THE FRANKLIN TIMES l. e. JOHNSON, Editor u( luifer ? TAB DROPS ? ?Quite a large number of Louis burg people attended the marriage ot Mr. Rochester Burl at Nashville Tues day night. ? ? ?Twins arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs. F. J. Beasley " Wednesday morning. One is a fine little girl and the other a bouncing boy. ? ? ? The Tar River W. M. U. Associa tlonal meeting will bo held at the Fii'st Baptist church at Warrenton on Sept. 6th and 7th. Representatives from every church in this association are expcctcd to be present. ? Tax Collector D. C. High Informs us that he wjll readvertlse all town property for sale for taxes upon which taxes have not boea:pakt next week. All those wishing to save themselves the embarrassment of publication had best see him and settle before he turns the list over to the printer on August 29th. VETERANS TO MEKT All old Veterans members ot R. M. McKiuniy Camp, who expect to go to Wfnston-Snleui to attend the reunlcn to be beld on September 4th and 5th, will ploase oi)m in th s Co irt House in Lou'sburg on Saturday. Sep.i inbcr lot 1923, so thnt arrangements may be mndo tor tflilr accommodation. D. C. TharrlngtCP' Coio. num 'pan one tables poouful ot soda and Jne o(>mlt," < mcjtb Mrs. Jane S. McKgnmon. State, Agent In Home Dem&i stratum workl "Pour on this a quSrt ot boiling water and add your tarnished silver. Let the rater covei' the Alver and It will be only a short while before It emerges * bright and and |hlnlnj[." "wen the tarnish Is removed,wash in h? soapy water and xnb with '? a soft aloth. Silver Is tarnished by the Fnilphur from gaa and from burning coal lr nMNM4P6QHMUly by T^irtain loodn^'whlch >oontalh isulphur And It easily); cleaned by this method." "lift aluminum pan method of cleanjhg does not Injure the silver In any 4ay," stales Mrs. MdClmlitttij ' r nd ? easier by far than the old way of scAbblng. When thr " ? Into lit b*s? which I* to a certain extent llkft an electrode and action tukes place between the metals ana the chemical* used. When paste 01 powder '? used r cleaning there 1* danger of scrjtc'i lng the silver but It gives a satiny fln Ich that Is very beautiful a'.d frequent ly the housewife wlH use a soft clot, w ith a bit of paste to produce this ef irjct after she removes the t-unl?h with the aluminum pan yroceK"." ISE ?00I) SEED OATS THIS fAli Raleigh. August 15. ? It will soon be time to think of planting the oat crop and- many farmers plant oats In cot ton at the last cultivation. In planning for the crop this fall. Dr. R. Y. Win ters, plant breeder for the State Col lege and Department of Agriculture, urges North Carolina growers . to think more about tyielr own home grown seed. Last year he found seed oats that had been brought In from New YorK and other distant states, while the results of tests made over many years show that home grown seed from selected plants have al ways yielded higher returns than ' these Imported seed. For Instance, Dr. Winters gives the ' case of oats grown by the Edgecombe Seed Breeders' Association which yielded 43 bushels to the acre, as com pared with a yield of 30 bushels to the acre secured from commercial seed. The Edgecombe growers, of course, select their own seed and keep them pure. At Statesvllle, on the farm of J. W. Watts, tests made In cooperation with Dr. W'nters showed that the com mercial seed yielded about 50 bush els per acre while plants from a. se lected strain bought from a neigh boring farmer who bred Jjls oats, gave a yield of 67 bushels per acre. On the Piedmont Branch Station Farm near Statesvllle; Dr. Winters completed a test this year 1ft which he secured a yield of 45.$ bushels per acre from "his own Belected strain ot Appier oats grown on tEe farm, as compared with only 28.2 bushels per acre from Seed secured '-from 'a .com mercial source. Dr. Winters states that such differences In yield as these ere well worth considering and re commends that North Carolina 'grow ers pay more attention to their oat seed this fall, using selected home grown seed It possible. m SIGN CONTRACTS DCHING WEEK Raleigh, .Afcg. <21.? Growing Interest In the iouHiwMe membership drive is shown !&..iaport* *??eiv?d by Jiomcr i? 8. M?sk, Hunger ?? .Umi Ser vice Deparfmeht . of th4 North Caro lina cotton-' OTWWerh Cooperative As sociation. Reports from locals show 175 contract* sigped during the past ?woekr v-lth ? number of 16eals yet to report. Special effort is being made lB_gttC?xiad?a3MWQleTsii>Wd. Ruth |W5?CJPflWc *JW?' Uncofit counties. Arrangements have been made for C rounty-wlde drive in Rowan with tb* usslstance of local leaders together ?vtth a number of interested business men . Field workers in the North (usttyn district have completed pre liminary work for 11 district drive. Manager Mask confidently expects a membership of thirty-flve thousand when the campaiKti closes. o H0R8E SHOEING T wish to announce to my many friends and customers In Franklin County that <1 have opened a black smith shop on Spring Street, with a complete new outfit, and can shoe your horse In the best manner with the best material at reasonable price*. A! so repairs wugons and buggies. Come to see me. 8-24-3t WILSON SILLS. AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF 150,080 FUNDING BONDS. Upon motion of Commissioner f. N. Splvey seconded by Commissioner M. S. Davis, the following ordinance was adopted, all commissioners present voting "aye," none voting "no." An Ordinance to Repeal an Ordi nance Authorlnzlng the Issuance of 150,000 Funding Bonds. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD CF COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF LOUISBURG, N. C. Section 1. That that certain ordi nance adopted by the Board of Com missioners of the Town of Loulaburg, N. C. on 28th day of June 1923 author izing the Issuance of $50,000.00 Fund ing Bonds, be and the same Is hereby repealed, rescinded, made nul' and void and of no effect. Section 2. That this ordlnanc shall take effect Immediately upon it? 1-ossage. L. L. JOYNER, Mayor. J. J. BARROW, Town Clerk. The foregoing ordinance was past ed and adopted on the 20th day of Au gust, 1923. J. J. BARROW, Town Clerk. T..W. RUFFIN, Town Attorney. 8-24-tt ( AN ORDINANCE TO AITTHORI7B THE TOWN OF L0UI8BURG TO TISSUE $17,500 ELECTRIC LIGHT iONDS. ?e It Ordained by the Board of Ooaa mttsionera of the Town of Loulaburg: Section 1. That under and pursu to. The Municipal Finance Act tb% Town of Loulsburg do Issue . it* bafids for the purpose of Improving and enlarging the present existing electric light, plant of said Tbwn. Sactlon 2. That the maximum ag gregate principal amount of the bonds th?ll be 117,600. Section 3. That a tax sufficient to pay' the principal and Interest of the bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Section 4. That a statement of debt of the municipality has been filed with ? ?" th? Clerk and Is open to public Inspec tion. . Sent. >? 5. That this ordinance shall tekv effect thirty days after Its first publication unless In tbe meantime a petition for Its submission to the vot ers u field under The Municipal Fi nance Act. and thai In such ev?nt It fhall take effect when approved by the voters of the municipality at an election as provided for In the said |The Municipal, Finance Act. | The foregoing ordinance was pass ed on the 20th day ot August. 1423. tand v as first published on the 24th ?liiy oi August. 1 !>*?. Any action or proceeding question ing the validity of said ordinance iuusi be commenced within thirty clay i af ter its first publication. J. J. BARROW. Clerk. Attorneys: J. L. Mcrehead. Durham, N. C. T. W. Ruffln, Louisburg. N. C. 8-24-2: PAN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE I THE TOWN OP LOUIS BURG TC ISSUE $14,000 SEWER BONDS. Be it Ordained by the Board of Com missioners of the Town of Louisburg. Section 1. That under and pursu ant to The Municipal FMnance Act [the town of Louisburg do issue its bonds for the purpose of extending the present existing sanitary sewer system of said Town. I Section 2. That the maximum ag gregate principal amount of the bonds ?ball be $14,000. 8ection 3. That a tax sufficient to jpay the principal and Interest of the 'bonds shall be annually ijvled and collected. Section 4. That a statement ot debt of tbe municipality has been, filed with tlie Clerk and Is open to pubile Inspec tion Section 5 That this ordinance shall take effect thirty days after Its first publication unless in the meantime a petition tor its submission to the vot ers Is filed under The Municipal Fi nance Act. and that In such event It Until take effect when approved by the voters of the municipality at ?n j&lection as provided for in the faaid [The Municipal Finance Act. * The foregoing ordinance was pass ed on the 20th day of Augvst, 192;. and was first published on th-3 24th Hay ( t August, ltriM. Any action or proceeding question ing the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty days af ter Us first publication . J. J. BARROW, Clerk. Attorney*': X.-'L. Morehaad. Dartaam N. C. B1;*. Ruffln, Louisburg, N. C. ?-*4-2t IkN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE u THE TOWN OF LOUIBBURO TO TISSUE 14.000 STRUCT iMPROVE * ME NT BOND8 ?Be It Ordained by the Board of Com missioners of the Town of Louisburg. ..??Section 1. That under and pursu ant to The Municipal Finance Act tfee town of Louisburg do Issue Us Muds for the purpose ot constructing lac reconstructing the surface ot roads. MHets or highways within said Town, l?hiilliig or not including the con temporaneous construction of slde wsrfts, turtle, gutters-oT drains, and Including grading of which local im provements at least one-fourth ot the cost, exclusive of the ccst of paving at street Intersections, is to be spec ially assessed. Section 2. That the maximum ag gregate principal amount of the bonds shall be $4,000 . Section 3. That a tax sufficient pay the principal and interest of tin.* bonds shall be annually levied and collected. , Section 4. That h s'.atem-.nt of debt of the municipality has been filed with the Clerk and Is open to public inspec tion. Section 5. That this ordinance shall t;ke effect upon its passage and shall not be submitted to the voters. The foregoing ordinance was pass ed on Ihe 20th day of August, l.;23, a. id was lirst published on the "4th day rt August, 11123 Any notion or proceeding question ing the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty days af ter its first publication. J. J. BARROW. Clerk. Attorneys: J. L. Morehead, Durham, N. C. r. W. Ruffln, Louisburg, N. C. 8-24-2t AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF LOUISBURG TO I8SUE $7,500 FUNDING BONDS. Be It Ordained by the Board of Com missioners of the Town of Louisburg: Section 1. That under and pursu ant to The Municipal Finance Ac: tne Town of Louisburg do issue $7,500 bunds for the purpose of funding and laying a like amount or valid subsist ing indebtedness of said Town now < i (standing and created before De cember 5th, 1921, which indebtedness is evidenced by note due or to oecoroe due within one year from the passage ot this ordinance. Section 2. That the face amount of the floating Indebtedness of the Town of Louisburg which Is now outstand ing, having been canvassed and aa < ertalned by this Board, Is $23,434.78, of which amount $7,600 was created and outatandlng prior to December 5, 1921. and . that the maximum aggre Ki?te principal amount of the honda herein authorised to bo Issued shall ?7.5?0. Section 3. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of .the bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Settion 4. That a statement of debt of thb municipality has been filed with the Clerk and Is open to public Inspec tion. Section 5. That this ordinance shall take effect upon Its passage and shall not be submitted to the voters. The foregoing ordinance was pass ed ou the 20th day of Augtist, 19?3. mid was first published on u< ?4th day ol August, 192*. Any action or proceeding question-' In* the validity ot said ordinance must biNWMHfd within thirty days af ter Ita first pubt cation. J. J. BARROW. Clerk 2TS2W T. W. Ruffln, Louisburg, N. ?. 8-24- 2t *r t'-t . ?' - SEfD rye If You Want the Best Seed Places Your Order at Once With Hudson Store Co. For the Following Varieties Winter Rye - - Abruzzie Rye Rosen Rye - - Southern Rye Don't buy from tis until you get the other fellows price. v" * Sugar $8:50 Per hundred The Hudson Store Co. ^ ... ^ ? NEXT DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK. * Louisburg, N. C. L. Kline & Co. SUMMER GOODS REDUCED WITH NEW MERCHANDISE COMING IN DAILY WE HAVE CUT PRICES ON OUR SUMMER GOODS TO B^LOW COST BUY NOW AND SAVE. IT WILL t?aY YOU TO BUY YOUR NEXT SEASON'S SUPPT Y NOW. Men's Palm Beaeh Suits, all colors and sizes Priced $8.95 < Men's Straw Hats, any one in the store Priced $1.00 Work Shirts, ~g