N. C 7-27-tf FOR RENT The old Nicholson home place, near Mitchlner's Cross Roads for 1924, about tour horse farm suitable for cotton, tobacco, corn, etc. good resi dence, plenty outhouses, in Ann com munity, good school and church ad vantages. Apply to C. T. NICHOL SON, Franklinton, N. C., or O. C. MJTCH1NER, at Mitchlner's Croas Roada. 7-?7-4t FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE I8> When, one farmer brought the coun ty agent of Perquimans County about one hundred' punctured cotton squares on July 21, the agent used these in , demonstration to explain the life his tory of the boll weevil and methods for Its control. THhl FRANKL.Ii; TIMES 11.50 Per Tear in Advance. 9 Paint and Varnish Products Prevent Destruction Doomed by the Arrows of the Rain HORDES of ravaging rain shafts shoot down oh year barn from the c^ruds. They cut gashes by the thousand in th* wood; laying It op?n to d?cay. Then, steadily, Rot devours th* endurance and value of the barh. The only way to prevent this destruction is to Coat your barn with paint protection. Shielded by Devoe Products, your barn will stand sound throughout the years. McKINNE BROTHERS Louisburg, N. C. Waterproof your building t with : Deroe Barn Faint Deyoe Lead and Zino House Paint Dcvoe Shingle Stain Three Good Warehouses in Louisburg THE PLANTERS THE UNION and THE CO-OPS Bring your tobacco to Louisborg and deposit the proceeds with b V The Farmers & Merchants Bank IF YOU WANT TO OKDEK A New Magazine tUnrw Tour Old SilHcrljllo* T.et me do tt for yon. Best prices on single or com bination subscriptions, and I become personally responsi ble that you receive all num bers regularly. Will appre ciate your orders, and always ^lve them immediate atten tion. Phone or write If you ennnot see me conveniently. MRS. J. A. TURNER Special Representative OB Lorilsburg-, N. 0.

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