Toffs Pills FKANKLIX LOANS P I C - N I C S and otLer orderly gatherings are invited to use our grounds when needed. Good bathing, boating, danc ing an4 excellent orchestra.. . Dancing every week night. Sacred concerts Sunday afternoons. PUNKIN CENTRE AMUSEMENT CO., Inc. (At Clifton's Pond) Fruit Jars, Tops, and Rubbers Preserving Kettles Aluminum and Enamel "? I am Retting in a large lot of Cooking Stoves and Ranges that can't be beat for cooking qualities, at very reasonable prices. I can save you money on your Stoves and Ranges. Lucas Pure House and Automobile Paints A store full of good Hardware H. O. TAYLOR Hardware THIS IS A PERSON" IAL LETTER TO EVERY PERSON IN FRANKLIN COUNTY, FROM L. E. Scoria G. L Ajeor k M. 8. ClifUm, Jr. We want every person In Franklin County to visit Scoggin'o Drug Store, recently remodeled and made the prettiest business house In the county. "We want -you to Inspect our new beautiful and perfect- | ly sanitary Soda Fountain recently installed in Scoggin's Drug - Store. It Is constructed so' you can see your drinks prepared. Mr. M S. Clifton, Jr., Is in charge at this fountain, he is the most effic ient of any in the State. Buy your fountain drinks from him and you will be amazed to see how quickly, perfectly and politely he will serve you. We want.^very person in Franklin County to buy their Turnip Seed at Scoggin's Drug Store. Our Mr. G. L. Aycock Is still with . us to sell you Just what you want, he has selected, bought and sold you seeds for 30 year a, and have just what you want now. We want every person in Franklin County to trade at Scoggln'B ' Drug Store for we have everything usually kept in an up-to-date drug store. We especially ask that you let us fill your prescrip tions, bring them to UB or hace your physician leave them with us. Messrs. L. E. Scoggln and O. L. Aycocke, the old reliable prescrlp- 1 tion fillers, will give them our careful attention and will make our prices correct and satisfactory. We thank you for past favors and hope you all will come to see us soon. Respectfully, Scoggin Drug Store G. L. AYCOCK, MAURICE CLIFTON, JIL, L. E. SCOGGIN Personal: I am the only Aycock in the drug business in Louis burg and am at Scoggins Drug Store; when you want Aycock to handle your business bring or send it to me ai Scoggins Drug Store and oblige. Your old friend. O. L. AYCOCK. Mrs. J. A. Turner has gone to the Northern Markets to purchase the fall and winter stock for THE LADIES SHOP In order to make room for our new lines we are of fering special prices on all sulmmer goods. A beautiful shipment of pure wool blankets in plain plaids and colors has just been received. Buy a pair for the boy and girl before they leave for College. t ' > ? ; THE LADIES SHOP Mra, E. R. Harris, Prop. ' Mrs. J. A. Turner, Mgr. M?in Street Loui*burg, N. 0. - c. ~ . atood M ?f teet, with bearing-down peW In BIT ixlt* and tha low i?a-?M?"nS72 CARDUI Hi Wonaffs Tmte ued to take it. . bottie I ihei tow . 1 to Ueshea _ __ reive bqttiea(< art haven't had a btt .Its. ? ThOlMttda Ot have had tlrnllar exoeriaacaa la UM Hf Ot brought rtlM whera other mtdlcinet had tilled. n tou tuffer from fcuuJl lU Btni, take Cardul. ft h a wobiii'i medicine. It may be |?at what yoe need. At your druggWa or < FOR SALE I We have Hated for sale several val I uable farms, among which are (1) I about 84 acres Cedar Rock T. 8. known | as Cooke land, on State highway; (2) | about liS acres Hayesvflle T. S. known as part of Whi taker lands. For prices and terms, see | FRANKLIN INS. & REALTY CO. (Over First National Rank) ^ No Worms In a ncaltby CbJfd I All children troubled with Worm* have aa?a heskhrcstsr. which indicate* poor bUB. andbea rate, then Is mora or leu RoaucViliitiiibBOL G80VTS TASTELtSS chllj TOW1C /w rmhtiy far two or threo weekl wilk enrichrth# blood, to prov* th* digestion, and act Ma ^eaeralStreBtth ?ataf Toole to the whole ayateot Nstnje will then throw off or dispel the worm*, and the Child will m to perfect health. H? I to ttko. Ms par bonis. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virture of the power conferred upon me in that deed of trust executed on the 16th day of May, 1903, by L H. Kearney and wife Oza D. Kearney, recorded In Book 145 Fage 98, Registry of Franklin County, default having been made In the pay ment of the indebtedness secured ?thereby and demand having b'-?n made upon me by the holder thereof, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the Courthouse door of Franklin County in Lonlsbnrg N. C., at or about the hour of noon, on the 10th day of Sep tember, 1923, three certain tractB of lr.nd lying and being in Franklin Connty aforesaid, and mor-. particul arly described and defined us follows: 1st Tract. The Calvin Pritchard place, adjoining L. H. Brown and ethers, containing 96 acres, and fully described in deed from Calvin Pritch ard and wife to I. H. Kearney, and dated April 7, 1903. 2nd Tract. Mrs. E. A. Ballard land, adjoining the lands of Ellsha Evans. S C. Vann, Mrs. Maiv Furman, and others, containing 35 acres and de scribed in deed from Mrs. E. A. Bal lard to I. H. Kearney. 3rd Tract. Eltsha Evans land, ad joining W. L. McGhee, S. C. Var.n, and Elisha Evans, containing 50 acres, and described In deed from Klisha Evans to 1. H. Kearney. This the 10th day of August, 1923. R B. White, 8-17-4t Trustee. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of C. J. Ward, de ceased, late of Franklin County, no tice is hereby given all persons hold ing claims Against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of August, 1924 or this notice vrill be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make Immediate settWment. This Aug. 16th, 1923. |8-17-?t R. B. WHITE, Admr. Subscribe to The Franklin Times FOR FIR8T CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE 283 ACT QUICKLY Do the right thing at the right Mm*. Act quickly la time of danger. Ia time of kidney danger, Doan's Klkney Pills, are moat effective. Plenty of Loulsburg evidence of their worth. Ask your neighbor! Mrs. T. L. Herman, Church Bt, Loulaburg, gay* the follow leg state ment on June 24, 111 J: "My kidneys bothered me a lot and acted too fre quently. I heard a great deal about Doan's Kidney Pllla, ao I procured some at the Ayoock Drue Co. Doan's certainly readied the spot and eurea me of all the trouble." On Dee. II, 1?21, Mrs. Herman said : "Doan's Kidney Pllla eared m? of a spell of kidney trouble and I haven't bees bothered since. It Is Indeed a pleasure to confirm my for mer statement- " IMoe 60c, at all dealers Don't simply aak for a kidney remedy ? get Doan's Kidney Pllla? the same that Mrs. Herman had. Fostar-Mlthura Co , Mfr*., Iluffslo, N. T. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN UK. J. HERBERT FITZGERALD Eye, Ear, Mom, Throat Will be at Dr. H. H. Johnson's office In Loulsburg every Brst Monday. En gagements should be made aa lar In advance aa possible. DR. R. F. YARBOBOCGH Physic laa and Burgeon Loilibirg, N. C. Office In Blckatt and Yarbo rough Boll dins. Office Phone 296 Residence Phone U 8. AT WOOD HlfflU. Attoraey-At-Law, Loulsburg, N. C. Phone No. 115 Office In First National Bank Bulletins General Prattle* DR. W. B. MORTON Eye Specialist Office In Hotel Building Loulsburg, North Carolina I wish to advlae my patients and the public generally that alter the 1st ot September my bualnesa will be on a Cash basis whan work ia completed. DR. ARTHUR HYNE8 FLEMING 8. F. BURT, M. D. Loulsburg, N. C. Offices orar Bcoggln's Drag Btare. Hours 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., and 4 to (p.m. DR. W. R. BASS. Veterinarian Loulsburg, N. C. Offices and Hospital East Naah St. Phone Office 335-L Residence 33E-J Special Attention to Small Animals. DR. D. ? 8JOTHWIOK. Uilskirg, 1. C. Office in thfr- First National Bank Building on Main and Nash Sts. W. M. FKR80H. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Louisbarg, North Carolina Praatlaa la all ooorta. Office m Mala Straet. ?. M. BEAM A ttornej -at- Law Offices oTer Post Office Practice in ail oonrta. DR. J. u. i>A rlo Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, North Carolina Office Main Street A. T- Neal Building at Blrer Bridge Telephone Connections 64 and 64-2 R Hours: 8 to 11:30 a. m. 2 to 6 p. m. K. B. White K. 8. Maloae WHITE * MALOHB LAWYERS Loulsburg. North Carolina ?aaerai practice, settlement of ea ataa funds Invested. Ona member of as In* always In the office. F LOOKING. CEILING, WEATHER BOARDS I have a full supply of first cUu flooring, celling, and weather board ing, kiln or air dried, at saasonabie | prices delivered at .Loulsburg. Also other grades at pro rata prices. Write or call W. M. PINNELL, 7-27-5t R 2. Loulsburg, N. C. FOR SALE 36 acres of splendid (arming lend just outside of Frankllnton, known as the I. H. Kearney home, has $5,000.00 worth of building on It, and Is one of the best small farms In Franklin County. See or write E. H. MALONE, Loulsburg, N. O 7-J7-tf THE FRANKLIN TIMES ft. 50 Per Year In Advance DB. H. G. FEBBT Physician and Surgeon l.oulsburg, North Carolina Offices Adjoining Aycock ,Drug Co. Telephones: Day 287; Night 287 DB. I. K. lUONl. Loulsburg. North Carolina ?m In Aycock Drag Btore, Market Street. Olio* Practice Qvrgtry and consultation. DR. H. H. JOHNSON Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, North Carolina Office over Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day and Night both No. 10 !? O. NEWELL, JL D. Lealiburg, N. ?. Office In First National Bank Bnlldlng Day Phone >41 ? Night Phone 249-2 ITa. H. Kuffln. rhoe. W Raffln M. H. * THOH. w. BOFFIN . Hhwwn Leulsbarg, I North Carolina taml practice, both ctrfl and crim inal. la Franklin and adjoining coun ties. Baprsn and Federal Govts . OOcw ta First National Bank I WANT TO ANNOUNCE TO MY OLD CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS That I hare taken oyer the numage ment of tbe Btegall Bros. Barber Hhop I shall see that yon are treated with profound respect and that yon get the best Barber work possible. Be fair with your good looks and let a Real Karber do your work. A. Tonkel's NEW STORE -OFFERS GREAT VALUES IN ODDS AND ENDS OF SUM MER GOODS ? IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY THESE BARGAINS, AND PUT THEM ASIDE FOR NEXT SUMMER The en 'ire stock of 'Mil linen- at a saving. Hats from $3.00 to* $7.50. Your choice 98c You will see them in the window 100 pair Wh'te Canvas Slippers and Oxfords worth up to $?,.50. Your choice ? ? ? 98c and $1.49 About 25 printed Voiles and Dotted Swiss Dresses worth up to $7.50. Your choice. .. .$1.95 and $3.49 A few pieces of beautiful patterns printed Voiles, Flax ons n..d Dotted Swiss for summer dresses. Your choi i ! per yard 19c and 39c A few T adies Silk Dresses worth up to $19.50. Your cho'c-i $5.95 and $6.95 A beautiful line of Silk Hosiery Reduced accordingly. Don't fiil to visit our Store where you will find New Fall Goods arriving daily. ' J Remember 70a are always WELCOME at A. Tonkel LOUISBURG'S NEWEST STORE Next Door to H. C. Taylor's Hardware Store Loaisburg, IT. C. The QaHaeThat tiubscrlbe to THE FRANKLIN 11.6V Par Year in DON'T , t FORGET TO SEND ? ADVERTISING COPY IN EARLY FOR FIRST GLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE NO. 288. Arsenate of Lead One Pound Package 46c Five " " : $2.00 Sprayers 7.50 McKINNE BROS. PAY CASH and PAY LESS