WOOD News of Wood and sur .roan din gcomzn unity Edited by Wood Clttxens INTRODUCTION Realizing that since we have had such an outpouring of God's blessings during the aeries of meetings here re cently and as we have lost such able leaders, our Pastor, Supt and Sec. of aunday school. President and- two faithful workers of B. Y. P. U., and ?j the. day school teachers, we, the lay members, got together to see what could be done to koep the work going until we could secure the services of a good Shepherd and the coming of our teachers In September. The re sult was that we needed something to keep our church and community alive with interest In the different organisa tions of the church. How to do this we hardly knew but It was decided that some form of newspaper would be the most adoptable means, but to establish one of our own would re quire more than we, at present, could obtain. So by the kindness of the editor of THE TIMES we are using this means of reaching each and every member of our community and trust that all who read It will bear with us and give us their prayers and best wishes, that some good will come to our community. We invite sugges tions of every one and the cooperation of each member of our comnlunlty that they help us make it a success each week, for we are fully aware that unless we have your help our efforts *wlll be In vain. t t PLEASE 6IVE CS THE NEWS As we wish to make onr col urns live with the happenings of onr community and are not able to ascertain the coinings and go tags of every one we will appre ciate It if yon will tell, phone or leave a written statement of yonr visits or any news Item, with Mrs. Morris (irlffln at the Drag Store. X t Brother Williams ? Ef Heaven i8 what c'.ey *.?> It '.ts_ I be'.i'J- be prac ticing some on harp playing. ? Frank L. Staunton, Atlanta Tri-Weekly Con otJtnt inn 1 t t "Lord." said the old deacon, "the winter don't freeze us, and the sum mer don't melt us. Ain't we tough?" Frank b. Staunton, Tri-Weekly Con stitution. t t W. a. 8. ORGANIZATION Pres. Pro-Tem ? Irene Gupton. Vice-Pres. ? Daisy Ball. Sec. and Treas. ? Mrs. W. D. Fuller. Personal Service Com. ? Mrs. Morris Griffin, Mrs. M. F. Parker, Mrs. Phil lip Sturgess. Membership Com. ? Daisy Ball, Ber tha Hamlet. Ruth Parker. Social Com. ? Pearl Gupton, Mrs. W. D. Fuller. The W. M. 8. held a business meet ing August 14. Plans were made (or an ice cream supper which will be served In front of the Baptist church - 7:30 o'clock next Saturday night, Au gust 25. There will be amusement in between times. Proceeds will go for the buying of rods and curtains for Sunday school class rooms. Every body is especially invited. The regular meeting of the W. M. S. will be held next Saturday, August 25, at four o'clock. Program: Subject? Evangelistic Agencies of the Home Mission Board. Hymn ? Oh, Beautiful for Spacious Skies. Chain Prayer for Home Missions. Scripture lesson, 67th Psalm ? Ber tha Hamlet. Observe to do it? Mrs. Major Gap ton. The Guarded Gateway ? Mrs. M. F. Parker. Strange Gods ? Viola Gupton. Americanization in the South ? Mr*. W. D. Fuller. Special Song ? Mrs. W. D. Fuller. Evangelism and Enlistment ? Lucy Gupton. Mountain Schools ? Mrs. P. G. Stur geas, Cuba and Panama ? Annie Oupton. Christian Women In Evangelism? Daisy Ball. We are very anxious for each mem ber to be present at this meeting and ' bring a new member. Since the W . M. 8. ts one of the fundamental agen T cies for expresstonal activities in a ? live, Christian church, it is necessary ,,Mr u? to work toward the function ,?1h g pi a good society. We want this one of the most wide-awake fac .jpWirs through which the church may It should be, for from the ,.^ti$therg In particular the sons and riAtUghtprs of the church recalvo a p.grtaier part or influence. The kind . . w. M. 8. worker a mother Is will ,. >?lp to determine wl??t kind of Influ . ..jJJBCe she Is having. '..$Je On time and bring some new ,, Migration. ZT\ * * tMl?LOWAY-I>K.NTON The many friends of the contract . UtUZUUtfe* were greatly surprised to the marriage of Miss l'attle UjjL '-.." i*. ? v?jV | Mrs. H. B. Burnett and daughWMr Misses Lncyi?id'0??i:l4r, .spent laft trrrj ?*? I?C pX ' Jt.npmf V Ck'lK tfOlUi WUb. Borwrft. L.ar,l f*r Broad u* Quptoa. of WUU L* v ?P*nt Sunday iHth hi* father and n. other, Mr and Mr*. David Oupton O?rson and Bud MltoMl at,. V... .p.n, th. wtTk next time. Mra. Peyton Gupton and son, Loland Centervllle, spent Sunuay with Mr . and Mrs. Major Gupton. We regret to learn that Misses Vio la and Ruth Oupton are confined to their home on account of sfcSnesB but we hope they will be able to be about again scon. We are delighted to learn thru par ents that the young men "of our com munity Eddie, Knnls Oupton and Ray mond Snearin, who left last week for s- hool reached their de?tinatt-m In good spirits and report a favorable Impression of the new duties Next Sunday, Aug. 25, a series of meetings begins at Vt. Hebron tlst church near here. Rev. Mr. Bunn is pastor and a good and great bless ing is In store for every one. We hope every one will attend as much as possible since they attended and helped us so faithfully in our recent revival meeting. The many friends of MIbb Lela Mae Coley, who Is confined In bed by Illness will be glad to learn that she Is stead*. Uy Improving and trust a rapid recov ery. 1 t SUICDAT SCHOOL ORGANIZATION Superintendent ? H. M. Beam. Associate Supts. ? Alex Wetter, O. M. Raynor. Sec. and Treas.? W. D. Pullor. Asso. Sec. and Treat. ? Ml at Nancy Uupton. Pianist? Mrs. W. D. Fuller. Teachers ? Men's Uluss, No. 1, Ml*s I'earl Qupton; Women's Class, No. 2 Mrs. Alex Wester; Junior Phllathea, No. 3, Miss ljucy Qupton; Junior Ba il, ca, No. 4, H. M. Beam; Intermediate No. 6, Mr*. W. D. Fuller; Primary No I, Mrs. Morris T. Qrlffln; Beginners ,No. 7, Miss Annie P. Qupton . Time? 10:80 Sunday morning, sharp Place ? Wood Baptist church . Aim ? Standard Sunday School. Report of Secretary tor Sunday, August 19 th, 1923, "Wood Baptist Sun day School: Class No. 1? pupils present, 28; pu pils absent 14, new pupils 8, total num ber on roll 37, visitors 1, contribution *1.85. Class No. 2? pnpile present 11, pu pils absent 10, new pupils 2, total num ber on roll 21. visitor* 8, contribution tOn.. Class No. 3 ? pupils present 15, pu pils absent 11, now pupils 1, total nUm Iter. on roll 28, visitors 8, contribution 26c. ' ? Class No. 4 ? pupils present IS, pu pil* absent 1, total number on roll 22, vlsUors a, contribution 11.07. Class No. &? pupil* present 19, pu pils absent 2, now publls 1, total njum ber on roll 21, contrrtmi6n 65c. . Class Ifp. 8-,-pdpiIn eresent J9, J>u? pill Absent 4. hew P?dI1s 17 total num ber on foil 23. vl hi tori 2, contribution jfo.ltf^puitri present ll pu j41i>bfc??L?, fgw ^UDlls . 3, tot*) itttrt i/m?**' ' ab*Bt **? af,??fohti?jbl"cl,?M9Nodr fch^,1~ ?? 3-?_ ^..Cir i!!i I_CUMC 5 ? 9. Class No ft r T7 * *? NO. ?? "? "sses?' riir's VbT' ??*. Present ?? '? V' Beam- *??ch ???t Collection ^ ?er cop' Wm ;rK?r"?"i? ?: tSJP^ttsapjre Prom the aboye It Is to be seen th?? School** Next*' week ?**""* 8t*ntto*] pase*" Wa?attr?' g^Tb d?n? rTy one for what they have tut work a., D, ?he more" We?wamTlo ?"th ?ou ifK,80nL8 B0W member brinr ,h?.m 7?U baTe anv *t?ltora h*vl th?m ^.e ai"', always glad to r n rtJl T"ey B've ua Inspiration q? H b?fe th*y ^11 get some from ? By. all mean* bring the eldeWv< P^op e as well as the young adulta I W?thWan,! a. "ve-wir-. Sunday School' With your help we can make It go Kn^f HAl8b t0 ' hank those who were Uin nJa,V? U8 haVe 8beets to cur Jl l.church for classes. As Sta U?u Purch?sed the cur wl ho?? Whl'-U wl" be ne:" wci k*? We .I'J"? w-i return iliem to you. fl'so Jtfi\ to thauk Mr pijii.i, Uuptor. and Mrs. Morris GrifTinior the most excellent Renort Board for Sunday School. It meets Dliinw r.eo-uir,,nien?s and can be read fh? ok, ,r?m'hu farthest cirnor of the church. It is a most helnf ll -id work. maKlDs a p?ix>-t of the day's weAwouldnTfOUt ,D tbls "terprise we would not forgot to ajk each teach er and member of our Sunday school to spend much time in orawr greittat,?n' Let 8 not enter lnto this only butUwirh ou?rUh m'nd8 and han,ls w?h our hearts and sonu forgetting no( that our contributions Play a great patten our work ivemember? next Sunday. We begin Oh tlm*~i0:30. 2. Re expect attendance of 140. I 3. We expect collection of ?6.00 | Rlhi wp exl)ect every one to bring a Bible or Testament. 8 | 5. We expect to make it worth' your while. Come! I cliTnln w?ekly teachers conference, in- ' 'rt * from Seven Paths but h?'e,oyr kTnow w? *r* "'-ui i,ria? I Mr*. 01H? Lamm, of Newport Now*. Is (pending this week with her car cntv-Mr and Mra. Sid Wilder. u , ."?nry Qr"'l'> aud Mr. Lewi. o?ft!'?h 4 *?lrerlU0, ,p<>at Sunday nlth their Mater, Mrs. p. m. 8yko? I -hfjl and Mr" B"nn|e Hlnton and children, of Youngsvllle fcjda_ tesst&r91*- Mr- *nd Mra * te-r&s^ oienn ? Alberta Morgan and sister. of Castalla spent the week-ond with or yb?ilc anJ Moielle McOreg. Messrs. Ernest Wheless, Arthur I Scarce and Cleveland Stalllngs wer? visitors ln the community Sunday USmSImK!^" """*?? ?? pr "wis soon be better. I Mrs. Charlie Wilder haa been sick ? Whll, but w* are , lad to I kiiow she is improving L^L0*'8*,' R~ Syke? has t?lton a at N>wVern k ln tbe G<"t<>n I, "rs Paul Cone, of Middlesex, spent Oav h K- mother' Mr? Alice Mrs R r" *"Ck for 80,1,6 ?">?? LnuLh, ' Perry and children, ot teffSSST" Wedne'day w,,h Mr? ha^retifrnoH hMedlT of RoCky Mojnt nas returned home from a visit Ln ban ten ,MrMaDd M" E 8. Wilder^ Born to Mr. and Mrs. Artl ur Splvey a bouncing boy, Aug. nth. The singing school haa come to a \. V r" a very ?"ccessful sea* I 8,1 ?eomod to enjoy it. . ?u.te a large crowd attended the '-han ircre??hlng serrlce at Cyprftaa -hapel Sunday morning. ' ?..Jhe B' P" U' ls Provlni to be a success and most all our young D?t? pie are taking a part in It. The Woman's Missionary Societv kct with Mrs. N. c. Moore Sunday b I "resent"6 Wer<> twen,J--tui< e Indies iB?hISKi-.?iUan Sykee celebrated her 16th birthday Aug. 8th. A number of her friends were there to share ln tbe enjoyment of the evening Rev. Mr. Craig will begin the revi val meeting the 3rd Sunday in Sept. He is a fine preacher, everybody some to hear him. Seven Paths public school begins fal M!h %?h f1" Cla,a l-?ng- Pri? Iclpal, MIsr Morris, inteme.JIflte teach er and Mrs. W. C. Stalling . primary teacher. ? ? On last Wednesday evening, Aug'.' 15th, Mrs. P. M. Sykes entertained her Sunday School class at the home of Mrs. V. P. Cone, with a shower that was given ln honor of Miss Christine Moore, bride-elect. Each girl was given the privilege of inviting her boy friend to be present. The people began to arrive about 8 o'clock. They w-<;re met at ths door qnd served with F'.ncl. by Miss Glennie Wilder oii'l | Mr, c. E, Detnfj.. Th.. \ ibir enter ,e-i liito 'ne parlor wh*,re ir.ev played II ."A. 1 ve Cca'M ? ?< All otiioy ed the conversations about 1 U.s and xtoon:* their f ...? . ctc ?* ' !"n had fi -cry *n>:e?t Steed to Wm. H. Ruf 1n, Trustee, dated May 1 191# and ZZZ? * ^?ny Ui" r'y in w J A fage 73' default having !h*r*V ' ^ 'i1? Of the debt closu^ r.CJ!red ^ deman'1 for tor* closure having been made on said ' by tb*. holder 0f the indebted on secitrerl, the undersigned MONDAY, .SJilTEMBER 21, 'M2S. nOOQ ..rece" of Court, at the ?. r ln Louisbnrg, N. O., hf_h '?r "a'e at Public auction, to tho In 2er'.f0r ca'h 016 Property i 1?' truM conveyed and there described as follows: 'That tv v- .a.nd,, "ltua'e in Franklin COun Z' r ??k Carolina, near to the town of Loulsburg, and known and destg v!' ,a?cordtng to the Map and Bur ? n liberty Heights as Lot No. 1 enrrt 1an!l? 8treet wh'ch map ls of re cord In the Registry of Franklin Coun l\,V ?0,k 199, Dage 189 reference to U,,hereby expressly made for a ^ d?scrlPt|on of the -same, on "aid lot being situate a dwel.ing house, it being the land formerly occupied vil* ?erry and *lfe convoyed to Franklin Land Co. by Wm. H. Ruffin, Trustee and cbnveyid by said Land V-? 841,1 Part'e? Of the first part. This August 24, l?gg. 8-24-51 \VM. H, rtUFFIN, Trustee. _ ' - ' The trouble with onr common ochool r Vk n . that JHuw bee* directed rather than from a Mstam flia fronnfl;: