THE FRANKLIN TIMES ST JOHNSON, Editor Ml II. M WlMttt i.M Klx Months 74 M Hoatki M itfowlCT Advwt 3G&I1 AMERICAN Advertising R?praMotaUv? PRgSS ASSOCIATION Altered at the Post Office at Louis- | N. C., as second class matter. Federal Judge Woodrough. of Srook lyn kus banded down an opinion that the United States had a right to seize ships loitering around the three mile limit for the purpose of delivering a cargo of liquor. H. a COO-OPS OPEN MARKETS AUGUST B1 Tobacco Association Doables Deliver let In s Week ? Wins Legal Victory la Boa tli Caroliaa. (S. D. Frlssell) All of the Eastern North Carolina markets of the Tobacco Growers Co operative Association will open for de liveries on Tuesday, Aug. 21. The As sociation last week doubled Its re ceipts In South Carolina with deliv eries which amounted to 1,484,242 lbs. and even heavier deliveries are look ed for on the cooperative floors throu Shout the South Carolina Belt this week. The Association has already receiv ed close to 3,000,000 pounds of the South Carolina crop. Members of the Tobacco Coopera tive are highly pleased with the large increase in first cash advances with which the markets opened this year and from present indications 'ft ap pears as though the organized grow ers of South Carolina will double the amount of their 1922 deliveries with the present crop. The most important legal victory yet won by the Association in South Carolina was gained last Saturday, "When Judge Shlpp. in the Florence County Court, upheld the Association in all points and continued the injunc tion against V. M. Venters, a member of the Association and his adult son, -%Tio is a non-member, restraining them both from delivering their to bacco outside of the Cooperative As sociation . Venters, who is a large tobacco planter of Florence County, claimed that he had rented his land to his son for five hundred dollars cash rent and the decision restraining their deliver ies further strengthens the contention of the co-ops that all tobacco grown upon the lands of landlord members must be delivered to their own As so elation. United States Circuit Judge C. A. Woods, of Marion, 8. C., in a written statement last week, declared, "I hare tried to influence ail of my share croppers to join the Association. I believe that in the co-operative plan is the sole hope of the farmers for sal vation from industrial depression and tfavery, No act of mine shall retard Its progress. On the contrary, I wish to promote it in every possible way. 1 have full confidence in the officers and directors of the Association and their attorneys and I shall follow their rulings." Judge Woods protested against a newspaper advertisement by George Yarborough, Mulllns warehouseman, in which Yarbc rough stated that two tenants of Judge Woods had sold a load of tobacco at an suction ware house. Since this incident, Evans & Lambert, the tenants who were invol ved, have voluntarily agreed to deliv er all the remainder of their share of the crop to the Association. Among the cooperative rallies of this week was the big picnic of Beau* fort County tobacco growers with whom Richard R. Patterson, Manager of the Association's Leaf Department, T. C. Watklns, Jr., Manager of the Association's Warehouses, and Con gressman H. S. Ward were present. President Oeorge A. Norwood of the Tobacco Cooperative addressed the growers of Pender County on the same day, while in Western North Carolina Dr. J. Y. Joyner, Director of the Asso ciation from L much cmt b? don* now to r^L^r, ?3^1 r E. *cC*ll, evi% (cr But* Collet* u< DapartaMnt of Afrl cuitura, giraa k llat at mom r?#rt?blo? that may be rlMta4 dnrln* ibla taonth to ?Urt th? tell cartas on lu way. H> aaya, '?lant now, atrni'raa groan pod batEa. Cua laMoea, bead l?t '.net, kale, lamina, narrou M<* ruta bftffAk. 8?ad* *uy ba plantad lata thta m -nth tor wlrtar cabbaca, salary, c*a: Bd pleasant eyery morning until gloy*n o'clock, and the roat of the day will take care ot ltaelf. Place your Fire aiU lite Inaa ranee wltk thta Agency, and I will take core Of YOUR INSURANCE TROUBLBg FOR YOU. ThU Agency li the OLDEST IN FRANKLIN COCNTY. T. W. WATSON, AGENT Whtm jam Milak at INSURANCE, Utak of W? J