THE FRANKLIN TIMES i&F J0HH80H, KilWr ui o4 Iw O.M ngkt loitkf ; i.m " rw Intti M LjM i *) s Kwwtattf ERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION ?,i . ^ Spuria" at lb e Poct Ottlc* at Loula k?rc N. C., u second, claaa matUr. Prfcsident Coolldge has appointed C. . Baaoomb Slemp, of VTrglnta, as ill a ] prlrato Secretary. The announcement j created sonic little surprise to official | Wnth'Dgtuu. "tot. McBrayer Indicted on two o uiife by Hoke County graud Jury, char^c he traded with hi m 1 f at pro fit."# headline in Saturdays dall/ pa p>jr,ft"!ais Is a case where Dr. Mc Brajar is Superintendent of the Stato Sanitarium, a state owned and sup pL.I ua bougn an e.<* croai I ,m self CDr the use of the hospital. A legislative committee in the early spring made an investigation and tound this violation but stated that he bad benefitted the Sanltorium and would recommend that it be overlook ed, or words to that effect. Judge Sinclair In charging the Jury empha sized the fact that all violations should be dealt with by the Courts. This is practically a parallel case with the one we were discussing some timo ago, concerning the Town Commis sioners of Loulsburg. The Board at that time was prompt at changing their contract for cleaning the streets. In our opinion this same ruling will apply to the Clerkship as it now stands, as the present Clerk through Lis membership on the Board of Town Commissioners, assists in employing himself and naming his salary, or paying to himself, with the consent of thA others, moneys expended by himself as a Commissioner. We are ant for others, when as a matter of fact we were doing our part to keep a ft lend from occupying a legal em bar - lassfcxg position. If Judge Calvert at the October term of franklin Super ior Coort should charge his grmn-i Jury .??J* same as Judge Sinclair did in Hoke County, the grand Jury of Frankly County would necessarily hi ve t$> find a true bill against the Town Commissioners and suits would follow^ We are still of the .'pinion that it Vould be best to relieve the Fituatloii. TABMSHEn 7* SATTDYCRLEk AN I) GOLD HIKE. The question has arisen in the mind* of some people what right had the Foard of Educatioa-to establish a high school' % the Gold Mine and Sandy Creek ?school, district? I hope the fo1 lt/wing question and answers will clear nb the situation. If not the school authorities will be glad to go further into detail. Question What right had the board of education to establish a high school In Sandy Creek and Gold Mine School District when the people In this dis trict voted against the proposition on the 2;'rd of Juno. Answer. It is emphatically denied that the board of education did this. The board established the high school on the 16th of May prior to the elec tion held on the 23rd of June. The people on the 23rd of June did not vote on ertablishing a high school (&b thi3 had already been done) but voted on a SO cent special tax. This tax was io be used for no other pur pose than to run the school over six months and to aid in erecting a suit able buildlnK. " Question. Why Is the 'joard of edu cation running a six mouth high school in this District? Answer. For tfie same reason that it is running a hiKh school for bIt months for the children in the x^ouis burg hi?h school district In the Youngs ?ville high school district, In the Frank linton high school district, in the Punn high school district, in the Jus tice high school district, in the Cedar Rock high school district, and the Ep son high school district. In providing a high school for the children of the county for' six months the board is cimply carrying out a mandate of the constitution of North Carolina, whicli Bi.ys that the Board of Education must provide a six month public school for children In the county. It has been held by the courts that the grades abovo the seventh or the high school grades are Just as much a part of the public school system as the elemen tary grades. -~ Question. As a result of running this six month high school will there be any local tax levied on the Sandy C'Wk- Uoltl Mine* nintrirt* Answer. No, Question. Hovr then will ths high school teachers In this district be paid lor the dx ironths and h< w will the lour room house be paid (or? Akbwer. The teachors will be paid from the geneiul county salary IlI.1, last sh the h!*h school ttschor* In ?b* other high school district In the county are p.. la The Imlld uf wll! be ps'd Iv Mi the g<-TLaral county l ulidlnK tuud The em iunt S2.2!>OUO that has been contracted tor Is very little abqn what some of the abore )>lgh aohMl districts ret from the J|?MM ?ifaity building fund each y*8r ?lj[? Will this high Lchool nin lone* thtf|t alx months? Answer, Mot at the expense of the County. ft It runs looser than six months the expenses most all be paid *T the pe?la la this district Just as ? the people to the other hl?h school districts M the 00? ty pay all the ex yaeei of their schools twycitd the- six (month* UroL Que* Ion. Be the people In this dis trtct want a high achoolT I Answer. rHiW you to the fathers and mothers o( over 76 boys and girls ' Id this district who have finished the seventh srw^i apd hn\e no high school uUvHiitage* eituer In walking or riding , distance. Iq Dumkr this Is as man} as the Loui*lTA!U'E? Eiistera MirlrUm* Cr*f OJv brat* With SO Bailies la Kast 1 W?? (54. D. Prisseil) rl Good prices (or tobacco will prevail tills year la Eastern North Carolina, according tp the first cash advances paid by the Tobacco Growers Cooper ative Association to its members last Tuesday, when Us warehouses* opened at more than thirty towns. The members of the association at 'every point were highly pleased with its first advances, which ran as high sr {20 per hundred at several ot the cooperative markets, where very little except first primings were brought In by the organized farmers. The asso ciation has increased . Its advances very largely on every grade and thero Is a decided feeling of security amoi.g the tobacco co-ops, which 1b unusual In the face of such a bumper crop agj they are harvesting this year. A. V. Bobbin, association warehouse manager for Eastern NorOi Carolina, in commenting on the oMnlUg of the -cooperative houses, said Th?r? were crirwjjs at many receiving points and with d?ty the lower grades showing up everyone was satisfied. Those who deliverd tobacco and the specta tors were equaliy ^nthuslastlc. The dllveriee were better ~th^n expected, owing to the small amount^Qf tobacco that has been graded, seve raKpolnts having received from six to etgljt thousand pounds. I am looking for" as good. If not better, receipts tomor row as today." Over 2,900,000 pounds of tobacco yere received by the marketing as sociation last week In the South Car olina Belt and 127 new contracts from that section reached the Raleigh head quarters of the association last week. The entire Jury list originally se lected In the trial of G. H. Plltman, who Is suing the Tobacco Growers Co operative Association for recovery of his contract In the Greenville court, was thrown out when attorneys for the Association challenged the array K'cauio S. M- Cr'sp, Count" Commis sioner and business partner of Pitt man had In his official capacity acted with the County Board of Commission ers in drawing the Jury. The second day of the trial was largely Consum ed In selecting a new Jury and a 'long legal battle is expected. The tel acco co-ops of Eastern North, Carolina will celebrate the beginning! oij their second year, of marketing thirty-one towns where the asfocia t;?r ?**?. ^ To Cotton Growers I take this method of announcing that I have aga^n licensed my wareh ousfi under the State warehousing system and will be in position to storp all the Cotton in Franklin County. I can store for non-members as well as members of the Cotton Association. Don't sell, but hold your cotton, bring it to me, where it will be insured for full value against everything ex -spt price. J. S. Howell HERE AGAIN! J. R. BILLER & CO. ? . Army & Navy Store r- ' k. ' ,C Next to Beck's Garage ? Opposite Allen Bros. ? . i *? Complete Line of Government Surplus Properties Also Commercial Goods" I ' > opem^saie Saturday, Aug. 25 a?od.T , 1 * - * Men who try to achieve distinction by doing no mo're I ban the/ are paid to do, usually get lost in the crowd. To My friends CUSTOMERS and the Public I am still in the bottom hanging on as best I can with i good !:ne of heavy and fancy groceries, hay and feed of all Vinds a specialty. Remember when you need a pair of .--hoes I have them very cheap. Eveiy pair guaranteed as represented. Our '.bacco market opens Sept. 18th, so br'ng a load on the first day. We will do everything in our power to sati:fy you and make you happy. Yours truiy, J. W. PERRY NASH STREET LO~ISBUBGh N C. PRESM FOODS Ia cWofitag- your didly table supplies, K is of the BtBMSt iatpor. ce that they be (reek, f?r apon this depeadi their worth a*i *$"nC tines*. Oar Foedi are always fresh. I >.*?"* ' ?' ? j j- 1 . * ? . . ? >??? ^ "v...t ? 0 . ? bto'V Pare lee t? a Mdsi laipertaak thtoy, fer j*a often ttagfeWMt ?*??> " pat lt r%hi fa yoar food or drlaks. Oar serrlee Is tte^att^ M1" had ui itfwr nwiiit. v"3 i*'"*13 ; . . - ?? 44 wac?a?w? :"i' v*'.", , : .T tiBl J*a )?!? a If OCi T'ATBOSjWdt B?fi?F BSOIATCD. " ra . , ;??? VA I" I '.*! VI 1?U*I ' .M NASH STREET vv ' LOtflSBURGf N. C. * ' : ? ? LAUNDRY CLEANING and PRESSING * fl We wish to call attention to the head of every Home, that wo are in position to take care of your FAMILY WASH at a very little more cost than what you are now paying. YOUR CLOTHES AEE CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Each and every, one are cordially invited to inspect our pla..t and look over our work. For information Call Phone 105. YOUE PATRONAO ESOLICITED The Scrvice Shop W. B. MUNFORD, Manager PHONB IN I I I LOUISBtJBG, N. C. "ALL WORK CASH ON DELIVERY M SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE That la mj motto. FIBF AND LIFE INSURANCE B<> pleasant erery morning until eleren o'clock, and the rott of the day will take of Itself. Place your Fire and Life Insurance wltfc thli Agency, and I will take care of YOUR INSURANCE TROUBLES FOR YOU. This Agency la the OLDEST IN FRANKLIN COUNTY. T. W. WATSON, AGENT When yen think el INSURANCE, rv~ - ? tklak et W? A? T ? B ? 0 ? H